Friday, December 3, 2021

Cardboard boxes and their effect on redirecting loose or purposely redirected loose energies towards human beings (as in havana syn/audiohitler)

 DO NOT!!! JOIN MY FB SITE just read because much of what I post there if studied can help stop the crime now called "HavaSyn" or Havana Syndrome, which Is what I've called for over 40+ yrs "AudioHitler".  HavaSyn is AudioHitler incorrectly administered. When AudioHitler is correctly administered the victims barely feel any discomfort.  Those that attack me most certainly read my blogs and if they think anyone is using my ideas they will attack or raise their attacks on those readers.

I will add other methods to lower these attacks on future dates.

Why now?

I had all private servers that I stored my deeper "clear matter" theories/clues taken off-line a few years back. I searched recently of over 300 such links to make sure non were still online. Some were via back-ups, so I waited for replies of those international friends to clean up the remaining links.

It's done now (links cleared)  I can share SOME info to help people deal with the modern crime that AudioHitler is and the side Effects of Electricity.

Theory on Boxes.  (No, they don't come from Venus, obviously they come from Jupiter...packing company)

Remember, keep all boxes ~ 3 inches from any walls. Use nothing to fill in the 3 inches of space, even if the boxes are tilting, DO NOT USE  a piece of stick to support the leaning boxes, as the object (stick in this case) extends the walls/paints active distance thus cause more problems. If boxes tilt  its best one get fresh boxes and build structural (NON-METALLIC) support INSIDE the boxes. (Any type of boxes, though the examples below are mainly as to cardboard, but plastic too and throw out any cracked plastic boxes, as plastics carry loose flow more efficiently and the cracks in them can amplify the chaotic flows because the static flow through them is then moved in many directions that the jagged crack has. )  There is a method to place from wall to box specific sized pieces of material (yup has to do with 2:1) in special cases that need support, but I ain't sharing that

WARNING:: If anyone in these homes has an addiction move the boxes away slowly, as in an inch per 2 weeks.  A sudden removal of that chaotic flow as in moving boxes 3 inches away from the wall too fast causes the addicted brain to think it's going "cold turkey" and lead to unnecessary ANGER OUTBURSTS.  
Some with early dementia might be due to such proximity of such boxes to walls, be they cardboard or plastic (in particular cracked) ones. Again, move away slowly EVEN IF IN BASEMENTS and observe the person that has dementia or some mental issue. The longer the boxes have been there the worse the withdrawal so pay attention if they react to angry or emotionally boxes are moved back half the amount you first moved them from the wall(s) and from that point on move it that half amount per TWO WEEKS.  This reads as weird, but it's like a Doctor telling one to cut back on the medication, if the original dosage seems to create a side effect. Also, some boxes are near two walls so move as to one wall then the other taking turns. Boxes with three walls near it are unusual, just slide out at quarter of an inch, why? Because the other two walls odds are don't continue outwardly so it's going from box to wall to box to no wall, too harsh of a move so keep the movement away to only wall near it at a minimal move every two to three weeks.  If a box has four walls around it, feel into a hole.

I know it will read as crazy IF IT HASN'T ALREADY., most of what I share does 'cause its too new to be absorbed with today's known science, like a puzzle which has pieces that represent my ideas, pieces that represent the known science then those missing pieces which have to be developed by open minded scientist/engenieers

The loose energy flowing down the walls (as each floor has its positive/negative flows) creates a circulating flow and an opposite reaction on the opposing walls, yet ALL is flowing in the same direction, angled downward towards center Earth. 

When these meet up with materials that stop electromagnetic flows (as paper/cardboard too near to walls) those flows are redirected away from the physical conduit (the walls), Now in having to go towards ground (center Earth) via a grounded conduit then these redirected loose flows have to find a naturally grounded the highest energy level natural user/circuit ("highest" to guarantee no further shorts are created) to continue their "towards center Earth" voyage.

That highest energy user that is a "natural thing" is the human brain/body.

As these energy flows traverse the body, they can "teach" certain cells a chaotic  (some have seen on medical shows that present cat-scans that show the abnormal cells moving differently than healthy cells after the cat-scan emits its electromagnetic charges) "dance" that can lead to the building of diseases to mental imbalances in some more than others though to some it might barely affect them but why take the chance.

If the boxes are too heavy, use a tool to slowly move them or un-stack, then re-stack at least 3 inches from walls. 

It might become an inconvenience, but I'd take that over any illness.

Here some of my unmentioned bkgnd history.

When I was in my mid-teens I and two South American people had similar ideas how loose energy flow through the planet's most complex brain/body a.k.a. Human body in a yet undetected manner. (The South Americans were an Electrical Engineer from Peru and a schematics specialist from Ecuador, both in their 50s) 

We're asked to help (WE THOUGHT) GE build a device to read these types of active cells. They picked me and the others because we individually sent letters as to a theory on detecting such cells to science labs and GE joined us, though none of received a thank you/payment (besides transportation/limos) or any reply to those letters just calls that if interested contact a phone number.) We were taken to Southern Canada, north of the Great Lakes area.

One thing that was noted was how electricity creates these chaotic flows and I briefly had the guys thinking of creating designs in plastic to help the public place certain designs within their homes to redirect these loose flows towards the true ground instead of towards the human body, but GE official considered that a waste of time.  

Those designs in plastics I'm still hoping can be placed INSIDE power plants.

When you see those REAL / ORIGINAL papers/cloth (DO NOT TRY IT AS ITS VERY DANGEROUS IF NOT CUT CORRECTLY)  with cut out designs from ancient South American Tribes/Natives hung at a specific height or the three tiered roofs in Japan made from rice paper WHEN THEY ARE constructed correctly their job is to send chaotic loose flows in nature toward ground. In Japan that can even cause quakes to become more often yet less strong as in a regulating of pent-up pressures.  

Of course, if one did this again (build these three tired roofs CORRECTLY, (it's a lost art though I think I know how) today, you'd first have a few 10s on the RICHTER scale as you'd be starting this natural process of relieving pressures via cooler flow generated through a silicon interaction, all over again from the start. That means release the CRACKING on the pented up pressures FIRST before the 3 tiered roofs, built correctly, can regulate them to 4 and 5s on the RICHTER scale.

Here is a fact that many will not understand, but the swastika in the Eastern China, Polynesian form has to do with how on squared cut wood thus even a box that is virgin as in has no design on it, if one places on the boxes four edges (NOT FACING TOP NOR BOTTOM) a sticky piece of papyrus or in today's word tape of about 1/32 inch in thickness in which looking from above or below one sees the swastikas design one is making sure that piece of wood or box (magnetic stopping thing) correctly redirects the stopped magnetic flows caused by the wood to flow back towards Earth center. Now to do this correctly if the tape is 1.32 thick its cut should be half an inch in all directions (not a circle)  and every four inches place another piece of tape with those specs till there are no more four inch spaces. In an 18 x 18 inch box that's 4 pieces of tapes on four corners. On a photo blog site Ipernity I lost my password and could never show this last step, only had the boxes edges protected by tape but no outward sticking tape. NOW UNDERSTAND once the outward sticking tape is added one has to wait about 2-3 months for the stickiness to stop affecting the viscosity rate of the passing resonance/magnetic flows for it to work properly, otherwise it makes one fell ill, tense even psychotic. This is why some say Nature has a way to make sure one has patience.

Of course, I'm a nice nut what do I know....[inside humour to follow] WAIT! Cuppy is calling me on the hot line...opps Cuppy dialed the wrong number he was trying to call Dixie for some nite out on the town gravy.  (only Volers (TV show)  understand the last sentence is an innocent reference to a long running show)

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