I understand how this country was created in a manner so that not one level has all the power, and in a two to one manner for the same reason.
The issue to me is WE THE PEOPLE can NOT let our guard down, again...
Politicians run for office saying "taxes are bad" (began in the late 1960s as the first ploy to bring in to vote for them the un and under educated). Taxes are needed to pay for things from safe infrastructure to public health. IT'S HOW POLITICIANS are allowed to divert the taxes to "their Friends" (behind close doors - shady deals) that WE THE PEOPLE have to be alert to. We need to have a bill that FORCES politicians to post ALL transactions, of their deals and how they made extra money (not national security stuff of course). These same politicians cut health, education and arts & sciences leading to a generation of people who don't know the basic right from wrong thus can easily be turned into blind followers as we are observing today.
An abortion is not a game, yet we have mostly men with an attitude not backed by science nor facts but by egomaniacal type thinking and superstitions even beliefs that use misunderstood religious passages to back up their egomaniacal way of thinking.
Before legal abortions more women/families suffered, more babies were born either dead (still born) or died from complications from earlier unprofessional administered abortions that damaged the uterus/surrounding areas so when the woman wanted and knew she was ready to take on the responsibilities of having children, issues preventing pregnancies occurred BECAUSE OF THE NEED for an abortion, but they were illegal. As in cases of incest, rape, "accidental" pregnancy (usually us guy's fault in being irresponsible) and the only abortions available was the self or illegal "back room" unprofessionally administered abortion.
I've posted this elsewhere, and hopefully It's not too "adult oriented" if so delete the post (was going to post on GZee). But we have politicians WITH FULL MEDICAL CARE for even their cousins. They can get male enhancement drugs in part paid by government (YOU THE PUBLIC) which by the way can lead to the need for an abortion, again from a guy being irresponsible yet the same health category for women "sexual reproduction" is chopped away at.
Mainly because there are folks (men and women) selling door to door via Sunday school and religious beliefs that they have a license from Gawd to play Gawd on Earth. Some action twisted their minds to feel that forcing others to think as they do AS TO PERSONAL RIGHTS is OKAY when one of the most important parts of the BILL OF RIGHTS
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long-established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.
Yes the word CREATOR (but not a specific religion), LIFE is in there as in a person that has been physically born otherwise why dom't these same men in powerful positions create laws that give the unborn a monetary status even give a fetus full health care if they truly cared, why not ?
Because that is not a living being, it's dependent on the actual living being, the mother. If goodness forbid the supporting connections disconnected, the unborn could not survive unless it was passed the second trimester. If the early stage(s) of pregnancies were that of a living human being as many of the right to life/anti-choice groups want one to believe, and sadly they do an efficient job of spreading their AT BEST beliefs at worst known lies, such embryos would survive by themselves outside the supporting living being, the mother.
Now, why don't these right to lifers or better anti-choice force the Supreme court to imprison more men for masturbating?
Example us men should go to prison for masturbating as that act is done much more often (understatement) than aborted pregnancies. If RIGHT TO LIFERS base their antiabortion/anti-choice mumbo-jumbo on the abortion releasing the life creating material in being some sort of sin as in choosing to have an abortion, then the sperm that carries much more "life"/genetic materials / info via the "oil" than the "egg" in being released is just as if not more of a crime as millions are killed if the anti-choicers way was based on facts. But I don't see those men or women even thinking in that manner because their egomaniacal style of thinking is male centered.
I could type up a few more dozen pages on how this male dominated way of thinking happens via Earth precession, but that's a theory in the duodecium link (check keywords or titles of posts, basicall every HALF procession ~11,500 yrs Earths complex animal (humans at this time) is forced by 33% then 66% to lean towards favouring male or female brain way of processing things. This present (Male/elderly dominated) procession began ~3,000 BC masculine dominated, last was female brain dominated ended with Cleopatra/Tutankhamen (child) dominated. If it's discovered to be a real effect humans, we should still work hard to keep humanity balanced, it serves humanity in the long run to do so.
Here how I look today, My mug:: two videos (speaking and silent)::
HERE IS THE DEAL as to a VID with my face, IF YOU OPEN THE LINK JUST BELOW IN THE SAME BROWSER THAT HAS the logged onto FB OPEN ON IT, ONE OF THE VIDS (The silent one) WILL PLAY. To hear me you have to go to my FB at::
Search for the comment "Good to see your face", there you should see two images, the talkie is on the left, unless you're doing an upside down yoga, position.
My 60 year old mug, please be ready to cover your eyes I'm hideous.
Here are some links to other blog pages on this blog, so one can kind of see how I think;
WARNING some subjects are adult oriented, though none in the links provided.
The following just theories, read during free time, drink room temperature water not cold to help brain remain cool when reading hard to understand paragraphs.
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