Sunday, July 26, 2020

Trying2Fix motherboard if unsuccessful i'm off net for months if not years (economic reasons)

So i leave you this note meant for Nu Yaukers (why so many inside jokes that only New Yorkers might understand) but its for all if you Observe such happenings as described in this blogbyte/blogbit.

BEFORE i try to fix compu'r...

 (which could make things worse and then not even be able to connect for months or years as money being tight for all and  priorities are in health, rent weekly groceries.)

...i HAVE to add this alert.


    "Street repeaters"...

(in the 1960s.70s bloods called them "street soldiers" but after 1980s and 1990 cell phone use they can be anyone inside/outside gangs that report to AH gangs as to generating repetitive sounds at street level) they noisy humans / skateboarders with those hard stone like tiny wheels meant to generate banging sound as they go over sidewalk grooves to professional  workers creating repetitive sounds with their car/work vehicles act as signal repeaters as repeaters do in video/audio transmissions.  In that they boost a signal (the AH attack)  when that signal is becoming too weak (in attacking the AH victim) for the desired level of transmissions.  The street repeater in return gets mob like UNTRACEABLE favours from big event tickets to designer drugs, legal drugs that cost too much to afford to VIP hooker cards to college placement of their kids.

  "AHC" or "AH" is for Audiohitler Crime.

   AHc (i STATE) is a modern crime that uses repetitive sounds (not always loud) to introduce into victim's body a microwave or similar electromagnetic spectrum/flow to create health issues be they physical/mental onto victims to bring on deeper health issues even death.
    If one gets annual checkups most of these attacks can result in just false positives with diseases being controlled and those doing the attacks IN PARTICULAR THE STREET REPEATERS become more ill (at 8 to 16/24 yr periods as SADLY occurred to ground zero responders as this AH involvement rises odds of manifesting a diseases(s) by 3 to 9 fold) but for more on that, please try to read  "clearmatter" blog at Blogger.

    If anyone starts seeing/hearing noisy food carts/vans in place of bar/restuaRANT crowds one recently saw crowding streets/sidewalks or they had BEFORE covid-19's situation odds are VERY high those noisy carts/vans are being placed their to generate repetitive sounds as in replacing the barhopping/flash mobs ers used by audiohitler gangs

    If you are new to my unbelievable comments read my "clearmatter" blog on BLOGGER to either understand my info or become more confused.
Just remember a few years ago the public finally heard of such an action in that Cuban Embassy audio attack that left people scared...because the crime  was not administered correctly. When done correctly the victim actually feels nothing at the start of the attacks (like well adjusted lasers used to remove skin issues) discomfort happens when the attack suddenly goes off as if the sounds used became/becomes addictive so one then gets cold turkey as in knees feeling as if fire ants or bees are buzzing at the joint level.


... in ancient scriptures that addiction would be "the evil/satan" poking his/her fork onto you in egging one one to listen to the ""dark" false prophet from the north".  Many  many money making "modern" religious leaders sell the public that this means Arab (dark and north of Israel).  In reality (TO ME) its your ego via the left brain hemisphere (head is your north, dark is that OWN ego (ones ego /id is where as related to your body..up  NORTH in head) in the inner brain that is not enlightened (DARK)  becoming addicted TO ANYTHING from toys, fixing car to drugs in a manner that turns off ones conscience.
    Ones conscience is a form of unconditional love which is connected to the always enlightened wisdom of the universal consciousness (NO, DON'T START A RELIGION FROM MY WORDS) which in being /unconditional means if you want to "f|/(k" yerself up with an addiction ones conscience quietly warns you of the consequence(s) till the ego/addiction internally is so loud it drowns out ones kind quiet conscience.

---BACK TO "AH" and street-sound generated by their street sound repeaters.---

    Since the late 1990s these noisy vans began with ice cream truck with AC units then condensers becoming super noisy/vibratory.  When for 40+yrs they were quiet/much quieter (WE NEED LAW TO KEEP NOISY VANS AWAY FROM PUBLIC SCHOOLS AH uses these to dumb down kids NOT in their family/gangs Arnold Diaz while on PIX11 coincidentally reported on such an action where NYc suburban buses run /idle LOUDLY facing schools, if repeated more than 3 times in a week it should be a serious offense on license.  Then generators next to food carts were also tampered with to generate a louder sound.  Many of these noise generating engines (from leaf blowers to vans) are adjusted in a manner to have a 3 switch noise generating adjustment from low(normal) to medium (slightly tweaked louder) to super noisy(fully tweaked to be as loud as possible no company would sell such a can even go to company web sites and notice how quiet these engines are till some gang member tweaks them)

    i remember walking down/up 5th ave (NYc no did not see Trump with a gun too much work fer him to use) in the late 1990s and noticing THEN food carts vibrating so deep one heard/felt this weird deep sound up to 3 blocks away, they even placed wedges under back tires of food vans/ice cream trucks to assure where the direction of sound reflecting off the ground went towards ...i'm sure they gave some "caring" reason like the condenser don't work unless its tilted (uh. . . adjust leveling screws on condenser) or van might roll away at  0.00092 mph due to steep 3 degrees angle caused by sewer grating.

Remember i state these audiohitler gangs use these repetitive sounds from engines/motors/people yapping to attack people gangs don't like. Usually these not liked people are good citizens that are active community members whom report to authorities any suspicions activity...and that usually means gang activities.

One of the tricks audiohitler folks use to get good citizens to accept some sort of repetitive sounds is to first flood an area with super loud noise and see if anyone complains.   Then they pull back on that loud sound(s) and by bringing in  yet another repetitive sound generator be it the same crowd but told not to be as noisy or to bring in seemingly quiet vehicles to generate a customizable sound/noise that risers 2 to 3 weeks after trucks/vans come in.  Since the 2nd wave of sound is quieter to those that had SUPER LOUD sounds they accept the seemingly quieter "noise". Where it the seemingly quieter noise happening first the good citizens would report it as undesirable/unneeded street noise, but since there was super loud first the lower yet still noise is accepted.  This is done with vehicles to human being be the latter youngsters to what appears to be a crazy person yelling .  Yet one knows if a person is truly crazy (in should know. . .no i shouldn't, please i'm typing okay i'll argue with myself later) they don't only yell in a 2 block area constantly they walk AT LEAST throughout zip code areas (a mile or two)if not all of Manhattan  yelling and looking for food NOT a block or two and yell/sing/argue after they quietly sneak out their cell phone when buzzed to see what they are told to do in return for designer drugs. (if one can afford a solid state QUIET infrared cam or infrared app for cell phones that are solid state quiet (i still use a rotary cell phone) (cause if cam is not solid state the noise generate by camera parts can cancel any noise the AH was to do outside).  Use infrared to see if phone in pocket of crazy person or bar mob is still warm if so just before crowd get noisy thats yer AH to flash mob leader / street repeater. Some infrared can read cell phone warmth for up to 20 mins., street repeaters usually need to act on AH command within 5 mins.

 In recent days those are those over sized crowds that should know its not good to be so close creating a ruckus to the "walking then throw  fireworks displays (WTTF,D)were low level gang members walking around with fireworks on their person and when cell-phoned to release the "works" they light up the fireworks.  We saw the pho-we care parades (pho as in real at first that becomes mostly phake) applauding for first responders which instead of being done in front or near hospitals would march though quiet neighborhoods hoods as if following those dressed in hospital clothing and generating super noise not applauding and thanking directly with quiet thank you signs to first/front line workers NOT but also hooting hollering canned air on horns cursing "positively" as if for 4 weeks all local trams won their national championship AND if anyone took pictures notice the same disrespectful people that hooted during those pho-parades are the same that before made noise near food/alcohol establishments and now are back.

Weird during pandemic i heard 3-5 ambulances in 20 hrs (not counting hrs i sleep).  That 3-5 should be my areas avg.  Before pandemic i'd hear (NOT KIDDING, 40 yr avg. )  at least 20 a day and on busy days or 80 days of a year over 100 cross 26th and 2nd ave Manhattan, NOT COUNTING sirens i heard but could not see vehicles emitting siren sound that added another 40% easily, not even mentioning that the state should regulate a cover to assure siren is not pointing up as siren is not to alert people on flor 5 or birds to get out of the way but for pedestrians, bicyclists same with those backing-up piezo emitters so loud i keep hitting my snooze alarm when at friends apt 22 floors up.  Then first responder sirens in my area how they toggled on/off  at specific spots 95% of the times for 40+ years and toggle ON to OFF where building would reflect sound away or scramble the sound from my window as.  One could tell which ambulance where/are audiohitler controlled as in they toggle ON siren from 30th st to 26th on 2nd ave, Manhattan. Sirens Toggled off from 26th to 24th then toggle ON again from 23rd to 14th st. When 35 of 38 ambulances do this for 40 yrs and you find out they toggle off on 2 ways street when the siren is needed most (26th and 24th is dead end but has outgoing vehicles from 2 garages) but siren ON where there are dead end or dead start streets as 28th and 27th) that is very suspicious) This is due to a building on 25th (come see for yourself no picture please you might have cam confiscated seem it several times as building guards near 23rd and 2nd ave are very strategic spot and in AH pockets, why Traffic cam on 2nd ave (23rd its and 14th st its for the last 10 yrs if changed after this comment suspicious change)  constantly shifted zoom Out of order). i've asked City to use 4 point compass cams cheaper to maintain as have a 40dgree fish-eye zoom ability but no need to rotate them to follow criminals as they have a 360+ view and only focusable on street /sidewalk not into homes as the present can do. The building on 25th and 2nd ave. has multiple direction units (not a flat up-down structure its tired SEVERAL TIMES) as in 5 tiers and balconies facing in different directions which cause sound to become "scrambled"  and is audiohitlers nightmare AS TO bouncing sounds off buildings/structures.  Audiohitler gangs prefer as straight up n down buildings (preferably a type of smooth glass though the weird thing inside its the opposite 'cause if one knows how to stop those attacks INSIDE the straighter up-down building once one floors can redirect the AH attacks towards ground then the rest in that building from a certain level are protected.  Why if people place Xmas decorations in balcony that is secured professionally! owners or building superintendents that work for AHc will demand one remove or pull back in decorations as it ruins the smoothness of bouncing sounds of that building/balcony.

So before i truly go off on another angle/tangent though its all related to AH, try reporting constantly to 311 and posting on net ( USE A QUIET SOLID STAE CAM/CELLPHONE TO RECORD as stated above) the noise generated by the food vans one lnows that one is not against the restaurants if the restaurants truly want new money coming into business.  One is helping restaurants cause true restaurant goers that pay new money to eat at them prefer a quiet restaurant to enjoy a personal conversation or a meal not get agida from loud people, motorbikes revving or constant garbage truck compactors flywheels running even while idling.

Anyone notice pigeons (NYc) do not truly fly together as several dozens in packs/flocks  as they did pre 1970s? No not cause they became depressed in seeing the group 'Flock of seagulls'...and Iran Iran so far away became Iraq...what those were NOT the lyrics...oh my?

Study how the several species of cicada confuses birds when they come out as one large group...its by their sounds generating not the noise we hear but by creating an inner brain intrAEsound flow that causes birds eyes/brain to not focus properly. Thus birds rather stay away or fly in the opposite direction as to where cicadas are mating/coming out so the birds can maintain good vision.  The AHc attack in affecting human brain (why more human eye and teeth grinding issues during sleep of late)  also affects bird flight and when too close to each other their wings flapping  create a more aggressive eye issue so they've learned not to fly together. This also proves electricity's side effect issue which i'm just begging to explain on my "clearmatter" blog.  Remember my bog is free...DISCLAIMER:: Any cost as in Psychiatric treatment due to the reading of my blog is not refundable.


At this minute a personal example of AH...

 Right now its 2AM for the 4th time since 11PM and usually happens 6-8 times during NITE-AM hours.  some "friend" OR another AH NEIGHBOR ON MY FLOOR comes out/down/up to knock on/another AH neighbors door. The knocking/or metal knocker tapping is not once or twice but 5 to 6 times at 5 grouped knocks per time, for MINUTES!    A friend would cell or wired phone call them 5 mins before going to apt., IT COST ZERO being they are floors apart.    As in call and say "i'm coming up/down/sideways". Once at friends door knock ONCE neighbor looks through peephole opens door since friend did what?. . .Called him/her that they were coming to vist at 2AM!!!.
  They knock (even use that "Shave and a haircut for two pence/pents/bits" 

(here read on it SITE unrelated to me:: tune

(same tune we hear via car horns though cannot say its all suspicious since that tune is embedded in the human mind used by good folks too) just hit me, "our" VP to Trump goes a similar name, Pence to Pents hmmm) Now the use that constant sound of knocking is as a pinger to measure the effectiveness of their attack on my apt.  Some when these groups use robocalls, i'd say 60% of robocalls are AHc related, i use to get from 1976 till 1999 NO JOKE over 15 calls a day 14 wrong numbers/later robocalls or 400 calls a year if not for my customized phone blocker (i set to blink light twice before an aidable ring is heard, adjust such phone alerters used by the deaf to hold phone ringing for 2 rings enough for one to hang up via a customized hang up button  button do not pick up receiver or send call to recorder, Panasonic had such a phone feature to hang up without picking up ringer and a 1 ring silent feature..i made mines from discarded metroaccess phone parts...riingRingRing..."yelloh no! G-Street is not LIVE this week")
Remember this insistent repetitive knocking began with (i state) AH members in religious groups as Jehovah Witness or Scientology going door to door knocking constantly even if you asked them to stop doing so on YOUR door.
    If this happens act as if you're throwing out the garbage,make sure ya have garbage bag in hand and not Jr or pet in doing such a move hastily. Don't be loud in voice nor closing of garbage chute as not to help them generate a loud sound to measure one with.  Then politely ask why not call your friend from THEIR APT/HOME so they can come to the door or even know if they are in.  See how they reply.  Do that several times.  If they continue or then knock and use cell phone AT THE DOOR instead of from their Apt. or then crazy people takes their place and come into the building to  generate sounds chances are someone on your floor or one floor up/down is a AHc victim...stay calm and use 311 to try and lower sounds as becoming nervous or tight helps the attack enter the body try being outside more often or if one can find a library with no loud food/ice cream truck/van outside it then go the time i wrote this PP 30 mins later guy is back (can tell same person by knocking style)  knocking on door at far for 1 minute..lasted 2mins 7 sets of 6. Guess what its 3:30AM yup knocking on same door,,,so far 45 secs...lasted 3 mins 5 groups avg. of 4...need to watch Svengoolie recording to relax have fun so no more waiting for knocker....[as classic movie with classic naturally endowed women appear on B & W movie ] KNOCKERS! apology to those offended but you are! after all reading things of my private thoughts on your screen.

    In my neighborhood since i began testing different materials to remove these attacks (since late 1970s so far over 300 in home and 35 outside i've figured out can lower these attacks, mainly its not the material per say (sometimes it is) but its the use of angles or segmenting with/within materials in a manner that naturally send attack towards true ground, Earth center, no joke...animals use this as in their nails humans can if they know how or what amount of the white tip of nails to leave on and earn to file nails never cut them the later has to do with how chaotic energies leaves body if nails are just cut and not filed afterwards or filed everyday the cut creates an acute angle that closes the ability for the chaotic flow to leave ones body...its is another Noble prize award winning discovery/theory that i post first then years later its proven factual.  So far friends/sis have 54 found such theories i first told then then AT least 5 yrs later it became a real science accepted/per reviewed theory and 20 have become fact...and i dont even get a thank you nut encrusted cookie)
    When i set the removal of these AH attacks pigeons all of a sudden fly in flocks of hundreds (ask those in Kips Bay area NYC to west side of Manhattan 24th to 29th st) if they don't see from time to time birds in large flocks instead of scattering wildly  when car back fires as opposed to most other areas they just scatter wildly)
    When one sets these flows back to ground at specific compass points specific animal act friendly to this area.  I've had on my window sill by changing the compass pointing of a device that resets these AHc attacks by only ~10 to 12%**  praying mantis, ants(no red i'm at least 80 feet off the street) butterflies on bricks (once had over 20 monarchs had no cam), woodpecker, owls, hawks (first in 1974 had nest in old dental building on 26th 1st Ave. Manhattan waaayy before that Central Park sightings, Eagles (still follow me (my clothing really) from time to time when i walk west on 25th street to IDEAL supermarket on 9th ave), sea gulls (even "trained" then to come down 2nd ave as i'd go to Madison Square garden or the Main Post Office where seagulls "hang out" then  adjust clothing acting as compass to the flow of  " 'IntrAEsound' " and when i noticed they began to follow me (no not after i fell down in the fish market) i'd walk slowly with seagulls over head by the dozens till after 2 weeks (6 walks)  i walked home on east 27th seagulls in tow and  seagulls then would circle the building i live in for 2-3 mins then head to 23rd and go back to the west side.  Did that for 3 months in ~2013/14, will post video but ask people you know who live in Kips Bay area if they saw seagulls sightseeing by the city scenic east side in ~2013/14)

--==-=-=- ASTERISK EXPLAINED=-=-=-=--=-=-=--=
**(not higher as thats enough to protect one but not too high so AHc notices their attacks are not working plus we all would suffer cold turkey attacks thus go crazy don't want that cause then i'd go "SANE!"),peace

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Ml-d Weather influencing device...a tiny crash course as to its AOI on 20200708

(WRITTEN FOR THOSE THAT try to FOLLOW ME (all 3 of ya) on Wunderground blogs since 2002/2010-present.  If you haven't read on but it will all be even crazier to understand.)

A Crash course on my "2WkAnoms" (2 Week Anomaly) y "2MnthWxTrend" (Two Month  Weather Trend) crap.

These changes explained below in gibberish are observed mainly due to the constant background created by a device (that i'm told only exists in my mind)  i call the ml-d.

The info in this comment pertains MAINLY to ml-d AOi centered at zip 10016 (search for graphics showing such ml-d AOI outlines) and the opposite area of this planet centered SW of Australia reacting in the opposite manner more than not in each 11 year ml-d cycle, where if the ml-d settings remain as set in 2009/2010 rising pressures act as if punched in the gut during these 2WkAnoms.

READ this comment AS IF YOU ARE IN MY MIND, as the following only exist in my head, i'm told...even though onto the real world it has an over 94% success rate v. Pros at 42% to 47% within the explained time periods (3 to 14 days out OF ONLY 2WkAnomaly periods).

Imagine this imagined ml-d situated in zip code 10016 hovering a few inches off an Apt. floor. (stop concentrating on the dirty socks in the corner of the room..i'll pick them up ...soon)

Its use is to tap into natural flows to influence IN THIS CASE weather.
(NOT CONTROL(ing)...though i think that can be done but would be very detrimental as in leading to death to  hose near the ml-d by 50 feet and humanity via side effects nature would generate as a physics counter-action).

This "tapping into" is created by 5 energy packet flows of nature in which 3 settings are turned ON for and only one of is recently being discovered due to better resolutions in observing "wave-like" particle interactions actions of the atmospheres.

The main interaction is via what i call IntrAEresonace.**

The 2wkAnom is when a flow from Etherics(use to call Galacsics, involves Dark Matter and what i call Clear matter ...there is 2 times more of the latter matter...♫- conjunction function has no place in this dysfunction -♪) that involves energy flows as Cosmic rays but at its internal resonance pulse form not as just fast forward motion protons, etc etc...

(oh wait, that's not discovered yet, oopsie)

...are pulsing in a manner that turns down any ml-d to nearly zero influence(.001)

The 2 Month Wxtrend are periods of ~8 weeks (for this present Earth cycle) in where a weather trend is occurring but since there are so many physics based influential varieties as in all those oscillation from different angles (Lat/Long, High/Low, blocking/breaching, etc/ɔʇǝ) interacting science could not notice this so called weather trend till a domineering constant, as the ml-d came along.
 Came along as in since 2000AD the ml-d in a year is ON more than not, then after 2010AD its ON constantly from zip 10016 unless otherwise stated on my ml-d updated pages...when i remember to post it). Ml-d in one form or another i  was lucky to figure out and first turned ON in 1969ish....kid living in the red door projects, BronX, NYc.

(had to remove over 10,000 characters as went off in my old stye of leaving clues for future discoveries...hard to break a habit.

Since the ml-d is set to favour LOWs / atmospheric packets of lowering pressures (simple statement) THEN when the ml-d is shut off (due to cleaning) or lowered via an Etheric affect to almost zero influence, all weather under the ml-d's AOI or near it acts as if it was punched in its gut(s) during these 2WkAnom periods of 14(17days).

(the cleaning creates a similar affect but 24 hrs PER SETTINGs touched via a physics ground object, tools)

The 14 days can be broken into three segments.

Days 1 through 4.6 any packet of lowering pressure(s) becomes disheveled and pressures rise or stabilize at a certain sine wave packet like format. If it had human characteristics one could say some of the packets of low pressure seem confused.  During these few days all weather under/near ml-d AOI is now acting fully natural....unless there are others with a similar of late(4-5 yrs i think US gov is testing similar device , in part from space i know what i see in imagery that most think its just glitches.(one can figure out at this point with over 90% accuracy how TS will react up to 5 days before they get to a specific pint by using modern compu'r insight and my ml-d insight...i offered, no one want the end on that)

Day 4.7 through 9.3 the same packet(s) of lowering pressure begin to regain at a 33% towards 66% flow its previous action/reactions to its surrounding wxflows.
If lets say a TS was predicted to head up the USofA Eastern coastline in a certain manner BEFORE this 2wkanoms began, AT THIS center-most days of h 2WkAnom one will observe that track coing back into the picture, but since the low pressure packets were "acting" unexpectedly most predictors have the TS acting "wayward" since input into models includes its latest "confused" motions.

Day 9.4 to 14 of the 2wkAnom we suddenly (to those not in my mind) observe the TS reacting as expected a week before , BEFORE it acted "confused".

Then there is the 3 day assimilation period day 14 through 17 where low pressure packets UNDER or near ml-d AOI are balancing the restoration of the ml-d setting influence with the latest 2 month weather trend nature/physics deems.

Lets OB how the weather acts within and around the ml- AOI (and opposite area of this planet over the next 12days or so (minus 2 days already into a 2WkAnom IF MY GUESSTIMATE is correct....

If correct OBs then the predicted TS off the USofA east coast instead of heading parallel to coastline becomes disheveled and head more southward (in part) then at day 4 to 5 or 2 to 3 days from now wherever it is it will begin to join up again and "wants" to head (via area of least resistance as ml-d's push-pull  "sings" to it) towards zip 10016 AREA WITHIN 50 miles and slowly surely become "better looking"

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Contributing here instead of a WxU Cat6 blog(20200705)

This as to a message on Wx/science Related blog but i thought might steer the blogs threads off-topic being the Tropical season is in its starting gear so i posted the rest below.

My 22cents on other scientific thoughts though not weather related subject, might be of interest, so i'm repeating (except on Facebook as in late January when i posted that this is not the 'regular flu' (as Trump stated e several times) and thousands can die in a short time, Facebook yanked that message and almost lost my Facebook account cause someone their thought i was an alarmist.  What was yanked included 15 points of advice including wear masks, stay 6 to 12 feet apart, wash hands and a few ideas to stop this can read those advice on this re-posting here at this 'clearmatter' blog here::

If anyone has been following me for the past 6 months...get checked...otherwise  some might notice my theory on how corona virus might be an airborne respond to finer pollutants as in chemical reaction pollutants creating indirect affects ...

 (prior to the 1980s pollutants where more straight forward, what came out of smoke stacks and created illnesses directly. One could smell it, touch. taste it)

...that are still deadly but hard to experience via senses.

My unscientific educated guess is as to preservatives, yes the types in foods that are shed by humans (mostly westerners/North Americans) and bats nibble on. And finer pollutant reaction particles as coronas can live even thrive on finer pollutant particle that have no form of energy appeal to virus to me that means its adapted preservatives to extend its life cycle as if almost zombie like..remember 'zombies' (i'm sure there is a more technical/scientific name)  in lower life forms is a norm as gnats that attach to larger insects and live on those larger insects brains controlling the larger insect.

II.  Pay attention to Sun cycle/Cosmic Ray levels.(rising sun cycle and lowering Cosmic rays is best for Humans vs. corona virus)

Its not just the Sun's angled position thus rising the heat in original area(s) of corona virus (Northern Hem.) that can deter corona virus, that heating i state is just a third. The two thirds  that determine coronas strength are the Sun ASCENDING/DESCENDING phase/cycles and cosmic ray flow.

TO MUCH TO POST in my crazy manner.

 Simply, 'Phase' as used here is my terminology.(not including plus/minus error range)
Sun phase phase ~176 earth yrs.,
Sun phase cycle is 4 solar cycles.
H-cycles (Cycle cycles) (22yrs)
Sun cycles of 11yrs then the shorter (non cyclical / random for lack of a better word) fluctuations.

FLUCTUATIONS is what we are looking at FOR NOW.

Since we are dealing in the short term i'll stick to the small/shorter (months/week) fluctuations.
Even if we are in a low/quiet Sun Cycle there still are ebb n flows fluctuations within that cycle.
When these sun cycle outward activities are rising it hinders coronas ability to be at its most dangerous aggressive level as the rising damages its inner workings (NOT WHEN ITS HIGH BUT RISING).
Cosmic rays damage that which naturally deters the corona so its best that Cosmic rays are low so that which deters NATURALLY corona virus can be healthy when Cosmic rays are weak.

Worst case for humans would be lowers / descending fluctuation within solar cycle and rising Cosmic rays.

i state this for science to study if placing certain bulbs emitting certain electromagnetic spectrum rays (NOT UV) that normally in lab test are not a deterrent/detrimental to viruses growth/health BUT if one creates a light switch that for 4 or 5 fold of an hour its raising the output of such a bulb.
Rising as in AT LEAST 44 minutes but use the full 55 minutes of an hour those bulbs are rising in output then for the last 5 mins of that hour the bulbs output lowers to almost null.
   4 folded is 5 minutes so 40 minutes.
   5 fold of 5 minutes cannot fit into an hour as its 80mins.
Create a 5 fold within an hour its 3mins DESCENDING (not off) 57 minutes ascending (though 48 mins would be 5 fold to 3mins.).  One could be more precise but that would cost more or be harder to manufacture  in building such controls.  ONE IMPORTANT INFO if it seems to work but not that great try the 4 or 5 fold as to every 90 minutes and at 3hrs.

i state this for hospital rooms as in creating a negative light source flow for viruses, these lights would NOT be the regular room lights but lights placed above them so when they dim its not perceivable to those working in those rooms.

Just a negative airflow rooms lowers contaminants (was the person that passed negative airflow room idea to management at Bellevue Hospital 1987/88 (mezzanine conference room during a break, my locker was opposite that conference room) when tuberculosis was on the rise in NYc. That idea was from a Colorado Hospital using such technology.  Month or so later OSHA was on my floor taking measurements, i keep/kept my floor top clean even homeless would keep rooms clean once they saw i cared to make sure entire floor was thoroughly clean...most of my jobs were housekeeping/maintenance at hospitals/convention centres in Nyc)

These specific electromagnetic or light spectrum are not by themselves the force that diminishes this complex viruses strength its their ascension being ON more than their descent at the "folds: i state.

This weird theory i use minuscule PART to show how there are 2 flows in this type of uni-verse that can travel faster than light.  A coiled in place form as in intrAEsound in which light beings can use to move 2 times faster than light by having their light move ahead at first then a coiling affect takes over as in coil in place uncoils via  this intrAEtresonace which adds 2 times onto light speed and  a coiled in place formation via certain black(inward stars) to worm holes that can reach 3 or 4 times the speed of light.  Finally the 3x3 vacuum folding at third points of a uni-verse to create openings at those three Arc'D points...oh look the clock on the wall sez need to get personal,peace