Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Proudly written to pass on an energy saving idea.

The text below is STILL in my style of blending personal and public information, that might still bother some.  Apology if it bothers you, "I'm Sorry", otherwise its my style. Not bad for sixteen grand,  ...in characters.

Learn how to use the refrigerator in cooking thus waste less electrcal/gas energy. 

Each person can save around 40% as to the household energy used in preparing a meal. THINK, an entire nation becoming accustomed to doing the following.
These ideas odds are exist I'm just adding my 22 cents.

Becomes a bonus on both sides, which is the best way to implement change. That is finding a method that both sides are happy with. In time the side (Businesses/People that don't care, uneducated and the under educated people) that were causing or sustaining the problematic issues, receive a positive as in money saved in using the refrigerator. I've posted this a couple of times since the 1990s. Was to post ~4+ years ago when part of a DR. Masters blog included helping people in deep areas of China or neighboring territories to cook in a manner that sends less carbon into the atmosphere. Member "Sar2407" was still commenting, and others got into a conversation of what things we should place priorities onto as to helping lower co2 (man-made) in a manner that can have the earliest observed positive change (๐Ÿ‘in our lifetime.)

I mentioned why not cook with the refrigerator (from my J.H.S cooking class days). Most laughed I add a zilly comment, was banned for a few hours. I guess the comment was written in a manner (due to my faulty grammar) that some thought was an insult. It's not my style to show my displeasure negatively. I forgot I never posted the cooking portion and in deleting my old hard drives (crushing/breaking the darn HDrives) top protect the theories from getting into ill hands, I came across page captures of that day. Saved that capture, thinking I'll post iot when Dr. Masters posts a blog on what one can do to lower co² while also saving money.

Now I'm posting one of the styles here (YCC) as decided to share two of these styles when a recent NYc reporter left an AM program. It hit me to send her 2 of these cooking styles that are helpful in lowering the use of energy, since she's a foodie reporter and likes traveling/taking in international foods. BONUS in using this style is the foods become healthier and tastier in not having a bland ingredient (starch), therefore added ingredients' join up to become a richer bouquet of flavors. Included a food technique in creating “Sunnyside egg sandwich”. This I posted to one of my fav human beings' Instagram, fav as to her beauty and her mind, ...eyes!!! Now to be clear, I compliment her and tell the world to watch her (since 2008) to the high heavens but am not looking to meet her because 1) I'M WAY TOO Old. As the rest of the why-nots, #2 through #23 don't need to list them, I know what they are.

Here, one of the two cooking styles/ When creating any foods with pasta (except thinner pastas as Thin styles, Angel hair and noodles those go through another manner of using a similar process). Use the refrigerator to pre-cook the pasta. First, try this with that loose bag/box of pasta hanging around that no one wants because it's too little. Use it as a test sample to get a handle on the time that amount took, thus later figure the times for a larger amount. 1) Take pasta and wash off the excess starch. I prefer the vigorous approach. Placing pasta in a pot that had its ORIGINAL FITTED lid. Don't want to use a mismatched lid when vigorous shaking is involved, you will have starch filled water flickering out. That will only lead one's pet to wonder why owner tastes like pasta/starch, nyum nyum . TO ME, starch is the natural version of lab created corn syrup. At least, starch can be exercised (sweated) out of the body more efficiently than corn syrup, in most cases. Let minimize the starch even more so and advance the cooking time. (Since the steps that involve the refrigerator 2) After vigorous shaking of pot w/pasta in cold water once, drain out the starch filled water. Repeat and drain 3 times. Now after the three “washings” add fresh cold water, salt to prevent sticking yet make sure it's to ones to dietary limits and place in upper shelves of Refrigerator for 10 mins.

Ten mins later :: Take out pasta, shake the pot with lid on, you got it vigorously. Drain that starch filled water. Replace with fresh cold water and place in fridge for another 10 mins. For pasta that easily softens (tube styles) do this fridge cooking 4 times at 10 mins each for a total of 40 mins. When the fourth cycle of the pasta cold-cooking begins (30 to 40 mins. in) turn on the stove top burner with the to be boiling water on it. Take pasta out of fridge, drain water. Touch pasta to see how soft it is, for future reference as to softness and what will be the final result. Carefully drop into boiling water and pay attention how much shorter of time it takes to get pasta al_dente in the boiling water.

Now I have to ask the following because I've been on some sort of webnet since 1981. Via SUNY (universities+colleges) I had the privilege (thanks to a teacher at Seward Park HS) of being allowed to use a webnet that was only to be used for research. The research OFFICIALLY began a few years later, but NTiT (on 59th st) was one of a handful chosen in the Northeast corridor. Besides being a school for technology, it was chosen for having the necessary wiring in place (underground). From 1981 through 2021 never been banned. Close was at WeatherUndergrounds 2nd original weather/science blog site. Where I had several 24hr even 3 day temporary bans, but I expected that since I posted my science theories (as how humans reincarnate, where complex life as Human beings exist (posted the NGC and sidereal degree as to Azimuth of area and stated those “beings” are ~12,500 yrs ahead of humans on this Earth as to advancements...probably 13,000 they way you humans are skidding sideways as to co2) and though they are original theiries I knew they'd rub intellectuals the “wrong way” (left to right v. right to left? (humour).

I was banned from Instagram (only used 7 times via the user banned. My other account since 2011 is private/sister and cousin use)

Why I've use mrx /akamrx?   Some might think that represents some hidden persona. (BTW though I've been involved in the adult industry since 1980s (mainly cameraman in NYc area I'm not the Mrx NY porn guy)

I've posted as to why various times, here is the short version.

!967 was being taken care of by 3 women on a Hunts Point rooftop (had secure barrier and fencing around roof edge)

I used to play a game tic-tac-toe bean bag game, a simple toss bag to try to turn the rotating squares to the X or O. (object of the game is different if one has a pet. In that case, one tosses the beanbag then RUNS after the pet that took it under the bed)

One day, someone began to curse at the three women. They were insulting their ethnicity of being African Americans. I stepped in and defended them. One of the women knew me from a similar earlier situation. When her daughter arrived at her home (Red Door projects, The BronX) where I also lived w/parents, and I had just had done my usual looking at how elevator works "run". As a kid I liked checking out all mechanical things, so I's get on my tippy-toes and watch the elevator counterweight go up (trying to count how many weights/slabs it had then and how much each weighed IF the elevator weighed a ton, then watch the elevator go down counterweight up. It was that or go outside and get shot, as saw several people killed right in front of me by age 8. BACK TO THE GIRL. The girl told her mother (one of the ladies working in that daycare center) how she was called names due to her hair and skin colour. I stepped in and mentioned how she is as beautiful as a rose. Her hairs staying in place (the girls picked on her 'because of hair texture)  like rose petals and smile and pink tongue reflecting true beauty.  (Similar words, I was ~7 then I know I compared her hair to rose petals but probably said shiny teeth and pretty pink tongue as to the rest). The girl smiled, I got two kisses, WOO-HOO. As a boy I was different in that most hated being kissed. I thought it was a better way to say "thank you" versus the handshake, maybe my Puerto Rican upbringing around 12 aunts.(saw the few times went to house party or in Puerto Rico) might be that reason.

That woman on the rooftop incident walked towards me after I defended the women with my big mouth and placed hand on my head and said listen to little X.

 Why Little X?

Because for some reason when playing the tic-tac-toe-beanbag game weather I took the X's or O'x, 98% of the time I'd turn over an "X" even when the block's frame-board was taped, so we did not see any marking.

She put that fact together with Malcolm X defending people and called me Little X.  (that's what she told me afterwards)

Later became Mr.X out of respect I guess, not me trying to be some hidden character. Hidden, how can I be hidden when I share my family photos, real name and can shots of weather out my Apt. Window as you can see on my youtube (other VID host sites),  FB or Etherics II group cover on my Facebook.

 Also, FB did not allow me to use my name's initials when I selected the oldest of the 9 family names, MoJeca (also FB did not allow me to the correct spelling).

 Why? Because abbreviated it spelled G.O.D.  (really more like an acronym)

I thought that was silly but then I saw a TV show AD for "God friended me" and figured some producer probably brought that "GOD" name or acronym, so I could not use it or maybe FB thought. OR only Mr. Mark  Zuckerberg can use that title (sarcasm)...let me check to see if I'm still on FB.

I kid, but please understand I was on FB  via the asking of a South American Scientist that was in USofA using FB in its early not true public mode. When FB became public I offered Mr. Mark Elliot Zuckerberg to test what I call an M-ld.  M-ld I state can do things from reversing diseases formed NOT by karma nor hereditary (the two trees (Soul & Family) that have roots into our or family's past lives) to bend wind thus eliminate the need for any other source to generate energy for human power grids besides the natural (Hydro, solar and wind with exception to two areas on Earth that would use Nuclear, but that would be 4 Nuclear (Fusion or Fison) plants at the most.  (Also sent to Google some time later as to its near 14th street offices in NYC which was more viable being I live 2 miles from there). No reply, even though  I get reminded I sent it via FB's look back at what one posted years ago pop-ups, where I sent Mr. Zuckerberg two paragraphs and blog link to read that idea.

QUESTION that is dragging down my soul::

  Do you think I should have been banned from Instagram (losing my photos of Puerto Rico though only a few, IT DID INCLUDE PHOTOS OF MY LATE FATHER CLIMBING A LADDER TO PICK FROM THE “CHERRY” TREE AT AGE 88. (One can see more If you want to know who this nut  /good family  is /where. Also photos of where Father lived as a child In San German, Puerto Rico including aunts home at the highest point of that town.

Why Banned?

I sent a lady reporter as a gift to her moving on from morning TV programming three food cooking styler ideas.  The two cooking styles and “sunnyside sandwich” I mainly sent the “how to” portions. The only thing I added that might be taken as excess was that I ended that Instagram with ...Stay Healthy, Spicy and sweet. Was that enough to be banned?

(The other 8 cooking styles to save energy I'll post somewhere in the future, just taking a break as that ban was a kick to the gut)

Now here I add two tips in cooking rice.

Look and act like a chicken when coking rice.

No, stop trying to clean your underarms like a chicken preening her feathers.  

I meant how the chicken uses its claws and looks back to make sure what she sent back is in the sunshine to “cook” not under shade.

First use 5 drops YES drops of oil per serving of rice TO BE Cooked.

Once water and drops of oil are boiling, add the salt (to one's health limits)

Now carefully add rice.  Then use another equally sized pot and mix between pots that hot water CAREFULLY. Though oil cannot mix with water (unless one uses pro-like machinery) it becomes the tiniest droplets possible.

What one is doing is making sure the boiling water blends the tiniest amount of oil but with every rice grain.

I cook it on high heat BECAUSE I'M THERE WATCHING IT if you go to another room low heat is best.  I also created a metal bracket pot cover lift  I  place on pot top which holds lid up over the pot with 1 inch (2.54 cm) gap between lid and pot rim, so at first the water vapour can escape faster.

When I begin to hear rice crackling (like a camp fire) it's time to lower the lid.

Once you see air venting perforations throughout rice where the heat is escaping, here a trick the chickens taught me.

 Chickens teach?

Cluck yeah!

Nature is the BEST TEACHER in the world, Observe natures' creatures and learn more than humanity can every fit in books, bytes or brain.

Take a form and (while clucking or not) dig into the rice and do slight nudged openings for a few more pockets to allow steam to rise out. Careful, if you joke and nudge too hard, rice will fly out and could fall onto the hand causing an "ouchie".

One can then cover the pot, (fully or a bit ajar) turn off the burner.

Some might have noticed my grammar becoming SLIGHTLY better.

Had a freeware developer create for me a quasi word processor that does not cross my eyes, put me to sleep.

I've explained this before.

How in writing in a repeated straight lines causes me to kind of black out,

It's a blend of Dyslexia (self-taught to correct it), A.D.D. and a thyroid condition). 

Yet before I black out  I'd close or move to another Tab whatever I was typing on, so I wouldn't black out.  It's the same thing that causes me not to watch action movies. If I try to watch one Iturn the screen vertically WITHOUT correctly the video display.  In doing so I watch the movie 180 degrees tilted, so scenes move N-S/S-N.  Too many linear scenes W-E /E-W (side to side) to which my eyes have to follow caused me to nod of in theaters. I've never seen from start to end Star Wars.  Even though when it was originally presented in theaters I went to see with my good friend Max and I nodded off at least 15 times for minutes at a time (I heard it was good). So the processor  style created  is that the text written purposely in an uneven random method. Looks very sloppy to most, but I can even proofread it and remain zZZZ, HUH, oh awake.  My spellcheck is still seperate but I'll deal with that.

 Was thinking of going back and rewording correctly my previous blogbytes but only doing so where it helps the reader not just for appearance. The late Grother (rest in peace) eMailed me (one of the few that did) as to why I not use some word corrector, this was the reason I could not post coherent messages as I've  stated I zuk at grammar.  Add to that, I could not type too long nor correct mistakes without taking minute breaks. That led me to constantly be rewording my comments then correcting typos or If I wrote a long comment then every minute of typing had a minute of resting eyes.

 By the time I finished typing a long comment the blog closed that topic or had a new one "served".

IF ANYONE IS GOING TO TRY TO READ MY OTHER BLOGBYTES, BE WARNED I will NOT correct most of the grammar errors just the ones that are obviously incorrect.  ITS very hard to read, take room temperature water to drink once in a while as to avoid headaches. Leaving most of the words as I originally wrote them. Thus  readers can see I had issues writing, yet I had noble prize winning ideas. (Friends over the decades counted ideas I'd tell them 5 or more years BEFORE someone else thought of a similar theory THAT LATER was awarded a Nobel Prize.) Thus, to teach youngsters to take math, grammar SERIOUSLY NO MATTER what they want to do later in life. It all helps, including believe it or making one more attractive. Also, to teach adults to listen to all people no matter what social category, race the youngster falls under. To you, it should all be the human race and each person has some good to offer IF one listens to them, cause even if the offering falls short, we all learn to make life better by helping solve issues.

I do not organize the TAGs Blogger does acording to words popularity.

Sin Sara Lee.

The hidden Gregorio O. DeMojeca,akamrx,vis0,Wxretro,wxvue,supercalifragilisticexpialidociousness (ya know I could have written PI in full and used less chracters (sarcasm))


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