Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Ml-d Weather influencing device...a tiny crash course as to its AOI on 20200708

(WRITTEN FOR THOSE THAT try to FOLLOW ME (all 3 of ya) on Wunderground blogs since 2002/2010-present.  If you haven't read on but it will all be even crazier to understand.)

A Crash course on my "2WkAnoms" (2 Week Anomaly) y "2MnthWxTrend" (Two Month  Weather Trend) crap.

These changes explained below in gibberish are observed mainly due to the constant background created by a device (that i'm told only exists in my mind)  i call the ml-d.

The info in this comment pertains MAINLY to ml-d AOi centered at zip 10016 (search for graphics showing such ml-d AOI outlines) and the opposite area of this planet centered SW of Australia reacting in the opposite manner more than not in each 11 year ml-d cycle, where if the ml-d settings remain as set in 2009/2010 rising pressures act as if punched in the gut during these 2WkAnoms.

READ this comment AS IF YOU ARE IN MY MIND, as the following only exist in my head, i'm told...even though onto the real world it has an over 94% success rate v. Pros at 42% to 47% within the explained time periods (3 to 14 days out OF ONLY 2WkAnomaly periods).

Imagine this imagined ml-d situated in zip code 10016 hovering a few inches off an Apt. floor. (stop concentrating on the dirty socks in the corner of the room..i'll pick them up ...soon)

Its use is to tap into natural flows to influence IN THIS CASE weather.
(NOT CONTROL(ing)...though i think that can be done but would be very detrimental as in leading to death to  hose near the ml-d by 50 feet and humanity via side effects nature would generate as a physics counter-action).

This "tapping into" is created by 5 energy packet flows of nature in which 3 settings are turned ON for and only one of is recently being discovered due to better resolutions in observing "wave-like" particle interactions actions of the atmospheres.

The main interaction is via what i call IntrAEresonace.**

The 2wkAnom is when a flow from Etherics(use to call Galacsics, involves Dark Matter and what i call Clear matter ...there is 2 times more of the latter matter...♫- conjunction function has no place in this dysfunction -♪) that involves energy flows as Cosmic rays but at its internal resonance pulse form not as just fast forward motion protons, etc etc...

(oh wait, that's not discovered yet, oopsie)

...are pulsing in a manner that turns down any ml-d to nearly zero influence(.001)

The 2 Month Wxtrend are periods of ~8 weeks (for this present Earth cycle) in where a weather trend is occurring but since there are so many physics based influential varieties as in all those oscillation from different angles (Lat/Long, High/Low, blocking/breaching, etc/ɔʇǝ) interacting science could not notice this so called weather trend till a domineering constant, as the ml-d came along.
 Came along as in since 2000AD the ml-d in a year is ON more than not, then after 2010AD its ON constantly from zip 10016 unless otherwise stated on my ml-d updated pages...when i remember to post it). Ml-d in one form or another i  was lucky to figure out and first turned ON in 1969ish....kid living in the red door projects, BronX, NYc.

(had to remove over 10,000 characters as went off in my old stye of leaving clues for future discoveries...hard to break a habit.

Since the ml-d is set to favour LOWs / atmospheric packets of lowering pressures (simple statement) THEN when the ml-d is shut off (due to cleaning) or lowered via an Etheric affect to almost zero influence, all weather under the ml-d's AOI or near it acts as if it was punched in its gut(s) during these 2WkAnom periods of 14(17days).

(the cleaning creates a similar affect but 24 hrs PER SETTINGs touched via a physics ground object, tools)

The 14 days can be broken into three segments.

Days 1 through 4.6 any packet of lowering pressure(s) becomes disheveled and pressures rise or stabilize at a certain sine wave packet like format. If it had human characteristics one could say some of the packets of low pressure seem confused.  During these few days all weather under/near ml-d AOI is now acting fully natural....unless there are others with a similar of late(4-5 yrs i think US gov is testing similar device , in part from space i know what i see in imagery that most think its just glitches.(one can figure out at this point with over 90% accuracy how TS will react up to 5 days before they get to a specific pint by using modern compu'r insight and my ml-d insight...i offered, no one want the end on that)

Day 4.7 through 9.3 the same packet(s) of lowering pressure begin to regain at a 33% towards 66% flow its previous action/reactions to its surrounding wxflows.
If lets say a TS was predicted to head up the USofA Eastern coastline in a certain manner BEFORE this 2wkanoms began, AT THIS center-most days of h 2WkAnom one will observe that track coing back into the picture, but since the low pressure packets were "acting" unexpectedly most predictors have the TS acting "wayward" since input into models includes its latest "confused" motions.

Day 9.4 to 14 of the 2wkAnom we suddenly (to those not in my mind) observe the TS reacting as expected a week before , BEFORE it acted "confused".

Then there is the 3 day assimilation period day 14 through 17 where low pressure packets UNDER or near ml-d AOI are balancing the restoration of the ml-d setting influence with the latest 2 month weather trend nature/physics deems.

Lets OB how the weather acts within and around the ml- AOI (and opposite area of this planet over the next 12days or so (minus 2 days already into a 2WkAnom IF MY GUESSTIMATE is correct....

If correct OBs then the predicted TS off the USofA east coast instead of heading parallel to coastline becomes disheveled and head more southward (in part) then at day 4 to 5 or 2 to 3 days from now wherever it is it will begin to join up again and "wants" to head (via area of least resistance as ml-d's push-pull  "sings" to it) towards zip 10016 AREA WITHIN 50 miles and slowly surely become "better looking"

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