Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Clues to lower Dementia, Parkinson and other body brain disorders form via an unbalanced nervous system

 AM NOT A DOCTOR (no kidding, though you know there ARE thoise called officialy and recognized by boards Doctors that do much worse that share ideas/theories).  Have many theories (who doesn't). 
 When I had written them into a handwritten book (held together with string) they filled 32,000 pages, of course, so does a book of 32,000 blank pages.  Read my other blogbytes as clues might be interwoven or one can read "the book by its cover", save time and loose knowledge, of course it your choice.

Yet each page had written ideas, theories on its front and back(usually a drawing/sketch/general outline) and one of those theories was how Electricity is raising the amount of people that develope brain/nervous system disorders. 
From ADD, Parkinson, dementia, Alzheimer.

AGAIN electricity is NOT CREATING (yet)  IT but raising the odds of those illnesses forming or becoming worse faster. 

Now I know of three people I'm trying to see if one theory works (Mother (D ~A), a neighbor (D) and a friend (P)). After a few years all seem to be getting better, mother is remembering thing she had forgotten over the last 3 years. Friend is shaking less on one side. The neighbor is the least becoming better, but I think it's cause that person keeps knocking the created device over, as not fully in their right mind the person pushes things over they feel is strange to them.

The theory involves opposing elements actions' as to magnetized flows.  One stops the ability for magnets to communicate other enhances that ability.  The flow it works on is what I call the intrAEresonance of Electricity.
Now I want to post more, but my worry is people will try it instead of passing the info on to researchers.

Sent a similar eMail To Michael J Fox several years ago. Never received a reply. 
Though a few months later read a headline that Mr. J. M. Fox was listening or helping fund a Latin man's idea. I thought, check my Email. It was not me, but a South American person, good luck/buena suerte.
 If that works FANTASTIC(O), if not I'm still here waiting, and I charge nothing just want my theories tested.

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