Wednesday, April 22, 2020

As usual 2 cmmnts i somehow join. Puerto Rican Day idea & more on modern crime, AH

Wednesday, April 22, 2020
As usual, 2 comments I somehow join.
Puerto Rican Day idea (since we are mostly inside due to the pandemic causing social pause) & more on modern crime, AH
AH is short for Audiohitler the modern crime.
AudioHitler Crime (AHc) is being used NOW (2020) by several groups from a blend of international crime groups that is trying to take down USofA since 1950s...failed (placed on hold)...but recently is gaining a foothold.
Explained in my earlier blogbytes. The first conglomeration of criminals that used this once they connected with L. Ron Hubbard were;
■ A South American Nazi group(s)
■ An International Sadistic Alliance Group
■ Some MOB groups, families that desired to separate from the original or stronger families in their "associations"
■ superpower Nations that have a desire to topple the USofA.

First, okay Fifth, an idea to show that humans of different social classes and cultures can still least in partying.

Then in a different FONT it's more as to AHc.

THE Puerto Rican parade day has been canceled in NYc for good reasons, COVID-19 or as I call in Puerto Rican lingo, El  Conjo-viro (loosely translated The Da*m-virus)

Here is a safe way to celebrate. (CHILDREN SHOULD NOT BE NEAR OPEN WINDOWS.  PLUS, WINDOWS SHOULD HAVE window guards installed if one has children in their home or are visiting others' homes).
Here is an idea (w/AH (AuidioHitler) further explained at end).
It deals with the ability to join people of different cultures to celebrate the human spirit in joining up to fight COVID-19 with intellect (wear mask,

The idea I've mentioned to a few people 2 days ago including some of which I suspect are part of those "AudioHitler crime groups"(AHc gangs****). So if word gets around to celebrate those on the front line in a manner where people go to the places the frontliners are (Hospitals, Ambulance centers) you can consider one of the first places that idea was mentioned.  My worry is that it will be used just to generate noise, as in banging pots and pans or screaming out windows vulgarities instead  going downstairs and respectfully say thank you nurses, doctors, cleaners, transportation workers etc.

The first use of this celebratory style should be using a well known ALL INCLUSIVE parade, no not the NYC Halloween parade.
It's that on the day of the Puerto Rican day parade or when it was to be 'celebrated' that all people as a show of solidarity of humanity that  at 11AM have a Puerto Rican flag** and any other country's flag  in hand (to show human solidarity) then open the window and start singing...

IN SPANGLESH (not spellchkD nor correctly accented)::
♪que bonita bandera
que bonita bandera
que bonita bandera
Es la bandera Puerto Riquena ("Requena" pronounced "Re-Kenya")

que bonita manera
que bonita manera
que bonita manera
Para el cer humano senar que son unido con calor y consciencia♪

♪why a beautiful flag
why a beautiful flag
why a beautiful flag
Is the Puerto Rican flag

what a luvy form
what a luvy form
what a luvy form
for humans to show they are united in conscience with such warmth♪

...and the hooooome of the METs!
(oh wait that's 'sacrilegious'), apology To Mr. Scott's soul, i'm sorry.

Then salute all the social/health services
that have been at the forefront
of this war against the common enemy a
teenie tiny (not invisible) virus that could.

CELEBRATE- from one group to what some might think is the extreme other side, yet they are all social services jobs.
Police to housekeepers
Nurses to Doctors
Cooks to delivery persons
cashiers to product stockers
all those to many more.

Of my wish is all ONLY sing the words above at once but odds are AHc will turn it into a pot bangs / soccer horn yelling fiasco.

Think of this as a humanistic version of
the famous Movie
where  actor Pter Finch  opens window and yells


(INSIDE JOKE for Grube Tubers (the pre-youtube (by 30 years) of NYc Public Access when the corded PHONE was the only means to share social thoughts/actions. Search for "The Grube Tube" , a leased/public access program that was LIVE for DECADES (1970s thru 2null decade) and always infotained)

...maybe that public access tune can be done on Election night)
(P. Finch actually yelled ... I'm not going to take this anymore)

====2-star asterisks explained below======

**(NO Puerto Rican Flag?, no problema.
Draw one one on paper or find an old piece of clothing that has the Puerto Rican flag in/on it...

 (just make sure if it has pockets to empty them, don't want change, cigarette lighters, munchies and other hidden things falling onto onlookers)

... that is if one cannot buy a flag.
Join it with any other flags. Puerto Rican, Bermudians where the U.N. for humanity eons ago of what became the Americas thus we are not offended in sharing the limelight as those Islands where used to have meetings to better organize our cultures.

==4-star asterisks LOOONG explanation below==( Here is stuff on Audiohitler, the modern crime that together with Electricity's side effect it De-evolutionizing humans.

====2-star asterisks explained below======
*****a few key give-away that someone MIGHT be under control of audiohitler requests in generating repetitive sound. Some are those using known musical instrument and playing them in the streets as if homeless or just walking around IN THE SAME AREA DAY/NIGHT AFTER DAY/NIGHT to playing streetlight poles with drumsticks/loud radio-hence boomboxes are back including those 150 Watt speaker carried on luggage racks. Then some acting homeless and getting into loud arguments even generating sounds as if having sex all the way to sanitation sweepers slowing down or having gang members cars block the sweepers ability to clean so the sweeper CONSTANTLY is blowing its horn in the same half block area to 1st responder siren that  play/create such sounds at sunrise/sunset. AGAIN, any of the mentioned actions done  again and again in the same spots, odds are it's related to this modern crime. In my corner for 30 plus years ALMOST Every day there is street cleaning  via Sanitation sweeper that should take 20 seconds AT MOST takes 2-3 minutes to go ONE half BLOCK and sweeper driver blows the horn over 30 times within a 20-foot area, that's not a coincidence
(will explain how such participation by 1st responders other workers that drove vehicles as part of their job led to many having ground zero illnesses rise si seemingly fast. Rise as in their diseases  manifestation  odds rise by an  IMPOSSIBLE  3 to 9-fold. THAT IS, as in developing a cancer that BY ALL Standards TAKES a minimum 7 YEARS BUT THEY DEVELOPED them IN 6 MONTH, it's not scientifically possible!  The  9/11  ground zero toxic soup was bad, but people  WHO DUG OUT OF THE EARTH THE MATERIALS TO BUILD THE WORLD TRADE CENTERS WHERE EXPOSED TO 6 TO 10 TIMES MORE. They developed their cancers (1960s/70s) in 7 to 11 years.  The reason first responders other that heroically volunteered at ground zero developed cancers so fast was that they or their friends joined these AHc gangs/mobs to generate sounds via their vehicles at the cell phone call requests of the gangs using audiohilter. The use of these horns/sirens/idling their vehicles is what really blew up the diseases in their bodies, how?, more on another blogbyte, but you do a timeline to figure out what those developing diseases in 2002 where doping 7 to 11 yrs before. If these cancers take 7 to 11 years to develop, go back lets say 8 years from 9/11.  What were these first responders doing that joined them with this audioHitler crime? They began to take cell phone calls to generate the repetitive sounds I've mentioned Audiohitler crime uses. 
MAYBE that was because around 8 years BEFORE 9/11, Cell phones that people could afford were introduced to society. May goodness bless their souls. I used to cry in the 1990s knowing my union brothers/sisters were going to develope diseases and their Union leaders would not warn them after I told them what will happen in a decade after they began to use cell phones.  Sadly, I bet they passed onto their children to do the same "mob favor" thus setting up their children to develop similar diseases. Let's see how this is joined up, that a child born BEFORE 9/11 somehow picked up the same diseases as the parent. Instead, of owning up and breaking the grip gangs have on unions as wasting union funding on their criminal activities.

  You might notice I mention sunrise or sunset as to this AHc. I've explained in a better IN-DEPTH style why on other blogs.  Its not the only time AHc desires these sounds but it a favourite time to do (calibrate their audiohitler attacking instruments) so.

SOME BELOW ADDED AFTER the idea above as to applaud and cheer, first responders. Sadly some first responders and other hard working people are in the pocket of these gangs joined in those celebrations but mainly to make loud sounds as blow sirens ahead of these appreciation parades.
Here more on AudioHitler.

They have street junkies, flash mobs act up during other times but the sunrise/sunset is most important as to what I call "pho-care paraders" as they are there to generate sounds, loud at that. As in banging pots, pans, anything in sight even having trucks join in (honking LOUD air horns)  even cars playing LOUD “music” as if to thank front line workers
in this covid-19 war…when IN MY CASE, they can walk 2-4 blocks to Bellevue/NYU Hospitals and line up at 6 feet apart for MILES! and clap saying THANK YOU verbally or respect the hospital's quite zone by using large blankets with written in large letters as “THANK YOU...” (then Add after thank you other large bedsheets with all the services workers from police to housekeepers)… a real form of  caring from a human being.
If this occurs in your neighborhood, notice many yelling/banging are the same involved in bar-hoping/noise flash mobs of the NYC bar/party types that get in return mob-like (untraceable) favours as designer drugs to tickets to major events.
(Audiohitler (AHc) being the modern crime of using repetitive sounds together with electromagnetic technologies as microwaves -4 or 5 other types) to attack victims bodies (self(carnal body)) and partially their soul (lower Ethereal) WITHOUT the victim knowing.  To bring that victim diseases (as in either unbalancing organs attacked to become too acidic or too (Slightly but constantly) alkalinized. Thus, first leading to discomfort to later phychosis or even death). The creating an imbalance as to the victim's mind-set from being too insecure to a full-blown psychopath and any "flavour" of issues in between to me is the killing of the brain (soul's center).  This was tried by NAVY -told to in secret by a military personnel that was elderly very ill in a nYc hospital. Navy stopped/switch research to studying Dolphin's sonar-like emissions instead, as some in Navy committed suicide and had other issues.  Jump ahead ~50 years and L. Ron of original-Scientology figured this out together with “friends” at Los Alamos under what acquaintances named "blackmagic" science. Thus, many of his friends committed suicide or went nutty.  If one researches what happened at 444 E second avenue, Manhattan /NYc  (a block south from my apt). It's a 33ish story Phipps Tower (infamous for having black mold (reported by FOx5 1980s) so much its entire facade had to be removed/replaced ~8 years ago). Anywho, from late 1960s thru early 1980s MANY suicides some pushed to look like suicides occurred there and police (the few bad officers) in the "pockets" of these AHc covered them up, mainly from 2 precincts one being the 13th.  If one looks at one of 3 main religious groups that are using this crime to control their “flock's “thoughts” you'll notice that the booklet cover of 2 of those religious organizations FOR YEARS had that Phipps tower as their centre structure.  One even had the 'cojones' to include a drawing of this Phipps tower in their magazine as its "Watchtower" which was (#444 2nd Ave, NYc, Phipps). That building  purposely included CB antennas atop as a look-out for AHc.  BTW the legionaries and black mold OUTBREAKS are directly related to these attacks.  Again further explained (since 1990s) on other comments/sites (quite a few of those site I did close in 2014ish).  A simple reference is where there are continuous water issues (drip/stagnant) and its youngins which are mostly under AHc attack, its mold that outbreaks (specially the deadly type). Where the elderly are the people  mostly under AHc attacks its Legionaries that has a higher chance of developing if there is dripping/stagnant water.

With COVID-18 being in the news one might ask,
Is covid-19 a related mutation due to the overuse of this crime?
Have no scientific proof  backing the following thoughts but both this crime (how its implemented) and the side effects of Electricity can lead to mutations.
So it might not, but Could be (seen insects mutate portions of their body faster as in months rather than their period of generations under AHc conditions). This with the assistance of a/through “natural” mutation that formed FASTER than expected.  IF that mutation is more (this from MY UNTRAINED IN MEDICINE/VIRAL science MIND) due to the viruses' ability  to “learn” through the forces of nature. That, as in any living thing, learns (action- reaction and storing the good-for-it results) to survive by using what is most abundant around it.
In this case I think the virus used FINER pollutants (to protect its self from dangerous TO IT direct high angles  of sunlight, uses it as a shield as its finer, so it can interact with it). Then the virus uses preservatives to survive the acidic intestinal rides in animals. Thus continue to carry its mutation without the usual intestinal disruption as instead of dying in animals intestines it protects itself via preservatives. The shed preservative protected virus with now “new-improved” information it picked up before the intestinal ride it can now pass on to its viral matches.  Man has shed preservatives for decades so its abundant, specially if people "GO" in the woods near Labs/outdoor food markets and then floods bring the human and bat shed blend in the floodwaters onto those LAB and market properties.  As just mentioned, a similar effect I STATE occurring via a side effects of Electricity. But that Electricity's side-effect as to the brain on this planet falls onto the brain with the highest revving flows and largest reservoir for a conscience.  You guessed it, read my other sites for more.
But here is a bit of why this is as to Humans.
In humans having the largest reservoir for a conscience, that means it's the largest “preset to be filled vacuum”. Filled as from the spirit-soul intrAEction attracting “good” thoughts to that reservoir. 
Think of it as a specific type of surrounded “negative” void. In where specific type of surrounded positive thoughts as less vibrating strings in one's thoughts. Search for my “how Black hole judges humans after their carnal death” somewhere on this blog.  As to brain's “lightgates” strings, (One of the two lights one sees as one dies is that black holes' event horizon.) with good thoughts can only fit into that reservoir. Like lightening attracted to the negative voids that develope.
I'll be adding more later/slowly as compu'r acting up, plus 25 yr old keyboard is having issues as one of the 9 tapes holding it together is becoming loose…DARN CHEAP ELECTRIC TAPE should have used gum.
(can ya tell I'm poor and have a phobia as to earning a living if it's not through physical labor, more reasons not to like me)

To better figure this crime, ask NYCHA to install N,E,W,S,Up,Dwn (NEWSUD) directional AUDIO pick up devices that use 32-bit or higher scrambling technology.  In this manner the repetitive sounds be they loud or as “lite/light” can be recorded and mapped. Be they  ball bearings continuously falling, or TV speakers set LOUDLY repeating the same words can be GRAPHICALLY recorded WITHOUT being able to understand any spoken words, NOT EVEN EMOTIONAL inflection.  In this manner peoples rights to say criminally infused words goes unknown as only SOUND is graphed NOT words recorded. ONLY THE REPETITIVENESS and in some cases loudness in DB or under the radar VIBRATION (why you see those gang cars with super loud muffled music as air-foils on back vibrating crazily moving air with lower Dbs) is recorded in such a manner it can never be unscrambled to hear words. Yet identifies AHc use in its graphed state which is sent to 3 readouts, your compu'r, police and a cloud service for Federal Gov't to map the cases. USE solid-state reading devices ONLY
USE SOLID STATE as to not generate sounds via moving parts.  Such analog recording devices in victim's living quarters and AHC will use THOSE sounds onto victim, therefore no need for AHc to generate sounds.  Of course, one can add more e-clouds services for further sharing.
 Why not use analog devices to record?
When some use an analog recorder (Video or audio) to record loud neighbors if they suddenly quiet up, this might be the reason, SPECIALLY if you cannot be VISUALLY seen when you turn on such an analog device.

ONE because they use infrared to tell you are recording them, 
TWO the analog recordings, even quiet humming their motors/mechanisms generate (even if you cannot hear it) is THEN used against the victim. As the repetitive sound emitted is on which the microwave attacks are then sent into the victim. So the AHc people don't have to do anything but send the safe microwaves towards the victim sit back and the victim's recording device does the job of having to generate a repetitive sound EVEN if it is a low transistor radio ON, near one. 

This is why I STATE it's not good to play ANY sound when you are asleep. Be it a waterfall or other “natural” sounds (As a joke I created an AD via a public Access (1990) skit selling natural sounds, as farts, snoring, vomiting, constant burping…” )Natural” is not always good.
  IF you need those “nature sounds” generating devices to go to sleep buy one that has an auto off you CAN SET and does so in a descending audio manner.  NOT abruptly OFF.  Then set that off-time somewhere between the period of time you think you'll have fallen asleep but before your R.E.M is to begin.  
MORE  as to that sound pick up device installed via QUICK DRY ADHESIVES NOT SCREWS nor long drying adhesives (3M makes great types).  Since all three or more “secure transmitted” recordings are LIVE they all can be admissible in court as long as a seal/numbered atomic clock stamped TBC is in order. (if anyone tries to interfere with such transmissions, police, even FBI are alerted).  
Another device that can be invented or perfected are loose redirected energy flow dual-flow identifiers.  
They do two things. 
 Follow heat sources moving as in humans, pets then at the same time locate loose flows of energies as loose current, microwaves, sonar.  Therefore, if one is walking left to right, the devices reads it's a human moving left to right. If THEN a loose energy moves in the same grid area left to right at a similar pace (as it should NOT  Identify TV/Phone transmission just flowing through) A QUIET purple LED blinks and sends to one's compu'r readouts.  (can ya tell I used compu'rs when they spewed out punch cards and tickertape) The area and time this loose flow followed a person/animal and from where that redirected energy came from is recorded. 

They can determine if such flows are following and or directed at  a human being/animal, fridge, AC unit…HUH? Fridge?
Any object that has a self sealed gaseous flow with a joining current as Humans' blood with goodies in it can be tapped into. A Fridge or AC unit as to their enclosed Freon tubing. I've explained it better elsewhere, but here goes a tiny bit w/no diagrams.
These enclosed gases are used to redirect sent energies (like human blood carriers are) in this case to cause Fridge thermostat to go ON/OFf (melt refreeze, melt refreeze) causing ice to form just above the fridges circulating fan.  Then when warmed via another infrared directed flow sent/directed through the home's framework the ice melts and breaks off causing LOUDLY bang as it falls into the freezer circulating-air fan.  Thus, one at times hear the super hard plastic being smacked by ice as a loud snap coming from the freezer area.  That sound is used to get a max interaction readout/mapping of AHc attack on victim's body and home, think of it as a ONE spot loud ping used in submarines. There are other things also used/they do that generate lighter sounds to alert them of what is happening as to their attacks. As setting their system via window interaction to let them know is victim's attack has lowered. This done as in certain window pane styles lets out a crackling sound when the victim is not being attacked as desired/set. When gangs get a readout that the window pane is letting out a timed crackling, they know it's not the day's heat/cool cycle expanding/contracting window. Instead, It's that their attacks is not falling onto victim. They adjust things accordingly, one might even be able to notice after windows' crackle neighbors suddenly become noisy for a short while. 
One of several News tips I sent NBC years ago they ignored:: 
Why the gangs had Mayor Giuliani, (though he didn't know specifics, just that he knew that every time he appeases certain lawyers wishes, he gets more public support in becoming reelected. Those lawyers are connected to these gangs and are forwarded the wishes of gangs, which they rephrase in a manner to get that Mayor to do them.  One of those wishes was to replace certain building's window panes, because the ones installed did not allow that security (the crackling) features…release the crackLE!

Oops, it's dinner time have to eat and edit VIDs, hope U INjoyed this either SciFic (Fiction) or SciFac (fact) comment.

Your humble messenger, NYc Nut, a.k.a. vis0, Gregorio O. DeMojeca

Monday, April 20, 2020

A few thoughts-theories as to Covid-19 (20200310-from another bog)

(edited last 202004-1226EzT)(edited last 202108-1001EzT) ( edited last 202202 as I know have a customized word processor that allows me to read more than a paragraph and not doze off. Am embarrassed at how terrible my writing was as I am reading the original scrap writings and I left out so much in blacking out while I'd type. Have dyslexia (severe), ADD am self-taught though I went to NYC public school even followed my favorite relative (as I noticed he liked math as I did, his name is Fernando (reached upper tier of IBM before he retired) I even brought the same Texas instrument 56 scientific calculator (still works 40 yrs later, one unopened)  and went to Seward Park HS following in his footsteps, but that another story).
My worst subject was (IS!) grammar, so if you HAVE to judge, do it to something that is worth your time searching as a newspaper posting a badly worded article, I do this for free from the heart and will make many errors, but mean well.

NOT A DOCTOR,  IF YOU ALREADY HAVE A  SERIOUS FEVER OR VIRUS TYPE ACHES WEAR MASK/multilayered scarf (DO NOT TWIST SCARF, use scarf inseam/its label inward to keep it facing in the SAME direction). SPEAK VERY LITTLE as to not further irritates throat or lungs AND HEAD TO The NEAREST MEDICAL EMERGENCY FACILITY. IF you can have on a paper "you think you have the virus"(write it down BEFORE getting it) to avoid passing on to anyone without a mask be it family, friend or hospital employee.

There is a breathing technique one can use to slow the virus, even help the body fight it off.  It's an old African method to control illnesses, I figure it was  lost due to slavery's despicable effect on curtailing the passing on of ancient wisdom.  A man that was in his 90s and was a slave till his 9th birthday was a patient in Bellevue hospital where I worked. As I'd talk to co-workers of theories YEARS ago, I mentioned this breathing technique. That man told me hos grandfather shared it after he was forcibly brought to USofA as a slave. Sure we now have modern ways, but we lost that path of joining known wise needs (cures in this case) from thousands of real life trail and error which modern medicine could have incorporated into today's less side effects "cures")
It's mainly to breath in through the mouth...(though nostrils alone is better but harder to discipline)

(making sure the opening of the mouth when taking the breath inward is the same size/opening as the nostrils, pinched slightly when forcing the outward flow of that just taken in breath.

Why such a small mouth opening?

This has to do with my theory on why laughing CORRECTLY does help the body get rid of chaotic energy, which diseases and other illnesses can use.  I sent this to Michael J Fox to be tested together with brain responses as one does correct laughter / breathing as to brain activity issues as Parkinson/Alzheimer but never received a reply) and included that one can build devices to lower outside chaotic flows to slow or even reverse such diseases.

...then rapid in-out pinching of  nose while breathing out through nose (breath or lung quaking, crappy name I gave it 30 yrs ago), this forces lungs to expand / contract rapidly loosening virus control within lungs for a short while in some cases for a longer time that might allow one's immune system to get a hold of the situation BUT STILL GO TO DOCTOR.  Some, instead of breathing out while pinching the nose, say it's better to  cough it hard outwardly.  I think the forced  cough is not a good idea as that can be dangerous as in spreading virus if face not covered well (if face covered well and the cough goes into a IMMEDIATELY DISPOSED OF TREATED WITH Lysol-wet cloth preventer (NOT A NON-DISINFECTANT COVER UP as fabreeze) then okay. Remember, a cough creates a turbulent spiraling horizontally "cloud" like structure that can take virus up to 18 feet away, not including breeze extender that maintains virus at nostril/intake breath levels for longer distances.

BEFORE the following “rant” to some, understand that there is a window of opportunity  in attacking these high fevers “organ damaging” spiking viruses.  It's after the first quarter to tertiary segment, in which the high spiking virus has “learned” of its enemies/individual victim's defense system.  As it begins its (viral) attack if one can inject a soup of dangerous chemicals and never IMMEDIATELY  repeat the same chemicals (a vaccine is that soup of dangerous TO VIRUS chemicals)  one after another human vaccinated causes that the virus to not be such an ON-THE-SPOT fighter, thus becomes a surprise attack and virus looses but so do parts of certain human organs.
Yet it's a worthy tradeoff.
 After all one is introducing poisons to the body BUT IF THAT SAVES a life then FOR NOW SO BE IT.  Understand afterwards that the patient has to know, be aware of long-lasting side effects of the virus versus the vaccine.  Both might not be good (till the vaccine is perfected, which should be in 5 months), but the virus is much worse.  It can leave something behind that can pop up in middle age and damage the organs, as we see with shingles from a dormant smallpox segment and the organ named the skin being damaged.
Remember injections/vaccines are needed for now but what if instead of trying to beat/kill natures reply to filthy humans, humans instead asked nature to a dance.  Where natural means are BLENDED with modern know how as in making proprietorially controlled natural medicinal foods. In this situation if such medicinal foods AS I STATE FERMENTED VEGEGTABLES (LATIC) CAN BE used so HIGH SPIKING portion of viruses are turned into long lasting less dangerous common cold virus FOR THE SAME DURATION.

PART OF MY THEORIES from "Sciencious:Science with a conscience"(c.1969-1975) tried to share with many including Scientist, Labs, Science related media-outlets as The Weather Ch.(THEN, 1987/88-1997 parent Company in Maryland) to Mr. Charles Scarborough (NBC). To whom I spoke to "Chuck" over phone from my housekeeping job at Bellevue Hospital (phone call-1997? to NBC) but never received a reply asking for more info.  I included my tel. Number/address to contact me in my snail-mail letters. I don't force my theories on anyone, people have to read them and science has to test them. Since I threw out of my pages and closed (~2014-16ish) my international sites, then are just bits and pieces which you'll see/try to read. Too dangerous to leave such complete info behind without having a person that understands its dangers being able to share it CORRECTLY.  It's as if those that were part of The Manhattan Project after figuring “it” out said ah here are the plans for building this big boomers and placing them in a public bin on a street corner for anyone to take, that would have not been good to say the least. Well, the internet are today's public bins.

The Science Inicknamed "GalacSics" (NOT MISSPELLED GalacTics) or Etherics "AEthertics" PREFER "Æthertics" yet is typed as Etherics.
(didn't/couldn't use "Æ" on blogs TILL RECENTLY as the "AE" i use...

 (Æ, clue to how H and He angled dance led to gravity via NOT a Big Bang point but a ~160 billion light year sleeping ocean in which three of a surrounding 'unalive' "flows" of 'intrAE'/'intrÆ' can awaken such a sleeping giant) 

...was not allowed as sites did not fully CROSS-incorporate UNICODE into blog use). Etherics I use to represent the Paternal dimension while Physics is the Maternal dimension of this  type uni-verse's PARENTAL "RERA" flow  [humour]...i (k)now pronounce ya Gawd and Nature...SEPARATE!...and they live long ever after...well at least till the GREATEST QUIETEST CRUNCH [and as the universe crunches porky pig closi9ng animation played backwards saying "...thats all folks")[/humour]

BACK TO my 22cents as to VIRUSES.

ALL VIRUSES have this 2-week period of interaction/life, some use it fully, others use portions as dormant stages. It natures' way to create a counter effect to all ills on Earth.  Humans use specific foods that are the viruses' natural (thousands to million yrs. Tested/developed through nature) enemy, it's up to humans to study and figure that natural enemy as to viruses. Then use those plants  and turn a 3-14 day 104F—organ debilitating deadly fever into a ~15 day with 3 to 4 ebb/flow days were at worst it's a 100F fever and serious common cold.
Each extreme spiking virus has their counterpart via specific fermented veggies, and every person due to certain blood groups needs to find out through scientific research which fermented veggies work best for the virus type they have combined with theor blood type/blood ailments.

Try Sauerkraut (GOOD TYPE, not wet noodled thin sabarette yeuchh - just being honest) and garlic from the start. Then watch if high spiking viruses turn into long-lasting low fever colds. (only change is businesses need to allow 1 to 2 weeks off if illness VERIFIABLE via hospital/doctors blood study, so a worker is compensated after presenting blood works showing they had a 2-week cold virus. I defend people and companies AS LONG as they are working for the greater GOOD of the Human race) Eggs have a crossover effect as to fermentation that also is a benefit in fighting viruses.

It's the fermented LETTUCE/Cabbage/~achote, some of  these type of leafy VEGGIES** ONLY is best to try first but are other hard leaf types though some might not be thought of leafy as saffron. (apology I typed it as sazon, that a less quality blend of saffron and spices)  This form of fermentation high spiking viruses cannot use as energy as it acts like empty calories to the virus. (sadly, in Eastern culture oils and other ingredients are added, ruining that fermentation's ability to counter a virus by introducing its natural enemy. It's like certain plant oils repel insects for millions of years, THESE ARE NATURES SIDE EFFECTS that instead of killing another natural entity, ITS NATURAL counterpart repels it naturally to a lower calmer state). When eaten, do NOT chew it, swallow it.  Cut it if one can only swallow small pieces.  IF you know how to get the “bouquet” of wine into one's sinuses, as in breathing in the floral "vapors" (a special technique best taught in person). It's where one is breathing in the floating flavors above the tongue (by what one has in the mouth) air that is floating on the roof of one's mouth. Do that once you place some sauerkraut in your mouth.  See MY CRAZY THEORY is that this type of duo-complex virus is using its ethereal segment to communicate with the finer pollutants (what now is abundant in nature due to man's excess use of (as pollutant and preservatives …latter in man's uh excrement which is why I say investigate who did “number 2s” near the bats living area in China I bet westerners (via visiting military folks) did their fair shhhhare because we have MUCH more preservatives in our diet. 
(It's NOT THE MILITARY's / solders fault it's the crappy western diet with so many preservatives fault).  Now I have not stated the breathing in bouquet portion in my public blog because i'm afraid it will be done incorrectly but friends convenience me to finally post it last fall/winter 2020 and i just remembered some weeks later.

Businesses can still make money and MUCH MORE AFTER 8 years.


Introduce 'pharmaceutically' enhanced foods THAT STILL HAVE seeds in them to countries that have dangerous illegal drugs grown. (has to be USofA together with LOCAL Foreign Government input. CREATE INTERNATIONAL LAWS to protect this propriety enhanced NATURAL FOODS/seeds.  In time when locals of foreign countries notice they can make MORE money and live a calmer life in allowing counterpart curing foods to be grown on their land(s) not only will USofA economy flourish but so will foreign countries.  In flourishing TOGETHER, there is less of a chance of any Dictator or destabilizing leader getting a stronghold as locals have no need for such a leader as they are content with this type of agricultural exchange.  AS YEARS go by more will be learned, all that African knowledge of using natural cures that was lost through slavery will slowly come back.

Earth will become less polluted as to pharmaceutical man-made chemically enhanced with max side effects drug/drug making and their by-products leaching into water supplies thus the rest of the biospheres, one's true home is all less polluted. Pharmaceutical companies make more money in the long run as fewer lawsuits, no need to update drugs in labs that wastes money.  Scientists that worked in labs are still hired to perfect foods /seeds as to certain climate extremes.  They can focus on other lab related inventions better suited to make humans healthier deeper into their retired years, as how to use certain deep bass sounds with magnetic surroundings to change chemical reactions within our atmosphere to lower aGW.(another idea/theory sent to FB, Google and other major interactive blog outlet maintainers yet never receive a reply).
OR we can continue the use only harsh chemicals for “medicines” to the needed  vaccines that, sure, kills the virus but also areas of the body/brain of the patient it slowly damages as to that the human user. AGAIN VACCINES for now are needed the anti-vaccines propaganda was begun by Scientology to cover up the effects of a crime (begun in the 1950s)  I call "Audiohitler", look that up in my other "clearmatter" blog titles at Google.
This change in readjusting the human brain to flow with nature will take 2 generations.  Readjustment in part as to what is explained in another of my theories on how Electricity creates an angle of attack (right angles opposing each other generate max chaos as to certain origins)  via its hum NOT via simple audio/sound but via an infra/IntAEsound flow. This causes the complex being (Humans on Earth…for now) in having such a complex (independent conscience) to have their conscience rewired as to not use it as the final filter before doing an action each individual human is contemplating and instead uses the ego as to their final reasoning.  That is usually not a good thing, specially if one is under educated and egotistical.
(with Trump type sadistic politicians…they never use their conscience.    I ask Trumpers to stop being slaves to Trump and his cronies, you are much better than a parrot just repeating what the parrots' acting owner sez)

**(don't add pickles, as they have a weakening effect of the sauerkraut's potency.  If the sauerkraut package has pickles in it, as Trader Joe's have, ask a non-ill person to take them out and use THOSE pieces.  IF  taken out in the presence of one with the flu, only USE by super-heating them up as in a rice dish or throw them out)

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

More-The MODERN crime of AUDIOHITLER (a must read for 1st responders)

Here is more of my nutty info on Audiohitler, pandemic update.

(My previous blogs are now private or taken off-line. This will make it harder to understand what is written below. I had to take the blogs off-line to protect humanity from some person using the clues I left in those blogs for nefarious purposes. Some HDrives that held the info I've sent to researchers that support peace and equality throughout the world. Yet it's not marked as urgent, so it'll be a few decades before they get to them. These groups investigate several levels of documents throughout the world.
Some clues where via misspelled words as in lower case "i"s.  They lead to clues by fllowing every so often "i"'s patterns but I'm even removing those.  

i know some...ok most will see this as paranoiac. So be it.
NOW, THINK,  IF what i state is REAL. Then what I'm doing is  trying to warn others which places a target on me and what is happening as to me, and I'll take that responsibility since Humanity is in turn being helped.
WHAT IS AUDIOHITLER? (AudioHitler Criminal/crime = AHC)
The word I made up. 
Audio for how this modern crime that taps into sounds to implement its crime, Hitler because the name as to Adolf Hitler symbolizes despicable crimes.  
These modern criminals are so despicable they use their children's blood-curdling yells  as one of the sounds used to attack their victims. Children are used by bribing a child as to scream for half an hour you get candy or if it's an infant they pinch sensitive areas of their tiny body causing long term screaming, both used in front of Nathan Strauss building #2 on 27th street for over 40 yrs. I've  called children's services but as soon as I hang up the phone the criminals are tipped (from the inside) that Children's services  are coming, so criminals switch noises from child yelling to idling truck, or one of their junkies acts crazy and begins to scream as the AHC have a list of over 100 sounds they can tap into within seconds.
It's the use of safe levels of microwaves, sonar, Wi-Fi and two more electromagnetic flows to attack victims by using at first repetitive sounds (usually loud, helicopter, planes, air traffic(zeppelins) is their fav starting-point choice, because you can use it on lets The President or David Letterman and say that's a security or military copter and most don't give it a second thought)  to map the victim and their living quarters. Then generate quieter sounds as falling ball bearing down public housing stairs to a loud AC unit in a neighboring apartment/home to idling vehicles and the most ingenious is creating a whistle via one's breathing / nostrils (if I remember I'll post at end a simple way to undo this whistle but if it comes back within minutes odds are you are a victim of these attacks of live in a desert as in breathing heated air dries nose very fast) and other bodily sounds/vibrations to maintain such an attack in which the safe levels of the electromagnetic flows aforementioned are being INJECTED repetitively via the sounds as carriers. Be it that the microwaves, sonar are carried from outside sounds or body's  "normal" sounds  these electromagnetic flows THEN became disease forming to brain/thoughts damaging attacks as they are REPEATEDLY Being introduced to body/organs/brain.  Though brain is most difficult as one needs louder or sounds above neck near head as the use of Walkman (1980s portable music playing device), speakers (boom boxes), even transistor radios near head.  If the victim plays loud music, or creates loud sounds as via tools, uses electrical devices that have sound generating moving parts as older video cameras, vibrating exercise equipment  that helps these attacks specially when used beyond the time limit I describe.  At times those AHC  will give gifts that generate such repetitive sounds as leaf blowers, Walkman so the victim unknowingly is assisting in these attacks when using those gifts/devices.  To stay safe try not to use/play anything too loud for more than a 16%  of each 24 hrs (24 hrs centered around the sleeping cycle) and softer music sound no more than a third of a day.
NEVER PLAY even a transistor radio near the head (The sound emitting portion (i.e. speakers) has to be further than two times the skull's widest measurement) AS ONE SLEEPS in particular for R.E.M sleep to reset one's soul - self conscience it has to be as quiet as possible, otherwise one's addictions build including an addiction  to sounds/loud sounds and that on its own can cause illnesses but with AHc being implemented its raises odds one developes illness of body and/or brain.

My 4 long time readers might ask. 
Are the side Effect of Electricity the same? 
Similar but in that it's not being focused onto a victims' area,  that developes issues as to ego/conscience FIRST then raises ones already ill areas to become more diseased.  I state many illness in brains that have been rising since 1960s is due to Electricity’s side effect and can easily be lowered by placing specific designs in plastic in electrical power planets and more 3D type designs in suffers from Dementia. Alzheimer's, Parkinson etc. I've spent hundreds in dollars (late 1970s till 2014) in USPS mailing to researchers even to Michael J Fox get no replies.  I'm not one to yell scream to get attention, so time just flies by with ideas to help those illnesses waiting to be tested.  Ideas like helmets and pads that i state can lower concussions and contusions to almost none  AND ALL THAT I GIVE FOR FREE, but I guess in being a "no-one" as in mo PhD, "letters" after my name I'm not worth listening to.

I used to tear up when I'd see sports players (adults and children) carried off the field not having feeling in their legs/arms now I just shrug my shoulders and wonder why ny gIANTS (5 letters to them ) NFL (4 letters to them) don't they reply?

What I'm doing at present can be loosely compared  as if someone before Hitler took power, began informing the public of Hitler's plans of exterminating millions of humans and those in the public that read that warning thought "c'mon that little guy with the funny looking mustache kill people let alone thousands.  He is harmless" and  ignore that person's point of view/warnings.
OBSERVE THE WORLD AROUND YOU, don't take things for granted, don't become lazy brained.
A few examples of AudioHitler's usage of sounds, these as to NYc began in the 1970s/1980s. (AudioHitler crime as in usage of safe microwaves, sonar to attack humans began in the 1950s/1960s, though it was accidentally figured out and somewhat  researched by the NAVY pre-WWI)

1) No need to explain, car alarms.
 Yet at present (last 8yrs) there are better security car alarms at low cost that include camera to take image(s) of anyone touching ones car.  These new alarms are also publicly silent, instead send police and car owner the alert, via Wi-Fi to which owner can activate the warning of 'get away from the car, have a nice day" bot-voice or alert the police.  Yet still in my area (Kips Bay to Rose Hill to Gramercy Park neighborhoods, NYc its quasi-noisy car alarms galore.  Though some alarms tweaked to sound like car alarms for smurfs as in bird chirping like.  When the audiohitler people cannot get other sounds they use to attack or map out a victims' area of living they use these 6 directional car alarms that send out in 6 directions the alarm sound.  They then read which direction makes the best readout which shows them where in the street or neighboring apartment they can optimize and  create more repetitive sounds be it by vehicle, air traffic or human as to a specific apartment/home.  Those smurf alarms in being quieter get less complaints but if you hear one, THINK any decent car alarm either sends out the verbal loud warning after silently sending owner and/or police a break in attempt report or is just plain loud. Why Loud because you want to scare any thief or drunk off your car.  So when you hear those tiny teenie weenie smurf alarms like digital birds chirping  that makes no sense as they scare no one away being so quiet.  Not to mention live above the 7th floor cannot hear it.  So the main use of such an outwardly quiet alarm is to map a nearby living area of a victim via audiohitler methods, which after the first mapping needs not any more loud sounds to do so. Only for me because I keep lowering the attack of any sound they use  so on my block its nosy constantly as to my apartment i get over 5000 repeating sounds a day (meaning individual or one that remains for a minute I mark as 1, so 60 minutes of loud music I consider 60 repeated sounds. This  Includes 150 watt speaker booming for 6 hrs., Neighbors playing it say It's to calm their dog, others playing it loud because other neighbors do the same or use the right to play music as if its protected free speech for a loud town crier. I exercise to them as I watch 13% of their attacks go downward eventually towards center Earth.
ONLY 13%? 
Too complex to explain but together with what I call an ml-d that percentage causes an attraction to the matching sound so its push-pulls the rest.  Also, once it's lowered at a pace higher than 33% victims, attackers all go through DEEP WITHDRAWAL that it can drive all REALLY nutty, don't want that for me or my enemies, so it's far from 33% at 13%.

2) Truck AC units bragged of being whisper quiet through 1970s-80s. Then 1990s-???? all of a sudden they are super noisy, run even when it's below 50° F without a control thermostat ON (as in at 55° F, 25mins OFF 5mins ON, like a fridge... Later how this group hits one's freezer circulation  fan area, creating an ON/OF bang as fan hits dropping/melting ice, so from time to time one hears this loud BANG from icebox area, this can be implemented even in the country via microwave antennas focusing on metal tubes used to exhaust air from homes via their roofs then using homes metal grid to focus on icebox.). In NYc one of the first and largest to do this was FRESH DIRECT food delivery, though I'm sure their top execs did not know as I'd hear a top executive speaking to friends near an eatery and that executive was from Fresh Direct talking of how they maintain a quiet service. Workers behind their backs leave truck doors open, so the AC unit runs overtime. Same with SYSCO refrigerated trucks they are one of the worst their large AC Units act like pile drivers can vibrate 2 blocks, imagine how that's damaging infrastructure.

3) Garbage trucks (in particular private) before 1990 only being heard when their compacting engine/flywheel ran during compacting the pickup.
* (you can hear it on old shows as Gleason or Father knows best You'd only her the engines/flywheel's sound as garbage was compacted (has to be noisy) then it was quiet truck as it drove away barely heard).  Now these trucks let out a contentious whaling sound even when idling for an hour because the workers say they are waiting for the shift change driver, or taking a break, which should not be allowed in residential areas. BUT why run the both engine and compacting flywheel.  NYc should create a waiting zone for these trucks near dead end streets, closed business areas/ buildings or enforce these trucks ONLY run compact portion when compacting by installing an engine sound pickup device that sends LIVE engine usage readouts yet maintains the audios DB spectrum to web clouds, so the public can record it if it's a truck near-by disrupting the quality of life as to sound each truck is making.  In the sound being scrambled at 32bits no need for "workers rights" ACLU protest as the scrambling if auto generated at over 32 bit security changes the audible to just graphic pickup levels not voices or words and that is inspected to assure compliance.  Just like they have a device that shows that nights run as to  amount of pickup in .LBS, and if I see it already at 450 Lbs plus at the start I don't judge that the workers are 150 LBs over weight or that they are transporting a dead body.  Same for any other city vehicle or vehicle used in city services as ambulates have their back-up piezo speaker that at times is so loud that one of my neighbors ON THE 15th! Floor...with windows closed! And the neighbor keeps slamming the alarm clock's snooze button every time an ambulance is "over parking" in reverse. Same with minivans of Spectrum as their vehicles are put in reverse, but the car does not go back, just still generating 40 to 50 backing up beeps yet never backs up. Make sure that tampering with those audio pickup devices is a serious driving infraction, not to mention those piezo speakers are to be pointed downward to warn pedestrians not upward to wake sleepers.

3a) Leaf Blowers, specially in cities.
Forget the noise they generate for a second.  In large cities, they blow up FILTH. Covers your children ears if you are reading this aloud.
Leaf blowers in cities blow up::
Piegion's dried poop.
Dog's dried fecal matter that even when picked up the stain is left "behind"
people's  Dried peoples snots
people's  Dried spit (Covid-19 laced)
people's  Dried urine (HEY!, its NYc's official parfume, don't knock till ya upchucked from it)
people's  Dried vomit
*** (too vulgar to spell out)
****  (too vulgar to spell out)
peoples dried off skin
and just plain filth from car exhausts, pollutants that under normal conditions rain washes downstream or a simple NOT GENERATOR ASSISTED watering hose washes away towards the sewer."
From of my south and eastward facing windows its leaf blowers from just before 7AM even though city ordinances say only use from 8AM weekday/9AM weekends. Its 30 mins 5 times a day an area 30 feet by 50 feet, that's roughly 1 minute per square and a half foot, THINK a leaf blower over your shoes for a minute what are you doing?  And the filth is never picked up, just blown around. They only blow leaves for 3 months of the year, the rest is blowing filth into children's and pets eyes.  During sunrise and sunset in Autumn and Winter, with the sun's low angle, go and watch that filth rise ~12 feet off the ground.  How is this allowed?  40 yrs ago, car exhaust was regulated cause it spewed filth up into the air, but it's okay for leaf blowers?

Now add that their engines are tweaked to have three levels of sounds, normal, noisy and plane taking off. 
If city inspectors are nearby, they only use the quiet setting, and friends of the worker or AHc street folks brag how he is the hardest worker in nyc. Check this out, the leaf blower who is supposedly a man at Phipps complex *(red buildings from 26th to 29th st is nothing but a lazy so-n-so just blows leaves, rarely picks them up.   A lady close to retirement in the evening beautifully picks up every leaf with a simple broom and pan quietly leave the 4 blocks pristine clean. Yet the guy gets all the credit, that ain't no man.

(if you copied the earlier version before the correction of grammatical errors notice me repeating things that is when I'm blacking out due to an issue of trying to read and write too much as when I do so left to right or right to left my brain (from childhood issues including dyslexia) overheats, and thus I can never read more than one pg per hour, so I've never read a book. Best reads was MAD magazine because much of their words went north to south via cartoon panels. Taking break even in using my friends one of a kind word processor/grammar corrector that uses a certain font I created in the 1990-s, so Dyslexics could read, but no font site took it, but my friend added what I call Waved sentences that allow me to read entire paragraphs and barely feel eye strain/crossing.  Then since I wanted to hide clues in my writings I added misspelled words that would spell the clues out  IF one knew how to read those missspelled potions. All that made it very hard to read. It will be easier to read now that I can focus on the words but there will be less important information to gain from my writings.
Break is FOR FOOD.

*$b) The excess cutting/mulching of trees...its now has  been 5+ yrs (2020) (now 6+ in 2021) in a row that trees in Rosehill, Manhattan(NYc, SW of Kips Bay) are cut bit by bit when deemed by this audiohitler group.  Walk the Rosehill area (SW of Kips Bay) look at how the cut mark where tree limbs were cut off have different coloration for every time months go by and another limbs cut.  If a tree is truly ill/infested it gets cut all at once. Certainly not tiny limbs here and there, even half  limbs cut for 5 yrs straight. Evergreen was one of the companies other is NYC park's orange trucks. Last week, twice cut the same  trees. On a Tuesday, they cut 12 tree's limbs half way. Came back Thursday, cut the remaining halves.

Here now on another area recently coming into use to serve Audiohitlers needs.

The use of street folks, as in addicts, junkies, youngins with too much time on their hands, illegal aliens, flash mobs.

 AHC threatens to lower their union standings, report the street addicts as drug users to the authorities or expose them to ICE as illegal aliens. That is if these people don't do as they are told, as in generating sounds with their voice, body, and drumming on objects such as lamp posts, partying in the street, first just outside bars but slowly moving away from bars, use of work vehicles to generate sounds, overdoing the hammering at construction sites, driving dump trucks with loose containers). All of this is done to generate the required repeating sounds from street level. Those creating such sounds I call “street repeaters”.

 Since many victims of this AHc are now at home/not working, AHc are resorting to using out-of-window speakers.

More junkies acting as if angry outside victims' windows, seemingly angry because someone cheated on their boyfriend.

These acted out scenes occur every 2 days AT THE SAME SPOT at any time of the day. 

However, when the cops arrive, everything calms down; when the cops leave, the commotion resumes. That tells you these street repeaters have eyes and ears picking up when police are passing by. How can one call NYC 311 about noise outside once a week for three years? Then, 98% of the time, when the police are a block or so away, those making noise shut up right away. Here's a sneaky way for these AHc to use those "7PM give support applause for front line fighters against COVID-19. It's a great idea, but the AHC turned it into a sunset parade because they needed to measure the changing of building walls, which led to the attacks on victims' becoming less efficient. (Walls' distances fluctuate when warming and cooling, thus measurements have to be updated through those repetitive sounds.)

Before the pandemic pause, AHc would use their long list of ways to generate sounds during sunset/sunrise. On the short list are beverage delivery trucks. The drivers of these trucks have printouts of what is in each compartment of their trucks. Yet you'd see them open and close those vertically sliding doors OVER 30 times to generate the sound those doors make. Even on cold days, the air conditioning units on delivery trucks remain turned on, drivers would say the thermostat is broken, or I don't speak English. Then just shut it off, It's 32 F, but they would not. Sirens, motorbikes, backfire, bar hopping flash mobs, you name it. If the gangs could control the making of any sounds WHEN THEY NEEDED THEM, they'd find a way to do so.

Building shifting occurs due to sunrise/sunset, heating/cooling of the building's bricks/facade, and also if the shadow of a taller building is falling onto a victim's building.  The AHc had to use repetitive sounds to assure victims in the warming/cooling buildings that they were still being attacked. So you saw the 7pm show of support become instead of just clapping and saying thank you, or holding up bedsheets saying thank you, or even a singer.  Instead, they became pot banging, screaming “sh*t yeah,” blowing those noisy soccer vuvuzela horns, plus more crap. Most importantly, these became parades that came out when sunset (in some places, sunrise) was about to occur or larger buildings began to cast shadows on victims' buildings. As a result, the 7pm party became the 657p, 653, 650p, 630p, 6 pm, and so on. Happily, the police put a stop to the time-shifting celebrations. In my area, we had a noisy parade  8 blocks from the nearest hospital, with 5 to 9 cars driving along playing loud techno music. By October, it was around 6 pm and by mid-December, it was just after 4 pm when sunset occurs.  The police stopped the big groups when sunset was just before 5 pm or mid-October, but small groups still continued. Once December 22nd rolled around, the AHc tried celebrating with the later sunrises, but the police stopped that. Then we saw gang members running around shooting off fireworks. When? 

Just before sunrise and sunset.

I have a South Korean made sound/sound direction identifier (they work like those plexiglass mini-satillite looking "dishes" you see in sporting events, but in this case looks like a cutting board and can show Db conventional/vibrations into real-feel Db, its true direction much more!!!...uhh but don't cut meat on it).  For those that don't watch sports…the sporting events type look like a clear punch bowl on its side with an audio pick-up device (feed horn like) at its inside-center...I can see a Benny Hill like skit having guys on NFL sidelines drinking punch out of one)

This area had "mass applauding" periods from street to even outside windows after midnight and both times I saw no one outside except a tiny flash mob acting drunk  and hooting/whistling (though no bars / or party halls were open as it was the middle of covid-19 pandemic, all was closed at sunset). The groups if they truly cared could just walk ~7 blocks to Bellevue Hospital and applaud THERE AT 6 feet distance (i think 12-16 feet is the best distance) and made the workers happy.

Again, I call this crime audiohitler because they use ANY MEANS to destroy a person in this case with microwave.  This despicable style, which includes prostituting their children (prostituting children includes ANY USE OF A CHILD TO MAKE/EXCHANGE money/FUNDs in a manner where the activity is forced onto a child's action) in generating sound from pinching the child's/infant's ears to cry (saw it years ago from buildings staircase) and neighbors on Long Island recorded it as neighbor involved in Audiohitler have their children cry from the same spots FOR WEEKS AT A TIME. These kids generating sound via normal crying to even  blood-curdling scream (not once, but time and time again) usually following the sunrise/sunset or daytime shadow to sunlight falling onto the victim's house/Apt. As explained before when the sun's heat/lack of changes apt/building wall distances as in expanding/contracting, so the attacks have to be tweaked as wall support material used as a grid to redirect microwave attacks and when wall distance changes the attacks can fall away from victim's body.

  • If the pandemic becomes worse, I expect they will soon have their wind instrument players out in force, be it flute-man (usually two on the west side of Manhattan), horn players, and some strings/piano players. I've intercepted one of their calls to do so. It is legal in NYS to hear calls as long as one party as to pickup knows. (ME, as when they call me acting like they're selling something over the phone, I keep the line open and hear them plan their schemes.  One can be creative and pick up their voices via the microwaves they are transmitting from whence they speak at.
  • The latter, as far as I can tell, is not practiced by officials. It's something I figured out. Plus, I'm not retransmitting it.

  • Later on how these crimes are connected to the sad developments from the 3 to 9-fold diseases developments as to workers at ground zero. They developed diseases months to even JUST A few years after 9/11 attacks. Medically, it is impossible to develope those particular diseases before a 7-year period. Also, how this crime is rising and triggering suicides by Taxi/police to attacks on MTA workers, and even measles/COVID-19 outbreaks in that Jewish community to take hold.  Being involved in this AHc rises the opportunity for disease to take a foothold, hence it spreads like wildfire in their southern NYS community.  Really sad to see Jewish folks involved in such an act when they were a major victim of Hitlers crimes in being Hitlers main picked-on-humans to blame anything wrong in Germany on them, which later spread to any human that disagreed with the Nazis. (Monsey bus drivers I first noticed 2 decades ago then several of the vans have those negative wired speakers with important messages of Jewish history playing during Jewish holidays as Hanukkah. But why are they blaring away, making themselves annoying, like a street group called "Real Jews are Black," which is also excessively loud? Instead of informing or at least having others hear one's words concisely, the yelling becomes annoying, just as Ice Cream truck jingles, so more people are bothered than informed. When it comes to Ice Cream Trucks and Vans, those jingles are unnecessary because they can be alerted via apps.  Just say via app in the Siri voice, in my case 'hey Fatso, your ice cream cone limo is a waiting outside'. ...(writer of this article runs outside] oh darn i mistook my words for a real alert. But really, those jingles should be removed, a Mr. Softie App can alert an entire borough as to the times it's passing by. Of course, drivers will not agree as they make non-taxed mob like favors by playing the jingle even when not moving or moving and stopping every 5 feet while the jingles stay On, as they do here in the Kips Bay/Rose Hill neighborhoods.
The only thing crime group still can do during the public safety pause on a regular basis is having their catalytic (converter) engine like vibrating cars idle for hours as a turquoise sports car dose under my apt. (Near 27th St) If anyone took a picture of a red sports car with lots of turning a twisted metal foil like pieces of it from the 1980s - 2010 near 27th street in Manhattan, that was one of their cars used. They all have well written excuses if asked why do you make soo much noise or vibrate so hard / run your engines so loudly or long, but I'm letting you know the real reason, you know that warming car engine is a thing of the past but if needed it takes 5mins not 10, 20, 60 minutes LOUDLY, 5 times a day when its over 40F. Even below ZERO there are energy efficient engine warmers one can  use 'cause they save money, when the thermostat is working,

Other weird actions that are AHC "driven"::

Sanitation sweepers (cleaning bike lanes 3-6 times a day, stopping at traffic lights yet brushes still rotating, which is illegal.  If they rotate when stopped as a wayward child or pet is crossing (even with a lease), pets get close and are killed in metallic brushes at crosswalks. Killed by that constant rotating sweeper pad entangling their collar. During covid-19 AND REALLY IN CITIES, leaf blowers should be a no-no. They are placing into the air, contaminants already on the ground which are best washed away via rain or a simple water hose (NOT A SPRAY HOSE OR Honda generator enhanced pressure wash). Both of the aforementioned send back into the air things that fell  onto the street.  Fall as  when peoples sneeze, spit or nose-snot flickered (I hear will be the next NEW Olympic competition), vomit, dog, pigeons fecal matter  and much more!.  I posted elsewhere to use the old water trucks refitted to put out warmer water and Lysol or sweepers with Lysol spritzing towards ground but no brushes activated.

IN THE END- as to sounds used by AHC my hope is that all NYCHA apts.  be allowed to use certain audio pick up devices i call passive pickup spheres attached onto walls/ceiling from whence they can record exact directions of repeating sound emanating be it banging to the endless ringing phone or the use of a Timex watches beeping emitted all through a victims' apartment to act as a sonar pick up .  That's a tiny beep so why do victims hear it through 8 to 10 inches of SOLID CONCRETE and why does that beep follow one around as I've placed audio pickup devices throughout my and victims homes and can graph how the weird repetitive sounds.  As of that Timex watch beep follows one around within 6 inches, that ain't coincidence specially if there is 8 ft of concrete over your head, and you hear the timex/casio like watch beeping as if it in your house,

beep beep beep...beep beep beep

...these repeating Apartment sounds when recorded with said device shows the REAL direction of the sound in case the criminal hits the wall then says the noise/sound is from the victim it will show that sound came from the audiohitler or uncaring neighbor's side.  The graphed audio pickups are  auto-sent to web clouds and directed to local 311/police precinct so if one complains they and officers have an official recording of such sounds when they visit noise emitting apt. In this manner that neighbor can no longer hide behind the old lie of oh it was just 1 time, or it was just grandma dropping the ladle...60 2am.
**Addicts act as homeless, but live in nearby Apts. at times 6-10 in each apt.  They change the addict when he/she gets too many local precinct  noise complaints, and then switch addicts with a far away neighborhood addict that had too many complaints AT THAT AREA. In this manner, it's a "fresh" start to generate nighttime sounds. Again this is  why, when counting homeless in NYC the numbers are off as "phoHomeless"  (junkies acting homeless  to generate sounds when cell called by AHc) hide, so homeless seem to be undercounted

***Many union members join these audiohitler folks to generate money for kids college payments/spouses nest-egg to take them on a grand worldwide trip after retirement or to pay mortgage early ALL good-hearted thing, but they do this and in the end die young never seeing their grandkids grow and all that blood money FAVOURS criminally EARNED  is instead used for their burial or if lucky higher health needs due to this crime.

  (BTW MR Softie was my dance name at the ladies' nite out clubs)...,peace