WHEN ONE READS MY BLOGS UNDERSTAND THERE ARE WORDS that I created therefore have no meaning in present day dictionaries. I had a key-page to my words on another blog page, but two large companies asked that blogging company that those pages be removed as words I created they are copyrighting. An example is the word "lightgate". I use it as to how the brain sends/receives signals from one's soul to carnal thoughts, IBM copy wrote that word,40 years after I was using it ~2003? I don't blame the large companies but wish they gave individuals that make no money of such words a break.
Special Ed. - Sent an Entrepreneur link to this blogbyte.
I state there are many types of "Black Holes".
I preferred calling then Void holes as a youngster, then in the 1980s switched to “Inward Star”.
Some are used to recycle “heavy energy”, I state there are at least 5 uses, including a type that connects to outward forms as Quasars.
Since the 1970s shared theory with friends but not many care of that info. For verifiable info it would be what I placed on the webnet since 1980s, (1981 experimental till 1983 when NSF(NET) became official) through SUNY compu'rs used for sharing scientific information. That sharing some say began through Stanford, CA. (others said it begun through some Massachusetts University as an idea but implemented through Stanford U.). One was how the method in which the soul of Humans on this earth are "judged" is via an Inward star 15 light Years or 1.5 light Years away from this Earth, parental outward star, The Sun.
Of course, this means the “souls” are moving at or near the speed of light. If one has the stomach to try to read my awful usage of grammar, you'll notice I state there are two "speeds" faster than light. (Not counting the bending of a Uni-verse into thirds, creates two p.o.p.-o.u.t. points).
Of the two more conventional speeds, one is two times the speed of light the other 3-fold. They both use coiled forms of InrAEresonances (IntrÆresonances) to create such a flow. One via quantum (the temporary bridges between Etherics the Paternal Dimension of the two Parental dimensions and Physics the Maternal dimension of the two parental Dimensions) and other (3-fold) via Clear Matter.
To back track a bit, I state Clear Matter makes up 45% of this type of uni-verse, Dark Matter ~22%. Dark matter forms from half a “reflection” of clear matter, thus its temporary. Think of Dark matter as if anything existing in Physics only had either a positive charged side or negative charged side, not both, and only when needed to bridge dimension is Quantum/Dark Matter "OBservable".
To keep this blogbyte short(er), I'll just say measure the black holes that are within the given light Years ranges. Then see if the X-ray Satellite can pick up mass changes ~16 yrs after there are mass deaths on this Earth. The last Mass deaths on this Earth was the Tsunami of 2005. Even lower mass death will emiot waves that seemingly just disappear after a while, these are the “sounds”/resonances of souls being judged.
If my theory is correct, then 16 yrs after 2005AD (or ~2020 through 2021) any Black Hole within the light years given will have a signature of mass interaction. Similarly, the WWII Concentration camp murders and war death also should have left a sudden mass change from a near-by black hole, THAT would have been recorded from 1956-1960.
How does such a black hole do the job of judgement?
All one's thoughts are stored as strings.
The more one's thoughts go against laws of Etherics and / or Physics, the more they memories strings are wavier and rotate (form of storing chaotic thoughts).
Jump ahead to after one dies AND they do not hang around (MAX hanging around by a soul of a complex being ON THIS complex planet is upper 300 year range, same range deep meditation can “see” as to portions and specific linage of the future as in focusing on an outer natural light to focus one's inner light. (DON'T LOOK AT THE SUN, try candle)
When one's soul lowers its spin by two thirds and the event horizon accepts one's soul by lowering its interactive spin by two thirds, one is no longer coming back, PERIOD. (BTW, those are the two lights spinning one "sees"(mid-upper Olfactory trans-ceptors) in out-of-body experiences)
Once one's soul interacts with a black hole (Inward Star) each memory releases a vibration/resonance. The greater the vibrations the greater debt in one's Karma, lower vibrations more Karma credit. This judgement does have a learning curve.
Would like to add more but an Instagram ban for sending two food recipes (go figure) has me running on low energy.
Though, I don't communicate with the TESLA Company. This after I had racist like words spoken when I called Tesla company years ago, after leaving a note on a white TESLA minivan on the west side of the Flatiron building in NYC.
I would like to see if Mr. Elon Musk could create a Football helmet/pads from a 40 yr old idea. I think the invention could lower concussions / contusions by over half. Wanted to share the ideas with NY gIANTS and a New Jersey company that made and or invented better football helmets (company had "X" in their name) but neither have replied.
Gregorio O. DeMojeca
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