Am drawing up the style. 202112-30
It's been posted several times, but to post it in clearer drawings.
Wow, forgot to fill this hope to within 2 weeks, have to locate the drawings that were half drawn.
You'll (try to) read ideas/theories that are over 50yrs old, which I tried to share w/so many. Even gave twice ~80 pages to writers (based in Fl./Conn, Fl./Mass) my life story, weird enough 4 and 6 yrs later GoodWill Hunting was presented. I'm a lifelong housekeeper/Maintenance worker who wrote 32,000 pgs i called "Sciencious, Science with a Conscience,peace
Am drawing up the style. 202112-30
It's been posted several times, but to post it in clearer drawings.
Wow, forgot to fill this hope to within 2 weeks, have to locate the drawings that were half drawn.
WHEN ONE READS MY BLOGS UNDERSTAND THERE ARE WORDS that I created therefore have no meaning in present day dictionaries. I had a key-page to my words on another blog page, but two large companies asked that blogging company that those pages be removed as words I created they are copyrighting. An example is the word "lightgate". I use it as to how the brain sends/receives signals from one's soul to carnal thoughts, IBM copy wrote that word,40 years after I was using it ~2003? I don't blame the large companies but wish they gave individuals that make no money of such words a break.
Special Ed. - Sent an Entrepreneur link to this blogbyte.
I state there are many types of "Black Holes".
I preferred calling then Void holes as a youngster, then in the 1980s switched to “Inward Star”.
Some are used to recycle “heavy energy”, I state there are at least 5 uses, including a type that connects to outward forms as Quasars.
Since the 1970s shared theory with friends but not many care of that info. For verifiable info it would be what I placed on the webnet since 1980s, (1981 experimental till 1983 when NSF(NET) became official) through SUNY compu'rs used for sharing scientific information. That sharing some say began through Stanford, CA. (others said it begun through some Massachusetts University as an idea but implemented through Stanford U.). One was how the method in which the soul of Humans on this earth are "judged" is via an Inward star 15 light Years or 1.5 light Years away from this Earth, parental outward star, The Sun.
Of course, this means the “souls” are moving at or near the speed of light. If one has the stomach to try to read my awful usage of grammar, you'll notice I state there are two "speeds" faster than light. (Not counting the bending of a Uni-verse into thirds, creates two p.o.p.-o.u.t. points).
Of the two more conventional speeds, one is two times the speed of light the other 3-fold. They both use coiled forms of InrAEresonances (IntrÆresonances) to create such a flow. One via quantum (the temporary bridges between Etherics the Paternal Dimension of the two Parental dimensions and Physics the Maternal dimension of the two parental Dimensions) and other (3-fold) via Clear Matter.
To back track a bit, I state Clear Matter makes up 45% of this type of uni-verse, Dark Matter ~22%. Dark matter forms from half a “reflection” of clear matter, thus its temporary. Think of Dark matter as if anything existing in Physics only had either a positive charged side or negative charged side, not both, and only when needed to bridge dimension is Quantum/Dark Matter "OBservable".
To keep this blogbyte short(er), I'll just say measure the black holes that are within the given light Years ranges. Then see if the X-ray Satellite can pick up mass changes ~16 yrs after there are mass deaths on this Earth. The last Mass deaths on this Earth was the Tsunami of 2005. Even lower mass death will emiot waves that seemingly just disappear after a while, these are the “sounds”/resonances of souls being judged.
If my theory is correct, then 16 yrs after 2005AD (or ~2020 through 2021) any Black Hole within the light years given will have a signature of mass interaction. Similarly, the WWII Concentration camp murders and war death also should have left a sudden mass change from a near-by black hole, THAT would have been recorded from 1956-1960.
How does such a black hole do the job of judgement?
All one's thoughts are stored as strings.
The more one's thoughts go against laws of Etherics and / or Physics, the more they memories strings are wavier and rotate (form of storing chaotic thoughts).
Jump ahead to after one dies AND they do not hang around (MAX hanging around by a soul of a complex being ON THIS complex planet is upper 300 year range, same range deep meditation can “see” as to portions and specific linage of the future as in focusing on an outer natural light to focus one's inner light. (DON'T LOOK AT THE SUN, try candle)
When one's soul lowers its spin by two thirds and the event horizon accepts one's soul by lowering its interactive spin by two thirds, one is no longer coming back, PERIOD. (BTW, those are the two lights spinning one "sees"(mid-upper Olfactory trans-ceptors) in out-of-body experiences)
Once one's soul interacts with a black hole (Inward Star) each memory releases a vibration/resonance. The greater the vibrations the greater debt in one's Karma, lower vibrations more Karma credit. This judgement does have a learning curve.
Would like to add more but an Instagram ban for sending two food recipes (go figure) has me running on low energy.
Though, I don't communicate with the TESLA Company. This after I had racist like words spoken when I called Tesla company years ago, after leaving a note on a white TESLA minivan on the west side of the Flatiron building in NYC.
I would like to see if Mr. Elon Musk could create a Football helmet/pads from a 40 yr old idea. I think the invention could lower concussions / contusions by over half. Wanted to share the ideas with NY gIANTS and a New Jersey company that made and or invented better football helmets (company had "X" in their name) but neither have replied.
Gregorio O. DeMojeca
The text below is STILL in my style of blending personal and public information, that might still bother some. Apology if it bothers you, "I'm Sorry", otherwise its my style. Not bad for sixteen grand, characters.
Learn how to use the refrigerator in cooking thus waste less electrcal/gas energy.
Each person can save around 40% as to the household energy used in preparing a meal. THINK, an entire nation becoming accustomed to doing the following.
These ideas odds are exist I'm just adding my 22 cents.
Becomes a bonus on both sides, which is the best way to implement change. That is finding a method that both sides are happy with. In time the side (Businesses/People that don't care, uneducated and the under educated people) that were causing or sustaining the problematic issues, receive a positive as in money saved in using the refrigerator. I've posted this a couple of times since the 1990s. Was to post ~4+ years ago when part of a DR. Masters blog included helping people in deep areas of China or neighboring territories to cook in a manner that sends less carbon into the atmosphere. Member "Sar2407" was still commenting, and others got into a conversation of what things we should place priorities onto as to helping lower co2 (man-made) in a manner that can have the earliest observed positive change (👍in our lifetime.)
I mentioned why not cook with the refrigerator (from my J.H.S cooking class days). Most laughed I add a zilly comment, was banned for a few hours. I guess the comment was written in a manner (due to my faulty grammar) that some thought was an insult. It's not my style to show my displeasure negatively. I forgot I never posted the cooking portion and in deleting my old hard drives (crushing/breaking the darn HDrives) top protect the theories from getting into ill hands, I came across page captures of that day. Saved that capture, thinking I'll post iot when Dr. Masters posts a blog on what one can do to lower co² while also saving money.
Now I'm posting one of the styles here (YCC) as decided to share two of these styles when a recent NYc reporter left an AM program. It hit me to send her 2 of these cooking styles that are helpful in lowering the use of energy, since she's a foodie reporter and likes traveling/taking in international foods. BONUS in using this style is the foods become healthier and tastier in not having a bland ingredient (starch), therefore added ingredients' join up to become a richer bouquet of flavors. Included a food technique in creating “Sunnyside egg sandwich”. This I posted to one of my fav human beings' Instagram, fav as to her beauty and her mind, ...eyes!!! Now to be clear, I compliment her and tell the world to watch her (since 2008) to the high heavens but am not looking to meet her because 1) I'M WAY TOO Old. As the rest of the why-nots, #2 through #23 don't need to list them, I know what they are.
Here, one of the two cooking styles/ When creating any foods with pasta (except thinner pastas as Thin styles, Angel hair and noodles those go through another manner of using a similar process). Use the refrigerator to pre-cook the pasta. First, try this with that loose bag/box of pasta hanging around that no one wants because it's too little. Use it as a test sample to get a handle on the time that amount took, thus later figure the times for a larger amount. 1) Take pasta and wash off the excess starch. I prefer the vigorous approach. Placing pasta in a pot that had its ORIGINAL FITTED lid. Don't want to use a mismatched lid when vigorous shaking is involved, you will have starch filled water flickering out. That will only lead one's pet to wonder why owner tastes like pasta/starch, nyum nyum . TO ME, starch is the natural version of lab created corn syrup. At least, starch can be exercised (sweated) out of the body more efficiently than corn syrup, in most cases. Let minimize the starch even more so and advance the cooking time. (Since the steps that involve the refrigerator 2) After vigorous shaking of pot w/pasta in cold water once, drain out the starch filled water. Repeat and drain 3 times. Now after the three “washings” add fresh cold water, salt to prevent sticking yet make sure it's to ones to dietary limits and place in upper shelves of Refrigerator for 10 mins.
Ten mins later :: Take out pasta, shake the pot with lid on, you got it vigorously. Drain that starch filled water. Replace with fresh cold water and place in fridge for another 10 mins. For pasta that easily softens (tube styles) do this fridge cooking 4 times at 10 mins each for a total of 40 mins. When the fourth cycle of the pasta cold-cooking begins (30 to 40 mins. in) turn on the stove top burner with the to be boiling water on it. Take pasta out of fridge, drain water. Touch pasta to see how soft it is, for future reference as to softness and what will be the final result. Carefully drop into boiling water and pay attention how much shorter of time it takes to get pasta al_dente in the boiling water.
Now I have to ask the following because I've been on some sort of webnet since 1981. Via SUNY (universities+colleges) I had the privilege (thanks to a teacher at Seward Park HS) of being allowed to use a webnet that was only to be used for research. The research OFFICIALLY began a few years later, but NTiT (on 59th st) was one of a handful chosen in the Northeast corridor. Besides being a school for technology, it was chosen for having the necessary wiring in place (underground). From 1981 through 2021 never been banned. Close was at WeatherUndergrounds 2nd original weather/science blog site. Where I had several 24hr even 3 day temporary bans, but I expected that since I posted my science theories (as how humans reincarnate, where complex life as Human beings exist (posted the NGC and sidereal degree as to Azimuth of area and stated those “beings” are ~12,500 yrs ahead of humans on this Earth as to advancements...probably 13,000 they way you humans are skidding sideways as to co2) and though they are original theiries I knew they'd rub intellectuals the “wrong way” (left to right v. right to left? (humour).
I was banned from Instagram (only used 7 times via the user banned. My other account since 2011 is private/sister and cousin use)
Why I've use mrx /akamrx? Some might think that represents some hidden persona. (BTW though I've been involved in the adult industry since 1980s (mainly cameraman in NYc area I'm not the Mrx NY porn guy)
I've posted as to why various times, here is the short version.
!967 was being taken care of by 3 women on a Hunts Point rooftop (had secure barrier and fencing around roof edge)
I used to play a game tic-tac-toe bean bag game, a simple toss bag to try to turn the rotating squares to the X or O. (object of the game is different if one has a pet. In that case, one tosses the beanbag then RUNS after the pet that took it under the bed)
One day, someone began to curse at the three women. They were insulting their ethnicity of being African Americans. I stepped in and defended them. One of the women knew me from a similar earlier situation. When her daughter arrived at her home (Red Door projects, The BronX) where I also lived w/parents, and I had just had done my usual looking at how elevator works "run". As a kid I liked checking out all mechanical things, so I's get on my tippy-toes and watch the elevator counterweight go up (trying to count how many weights/slabs it had then and how much each weighed IF the elevator weighed a ton, then watch the elevator go down counterweight up. It was that or go outside and get shot, as saw several people killed right in front of me by age 8. BACK TO THE GIRL. The girl told her mother (one of the ladies working in that daycare center) how she was called names due to her hair and skin colour. I stepped in and mentioned how she is as beautiful as a rose. Her hairs staying in place (the girls picked on her 'because of hair texture) like rose petals and smile and pink tongue reflecting true beauty. (Similar words, I was ~7 then I know I compared her hair to rose petals but probably said shiny teeth and pretty pink tongue as to the rest). The girl smiled, I got two kisses, WOO-HOO. As a boy I was different in that most hated being kissed. I thought it was a better way to say "thank you" versus the handshake, maybe my Puerto Rican upbringing around 12 aunts.(saw the few times went to house party or in Puerto Rico) might be that reason.
That woman on the rooftop incident walked towards me after I defended the women with my big mouth and placed hand on my head and said listen to little X.
Why Little X?
Because for some reason when playing the tic-tac-toe-beanbag game weather I took the X's or O'x, 98% of the time I'd turn over an "X" even when the block's frame-board was taped, so we did not see any marking.
She put that fact together with Malcolm X defending people and called me Little X. (that's what she told me afterwards)
Later became Mr.X out of respect I guess, not me trying to be some hidden character. Hidden, how can I be hidden when I share my family photos, real name and can shots of weather out my Apt. Window as you can see on my youtube (other VID host sites), FB or Etherics II group cover on my Facebook.
Also, FB did not allow me to use my name's initials when I selected the oldest of the 9 family names, MoJeca (also FB did not allow me to the correct spelling).
Why? Because abbreviated it spelled G.O.D. (really more like an acronym)
I thought that was silly but then I saw a TV show AD for "God friended me" and figured some producer probably brought that "GOD" name or acronym, so I could not use it or maybe FB thought. OR only Mr. Mark Zuckerberg can use that title (sarcasm)...let me check to see if I'm still on FB.
I kid, but please understand I was on FB via the asking of a South American Scientist that was in USofA using FB in its early not true public mode. When FB became public I offered Mr. Mark Elliot Zuckerberg to test what I call an M-ld. M-ld I state can do things from reversing diseases formed NOT by karma nor hereditary (the two trees (Soul & Family) that have roots into our or family's past lives) to bend wind thus eliminate the need for any other source to generate energy for human power grids besides the natural (Hydro, solar and wind with exception to two areas on Earth that would use Nuclear, but that would be 4 Nuclear (Fusion or Fison) plants at the most. (Also sent to Google some time later as to its near 14th street offices in NYC which was more viable being I live 2 miles from there). No reply, even though I get reminded I sent it via FB's look back at what one posted years ago pop-ups, where I sent Mr. Zuckerberg two paragraphs and blog link to read that idea.
QUESTION that is dragging down my soul::
Do you think I should have been banned from Instagram (losing my photos of Puerto Rico though only a few, IT DID INCLUDE PHOTOS OF MY LATE FATHER CLIMBING A LADDER TO PICK FROM THE “CHERRY” TREE AT AGE 88. (One can see more If you want to know who this nut /good family is /where. Also photos of where Father lived as a child In San German, Puerto Rico including aunts home at the highest point of that town.
Why Banned?
I sent a lady reporter as a gift to her moving on from morning TV programming three food cooking styler ideas. The two cooking styles and “sunnyside sandwich” I mainly sent the “how to” portions. The only thing I added that might be taken as excess was that I ended that Instagram with ...Stay Healthy, Spicy and sweet. Was that enough to be banned?
(The other 8 cooking styles to save energy I'll post somewhere in the future, just taking a break as that ban was a kick to the gut)
Now here I add two tips in cooking rice.
Look and act like a chicken when coking rice.
No, stop trying to clean your underarms like a chicken preening her feathers.
I meant how the chicken uses its claws and looks back to make sure what she sent back is in the sunshine to “cook” not under shade.
First use 5 drops YES drops of oil per serving of rice TO BE Cooked.
Once water and drops of oil are boiling, add the salt (to one's health limits)
Now carefully add rice. Then use another equally sized pot and mix between pots that hot water CAREFULLY. Though oil cannot mix with water (unless one uses pro-like machinery) it becomes the tiniest droplets possible.
What one is doing is making sure the boiling water blends the tiniest amount of oil but with every rice grain.
I cook it on high heat BECAUSE I'M THERE WATCHING IT if you go to another room low heat is best. I also created a metal bracket pot cover lift I place on pot top which holds lid up over the pot with 1 inch (2.54 cm) gap between lid and pot rim, so at first the water vapour can escape faster.
When I begin to hear rice crackling (like a camp fire) it's time to lower the lid.
Once you see air venting perforations throughout rice where the heat is escaping, here a trick the chickens taught me.
Chickens teach?
Cluck yeah!
Nature is the BEST TEACHER in the world, Observe natures' creatures and learn more than humanity can every fit in books, bytes or brain.
Take a form and (while clucking or not) dig into the rice and do slight nudged openings for a few more pockets to allow steam to rise out. Careful, if you joke and nudge too hard, rice will fly out and could fall onto the hand causing an "ouchie".
One can then cover the pot, (fully or a bit ajar) turn off the burner.
Some might have noticed my grammar becoming SLIGHTLY better.
Had a freeware developer create for me a quasi word processor that does not cross my eyes, put me to sleep.
I've explained this before.
How in writing in a repeated straight lines causes me to kind of black out,
It's a blend of Dyslexia (self-taught to correct it), A.D.D. and a thyroid condition).
Yet before I black out I'd close or move to another Tab whatever I was typing on, so I wouldn't black out. It's the same thing that causes me not to watch action movies. If I try to watch one Iturn the screen vertically WITHOUT correctly the video display. In doing so I watch the movie 180 degrees tilted, so scenes move N-S/S-N. Too many linear scenes W-E /E-W (side to side) to which my eyes have to follow caused me to nod of in theaters. I've never seen from start to end Star Wars. Even though when it was originally presented in theaters I went to see with my good friend Max and I nodded off at least 15 times for minutes at a time (I heard it was good). So the processor style created is that the text written purposely in an uneven random method. Looks very sloppy to most, but I can even proofread it and remain zZZZ, HUH, oh awake. My spellcheck is still seperate but I'll deal with that.
Was thinking of going back and rewording correctly my previous blogbytes but only doing so where it helps the reader not just for appearance. The late Grother (rest in peace) eMailed me (one of the few that did) as to why I not use some word corrector, this was the reason I could not post coherent messages as I've stated I zuk at grammar. Add to that, I could not type too long nor correct mistakes without taking minute breaks. That led me to constantly be rewording my comments then correcting typos or If I wrote a long comment then every minute of typing had a minute of resting eyes.
By the time I finished typing a long comment the blog closed that topic or had a new one "served".
IF ANYONE IS GOING TO TRY TO READ MY OTHER BLOGBYTES, BE WARNED I will NOT correct most of the grammar errors just the ones that are obviously incorrect. ITS very hard to read, take room temperature water to drink once in a while as to avoid headaches. Leaving most of the words as I originally wrote them. Thus readers can see I had issues writing, yet I had noble prize winning ideas. (Friends over the decades counted ideas I'd tell them 5 or more years BEFORE someone else thought of a similar theory THAT LATER was awarded a Nobel Prize.) Thus, to teach youngsters to take math, grammar SERIOUSLY NO MATTER what they want to do later in life. It all helps, including believe it or making one more attractive. Also, to teach adults to listen to all people no matter what social category, race the youngster falls under. To you, it should all be the human race and each person has some good to offer IF one listens to them, cause even if the offering falls short, we all learn to make life better by helping solve issues.
I do not organize the TAGs Blogger does acording to words popularity.
Sin Sara Lee.
The hidden Gregorio O. DeMojeca,akamrx,vis0,Wxretro,wxvue,supercalifragilisticexpialidociousness (ya know I could have written PI in full and used less chracters (sarcasm))
PRODUCT:: VLC Media Player (Open source [Freeware]) Cross-platform multimedia player and framework that plays most multimedia files, Audio CDs, VCDs, even most streaming media.
OBJECTIVE:: To create a way in which, when one opens VLC it has its interface/playing window REMAIN at a size/dimension the user prefers. There are input boxes within the preference choices to input such desired dimension, but it does not always work and mainly one has to change 4 to 7 other settings for one to change just one action, then unchanged. VLC has a saving settings feature, but that also can easily be overridden by accident or some VLC-compu'r hiccup.
IMPORTANT, IF YOU ALREADY HAVE created your own settings in VLC, capture ALL the settings/TABs/pages of VLC.
A nice free capture tool for the entire screen (NOT TO CREATE VIDS) is “Quick Screen capture tool v1.1". REMEMBER when you capture the entire screen, make sure no private info is in the capture, nor your thumb...oh wait that's just me with a camera. ||
VLC is a TOP VID K&C, Kit&Cab. (kit and caboodle) (nice name for a country band) ||
At times It's &#@! to comprehend its settings 'cause it sticks to professional specifications (specs). With the IMG capture of YOUR settings you can reset VLC to what YOU HAD before, not the default settings. This can drive the good-hearted average video enthusiast crazy. ||
USE A SPECIFIC DIMENSION IMAGE (The image to download stored at postimg) TO maintain VLC's playing window to a specific DIMENSION, beneficial for maintaining the same dimension when reopening VLC as in capturing it. ||
As VLC is a top VIDEO editor (Has top quality editing colour range, high quality slow motion, BEST denoiser) as in capturing off its interface IF you can maintain a desired interface dimension. (what I'm showing readers on these instructions) and have an HD capturing tool, one can create top quality edits. There are three good freeware types o0f capturing video in HD, 2 capture in MKV HD, don't ask. In one case its EZ to find||
JUST REMEMBER VLC setting has no number references SO IMAGE CAPTURE your preferred colour, brightness, advanced settings EVERY TIME you change them in case VLC does not save them correctly, you override the stored settings or your VLC settings is lost/overwritten by mistake after they're stored). ||
INSTRUCTIONS:: Open VLC. || (Once you've accomplished the settings mentioned below, for them to take hold, close and reopen VLC)
1] Click on TOOLS. ||
By Default, VLC ALWAYS opens in SIMPLE MODE. ||
2] Un-tick "Resize Video To Interface" (this you see in many YouTube instructional VIDS, next is where I differ). See lower left of the interface the ALL VIEW option, tick that ON. ||
3] Scroll the left side menu to VIDEO (Click the text VIDEO). Now use the scrollbar that is all the way on the right of the full interface. Scroll down till you read VIDEO AUTO SCALING with a tick-box before it, un-tick that choice's tic-box. ||
There is still more tic/un-ticking so be patient. ||
4] Now drop this interface resizing card into VLC (photo above, once you download or create your own) . Its dimensions at the edge of the bright green is 1536×864 as that is the last dimension setting that accepts the most official RATIO STEPPINGS (ORS) under 1920×1080. Most home computers cannot handle processing VIDs at 1920x1080 without VID freezing or other operations losing optimal presentation quality, so I use the next best lower dimension that is ORS compliant (1536×864) to play my VIDS. ||
5] Now drag VLC interface edges so the VLC interface edge is just outside the green outlines. Better to be a bit outside the green outline after dragging the interface's edge, you can crop it down to 1536×864 later. ||
READ FULLY THE NEXT SENTENCES DO NOT REACT TO WHAT YOU SEE by trying to change settings or punching anything. That's just going to raise the chances of breaking two and a half things. Furniture/compu'r peripherals and some part of your body (I don't pull punches ...DOH!) ||
6] When you drop a Video/Images into this present VLC interface with the settings as mentioned above the video if larger in dimension will fall off the VLC screen. If the video is of a smaller dimension, it will appear as a smaller (black around it) video picture within the VLC playing window. ||
To have the playing Video FIT THIS PRESET VLC screen size YOU DESIRE, do the following easy step. ||
7] Go to the VLC toolbar ON THE INTERFACE, locate “VIDEO”>” Always fit window” and tick that ON.
8] DO NOT TICK THE internal default setter “Resize Video To Interface” or “always fit window”. That will resize the VIDEO card sized window you just set to the playing (new/just opened) video's dimension as default/automatically, instead of your preferred interface size. ||
9 special] If that happens not to worry, just watch a Ms. Lauren Scala video (NBC personality/reporter), you'll then feel happier, become informed, order a delicious plate of food and come back and redo the above steps. ||
10] REMEMBER TO MAKE SURE NOT TO TICK THE ” Always fit window” till AFTER you drop the resize card in or VID into VLC. If you do this step in reverse every time you stretch the VLC interface window, it will adapt the VID/image to the dimension you have stretched the interface to. You might not notice till you're editing and wonder why is VID not fitting?
In due time those steps will become second nature. The only variance would be the VIDEO card size you create. Remember create the video resizing card with contrasting colors at its edge as the one I'm sharing, so one can see the edges clearly.
If one follows the instructions above, anytime you close and reopen VLC the interface dimensions will be of the last card size you stretched the interface too. ||
11] If you capture a VIDEO via this interface dimension of 1536×864 (image I included at the top), REMEMBER TO CROP FIRST (to 1536×864) since one should capture the video a bit beyond the green outlines. THEN RESIZE if the end dimension you want to create is bigger than 1536×864. This cropping can be done in an app/free program as “Virtualdub2” (download at, Softpedia or any respected download site, ||
12] ALWAYS CHECK FOR VIRUSES, next ALWAYS CHECK for viruses in case you did not read it the first time.
13] IMPORTANT:: One has to resize and/or crop the video to AN OFFICIALLY recognized dimension ratio as 16:9 , 4:3 (older VIDs/VHS) to edit in most video editors otherwise you can get an error message. This is because programmers have not yet figured out how to cross the dots and dot their T's (right angles) squared, so that any dimension can be edited as if it were an official dimension by curving the pixels. I used to leave clues to do just that on a few comments posts (that eras blogs) pre- 2004 and STILL its not figured out by programmers, geeesh and I'm the nut?
Gregorio O. DeMojeca/vis0/WxRetro
I know this is hard to read. The public blogged mention is this one, but READ first
PLEASE take breaks and drink room (or a bit cooler than) temperature water (yech) because it cools the brain more efficiently than cold water. Cold water to brain/body lends it to to protect itself as in it rises internal temperature a smidgen when supporting body (your carnal self) drinks or places cold things onto/into the body when no damage is perceivable to brain/nervous system.
The only active blog I have that is public has controversial Blogbytes (blog topics) on it.
My few private blogs are for my real life friends in USofA and other countries. I no longer take in real life people as friends as gave up hope after spending 7 years on a science centered blog and not one person took the time to eMail me serious questions (a member named "sar2407" did eMail me a few semi-serious questions as to bettering my grammar and I was contemplating adding that member to my personal list but either sar2407 passed away, is ill in a manner that can no longer communicate with others or left that blog). That blog has very good people, helped support build top scientists/researchers is involved in helping all people during disasters, even those that troll it. It's just that for whatever reason, be it my grammar, my joking style it does not give them a reason to communicate with me as a deep thinker which I only do in private blogs as my deeper clues/ideas I think are too dangerous to post publicly.
Maybe if I meet a kind, caring science minded Nu Yauker I might accept them as a real life friend after 8-11 years of knowing that person, that's what sis thinks.
Why only NYC?
I live there and am taking care of family/friends that are too ill to independently move about.
Though one of my theories is how to lower the effects of electricity on nerve/brain related illnesses as Dementia, Parkinsons, Alzheimer and mother (Dementia, maybe Alzheimer) and a friend (as to Parkinsons) are doing a bit better. The theory involves the two most extreme elements represented as pro-magnetic and anti-magnetic as in steel and virgin (has to be unmarked, not even thin copy paper) and the use of a steel tube and paper cut in specific shapes to redirect Electrical resonance flows away from humans, so brain/nerves stop overheating/over "chaoses", which I say over periods of years (8 to 11) leads/teaches the brain/body the aforementioned diseases "dance". Hopefully, doctors like Dr. Isreal (NYU, then Beth Israel...) whom Barbara Walters interviewed years/decades ago to studying an 8 year cycle as to traumatic Brain injuries for children will figure out what I have, JUST DO NOT TRY IT YOURSELVES cause place the paper and metal incorrectly one can advance those diseases or even lead to radiation like burns to even death. As much as you or someone you know is suffering through these diseases its best you pass on my info to researchers, also pass on how I state laughter "cures" it's on another page of the clearmatter°bhlogspot°come without the last "e" blog. If I remember I'll link it the exact URL- surname of the page here.
If the NYFD keeps full records find out if the 29th street near 2nd Ave. The engine company responded to underground transformers "popping" sounds under a grocery store between 27th and 29th streets a few years back. It happened 6+ times over 2 weeks (think I slept through some) I had that steel pipe device accidentally set on 4 corners to a lets say wrong setting in sending down (allowing Earth to push-pull) the excess resonance way too fast. BTW, that is not what I call the ml-d. But I'm a nut what do I know, as long as the friend is shaking less and mother now remember some of her past I'm happy. Don't ask me anything I've given up on helping others. I think 50 years of one's life given to help others to the point that I was thinking of living in the streets (DID FOR SEVERRAL HOURS FOR A WEEK BUT THAT'S NOT REALLY IN NTHE STREETS) is sufficient to then say, its my time to enjoy life be it a few years. Tank goodness a friend I call Pops took me to live in New Amsterdam NY for 8 months.
Now I'm posting this scrolling text on that public blog, but I've warned you of what I have there.
I am NOT A DOCTOR, have no full degrees other than a partial BS degree from NYiT. Partial because a friend fought that I get that. On my graduation week NYS grandfathers a law to lower from 3 credits to 1 credit the credits given if one passes a language course whose language is that of one's parents. So instead of 41 credits I received 39. My friend used the fact that my parents never passed 4th grade and where self taught as to Spanish and English and that if that law was used across the board, then studying literature in English for an American, should be given less credits if studied in English rather than Latin as several famous Latin/Greek writers original language.
The public blog has theories of how to lower ANY virus to the common cold to the modern crime I named "AudioHitler" in the 1970s. "Audiohitler" is Havana Syndrome expect HavanaSyn is when this modern crime is administered incorrectly so it led to outward physical and mental scars.
When implemented correctly victims can be turned into psychopaths to even be killed by these attacks and not know it unless coroner study magnetic properties of specific parts of the body. These properties MIGHT even still be "readable" EVEN IN CREMATED BODYS, like reading the layers of volcanic ash/compacted into stone and figuring out the planets five compass alignments by studying the rocks/soils composition and location (not sure if all five are known).
Other theories are how to bend wind.
If / When humankind learn to bend wind the social classes will still have levels from rich to poor, but the use of natural substances meant t5o remain underground as "crude" leads to a wider fison-gap between the very rich and very poor cause it damages the planet and anything that damages the planet enlarges that fison as in less areas for the public to enjoy pristine grounds yet the rich will buy the last patches of green play sports on. All these pollutants leads to court cases slowly courts in helping the poor, THINK and you'll figure that pollution not only damages the planet but raises society's ills. will be lowered exponentially. As the action of bending wind in the manner that I figured creates no pollutants, no illnesses (unless you come out of a shower without a shirt on, near that roof and "catch" a cold). Once humans learn to bend wind in the manner I stated all the oil platforms can be converted to wind intake ethertricity power plants. Certain Skyscrapers just need to add one floor above the turbines to take in enough steered wind as in wind streams from the jet streams for 8 hrs a day and by day 7 the batteries that have been charged can power a average Manhattan mile for a month (you need buildings made just for Tesla like batteries to store that much energy)
Other portions of my blog have a theory on THE SIDE effects OF electricity all t6he way to the adult subject of an "H" SPOT which exist both in men and women, though both areas thaqt need to be "touched" are not considered sexual areas. The masculine wired brain has it two thirds up the brain or better known as Ego its "touched" via co0mplimentsw. Sometimes kind lies, right ladies. The feminine wired brain has the "H spo"t is two thirds down the brain (middle of back) and is best kept in shape through good posture and ones significant other (mate) can use those angling etherial flows pressure points to create a fuller... lets say.. joiness in the female body if one knows how to arrange those pressure points.
Remember TECHICALLY part of the spine is Brain. (Most of that is NOW ONLY ON A PRIVATE PAGE) The blog has a few more weird theories, weird till they are discovered. I like to say at times that my theories are as weird as someone coming up with the idea of a television in the early 1800s AND being believed and funded right off the bat. No, they'd be laughed at which I get at first, but why listen before one judge and truly listen and ask deep questions. By the mid 1800s, people at least 3 in the world were thinking of building a "TV" and less than 100 yrs later (1990s) after the moving picture box invention (early-mid 1900) TV/Monitors/cell screens became the center of everyones life.
Where do I get my ideas from?
Same place any deep thinker uses... via the imagination.
Though a deep thinker as Eiestiion gave his imagination a better education to fall back on and a much better memory. My memory is my 2nd reason I cannot get the attention of the scientific community because throughout my life I'd forget who I last sent info to, no matter where I placed a note, even placed things on my my wrist to remind me, but could not remember why/who. In JHS and High School I was voted to be the next Einstein or Einstein like. I never accomplished anything due to not taking grammar seriously, memory issues which odds are connected to my Dyslexia, ADD, thyroid conditions (nervousness) (why I cannot take vaccines). So even though I have ideas I think are very real and helpful in present day society, no one listens if you cannot explain your idea in a few seconds or are not set up to raise money for that ideas support. In case you wonder, I've paid over 80k (mainly before age 35, am near 60) to Dr.s/reserarch/School course in trying to better my memory, it just is not wired to remember, but to dig deep into the unknown, and no one really cares for the unknown till its proven to to at least slice and dice a cucumber.
DO NOT!!! JOIN MY FB SITE just read because much of what I post there if studied can help stop the crime now called "HavaSyn" or Havana Syndrome, which Is what I've called for over 40+ yrs "AudioHitler". HavaSyn is AudioHitler incorrectly administered. When AudioHitler is correctly administered the victims barely feel any discomfort. Those that attack me most certainly read my blogs and if they think anyone is using my ideas they will attack or raise their attacks on those readers.
I will add other methods to lower these attacks on future dates.
Why now?
I had all private servers that I stored my deeper "clear matter" theories/clues taken off-line a few years back. I searched recently of over 300 such links to make sure non were still online. Some were via back-ups, so I waited for replies of those international friends to clean up the remaining links.
It's done now (links cleared) I can share SOME info to help people deal with the modern crime that AudioHitler is and the side Effects of Electricity.
Theory on Boxes. (No, they don't come from Venus, obviously they come from Jupiter...packing company)
Remember, keep all boxes ~ 3 inches from any walls. Use nothing to fill in the 3 inches of space, even if the boxes are tilting, DO NOT USE a piece of stick to support the leaning boxes, as the object (stick in this case) extends the walls/paints active distance thus cause more problems. If boxes tilt its best one get fresh boxes and build structural (NON-METALLIC) support INSIDE the boxes. (Any type of boxes, though the examples below are mainly as to cardboard, but plastic too and throw out any cracked plastic boxes, as plastics carry loose flow more efficiently and the cracks in them can amplify the chaotic flows because the static flow through them is then moved in many directions that the jagged crack has. ) There is a method to place from wall to box specific sized pieces of material (yup has to do with 2:1) in special cases that need support, but I ain't sharing that
WARNING:: If anyone in these homes has an addiction move the boxes away slowly, as in an inch per 2 weeks. A sudden removal of that chaotic flow as in moving boxes 3 inches away from the wall too fast causes the addicted brain to think it's going "cold turkey" and lead to unnecessary ANGER OUTBURSTS.
Some with early dementia might be due to such proximity of such boxes to walls, be they cardboard or plastic (in particular cracked) ones. Again, move away slowly EVEN IF IN BASEMENTS and observe the person that has dementia or some mental issue. The longer the boxes have been there the worse the withdrawal so pay attention if they react to angry or emotionally boxes are moved back half the amount you first moved them from the wall(s) and from that point on move it that half amount per TWO WEEKS. This reads as weird, but it's like a Doctor telling one to cut back on the medication, if the original dosage seems to create a side effect. Also, some boxes are near two walls so move as to one wall then the other taking turns. Boxes with three walls near it are unusual, just slide out at quarter of an inch, why? Because the other two walls odds are don't continue outwardly so it's going from box to wall to box to no wall, too harsh of a move so keep the movement away to only wall near it at a minimal move every two to three weeks. If a box has four walls around it, feel into a hole.
I know it will read as crazy IF IT HASN'T ALREADY., most of what I share does 'cause its too new to be absorbed with today's known science, like a puzzle which has pieces that represent my ideas, pieces that represent the known science then those missing pieces which have to be developed by open minded scientist/engenieers
The loose energy flowing down the walls (as each floor has its positive/negative flows) creates a circulating flow and an opposite reaction on the opposing walls, yet ALL is flowing in the same direction, angled downward towards center Earth.
When these meet up with materials that stop electromagnetic flows (as paper/cardboard too near to walls) those flows are redirected away from the physical conduit (the walls), Now in having to go towards ground (center Earth) via a grounded conduit then these redirected loose flows have to find a naturally grounded the highest energy level natural user/circuit ("highest" to guarantee no further shorts are created) to continue their "towards center Earth" voyage.
That highest energy user that is a "natural thing" is the human brain/body.
As these energy flows traverse the body, they can "teach" certain cells a chaotic (some have seen on medical shows that present cat-scans that show the abnormal cells moving differently than healthy cells after the cat-scan emits its electromagnetic charges) "dance" that can lead to the building of diseases to mental imbalances in some more than others though to some it might barely affect them but why take the chance.
If the boxes are too heavy, use a tool to slowly move them or un-stack, then re-stack at least 3 inches from walls.
It might become an inconvenience, but I'd take that over any illness.
Here some of my unmentioned bkgnd history.
When I was in my mid-teens I and two South American people had similar ideas how loose energy flow through the planet's most complex brain/body a.k.a. Human body in a yet undetected manner. (The South Americans were an Electrical Engineer from Peru and a schematics specialist from Ecuador, both in their 50s)
We're asked to help (WE THOUGHT) GE build a device to read these types of active cells. They picked me and the others because we individually sent letters as to a theory on detecting such cells to science labs and GE joined us, though none of received a thank you/payment (besides transportation/limos) or any reply to those letters just calls that if interested contact a phone number.) We were taken to Southern Canada, north of the Great Lakes area.
One thing that was noted was how electricity creates these chaotic flows and I briefly had the guys thinking of creating designs in plastic to help the public place certain designs within their homes to redirect these loose flows towards the true ground instead of towards the human body, but GE official considered that a waste of time.
Those designs in plastics I'm still hoping can be placed INSIDE power plants.
When you see those REAL / ORIGINAL papers/cloth (DO NOT TRY IT AS ITS VERY DANGEROUS IF NOT CUT CORRECTLY) with cut out designs from ancient South American Tribes/Natives hung at a specific height or the three tiered roofs in Japan made from rice paper WHEN THEY ARE constructed correctly their job is to send chaotic loose flows in nature toward ground. In Japan that can even cause quakes to become more often yet less strong as in a regulating of pent-up pressures.
Of course, if one did this again (build these three tired roofs CORRECTLY, (it's a lost art though I think I know how) today, you'd first have a few 10s on the RICHTER scale as you'd be starting this natural process of relieving pressures via cooler flow generated through a silicon interaction, all over again from the start. That means release the CRACKING on the pented up pressures FIRST before the 3 tiered roofs, built correctly, can regulate them to 4 and 5s on the RICHTER scale.
Here is a fact that many will not understand, but the swastika in the Eastern China, Polynesian form has to do with how on squared cut wood thus even a box that is virgin as in has no design on it, if one places on the boxes four edges (NOT FACING TOP NOR BOTTOM) a sticky piece of papyrus or in today's word tape of about 1/32 inch in thickness in which looking from above or below one sees the swastikas design one is making sure that piece of wood or box (magnetic stopping thing) correctly redirects the stopped magnetic flows caused by the wood to flow back towards Earth center. Now to do this correctly if the tape is 1.32 thick its cut should be half an inch in all directions (not a circle) and every four inches place another piece of tape with those specs till there are no more four inch spaces. In an 18 x 18 inch box that's 4 pieces of tapes on four corners. On a photo blog site Ipernity I lost my password and could never show this last step, only had the boxes edges protected by tape but no outward sticking tape. NOW UNDERSTAND once the outward sticking tape is added one has to wait about 2-3 months for the stickiness to stop affecting the viscosity rate of the passing resonance/magnetic flows for it to work properly, otherwise it makes one fell ill, tense even psychotic. This is why some say Nature has a way to make sure one has patience.
Of course, I'm a nice nut what do I know....[inside humour to follow] WAIT! Cuppy is calling me on the hot line...opps Cuppy dialed the wrong number he was trying to call Dixie for some nite out on the town gravy. (only Volers (TV show) understand the last sentence is an innocent reference to a long running show)
AM NOT A DOCTOR (no kidding, though you know there ARE thoise called officialy and recognized by boards Doctors that do much worse that share ideas/theories). Have many theories (who doesn't).
When I had written them into a handwritten book (held together with string) they filled 32,000 pages, of course, so does a book of 32,000 blank pages. Read my other blogbytes as clues might be interwoven or one can read "the book by its cover", save time and loose knowledge, of course it your choice.
Yet each page had written ideas, theories on its front and back(usually a drawing/sketch/general outline) and one of those theories was how Electricity is raising the amount of people that develope brain/nervous system disorders.
From ADD, Parkinson, dementia, Alzheimer.
AGAIN electricity is NOT CREATING (yet) IT but raising the odds of those illnesses forming or becoming worse faster.
Now I know of three people I'm trying to see if one theory works (Mother (D ~A), a neighbor (D) and a friend (P)). After a few years all seem to be getting better, mother is remembering thing she had forgotten over the last 3 years. Friend is shaking less on one side. The neighbor is the least becoming better, but I think it's cause that person keeps knocking the created device over, as not fully in their right mind the person pushes things over they feel is strange to them.
The theory involves opposing elements actions' as to magnetized flows. One stops the ability for magnets to communicate other enhances that ability. The flow it works on is what I call the intrAEresonance of Electricity.
Now I want to post more, but my worry is people will try it instead of passing the info on to researchers.
Sent a similar eMail To Michael J Fox several years ago. Never received a reply.
Though a few months later read a headline that Mr. J. M. Fox was listening or helping fund a Latin man's idea. I thought, check my Email. It was not me, but a South American person, good luck/buena suerte.
If that works FANTASTIC(O), if not I'm still here waiting, and I charge nothing just want my theories tested.
I AM NOT A DOCTOR. The ideas, theories I post could be correct, but if trying them out involves a chance of becoming ill DO NOT TRY THEM pass them on to scientist you might know. Allow them to study the theories on their own free time.
Remember TECHNICALLY part of the spine is (the) Brain.
THE “H-SPOT" I STATE exists both in men and women. Not posting a drawing of Male brain could not find a magniying tool to enlarge it so it could can be seen, hey!, I resemble that remark.
I'm using the word H-spot because its easily matched up to g-spot but if correctly titled it should be the H-spread. No I will not use my first names initial to name it because it's not my style plus my name is Gregorio and g is already in use used via Mr, Gräfenberg. My last names are more than one, which would give one the choice of O-spot of D-spot. Reads as cute but prefer H-spot as in the full notes' in music. As when all musical notes are tapped into, one experiences the full richness in joy of taking in music.
Psst, so does the “g-SPOT" exist in both men and women but think of them as wired in opposing directions. (more throughout this blog byte)
The masculine wired brain has both the (g-spot)
and the storing of the spread of words (H-spot) in the lower area of the upper third of the brain. It's better known as Ego and its emitter /receiver and storage is its dual levels, as in the “to believe” and the “absolute”. The ego is not by itself bad, but an “area” where each person can develope their self-worth through experiences. If one reads my blog bytes, I state Electricity's side effect short circuits the brain to place ego ahead of conscience by not tap into the conscience in making a decision. That is when the ego is dangerous as it becomes an indecent aggressive raging “bull” instead of a well taught calm bull. I've used the child jumping over a large puddle on a bike as an example of the ego building one confidence. As the child fails to jump over the puddle their ego says try again, but try it next time in this or that manner instead of the same failed manner, that's learning. But when the ego accepts a story without consciously checking the facts then one is becoming addicted to the self and that cane lead to people acting out anger without thinking things out through the conscience. The male's q-spot spread is having several long term confidence builders stored away. A weird one is getting hit in the NADS via an accident NOT purposely. As in an accident, the guy goes from a surprise knockdown type of blow, but immediately has to build a self-confidence to get back up and continue whatever he was doing.
When a male's partner tells the male how great he is one is caressing his “G-spot”. Once that compliment is repeated enough to be auto-believed then reminding the male of that point then that taps onto the egos concrete confidence. Thus, it's an already built-in confidence trigger, which to me is the H-spot deep within the ego. They can be damaged by saying things that are counter to the ego building words, though the words should be truths they can be “little white lies” to help bolster a mate's confidence.
The feminine wired brain has the H spot at the top area of the lower two thirds down the brain (middle of back).
The “g-spot SPREAD” (guys and gal’s stop looking and fidgeting with your forefinger and thumb, it's not that type of spread.) is The BIG DEAL that has been missed by so-called experts is in not witnessing the difference between “g-spot” without “H--spot” coverage and g-spot with H-coverage. Reads like some medical plan.
The H spot is located at the top of the lower third of the brain or just below the middle of the spine, yes just a bit higher than the belly button on the lady's back
(NOT GOING TO INCLUDE specific nerves, bundles nor hand/finger placement as to activate the H spots test features as that can be used by mates to manipulate a woman via pleasure. If you love your female mate, you'll find those features out by trail and error. True love takes time. I've even explained it in 2.5, 5 and 8ish year increments as to that period of time and a sexual/sensual “itch” matched to the Sun's 8 (self/physics) 10.78 (soul/physics-etherics quantum points) cycles via a “R O Y G B I V” diagrams.
The H spot is an area (lower third of brain, middle of back) that emits an ethereal energy flow towards the front of a woman.
The better the females posture is the wider of a field from that flow falls onto as to nerve endings/organs in the front of a female.
See diagram “good, rich posture”. Notice the greater than symbol begins from the spine and opens up bathing max organs and sensual areas as to the lower Kundalini then towards the front.
This means that ANY area that H spots emitted ethereal energy is constantly bathing becomes a G-spot potential, INSTEAD OF just one spot which is a misnomer/fable. This is why It's so hard (enter that “THE OFFICE” JOKE here) to locate the g-spot as just one specific spot. The g spot is to be any nerve ending to organ bathed by the H-spots ethereal flow. This means that a woman can have/create a specific G-spot per mate and have 50 mates and not repeat the same G-Spot area. When the H spot is emitting its flow healthily any area's nerve endings including organs under its ethereal flow WILL REACH THE SAME FULL body bathing wondrous EXCITEMENT when caressed in the manner each woman prefers. And the bonus is if a mate can caress the entire areas in a certain sequence, the woman not only gets a wider “joyful” area but can reach an orgasm at 66% of the orgasmic “jolt” males get.
A simple explanation is that good posture allows the “H- spot's” ethereal flow to spread out thus on the woman's body the “g-spot” can be spread over a large area. While bad posture shrinks the area, the “g- spot” covers and makes it harder to find. NO I did not have to buy a hagstrom map to locate them, in fact one lady gave the map to me for free …when she hit me over the head with it.
When the posture is good for a long time the h-spot adds to the g-spot not only a richer joy, but it can be complimented via the touching/caressing of other areas under that h-spot ethereal flow. I wonder if it helps in becoming pregnant, hope it's studied by fertility experts.
(Rest ON A PRIVATE PAGE, through I added more from that private pg. above) might adjust that page and copy a PG version here.
The H spot is not an “adult/adultish” subject as to graphics.
The adult/adultish portion is that I connect it to the g-spot. (only showing that on my private blog, which only close friends see)
My 22cents NOT FACTUAL, unless it's discovered.
(MAJOR CORRECTIONS WERE DONE 202206, as in my haste (figured out months later) I reposted the incorrect version that was spell checked but had incorrect explanations)
This is just a quick note on how Sunset/Sunrise Explorers traversed the Earth way before Modern man. I'm trying to locate my dozen of so OTHER blogs I closed (friends servers or blogs set to private) to copy those words and place them here, if I can't find them yer stuck with the following crappy jumping to conclusions (to the intellectual folks) explanation with no specific known discoveries.
Simple explanation on sunset/sunrise explorers.
<b>FYI, The land mass names I use represent the names of COUNTRIES OF TODAY, not then.</b>
Both groups began from western/NW Africa, ...this voyage took TENS OF THOUSANDS OF YEARS...but they had the early start as opposed to Europeans.
Both sunrise/sunset explorers sung their cultural mantra to follow ONLY Sunrises, the other ONLY Sunsets.
BY ONLY, I mean no deviations that leave their main sunset or sunrise direction, beyond poleward.
If you're following Sunsets, it's MAINLY western component dominated directions, except for a pure N or S direction or as close to that with the least possible eastern direction.
If you're following Sunrises, it's MAINLY eastern component dominated directions, except for a pure N or S direction or as close to that with the least possible western direction.
Now get a map, NO NOT THE ONE from "Its a MAD MAD MAD MAD (CRAZY) World" (crazy?, it's the sequel for today's times).
Now, on the map you already know most of the continental features, but imagine you don't.
You begin northward from central western / NW Africa following the Sunset ONLY, go all the way to Finland (again over thousands of years hence the Vikings are blending with them (as via falling in love... or lust) when they headed westward with these groups heading W/WNW/NW/northward...
(This might be how Neanderthal blended w/"star centered" humans first then moved AS NEANDERTHALS eastward over EurAsia.
Star centered human have a smaller brain because it's constantly connected to intellect from the uni-verse. As just one example, Boson light/stars sources help build the imagination, that leads to greater discoveries and wisdom.)
..thus are really not as short as their cousin the "Eskimo" like people as the European version that blended more directly with tall Africans. Scottish are people that also blended with these travelers, but were better at saving wisdom from the African songs, which they developed into their own wise sung like language style of tales/stories and science reasoning.
Now these Sunset followers (settlers) by having a mainly pole ward heading (not many westward landmass nor Islands as they passed Portugal, France into UK) THUS not turning NE, even not turning NNE so what is now United Kingdom would be the furthest north "sunset settlers" would go. I think they could not clearly read the ocean's ripples that would bounce off smaller islands north of Iceland (how one travels across the ocean, is one reads the returning ripples CORRECTLY to mean land ahead, not storm ripples). Their next stop was westward as in Iceland, then Greenland then Canada. BUT ONCE AT CANADA they don't go the lazy / greedy / physically hungry (not mentally hungry) modern man style of immediately heading south via what is now USofA eastern seaboard. Instead, they are following the furthest westward land traverses towards the SUNSET (not always westward, but never past the pole ward towards an eastern forward component direction). They reached what is now The Americas before the sunrise settlers though they had to cross the rough North Atlantic in having The "Vikings" (whatever they wee called way back then) tried and perfected ship and the distance the sunset settlers had to cross to get to whats now North America is FIRST half as much as the sunrise settlers crossing Eurasia. Second many of the sunrise settlers split in heading towards whats now Australia. Though I think the Sunrise settlers built up their wisdom, cultures knowledge in interacting with older cultures in Asia to the point of building up what night have been MU. In building up MU with no further eastward traversing as whats now central and south America are too far to manage some voyage, especially against tropical storms. Since at that time there were ice bridges towards whats now Alaska the sunrisettlers crossed then traversed whats now Canada to head southward following the Americas sunrises or southward via the eastern coast of North America.
So we have the sunset settlers (taller folks) arriving first in the Americas. Then the sunrise settlers.
Once sunset settlers reach cross the Atlantic then reach Western Canada since THEN there were no permanent ice bridge(s) to China yet, so they followed the sunset moving towards the more hospitable climate which meant head southward via the sunsets on the western coastline of North America. This eventually leads them through Mexico and western South America towards the southern pole via the America's western edge. Once they arrive at what today is San Francisco that must have given them a long pause as no more pure south facing pole ward (pole ward as Antarctica as Baja Ca. bends SE from San Fran) land (tiny islands in the Pacific off CA. but these Islands don't connect as well as in the Western Pacific as they no longer read any ocean ripples showing island or land westward in the now Pacific). So they paused before making it to what is now Central America, as being a thin strip, they had Sunrise next to Sunset (thin logntitude-wise landmass). In South America they had two periods where they did have a more pole ward choice.
REMEMBER I KIND OF JOTTED THIS BACKWARDS (this is my dyslexic mind i stated i jotted it incorrectly then in not being able to write for long periods, lost my train of thought and repeated the mistake.
THE SLOWER SETTLERS are the sunrise settlers as they have to traverse two times the land than sunset settlers.
The sunset settlers made it to the "new world" MUCH EARLIER. The difference was crossing the longer land mass of Eurasia versus just crossing the rough north Atlantic sea. That sea slowed the sunset settlers but not enough to have them fall behind the sunrise settlers in reaching the Americas.
YET once passed Baja Ca. the sunset settlers were much faster in reaching what is now Teirra del Fuego as sunrise settlers had issues going from the Bahamas to the Caribbean due to Tropical Storms, rough waves wiping out entire settlements. Then in having to jump so many islands that due to their isolation forms tribes (tribes that were broken off from the sunset settlers that first crossed Mexico and are loyal to certain islands) This loyalty can lead to battles because its hard to get to the next island if there is an island before it with a family/tribe that does not like /know your tribe.
THREE BELLS!, ALL ABOARD!!!! or someone just paid with a big bill at Trader Joe's. (TJ inside joke)
HERE THE SUNRISE GROUPS VOYAGE, through my googly (crazy) eyes.
The Sunrise people headed from NW Africa through Israel, spreading at times poleward (~N and ~S) with a dominant easterly flow in both directions as they followed sunrises BUT NEVER with a western sunset component (because that would lead them to follow a sunset and these are sunrise folks "gawds chosen folks", because (the sun) gawd (to them) "talked" to them first being that a sunrise is first before sunsets...unless ya are nightclub people, then it's the Vodka gawd, drink that too much (sadly) and you start saying hi to invisible people?"
Sunrise folk traverse towards China, Australia, the micro Islands, meet up with UFO's from other worlds that were using intrAE-resonance-magnetic like openings via the ocean trenches ... Mariana (shhh) (The opposite of Marina on Earth as in the opposite deepest ocean trench. It's physically Milwaukee Trench but magnetically is under Machu Picchu THEN, GO ThAT ThEN! That now bleeds/blends into the Caribbean Trench (shhhh, it's prehistoric so only UFOs that traveled from that time have it mapped..SHHH!, why then? If It's during what I call a feminine duo-decium period it's the best time for beings from other worlds to leave info as humans are less combative during those duo-deciums) Once the Sunrise voyagers made it to Northern China they arrive onto what is now The Americas. (removed my repeated errors that where here)
AS stated before sunset settlers had no ice bridges towards Asia to keep heading westward as the climate did not still support ice bridging. Weird, as the quicker travels via the harsh but much shorter path to America via north Atlantic had them reach western Canada BEFORE the ice bridges formed so that made them follow the sunset down western north america in a way that prevented them (sunset settlers) from continuing to follow the sunset towards USSR/China thus turned them to traverse the entire western Americas as they hit what is now western Alaska and there was no more habitable northward turn, so they headed southwards via the western coast of the Americas till the eastern angled coasts of southern North America.
Sunrise settlers cross the ice bridges as they arrived at Alaska later when the climate sustained ice bridges and HEAD NOT southward but eastward towards Eastern Americas following sunrises then south as the pacific ice bridges caused the open Atlantic side to become even harsher, so no survivable headings towards Europe or if they did survive the Europeans killed them easily in territorial battles.? Instead, most moving down either side of the Appalachians then discovering Bahamas where they can place all their monetary rocks and pebbles there so mainland folks don't tax them (too soon for a money laundering joke?),
Then sunrise settlers' island hop the Antilles, again slowed by TS and natives already there, head onto what is today South America as smaller folks (because they blended with smaller in stature folks of Eastern China) all the way to Tierra del Fuego of Argentina.
When the Sunset settlers first arrived in South America, they were taller. In having a much shorter voyage via the Ocean (ATLANTIC) and via the easier to cross what is now Central America. Once in South America's end point they leave notes (not on paper silly, on walls, stones, other areas had DVDs - Deserted Volcanic Dunes - that enclose caves from the outside world then caves crumble leaving in good condition the caves artworks a.k.a. notes) that in those notes being left behind. The sunrise settlers though shorter noted the find of larger people that they then dominated via several advantages over the taller sunset settlers, in being shorter the high mountains thinner air were easier for them to traverse, had more people (foods more abundant via Florida/Caribbean as fruits help clean body and mind while spices are better as to medicinal needs) and dominated the taller by the wisdom their genes gained in having to be more creative to get to the Americas as in when one has to learn from natures extremes to survive, one gains both wisdom and intelligence and in traveling across so many climates via North Africa towards China, Malaysian areas, Ak., It taught them much. Sunset travelers mainly traveled across wetlands or near large bodies of water, so mainly cold and wet they learned from. Not dry, arid to then tropical on top of cold and wet as the shorter sunrise settlers experienced. If researched, you'll notice the period the shorter dominate the taller was becoming hotter. To survive the warming and tropical weather, one has to go up to the cooler mountains' which also avoids the tropical deluges that cause valleys to succumb to mudslides plus those higher lands caused the tall folks to suffer blood / oxygen issues.
ASTERISK TIME. Now some of these taller folks in South America could have been good nuts like me that took the chance to traverse the short Atlantic from Nigeria to Brasil, but odds are if they made it across to South America, they never made it back cause it takes a toll, lifespan is short, plus South America is rich in foods and mermaids (joke), why leave?
What, never seen mermaids? I've seen some like Amy Freeze (Meteorologist), Tairy Ynoa (in-house traffic reporter/reporter/in-house weather reporter), Maria LaRosa (Meteorologist)...careful with LaRosa, that mermaid has the power of fire. I saw her light up a Christmas tree just by pointing at it, no joke look fer "yerselves" ... I digress i enjoy stating some zilliness amidst my theories, though sometimes i'm thrown of course in my wish to make others laugh.
THE FOLLOWING I WAS TO POST ON org-WXU's Cat6 at yale (202305) and in being in an half asleep state and posted a rough draft, I think. I'll never locate that post but here the correct post.
(why am I so tired? Been walking around NYc trying to get my ID cards, as once I lost all of them (lost wallet the week I was carrying ALL IDS to renew them at a so called ID Xpress renewal site on Broadway THEN. Staten Island Police then gave wallet to wrong person. Literally been to over 40 offices in less than a month. Need IDS to travel to Puerto Rico and help fix damaged homes including my parents and uncle/aunts homes plus now a new rule could evict me from my Apt if I cannot produce proper IDs.)
BELOW COULD STILL HAVE ERRORS so read w/ a grain of salt till I remember to come back and edit it.
HERE a correct version of a mini explanation of the Sunet/Sunrise settelers and how they ended up heading back northward in South America, which I forgot to include in the above presentation.
My 22cents , mostly similar to what I've been writing for 45+ yrs. On WxU since 2010. PLEASE REMEMBER I'm USING TODAYS NAMES OF CONTRIES/AREAS to describe my theory.
Maybe there were Sunset settlers and Sunrise settlers?
They could have even become sunset worshipers and sunrise worshipers. Where those worshiping the sunrise followed thoughts of being the "chosen ones" because they met the sunrise (gawd, later gawd's son) FIRST. Thus, have the speed of light as the amount of solders of their leaders "tribe" as in David has 186,400 solders, which ~equals the speed of light in MPS. That science fact passed on through what are original scriptures of biblical text came from the planet I've posted in clues as to its location, that have human like beings that are easily 13,000 years ahead of Hmans of TGHIS Earth in technology. (using tecnological state of 1960s Humans on THIS earth as reference)
Remember, these sunset and sunrise settlers would seem weird to modern man. This as imagine you follow the sunset. Go from Africa NORTHWARD towards Europe, hugging the (what is now named) The Atlantic Ocean's western edge. Once you get closer to the polar regions, the sunset are extreme as midnight sun to the curving hugging the horizon sunsets and weather is too harsh, so you try to follow the sunsets lowest points for reference as there really arent sunsets nor sunrises near polar regions. That IN TIME (thousands of years) takes you to what is now Greenland and then Canada. BUT YOU do NOT then head southward after reaching Canada's east coast, you instead keep going westward towards the sunsets till a natural barrier as in this case water blocks your progress of following the sunset. That water means the Ice bridges between what now is western Canada and Russia are gone. You then head southward, with the sunset occurring "into" the ocean. These people then moved southward faster and their taller members had an easier time traversing the western edge of the Americas that favors taller people. In the sunrise people heading southward on the western edge of the Atlantic (Now the Eastern Americas, as sunrise settelers crosed the sibrian to Canada ice bridges THEN HEASED EASTWARD towards Eastern Canada. Some might have made it back to Europe but most followed the Sunrise of the Eastern Americas) whose southward movement came into peril due to the sudden anomalistic waves and TS around those following the Sunrise throughout the islands of the now Caribbean.
All this meant that the Sunset settlers could move faster/efficiently southward down the Eastern Pacifics' edge with little TS interactions, as they mostly remained on land.
At what is now the Teirra Del Fuego area, the sunset followers ended their voyage as tall people, which the sunrise followers discovered hundreds of years later in the sunrise settlers being delayed by TS and sudden anomaly sea waves in crossing what is now the Tropical Atlantic/Caribbean Sea.
The sunrise settlers then followed back northward Sunrise via the Andes, BUT NOT THE sunset settlers. This since from the Andes the sunset settlers could see the same sunset area as while they traversed that land at sea level because the Andes is right "next" to the Pacific, so the sunset settlers they did not feel it was a new passage. Yet, to the sunrise followers since one cannot see the same sunrise from the Andes as what the sunrise settelers traversed while they were heading southward down what is the America's east coast, the Andes represented a new sunrise view, and in time in heading northward on the Andes they became blended with some left behind and became the Mayans, Incas etc.
If the Andes were smack in the middle of South America I figured there had been some battle as both would have considered such thin plateaus as sunrise and sunset points of views.,peace