Saturday, June 25, 2022

Want to post on GZee's FB but too long

 I understand how this country was created in a manner so that not one level has all the power, and in a two to one manner for the same reason. 

The issue to me is WE THE PEOPLE can NOT let our guard down, again... 

Politicians run for office saying "taxes are bad" (began in the late 1960s as the first ploy to bring in to vote for them the un and under educated). Taxes are needed to pay for  things from safe infrastructure to public health. IT'S HOW POLITICIANS are allowed to divert the taxes to "their Friends" (behind close doors - shady deals) that WE THE PEOPLE have to be alert to. We need to have a bill that FORCES politicians to post ALL transactions, of their deals and how they made extra money (not national security stuff of course).  These same politicians cut health, education and arts & sciences leading to a generation of people who don't know the basic right from wrong thus can easily be turned into blind followers as we are observing today. 

An abortion is not a game, yet we have mostly men with an attitude not backed by science nor facts but by egomaniacal type thinking and superstitions even beliefs that use misunderstood religious passages to back up their egomaniacal way of thinking. 

Before legal abortions more women/families suffered, more babies were born either dead (still born)  or died from complications from earlier unprofessional administered abortions that damaged the uterus/surrounding areas so when the woman wanted and knew she was ready to take on the responsibilities of having children, issues preventing pregnancies occurred BECAUSE OF THE NEED for an abortion, but they were illegal. As in cases of incest, rape, "accidental" pregnancy (usually us guy's fault in being irresponsible) and the only abortions available was the self or illegal "back room"  unprofessionally administered abortion.

I've posted this elsewhere, and hopefully It's not too "adult oriented" if so delete the post (was going to post on GZee).  But we have politicians WITH FULL MEDICAL CARE for even their cousins. They can get male enhancement drugs in part paid by government (YOU THE PUBLIC) which by the way can lead to the need for an abortion, again from a guy being irresponsible yet the same health category for women "sexual reproduction" is chopped away at.


Mainly because there are folks (men and women) selling door to door via Sunday school and religious beliefs that they have a license from Gawd to play Gawd on Earth. Some action twisted their minds to feel that forcing others to think as they do AS TO PERSONAL RIGHTS is OKAY when one of the most important parts of the BILL OF RIGHTS 

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long-established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.  

Yes the word CREATOR (but not a specific religion), LIFE is in there as in a person that has been physically born otherwise why dom't these same men in powerful positions create laws that give the unborn  a monetary status even give a fetus full health care if they truly cared, why not ? 

Because that is not a living being, it's dependent on the actual living being, the mother.  If goodness forbid the supporting connections disconnected, the unborn could not survive unless it was passed the second trimester. If the early stage(s) of pregnancies were that of a living human being as many of the right to life/anti-choice groups want one to believe, and sadly they do an efficient job of spreading their AT BEST beliefs at worst known lies, such embryos would survive by themselves outside the supporting living being, the mother.

Now, why don't these right to lifers or better anti-choice force the Supreme court to imprison more men for masturbating? 

Example us men should go to prison for masturbating as that act is done much more often (understatement) than aborted pregnancies.  If RIGHT TO LIFERS base their antiabortion/anti-choice mumbo-jumbo on the abortion releasing the life creating material in being some sort of sin as in choosing to have an abortion, then the sperm that carries much more "life"/genetic materials / info via the "oil" than the "egg" in being released is just as if not more of a crime as millions are killed if the anti-choicers way was based on facts.  But I don't see those men or women even thinking in that manner because their egomaniacal style of thinking is male centered. 

I could type up a few more dozen pages on how this male dominated way of thinking  happens via Earth precession, but that's a theory in the duodecium link (check keywords or titles of posts, basicall every HALF procession ~11,500 yrs Earths complex animal (humans at this time) is forced by 33% then 66% to lean towards favouring male or female brain way of processing things. This present (Male/elderly dominated) procession began ~3,000 BC masculine dominated, last was female brain dominated ended with Cleopatra/Tutankhamen (child) dominated. If it's discovered to be a real effect humans, we should still work hard to keep humanity balanced, it serves humanity in the long run to do so.


Here how I look today, 
My mug:: two videos (speaking and silent)::

HERE IS THE DEAL as to a VID with my face, IF YOU OPEN THE LINK JUST BELOW IN THE SAME BROWSER THAT HAS the logged onto FB OPEN ON IT, ONE OF THE VIDS (The silent one)  WILL PLAY. To hear me you have to go to my FB at::

Search for the comment "Good to see your face", there you should see two images, the talkie is on the left, unless you're doing an upside down yoga, position.

My 60 year old mug, please be ready to cover your eyes I'm hideous.

Here are some links to other blog pages on this blog, so one can kind of see how I think;
WARNING some subjects are adult oriented, though none in the links provided.

The following just theories, read during free time, drink room temperature water not cold to help brain remain cool when reading hard to understand paragraphs.

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Re to post on FB

 (If one is looking for my reasoning as to why there are many unhealthy people within certain communities, as to Ginger Zee's New Orleans Facebook story, scroll down to the in BOLD words "MY THEORY" on how carcinogens work through the air, not just via skin contact in this modern society.)

First, why was I banned from Instagram? (Friends are still working to get me back; I sent a photo of my IG generated ID number, but there has been no response from Instagram.) That was 3 months ago. I was late by two months but immediately let IG know as to why I was going to be late in replying to their request for a photo of myself with their ID number. Reason,  compu'r - camera - money issues. Much money is spent on caring for the elderly in our family, including my mother, whom I brought back to live in NYC, because Puerto Rico has too many problems, from weather to gangs, for the elderly to live alone in rural communities. After ruining two HERO cameras (each over 600 $) I held mtself back from speanding money on cameras for a year, that ends in mid 2022.

In Instagram's case, I sent ideas on how to cook in a healthier manner, including lowering aGW via cooking tips, to a person I think the world of (respect-wise), as that person was leaving their morning TV gig, finally getting some good R.E.M. sleep after 10 years. So I figured, let me send quite a few ideas to help her pass the time while taking her mind off what was an over 10-year habit of getting up at ~1AM (a guess). The ideas included cooking with one's fridge. They would lower costs, including for restaurants, by 30 to 40%, which is important in restarting the food industries in the world, ideas she could share knowing so many in that industry. That person (Ms. Scala), a beautiful woman, I think the world of for her manner of sharing her trips around the globe to teach us about other cultures and positive developments to help animals dislocated by bad/uncaring human activities. 

Sadly, the IG app I used for sending 30,000 characters of ideas and breaking them down into 1,500 character long messages to be sent over a month failed to work properly, as in not sending the preface page, in part because I accidentally sent the rough draft instead of the spell check version (it was to warn me if I sent the wrong files, I didn't, plus I stayed up so late to write that I should have taken a nap). So her IG site marked me as a severe spammer, and I was booted off IG.

That experience has led me to instead of posting my long-winded theories on other people's pages as I wanted to post  in a reply to Ms, Zee's great and good work, instead being posted on one of my last active public blogs, you se here, below.


Before you go on, let me state that the cure to Electricity's side effects is what I call ETHERtricty.
One of three ways one can create ethertricity is being developed in chips that use light to transfer energy instead of hard-wiring.

A second way is too dangerous to post.

A third way is to create specific shapes via plastic around all electricity creating sites (electricity generating power plants etc.) that can lower at least 33% of its side effects in time, up to 66%. In time, I hope to post a type of bed frame/support (posted parts of it on two sites) that allows one to sleep without being negatively affected by electricity's side effects or what I call "AudioHitler" (news calls it "Havana Syndrome"), it aint crickets believe me) which is what groups that desire mind control like Scientology, Unification Church, certain large Southern churches, or sadistic politicians going under the Republican banner that began during McCarthyism to those controlling Soviet soldiers to think they are fighting Nazis and kill grandmas in the belief that elderly women are Nazi militants (as heard some Russian soldiers yelling before shooting them). Thus, their soldiers are brought back after each month to re-indoctrinate and retrain their brains via audiohitler-style influence. To fight that, find the correct Lilly wave pattern that breaks that type of mind control. You might think that's nuts, but have you heard of books that can be played via headphones as you sleep to train one's brain? This is that but uses certain electromagnetic weaves in place of the headphones to get the  mind to become "hypnotized" in certain beliefs.

To study this theory, observe how the only two outwardly open recieving portions of the brain, The ego (outwardly focused) and conscience (inwardly focused) is affected by right angle formations "crashing" into each other and emitting a chaotic pattern near (with 45, 30 then 15 feet) the brain.

I know it gets tiring to read, but one of my theories as to electricity's side effects is how its action reaction teaches the complex animal's cells to do the "dance" of cancers, thus in time the body can "be taught" to more easily invite the many carcinogens to affect the body negatively.

The body has five ways in which it developes an action-reaction to what effects it::


 ■ It takes it in by what one purposely introduces to the body (ingestion to placing things in the body).


 ■ It takes it in by what's transported through the air (inhaling or through skin).


 ■ It takes it in by accident. (piano falls on one... okay, maybe watched a little too much Three Stooges)


 ■  It takes it in via the family tree (physical genes) as in the habits of one's family through the generations built up within that family's genes.


 ■  It takes it in by the Karmic Tree *ethereal genes, directly from the real you. "Light DNA"/your actions as measured by the laws of Physics and Etherics what I call the Parental Dimensions. Light DNA?, is the real "U" that reincarnates into many carnal lives, one at a time. It's in that percentage of blood plasma that cannot be accounted for in disappearing after death.

Each of the above can be used for good or bad.

An example of number 1 above. 

If one eats more greens and veggies than fatty foods, one will be healthier than if one ate more fatty foods than greens.

An example of number 2 above. 

One goes outside (not applicable to smog-filled areas) to clean air areas and breathes in deeply as one exercises. That will help the body become healthier than if one exercised with a lit cigarette hanging out of one's mouth. Ask Ben how, in the 1980s, breathing in NYC was like smoking a pack a day. I once took a film (not a video, I'm old) of a friend flying a brightly coloured kite in NYC. Then I filmed as the kite disappeared into the smog that filled the NYC air once he flew it below 57th street into the wall of gray smog. That polluted air and noise should prevent horse carriages from operating on a daily basis. It damages the animals' nervous systems and ruins their quality of life. Maybe only on weekends and Matinée days.

Since those here have not read my blogs or notes posted since 1981 (I had most deleted in 2017 as I thought those ideas were too dangerous to be left on the webnet without my supervision, they were easily removed as they were on friends' servers), here is a quick refresher.

I state that electricity has countering ninety degree outflows that create a sort of air flowing MAX chaos throughout the planet (one effect is unbalancing the planet's Hz, a little shift goes a long way). That MAX chaos in time (after three generations becomes a part of damaged genes) affects the human mind in that the chaos is "looking" to become naturally grounded and head back into center Earth, where such sounds go to be emitted back via space in etheric affected flows as the 8+ outward arc angles of lightning as "sprites". There is an outward (acute to obtuse) angle of lightning for each colour of the rainbow, but most are too faint to see. I write 8+ because there is half-ascending and descending clear angle lightning that can only be seen when studying black holes locally.


The problem is that chaos has to find a naturally occurring source of grounding that has a high revv factor.

Guess what that is? The human brain-body connection.

So this chaotic flow enters the body, creating or raising the odds of higher levels of diseases that are first directly electrically influenced as Alzheimer, ADD, dementia, Parkinson (sent Michael J. Fox in 2012 a way to study this via a form of 2:1 breathing and reading how the brain then lowers Parkinson up to 33%), never received a reply. My mother's dementia was reduced by using metal tubes and direction-controlling paper cutouts to send this loose, chaotic flow towards the tru-ground, thus outside the apartment. However, these should NOT BE TRIED TILL SCIENCE TESTS THEM AS THEY WILL MAKE THINGS WORSE IF NOT DONE EXACTLY THE RIGHT WAY as for one correct method, there are literally hundreds of incorrect methods. I hope another caring soul comes along and figures this stuff out and that humans then pay attention, ask questions, and study those weird theories, otherwise we never learn. Those cut-outs in paper were created in Central America and hung. They were said to lower evil spirits but really lowered NATURAL forms of static build-up. But again, DO NOT TRY THAT. It will not work with electricity's side effects and WILL even make things worse. 


Subcategories, such as polluted lands emitting a resonance that, when interacting via triangulation of Electricity's ninety degree interactions, creates pockets of unhealthy areas for humans, as I believe happens in regions with poor, under-educated humans, such as New Orleans. The area is not cleaned up because politicians do not respect or fear the poor because they do not complain, know where to complain, or outwardly demand that their rights be respected as much as people with money. The effect of electricity is that it causes "man" to go from using their conscience as the last filter to questioning their actions and switches that responsibility over to the ego. This means that it will be harder to get people to listen to basic sense. For example, an electric car is preferable (NOT PERFECT) to a gas-guzzling, uncontrollable, polluting, emitting vehicle. But since the ego via electricity's side effect, is now causing many to follow their ego, not conscience, then if the egotistical people are fed lies in a manner that makes them feel like they are liked (as certain politicians do to them). Therefore, some, now many, will believe what the lying salesman says as if it were THE OTHER OR REAL TRUTH, when basic sense shows one that there is only one truth and good science presents that to help evolve mankind.

Hence, science recently has had a harder time convincing people WITH SCIENCE FACTS that it's cheaper, healthier, and all around better to use clean energy than either dirty energy or dirty energy rebranded as "clean".

How can "clean coal" or "clean oil" be clean if it gets onto one's clothing, whereas not even TIDE gets it out? Sure, sunlight (solar power) can damage clothing, but not on the first try. One last note: don't forget that the true solar energy is wind. Learn how to bend the jet streams down into a wind stream and feed it through turbines within an 8-hour limit. (I state 8 hrs as not to affect natural wildlife's usage of free moving air for their senses. If one uses it for more than 8 hours, it changes the magnetic flow of air that creatures like the monarch butterfly and whales use to read the planet's compass. No joke, there are colours that represent magnetic areas that airflow picks up on and animals read for their livelihood. But imagine four turbines atop a 50-story building and a device that attracts jet stream motions down to those turbines. After 8 hours, a thin 10-story building of batteries next door can store enough energy to power a city mile for a month with no pollution (except to build the batteries). Oil workers that once worked on ocean rigs are now used to maintaining these city turbines. No jobs are lost in the change from dirty oil to clean air. Shareholders get shares transferred to clean air creations if they join early. Sadly, I gave up trying to pass on this knowledge in 2016 after spending my hard-earned money as most of the jobs I had been in the cleaning service industry due to terrible memory and severe dyslexia because I have very low memory capabilities to work in other jobs.


Gregorio O. DeMojeca aka; vis0, wxretro, espyther.