I know this is hard to read. The public blogged mention is this one, but READ first
PLEASE take breaks and drink room (or a bit cooler than) temperature water (yech) because it cools the brain more efficiently than cold water. Cold water to brain/body lends it to to protect itself as in it rises internal temperature a smidgen when supporting body (your carnal self) drinks or places cold things onto/into the body when no damage is perceivable to brain/nervous system.
The only active blog I have that is public has controversial Blogbytes (blog topics) on it.
My few private blogs are for my real life friends in USofA and other countries. I no longer take in real life people as friends as gave up hope after spending 7 years on a science centered blog and not one person took the time to eMail me serious questions (a member named "sar2407" did eMail me a few semi-serious questions as to bettering my grammar and I was contemplating adding that member to my personal list but either sar2407 passed away, is ill in a manner that can no longer communicate with others or left that blog). That blog has very good people, helped support build top scientists/researchers is involved in helping all people during disasters, even those that troll it. It's just that for whatever reason, be it my grammar, my joking style it does not give them a reason to communicate with me as a deep thinker which I only do in private blogs as my deeper clues/ideas I think are too dangerous to post publicly.
Maybe if I meet a kind, caring science minded Nu Yauker I might accept them as a real life friend after 8-11 years of knowing that person, that's what sis thinks.
Why only NYC?
I live there and am taking care of family/friends that are too ill to independently move about.
Though one of my theories is how to lower the effects of electricity on nerve/brain related illnesses as Dementia, Parkinsons, Alzheimer and mother (Dementia, maybe Alzheimer) and a friend (as to Parkinsons) are doing a bit better. The theory involves the two most extreme elements represented as pro-magnetic and anti-magnetic as in steel and virgin (has to be unmarked, not even thin copy paper) and the use of a steel tube and paper cut in specific shapes to redirect Electrical resonance flows away from humans, so brain/nerves stop overheating/over "chaoses", which I say over periods of years (8 to 11) leads/teaches the brain/body the aforementioned diseases "dance". Hopefully, doctors like Dr. Isreal (NYU, then Beth Israel...) whom Barbara Walters interviewed years/decades ago to studying an 8 year cycle as to traumatic Brain injuries for children will figure out what I have, JUST DO NOT TRY IT YOURSELVES cause place the paper and metal incorrectly one can advance those diseases or even lead to radiation like burns to even death. As much as you or someone you know is suffering through these diseases its best you pass on my info to researchers, also pass on how I state laughter "cures" it's on another page of the clearmatter°bhlogspot°come without the last "e" blog. If I remember I'll link it the exact URL- surname of the page here.
If the NYFD keeps full records find out if the 29th street near 2nd Ave. The engine company responded to underground transformers "popping" sounds under a grocery store between 27th and 29th streets a few years back. It happened 6+ times over 2 weeks (think I slept through some) I had that steel pipe device accidentally set on 4 corners to a lets say wrong setting in sending down (allowing Earth to push-pull) the excess resonance way too fast. BTW, that is not what I call the ml-d. But I'm a nut what do I know, as long as the friend is shaking less and mother now remember some of her past I'm happy. Don't ask me anything I've given up on helping others. I think 50 years of one's life given to help others to the point that I was thinking of living in the streets (DID FOR SEVERRAL HOURS FOR A WEEK BUT THAT'S NOT REALLY IN NTHE STREETS) is sufficient to then say, its my time to enjoy life be it a few years. Tank goodness a friend I call Pops took me to live in New Amsterdam NY for 8 months.
Now I'm posting this scrolling text on that public blog, but I've warned you of what I have there.
I am NOT A DOCTOR, have no full degrees other than a partial BS degree from NYiT. Partial because a friend fought that I get that. On my graduation week NYS grandfathers a law to lower from 3 credits to 1 credit the credits given if one passes a language course whose language is that of one's parents. So instead of 41 credits I received 39. My friend used the fact that my parents never passed 4th grade and where self taught as to Spanish and English and that if that law was used across the board, then studying literature in English for an American, should be given less credits if studied in English rather than Latin as several famous Latin/Greek writers original language.
The public blog has theories of how to lower ANY virus to the common cold to the modern crime I named "AudioHitler" in the 1970s. "Audiohitler" is Havana Syndrome expect HavanaSyn is when this modern crime is administered incorrectly so it led to outward physical and mental scars.
When implemented correctly victims can be turned into psychopaths to even be killed by these attacks and not know it unless coroner study magnetic properties of specific parts of the body. These properties MIGHT even still be "readable" EVEN IN CREMATED BODYS, like reading the layers of volcanic ash/compacted into stone and figuring out the planets five compass alignments by studying the rocks/soils composition and location (not sure if all five are known).
Other theories are how to bend wind.
If / When humankind learn to bend wind the social classes will still have levels from rich to poor, but the use of natural substances meant t5o remain underground as "crude" leads to a wider fison-gap between the very rich and very poor cause it damages the planet and anything that damages the planet enlarges that fison as in less areas for the public to enjoy pristine grounds yet the rich will buy the last patches of green earth...to play sports on. All these pollutants leads to court cases slowly courts in helping the poor, THINK and you'll figure that pollution not only damages the planet but raises society's ills. will be lowered exponentially. As the action of bending wind in the manner that I figured creates no pollutants, no illnesses (unless you come out of a shower without a shirt on, near that roof and "catch" a cold). Once humans learn to bend wind in the manner I stated all the oil platforms can be converted to wind intake ethertricity power plants. Certain Skyscrapers just need to add one floor above the turbines to take in enough steered wind as in wind streams from the jet streams for 8 hrs a day and by day 7 the batteries that have been charged can power a average Manhattan mile for a month (you need buildings made just for Tesla like batteries to store that much energy)
Other portions of my blog have a theory on THE SIDE effects OF electricity all t6he way to the adult subject of an "H" SPOT which exist both in men and women, though both areas thaqt need to be "touched" are not considered sexual areas. The masculine wired brain has it two thirds up the brain or better known as Ego its "touched" via co0mplimentsw. Sometimes kind lies, right ladies. The feminine wired brain has the "H spo"t is two thirds down the brain (middle of back) and is best kept in shape through good posture and ones significant other (mate) can use those angling etherial flows pressure points to create a fuller... lets say.. joiness in the female body if one knows how to arrange those pressure points.
Remember TECHICALLY part of the spine is Brain. (Most of that is NOW ONLY ON A PRIVATE PAGE) The blog has a few more weird theories, weird till they are discovered. I like to say at times that my theories are as weird as someone coming up with the idea of a television in the early 1800s AND being believed and funded right off the bat. No, they'd be laughed at which I get at first, but why listen before one judge and truly listen and ask deep questions. By the mid 1800s, people at least 3 in the world were thinking of building a "TV" and less than 100 yrs later (1990s) after the moving picture box invention (early-mid 1900) TV/Monitors/cell screens became the center of everyones life.
Where do I get my ideas from?
Same place any deep thinker uses... via the imagination.
Though a deep thinker as Eiestiion gave his imagination a better education to fall back on and a much better memory. My memory is my 2nd reason I cannot get the attention of the scientific community because throughout my life I'd forget who I last sent info to, no matter where I placed a note, even placed things on my my wrist to remind me, but could not remember why/who. In JHS and High School I was voted to be the next Einstein or Einstein like. I never accomplished anything due to not taking grammar seriously, memory issues which odds are connected to my Dyslexia, ADD, thyroid conditions (nervousness) (why I cannot take vaccines). So even though I have ideas I think are very real and helpful in present day society, no one listens if you cannot explain your idea in a few seconds or are not set up to raise money for that ideas support. In case you wonder, I've paid over 80k (mainly before age 35, am near 60) to Dr.s/reserarch/School course in trying to better my memory, it just is not wired to remember, but to dig deep into the unknown, and no one really cares for the unknown till its proven to to at least slice and dice a cucumber.