My worst subject was (IS!) grammar, so if you HAVE to judge, do it to something that is worth your time searching as a newspaper posting a badly worded article, I do this for free from the heart and will make many errors, but mean well.
NOT A DOCTOR, IF YOU ALREADY HAVE A SERIOUS FEVER OR VIRUS TYPE ACHES WEAR MASK/multilayered scarf (DO NOT TWIST SCARF, use scarf inseam/its label inward to keep it facing in the SAME direction). SPEAK VERY LITTLE as to not further irritates throat or lungs AND HEAD TO The NEAREST MEDICAL EMERGENCY FACILITY. IF you can have on a paper "you think you have the virus"(write it down BEFORE getting it) to avoid passing on to anyone without a mask be it family, friend or hospital employee.
There is a breathing technique one can use to slow the virus, even help the body fight it off. It's an old African method to control illnesses, I figure it was lost due to slavery's despicable effect on curtailing the passing on of ancient wisdom. A man that was in his 90s and was a slave till his 9th birthday was a patient in Bellevue hospital where I worked. As I'd talk to co-workers of theories YEARS ago, I mentioned this breathing technique. That man told me hos grandfather shared it after he was forcibly brought to USofA as a slave. Sure we now have modern ways, but we lost that path of joining known wise needs (cures in this case) from thousands of real life trail and error which modern medicine could have incorporated into today's less side effects "cures")
It's mainly to breath in through the mouth...(though nostrils alone is better but harder to discipline)
(making sure the opening of the mouth when taking the breath inward is the same size/opening as the nostrils, pinched slightly when forcing the outward flow of that just taken in breath.
Why such a small mouth opening?
This has to do with my theory on why laughing CORRECTLY does help the body get rid of chaotic energy, which diseases and other illnesses can use. I sent this to Michael J Fox to be tested together with brain responses as one does correct laughter / breathing as to brain activity issues as Parkinson/Alzheimer but never received a reply) and included that one can build devices to lower outside chaotic flows to slow or even reverse such diseases.
...then rapid in-out pinching of nose while breathing out through nose (breath or lung quaking, crappy name I gave it 30 yrs ago), this forces lungs to expand / contract rapidly loosening virus control within lungs for a short while in some cases for a longer time that might allow one's immune system to get a hold of the situation BUT STILL GO TO DOCTOR. Some, instead of breathing out while pinching the nose, say it's better to cough it hard outwardly. I think the forced cough is not a good idea as that can be dangerous as in spreading virus if face not covered well (if face covered well and the cough goes into a IMMEDIATELY DISPOSED OF TREATED WITH Lysol-wet cloth preventer (NOT A NON-DISINFECTANT COVER UP as fabreeze) then okay. Remember, a cough creates a turbulent spiraling horizontally "cloud" like structure that can take virus up to 18 feet away, not including breeze extender that maintains virus at nostril/intake breath levels for longer distances.
BEFORE the following “rant” to some, understand that there is a window of opportunity in attacking these high fevers “organ damaging” spiking viruses. It's after the first quarter to tertiary segment, in which the high spiking virus has “learned” of its enemies/individual victim's defense system. As it begins its (viral) attack if one can inject a soup of dangerous chemicals and never IMMEDIATELY repeat the same chemicals (a vaccine is that soup of dangerous TO VIRUS chemicals) one after another human vaccinated causes that the virus to not be such an ON-THE-SPOT fighter, thus becomes a surprise attack and virus looses but so do parts of certain human organs.
Yet it's a worthy tradeoff.
After all one is introducing poisons to the body BUT IF THAT SAVES a life then FOR NOW SO BE IT. Understand afterwards that the patient has to know, be aware of long-lasting side effects of the virus versus the vaccine. Both might not be good (till the vaccine is perfected, which should be in 5 months), but the virus is much worse. It can leave something behind that can pop up in middle age and damage the organs, as we see with shingles from a dormant smallpox segment and the organ named the skin being damaged.
Remember injections/vaccines are needed for now but what if instead of trying to beat/kill natures reply to filthy humans, humans instead asked nature to a dance. Where natural means are BLENDED with modern know how as in making proprietorially controlled natural medicinal foods. In this situation if such medicinal foods AS I STATE FERMENTED VEGEGTABLES (LATIC) CAN BE used so HIGH SPIKING portion of viruses are turned into long lasting less dangerous common cold virus FOR THE SAME DURATION.After all one is introducing poisons to the body BUT IF THAT SAVES a life then FOR NOW SO BE IT. Understand afterwards that the patient has to know, be aware of long-lasting side effects of the virus versus the vaccine. Both might not be good (till the vaccine is perfected, which should be in 5 months), but the virus is much worse. It can leave something behind that can pop up in middle age and damage the organs, as we see with shingles from a dormant smallpox segment and the organ named the skin being damaged.
PART OF MY THEORIES from "Sciencious:Science with a conscience"(c.1969-1975) tried to share with many including Scientist, Labs, Science related media-outlets as The Weather Ch.(THEN, 1987/88-1997 parent Company in Maryland) to Mr. Charles Scarborough (NBC). To whom I spoke to "Chuck" over phone from my housekeeping job at Bellevue Hospital (phone call-1997? to NBC) but never received a reply asking for more info. I included my tel. Number/address to contact me in my snail-mail letters. I don't force my theories on anyone, people have to read them and science has to test them. Since I threw out of my pages and closed (~2014-16ish) my international sites, then are just bits and pieces which you'll see/try to read. Too dangerous to leave such complete info behind without having a person that understands its dangers being able to share it CORRECTLY. It's as if those that were part of The Manhattan Project after figuring “it” out said ah here are the plans for building this big boomers and placing them in a public bin on a street corner for anyone to take, that would have not been good to say the least. Well, the internet are today's public bins.
The Science Inicknamed "GalacSics" (NOT MISSPELLED GalacTics) or Etherics "AEthertics" PREFER "Æthertics" yet is typed as Etherics.
(didn't/couldn't use "Æ" on blogs TILL RECENTLY as the "AE" i use...
(Æ, clue to how H and He angled dance led to gravity via NOT a Big Bang point but a ~160 billion light year sleeping ocean in which three of a surrounding 'unalive' "flows" of 'intrAE'/'intrÆ' can awaken such a sleeping giant)
...was not allowed as sites did not fully CROSS-incorporate UNICODE into blog use). Etherics I use to represent the Paternal dimension while Physics is the Maternal dimension of this type uni-verse's PARENTAL "RERA" flow [humour]...i (k)now pronounce ya Gawd and Nature...SEPARATE!...and they live long ever after...well at least till the GREATEST QUIETEST CRUNCH [and as the universe crunches porky pig closi9ng animation played backwards saying "...thats all folks")[/humour]
BACK TO my 22cents as to VIRUSES.
ALL VIRUSES have this 2-week period of interaction/life, some use it fully, others use portions as dormant stages. It natures' way to create a counter effect to all ills on Earth. Humans use specific foods that are the viruses' natural (thousands to million yrs. Tested/developed through nature) enemy, it's up to humans to study and figure that natural enemy as to viruses. Then use those plants and turn a 3-14 day 104F—organ debilitating deadly fever into a ~15 day with 3 to 4 ebb/flow days were at worst it's a 100F fever and serious common cold.
Each extreme spiking virus has their counterpart via specific fermented veggies, and every person due to certain blood groups needs to find out through scientific research which fermented veggies work best for the virus type they have combined with theor blood type/blood ailments.
Try Sauerkraut (GOOD TYPE, not wet noodled thin sabarette yeuchh - just being honest) and garlic from the start. Then watch if high spiking viruses turn into long-lasting low fever colds. (only change is businesses need to allow 1 to 2 weeks off if illness VERIFIABLE via hospital/doctors blood study, so a worker is compensated after presenting blood works showing they had a 2-week cold virus. I defend people and companies AS LONG as they are working for the greater GOOD of the Human race) Eggs have a crossover effect as to fermentation that also is a benefit in fighting viruses.
It's the fermented LETTUCE/Cabbage/~achote, some of these type of leafy VEGGIES** ONLY is best to try first but are other hard leaf types though some might not be thought of leafy as saffron. (apology I typed it as sazon, that a less quality blend of saffron and spices) This form of fermentation high spiking viruses cannot use as energy as it acts like empty calories to the virus. (sadly, in Eastern culture oils and other ingredients are added, ruining that fermentation's ability to counter a virus by introducing its natural enemy. It's like certain plant oils repel insects for millions of years, THESE ARE NATURES SIDE EFFECTS that instead of killing another natural entity, ITS NATURAL counterpart repels it naturally to a lower calmer state). When eaten, do NOT chew it, swallow it. Cut it if one can only swallow small pieces. IF you know how to get the “bouquet” of wine into one's sinuses, as in breathing in the floral "vapors" (a special technique best taught in person). It's where one is breathing in the floating flavors above the tongue (by what one has in the mouth) air that is floating on the roof of one's mouth. Do that once you place some sauerkraut in your mouth. See MY CRAZY THEORY is that this type of duo-complex virus is using its ethereal segment to communicate with the finer pollutants (what now is abundant in nature due to man's excess use of (as pollutant and preservatives …latter in man's uh excrement which is why I say investigate who did “number 2s” near the bats living area in China I bet westerners (via visiting military folks) did their fair shhhhare because we have MUCH more preservatives in our diet.
(It's NOT THE MILITARY's / solders fault it's the crappy western diet with so many preservatives fault). Now I have not stated the breathing in bouquet portion in my public blog because i'm afraid it will be done incorrectly but friends convenience me to finally post it last fall/winter 2020 and i just remembered some weeks later.
Businesses can still make money and MUCH MORE AFTER 8 years.
Introduce 'pharmaceutically' enhanced foods THAT STILL HAVE seeds in them to countries that have dangerous illegal drugs grown. (has to be USofA together with LOCAL Foreign Government input. CREATE INTERNATIONAL LAWS to protect this propriety enhanced NATURAL FOODS/seeds. In time when locals of foreign countries notice they can make MORE money and live a calmer life in allowing counterpart curing foods to be grown on their land(s) not only will USofA economy flourish but so will foreign countries. In flourishing TOGETHER, there is less of a chance of any Dictator or destabilizing leader getting a stronghold as locals have no need for such a leader as they are content with this type of agricultural exchange. AS YEARS go by more will be learned, all that African knowledge of using natural cures that was lost through slavery will slowly come back.
Earth will become less polluted as to pharmaceutical man-made chemically enhanced with max side effects drug/drug making and their by-products leaching into water supplies thus the rest of the biospheres, one's true home is all less polluted. Pharmaceutical companies make more money in the long run as fewer lawsuits, no need to update drugs in labs that wastes money. Scientists that worked in labs are still hired to perfect foods /seeds as to certain climate extremes. They can focus on other lab related inventions better suited to make humans healthier deeper into their retired years, as how to use certain deep bass sounds with magnetic surroundings to change chemical reactions within our atmosphere to lower aGW.(another idea/theory sent to FB, Google and other major interactive blog outlet maintainers yet never receive a reply).
OR we can continue the use only harsh chemicals for “medicines” to the needed vaccines that, sure, kills the virus but also areas of the body/brain of the patient it slowly damages as to that the human user. AGAIN VACCINES for now are needed the anti-vaccines propaganda was begun by Scientology to cover up the effects of a crime (begun in the 1950s) I call "Audiohitler", look that up in my other "clearmatter" blog titles at Google.
This change in readjusting the human brain to flow with nature will take 2 generations. Readjustment in part as to what is explained in another of my theories on how Electricity creates an angle of attack (right angles opposing each other generate max chaos as to certain origins) via its hum NOT via simple audio/sound but via an infra/IntAEsound flow. This causes the complex being (Humans on Earth…for now) in having such a complex (independent conscience) to have their conscience rewired as to not use it as the final filter before doing an action each individual human is contemplating and instead uses the ego as to their final reasoning. That is usually not a good thing, specially if one is under educated and egotistical.
(with Trump type sadistic politicians…they never use their conscience. I ask Trumpers to stop being slaves to Trump and his cronies, you are much better than a parrot just repeating what the parrots' acting owner sez)
**(don't add pickles, as they have a weakening effect of the sauerkraut's potency. If the sauerkraut package has pickles in it, as Trader Joe's have, ask a non-ill person to take them out and use THOSE pieces. IF taken out in the presence of one with the flu, only USE by super-heating them up as in a rice dish or throw them out)
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