Wednesday, May 13, 2020

MY 15 points to lower the odds of the pandemic affecting more humans


(Appended portion on 202005-18_0700EzT, 202006-07_1043EzT as to alleviating the amount of people INSIDE large dept. stores in large cities. This idea is stamped with the date-time "20200518-0700".

(APPENDED PORTION OF 20200517 IN GREEN FONT deals with Elevators a major reason for spike in NYCHA buildings as to the spreading of germs,bacteria and viruses)

As i've stated before my grammar is beyond awful but my heart thinks its better to share ideas that can help than to not share.

This was what i sent Gov't 2nd week of February 2020, NYS late Feb.(w/o graphics)

MY 15 points to lower the odds of the pandemic affecting more of the population.

Added June 06th 2020 when reading as to (LONG) UV lights and the human body understand its dangers but let science know of the following in purple.


See here is how i make errors in grammar but mainly my forgetfulness that cost theories i share to look as really bad ideas.
(i posted the idea as to LONG UV light and duo resonances/vibrations/sounds in 1990s and till 2014. yet in wanting to share / post the idea due to its needs during a pandemic i had to focus on sis calling that her cat seems ill from some internal issue after eating dry foods,.  (explained to her one cannot suddenly change a cat's food SPECIALLY dry v. wet vice-versa even if its to save money during these tough times...Cat going to vet today Saturday)
DO NOT TRY UV LIGHT ON YOURSELF let those in the medical/media profession (please NOT PREZ) as to the ideas on this page.

The earlier its tested the earlier we know if it works or not or neutral works but needs tweaking.

  i forgot to add as to the specifications of UV light onto person idea/theory.  Its has to be with TWO yet untested formats used together.  The LONG UV light TOGETHER with "duo sounds/resonances" in which the sound carries into body an AUDIO version of the UV light as the LONG UV light is ONLY focus just above the skin or to outer layer (though that closeness i think is not needed just close enough to be a third of the full thickness of all skin layers.  Specific resonances combined with create and intertwining that takes into body a sound version of the long UV spectrum.  Its best used on patients back ess fatty tissues to block redirect my case compacted burgers...yeeeech...mmmmmmm

i know i use "thirds" much but an equation i no longer post is the equivalent to E=mc2 but as to the PATERNAL arm of the PARENTAL science and that uses .666 to .333 as part of the equation.  E=MC2 is for the Maternal Dimension...anywho no one cared as to that on the science sites as (1st try after WxCh board late 1990s) then stopped for a yr. then ABC7NY weather pages (early 2null decade)  several others till last  wunderground where i posted at and not one person asked science related questions to my theories, i'm sure readers here care less.)


 Now just as a sound is used to break up gallstones while patient torso is under water this idea has to occur with body immersed / bathed in specific duo sounds/resonances.  This can be used in emergency cases as to viruses.  Do not forget to test my 4 other ideas/theories as to virus Prevention/reversing (the correct method to cure is flowing with nature so the shorted internal working of any treatable disease is used by nature for something else and that "else" in the treatment "flowing with nature" is less deadly than the originating disease.

Read elsewhere on this "blogbyte" as to other methods in controlling viruses as by figuring out which fermented veggies combat which viruses to bring ALL viruses down to the common cold.  Creating a pho-second Arc'D U-like grounding level which causes bacteria to completely head into a recycling path and viruses towards the common cold virus.  THINK just as we here as to action-counteraction as force has equal opposing action in controlling natural diseases we do the same thing but via methods either known from African cultures but lost to slavery

(Remember first human doctors where African Women with thousands of years of tests to back up there medicinal cures in songs...once those human beings were abused/killed we lost those songs that sung the many ways to cure all that ailed humanity.  Songs are better to pass on knowledge as books only pass on knowledge to those that can read or afford such books, while songs can teach all...except one unforeseen problem occurred the murder of so many doctors (African mothers/wives/daughter) so humanity lost all that books are needed in case those trying to say something die before others can listen and learn.

try not to shoot yourselves in the foot Humanity you need both people of planet (physical body to exist on physical plane) and people of the stars (Ethereal body to reincarnate) to maintain humanity get rid of either and humanity will disappear o this Earth.


I AM NOT A DOCTOR NOT A SPECIALIST AM A HOUSEKEEPER/MAINTENANCE WORKER whose top hobby since age 8 is photography (later video)  As a child while living in the Red Door Projects in The BronX I jotted down enough theories w/matching graphics to explain them which filled around 32,00 pages.  That ended in the mid 1970s and what you see below or I had posted on the webnet (specially before i closed 400 pages of comments/theories) comes from those thoughts/pgs.


TO THOSE THAT SAY aGW/CO2 IS NO BIG DEAL CAUSE ONE CANNOT SEE THE CO2 WITH THE NAKED EYE, LOOK AROUND YOU AS TO CORONA VIRUS.  Chemical reactions can be used for good or for or form a wrong that can lead to flows that can cause tremendous pain to human beings.

1) Close social areas as bars, parks, playgrounds, sporting events, concerts even churches.
Though I'm not religious as to any denomination I would luv to have social organizations for seniors, churches and schools receive free internet connections/services deemed to be safe for children.

2) Have people stay 6 to 8 feet apart when waiting in any line be it hospital or food stores.
(12feet if this makes it through spring. As in areas people go to relax as in lunchtime parks, benches, beaches since people stay in one place the odds raise of a sneezer sneezing enough times to replenish the sneezed particles and have air currents take the floating coughed/sneezed particles further )


3) Create plastic or better/stronger yet Plexiglas partitions with curved edges towards the worker to assure any sneeze or droplet cannot go around partition as it would on just a flat Plexiglas where the edge would bend the sneezes turbulent clouds of yeech towards the Plexiglas's inner area, where worker usually is.  Use this in businesses that involve transactions as in banks, food stores, clothing stores.  Include UV lights in cutouts in Plexiglas partitions so any money transactions can have the UV light bathe the money to lower the odds of passing on the bacteria/viruses.  Just make sure the UV lights are not being emitted towards small children's and pets eyes(a UV blocking tint on rim of its holder).

4) Change sanitation sweepers to either the old water tanks and /or slower spinning brushes and low forcing of ejected viral killing solutions,  As bleach or Lysol as a viral killer in a mix with it water.  Since there might not be enough old sanitation water tanks covert those used to water potted plants in NYC streets and change sweepers to not spin so fast their brush-pads...

 (keep them moving as might be good for drivers health (SEMI-RELATED TO ESCALATOR THEORY BELOW) if not for their use via the modern crime "audiohitler".  Read as to that MODERN CRIME on my other blogbytes here on clearmatter at bloggers blogs) to not agitate dry filth (dry spit,coughed particles fallen onto ground) on street/sidewalk into the air.  In using a low spray the virus and filth can be prevented from being reintroduced into the air by the fluid weighing, killing and washing said (Particles from sneezes or spits) onto the ground.  The slower spinning sweeper pads /rotating scrubber near rear plus the water tanks having not as strong water jets as i remember in the 1970s assures the water washes away that mess instead of sending/reintroducing it  up into the air.

Ban Leaf blowers FOR EVER.  Simply stated they do the opposite that is needed to control filth and leaves.  One collects leaves to control them not blow them around, dry them to become lighter so can fly around even more plus it blows dried;mucus,urine,vomit,fecal matter and more from animals including humans back into the air...maybe this has also caused food contamination in farms with blowers used nearby.
In the 1990s decade i wrote NYS as to preventing the use of leaf blowers near open food areas as restaurants, food wagons, frank stands etc never received a reply.  They should should be banned 100 percent...blowers even dry the silicon space fillers between cement patches in streets causing cracks water damage...not to mention super noisy and nosier when revved  In my neighborhood Rose hill Manhattan SSW of Kips Bay they are used 3-4 days a week 8 hrs a day CRAZY?, you bet i'll explain my 60% use near e.27th street and 2nd avenue.
Also place a noise limit of pressure cleaner engines/generators street.


5) Make sure neighboring states (all states) join in.
Though its better that ones stat  follows viral prevention ideas/rules than not its defeats the purpose if a neighboring state does not join these preventative measures, and since  traveling is much easier than during the last pandemic its important that people stay in their homes till either nature via hotter (though i think its more as to specific portions of the electrio-mag spectrum in a more finer range as light spectrum as the UV light.  Therefore with a higher angle of sun and less clouds/humidity in air UV light might take over as a positive that might lower the danger a bit though not fully by any means (maybe WITH caution LIMITED TIME TO NOT SUNBURN take Ben Franklin's window baths with back towards sun for make penetration). Its like that star trek TOS episode where these jellyfish like creates left parts of their tentacle fluids in Spock and it was found that Sunlight kills them. Spock was bathed with the full spectrum of sunlight that killed the "disease?"" but also blinded Spock (don't ruin the ending not saying what happened)/.  Long story no so long it was found that Spock need not have gone blind as only a certain portion of the light spectrum was needed to kill/dry the diseases/fluid in Spock.  Same here with UV light so its not the heat but the segment if electro-mag spectrum.  Wondering it certain sounds joined with UV can make its use  more efficient or for future use create specific energy or light emitting satellites (also a Star Trek TOS episode) that remain in very high orbit only bought closer to capture redirect certain rays from the sun and create a wide focused field as over China to kill virus but not hurt humans.

6) Have the ability to give the general public face masks/covers.
In the hospital we used high level masks and those are expensive.  For the general public a mask is more to prevent a sneeze from going 6, 12 even 18 feet and especially  becoming suspended in the air for many seconds by retarding the force of the sneeze by the cloth/material.  Though i do recommend cleaning it every time one gets home then a little Binaca (breath freshener from the 1960s)  blast or lite Lysol as one has to smells one own breath which might surprise some as in having a bad tooth.  Happened to me years ago had to smell my own breath and found i had a bad tooth.  That was when we had to fight a tuberculosis growth in NYc 1980s (gave Bellevue officials directly (a Mr. Michelin-spelling???) but mainly told housekeeping supervisors to pass on the idea to use rooms with negative airflow.  This idea i saw a year before in a newspaper headline as to a Colorado Jewish Hospital use.


7) Ideas for transportation vehicles as taxis. limos, buses and trains and their stops as bus stops the stair cases used by subway riders.

 Please KINDLY!!!...

(maybe create a cacoon-like full body wrap that police/ambulance EMTs can use to safely wrap around the anger/mentally ill homeless/addict to prevent sneezes/spitting even if not purposely as in just from talking angrily with no teeth causes saliva to fly)

...remove homeless from subway areas that have forceful air exchanges as entrances and gratings cause when train zooms by the contaminated sneeze is forcefully taken in or ejected upwards.
A sign asking to minimize talk as in only directions in taxis  and No passengers
within 12 feet inside transportation modes that have set stop points as in
buses/trains where there are set stops (bus stops/train stops)  as no need to
talk to drivers just ring bell (add UV light directed at the yellow bell-ringing to get off on the next stop  stripes).
For any emergency or needed requests as asking to stop cause a passenger has
fallen or is violently ill install 2 microphones one near the rear the
other 12 feet from driver, when driver hears help driver turns on microphones.
Build sturdy partitions do not use flimsy tape not partitions
as drunk people specially new yorkers can go around warning tape
as if they where doing the limbo.


8) Substitute for the homeless if states run out of lower level masks.
If the state runs out of the lower cost simple mask be ready to have frames/holders that can have bounty YES STRONG PAPER towels inserts for the homeless to use. Clothing face covers okay for the healthy public not for homeless or addicted.  Bounty/strong paper towels is better than nothing though clothing can be used but homeless cannot wash so paper towels can be changed every morning plus if bounty is colour coded to use one side inward clothing can be accidentally turned around or easily shaken by user thinking they are cleaning it but actually shaking out the dry sneezed particle into the nearby air.  Not easy almost impossible to shake a bounty with as much vigour as a cloth scarf.  AGAIN get the simple type of masks for all people but if the USofA becomes fully affected there will not be enough so we have to improvise. AC unit manufactures that have molding to create snap closing plastic holders for foam filters can reform/restructure those moldings to create mask outlines that hold paper towels securely with soft plastic/silicone edged masks edgings and loops that fit around ears and can hold 2 leafs of paper towels securely against face.

9) Make sure kids whom have family history of hereditary diseases be closely monitored.

Another of my crazy theories is this virus can find and attach to diseased as in cancerous cells BEFORE THEY MANIFEST onto the carnal body.  It has to do with my theory of how each diseases has a resonance within its sub atomic formation...huh?..too long plus not to mention too out of the blue as no true connection to physics.

  It deals with what i call "clear matter" (hence blogs title) that name i state represents 45% of this type of universe as in made of clear matter what "sounds" try are as forms of intrAE-energies, ~22/23 percent is dark matter which are the bridges to/from clear matter to physics (grounded) matter

.  Since children/infants before age of three are still more soul to spirit than soul to carnal beings till sacred bone fuses there are many diseases that can be discovered if inner cell scans for such resonances are invented.  This virus can detect that since there already can be such a specific disease in its pre-manifested/dormant stage this virus can awaken/tap into it so it appears as if its part coronavirus-19 part whatever other diseases.  The disease resembles if not coronavirus-19 purely maybe a blend of the two or more.  Being it seems coronavirus-19-19 first attacks via respiratory since its transmitted by finer particles in the air (mostly) be careful in using sprays that do not control/remove viruses if an adult is coughing near children.

Younger adults as mentioned in a reason above in breathing the finer pollutants for such a short time might seem exempt but from the use of vaping (finer wispy smoke that has moisture acts a bridge to raise infections in lungs...old Puerto Rican natives saying (PARAPHRASING) was not to use too much water in smoking when making peace or war contracts cause you will not see the contract out/conclusion.  Since the infant is not fully "carnal" as far as brain to body commands till the sacred bone fuses which as at about or a bit more than age 3, THEN most of these coronavirus-19-19-attached to diseases will show up till age 3+ and/or start their long internal run showing up no later than age 8ish.  In other words if vaccine or something else besides the staying of indoors stops the viruses spreading we can still see some children becoming ill from a coronavirus-19 indirect effect for the next 6 to 8 years.
Why at the latest 8 if its a more natural cause?
It has to do with how another theory of my nutty mind explains how the complex brains of humans have the Suns "Etheric" tatoo cycle creating closure every 8 to 11 yrs, if you find "roy g biv" used to explain a suns affect on complex planets (as Earth) and complex beings (As Humans) that's part of the clue. About 19 yrs after i wrote that theory as a kid i heard a DR Israel studying brain traumas and an 8 yr cycle (that was 1990s-late)....might be he has found something.   Then the most heartbreaking are karma related diseases those are in ones genes at birth and in some cases can show up before age three.  Yet still once the child is birthed it is the responsibility of all human beings to assure that child get the best medical help. Its much deeper and involves unconditional love through all of ones lives but that is too weird to explain even on this blog.


10a) My theory on what/how this form of coronavirus thrives in these situations/foods.

How finer particle pollutants is what this virus might surprise many as to transporting itself and/or takes advantage to survive. Though heavier pollutants have certain chemical bods that cause damage to this virus.  This is why i think countries that had lots of younins vaping can suffer more as there will then be finer particle damage in their body due to vaping (you saw a preview with children worldwide developing weird diseases for their age.  Older humans might get similar diseases but they gained those finer particles over decades of breathing a polluted planet not months from vaping.

10b) Another part of this virus it uses to secure its hold on a victim is as to sauces that have a sweet and sour extreme range in particular the lower quality types of soy and tomato.In my thinking these types of sauces have always created in ones throat a type of petri-dish like effect.  This is as to the sauces "sour" causing the mucus to thin and the sweet portion as the growth additive to which the virus uses to nourish itself at some level. Once it gets a holed at the area of the throat each breath leads to the virus (if i may use this term) to seed the lungs then the organs in a manner that draw strength via domination as to the body's damaged or weaker areas

10c) The third is as to drinking of  alcoholic beverages. (TYPES???)
DON'T during this type of virus and if trying the foods i mention, PERIOD

10d) Bad /fatty oils mainly meat related. these oils give the virus a good fuel to create a high spiking virus added to its longevity you have a virus than can damage several organs.  i luv burgers and will still eat them (if virus is controlled) but one has to become a FULL vegetarian when this virus begins its deadly wave(s).  At least 2weeks before it hits ones area one has to stop cold turkey the foods and ingredients just mentioned and start to eat what i mention in the next step.  In place of meats i ate beans, rice but not as much and meat plates i changed to veggie plates.  This is why i find so unfortunate that i'm hearing many healthy veggie restaurants are joining THE PAUSE  but fast food restaurants remain open.  i noticed in areas of Europe the same thing but also saw fast food restaurants that served vegetables were not open and hoped in nyc they remained open but i'm gearing they will not. Recommend Popeyes style of chicken (easily digested in part due to how they Prepare it) if you must to have meats.


11) sauerkraut and garlic
important to follow step 10a-c before EATING THE SAUERKRAUT AND GARLIC.
It has to be quality sauerkraut, sorry saberrette but the 2 times i bought saberrette ONLY CAUSE STORES WHERE OUT OF my fav sauerkrauts) it was 70% liquid by weight, 76% by content as it was the thinnest lettuce/cabbage i've ever seen marketed as sauerkraut. I remember it being thicker as a kid....40+ yrs ago.
Prefer C-towns own Krasdale (i call "KD") BIG bag.  Still was 40% liquid but better lettuce. TJ's has best quality sauerkraut (not in bag but nice reusable for anything container) 12% liquid but TJ's had pickles which is great for eating but not as good as sauerkraut in that i stat it tricks virus into using a less volatile fuel and changes the viruses fuel into a more low firing fuel creating a shift in its gears as to the virus attack towards a more common cold virus. The garlic then maintains the cold in check.
Theory is all foods fermented have the ability to control any natural (even if man influenced) body that feeds on damaged organ(s)or by damaging any organ of the (complex animal) human body. (i state least/less/lower complex animals mimic some of these actions instinctively).
We see medicinal use of fermenting with sugars/grains/other  as in fruits "turfed" into alcohols that can suppress bacteria in cuts.  i state all 5 types/categories of foods have this property, meat being the least and the catch is modern medicine has to figure which ferment veggie controls the inner workings of IN THIS CASE which virus...hard work but i think worth lives and pharmaceutical companies/labs win in the end too. In controlling that top quality NATURAL foods seed growth within Pharmaceutical company's land PROTECTED with physical barriers and STRONGLY BY LAW of both propriety and medicinal protection quality fermented foods can then be offered by South American farmers/countries working for pharmaceutical companies IN THIS USE.  In a around about manner lower the use/demand of illegal drug money and cartels that want to make more LEGAL money than via illegal drugs shifts production to farming for these pharmacies. USofA has to demand that ~50% removal of illegal drug growths. The other 50%  of what were illegal drugs still exists as it then has its legal use BUT UNDER USofA/South American country laws to assure the legal drugs of the past are then used for legal medicinal purposes via LEGAL MEANS. Together with the new from of fermentation as medicines old cartel families can make much more money, countries make money including states and crime goes down worldwide and humanity has less dangerous chemicals in water supply specially within poor communities, countries/low lands. BTW yogurt with active cultures is best once one is on the healthy path, the fermented foods i mention above is to prevent the virus from using high "octane" fuels (which yogurts can be due to its sugars/sweets)  so yogurts good after one controls virus.
How i take the sauerkraut and garlic.
WASH hands utensils before every use, specially forks.
i use a fork and get what would be a tablespoon of sauerkraut in mouth push with tongue onto back of upper throat for 2-4 secs swallow without chewing (IF YOU can if you tend to choke on things like leafy foods then chew but try to keep the chew minimized) i want the purer sauerkraut to pass towards stomach with the least saliva blended in so virus takes it as not of the invaded  body, thus viruses guard is down. (Read further were i explain why i hear a malaria drug seems to be working as news from India states but I STATE its not the drug its when the poison to virus AND MAN its taken UNDER CLOSE MEDICAL SUPERVISION THAT MIGHT WORK SOMETIMES)
Take 2 of those tablespoon sized "forkings" of sauerkraut .
Then have a glass of water as to the garlic as in some cases garlic in its pure form can feel like its burning the mucous in the mouth. Take a garlic clove NEVER HIT the garlic clove to open it.  In fact in 1978 in a JHS cooking class we had a guest french chef and he liked how i opened the garlic and said pressing down hard or hitting to release its outer skin was a joke made by some international chef in the 1960s that caught on.  I use a NOT SHARP yet has a tiny bit of serrated edge BUTTERKNIFE. AGAIN NOTHING SHARP!!!  Bang on the garlic clove
s soft edge  with the heavy ended handle  of the butterknife (careful to do this easily as not to hit fingers holding the clove) Three of four smacks then turn clove over and create a lite cut into the hard end of the cove from the curved side towards the flatter side.  THis cases flatter side to microscopically wrinkle now one can then NOT cut but act as if peeling that hard end off the garlic or use finger nail peeling towards flatter side and the hard end of the partially connect to garlic skin  brings along the garlic outer  skin to a point that even if it rips the rest can be peeled by finger of slightly running butterknife thinnest edges under garlic skin.REASON this is important is the  MOST IMPORTANT PART OF ANY FOOD (any thing living) is its oil which is retained instead of when crushing it the cutting boards the oils are left on the board. Can you smell another crazy theory...Oil is what makes each living thing different from another living thing.  In space that is represented by resonances concentrated at curvatures of space but that is another looong story/theory.  In ancient scripture you have clues to this.  As in the story of Hanukkah and that 8th day of a SURPRISE burning candle (no not for a birthday) but via Moses teachings it means use the sacred oil in your brain to think with wisdom not just for carnal reasons.  Same as Sodom and Gomorrah it has nothing to do with sexual preferences but all to do with those that only use the salty side of the brain/lobe for carnal thoughts and do not use the sweet side or wisdom enveloped lobe via the carnal to soul from "spirit" of the "higher entity's" wisdom) This also as parable when Moses "splits" the sea yet one side salty other side sweet the golden carriage are the precious higher WISER thoughts to lead humanity towards doing things for NOT the greatness of one but for the GOODness of all....can i get a "HEY-MAN yer nuts"....thank you...most of ya forget to say "Hey-Man" but that is okay.
Take the clove of garlic and scrap with thumbnail to get a 2 mm meter wide 6 mm long (1/32 of inch by a quarter inch piece of garlic (not correct measurement translation)  place in mouth make funny face as you chew towards back of throat if that burns blend with water and swallow. I did this 4 or 5 times with tiny garlic scrapings after sauerkraut. This i eat twice a day.   Between the sauerkraut and garlic one might feel the sinuses kind of cooling but more as if something is drying and or lowering pressures as to the infected mucus as when after a cold the packed sinuses from the cold begin to thin out and the sinus pressure becomes alleviated type feeling.

12) The following device imitates my theory on why escalator can kill "bacteria+""

Too complex to post in a super run-on paragraph needs about 8 pages, but i'd loose most of the scientific readers in using my own words.
But in a few known words,  my theory is the active friction of rubber against metal in escalators plus a minuscule current causes bacteria virus to suffer an internal short NATURALLY as the escalator being angled off the ground/floor creates a false slightly arced (due to the returning angle of moving rubber/railing at either end) grounding point as that escalator /angle rises. That raising escalator is not needed to destroy bacteria/retard viruses as eventually it creates a false ground point somewhere between the railing and Earth as the rubber railing is an enclosed loop, but in the escalator rising off the ground creates a more desired affect if that affect is to retard the virus NATURALLY.
The device idea i'm sending only to CDC but might send a note of it to NYS once i can find a good webpage that i think forwards such ideas without judging them right off the bat. It involves a not fully spherical device that to protect an 8 foot by 8 foot area can fit in the palm of an adult hand (attached to ceiling at ~11 inches away from ceiling if its has a 3inch dia.) yet create a static flow for every 8ft by 8 foot in height area so if the virus comes out of its supportive fluid filled host, in this case a human via a cough  into the air.  The moment that virus leaves the bodys aura (auras not readable via pure physics, the grounding of such devices evaporate the wispy aura features that allow it to be seen ethereally) that virus in interacting within the 8feet of the emitted micro static causes the virus to interact with 2 spherically ground arcs(earths and the devices, BTW  building in being built on  90degree angles (easily constructed strength) yet when wrongly grounded every floor adds to the problems of diabetes but that's another looong theory)

Now it important that modern medicine start figuring out how to proprietorially control viruses/bacteria NATURALLY as "killing" such bodies (bacteria/viruses) artificially leads nature to generate more extreme bacteria/viruses be it more as to its inner complexities or longer lasting.  Nature will always win, if anything tries to force her hand, just as with pesticides.  More money can be made creating a natural virus control in a natural manner as one has the needed ingredients in nature for millions of years all one has to do is develope the healthier natural seeds, maintain a healthy soil by interchanging the periods one uses each country's soil used for specific plants so this keeps soils healthy as long as the planet is healthy...not to mention no need to pay millions/billions in court settlements due to man made chemical reactions that can cause harm and no need to create a new product every 10-15 yrs due to insects developing antibodies to said chemicals actions.

This spheres staticized surrounding area retards viruses that they dye naturally thus natural can recycle that viruses energy and has no need to create a more harsher virus cause there is no chaotic feedback in that viruses death. When one uses man made pesticides the chaotic feedback in the dying insects genes taken by other insects/creatures leads to a nature create resistant to those pesticides insects.

13) Some might want to reopen business earlier that were closed to lower the spread of the virus.


Unless a vaccine/cure or something that controls the virus from  spreading (again) besides staying at home indoors is created opening business too early will actually raise the odds of even a longer economic recovery as dead humans cannot shop, use credit cards or create hot selling trends...nor can robots so i truly expect Americans to stay safe indoors cause they know better to go out when a pandemic is still out of control plus show the world we can still stick together when its in the name of doing something for our children.

BTW1 can someone show the President and the public that this is not like the known flu as he mentioned a few days ago.  Trump already had delayed action almost 2weeks WHY? Look at what happened to countries that delayed action.

BTW2  Careful as to what i hear as in the use of a Malaria drug. If it seems to work its cause its implements just before or at the first ebb/flow of this type of virus. What i cal ebb/flow occurs every 3 to 4 days for 14 to 17 days (those at wunderground know i use this to explain certain actions of storms it has to do with certain commands from the paternal dimension onto the maternal dimension known as the physics grounded dimension, as in where humans live)

Via my theories all viruses have a 2week life i part of their inactive state WITHIN A CARRIER.

What i call a spiking virus (most dangerous) creates its spike in attacking in its 2nd ebb/flow or 7 to 8th day in the victims body. The other two ebbs.flows this type of virus uses to damage more organs as the bodys defense ifs already weak.
  (Yellow dashed line in graphics represents dangerous high fever ~104F)

When when turns a spiking virus into a common cold low octane burning virus it creates 4 low ebb and flows with some cold related action every 3 to 4 days as (not in any order) chills, then bit higher fever, then sweats then dryness and lasts for 14 to 17 days in which one has at most a fever of just under 100F

This differs from getting the weak version of a spiking virus that has one long ebb and flow that gives one aches along the entire 2 weeks and a fever a bit higher than the common cold at around 100-101 centered within the inner 2 ebbs and flows or for 7-8 days.

(APPENDED) PLEASE READ FULLY  as my incorrect writing style places words in an unexpected order thus most readers give up and miss the full idea.  SEVERAL VERSION of which the reader can add new ideas to as the ideas are for humanity to use please create to help not to only make a profit.  THINK if one lowers the viruses that might more easily be passed on in NYCHA that means more chances al new yorkers/FELLOW HUMANS CAN ALSO GET THAT VIRUS.

any other updates will be mentioned or link placed at top of this page.

PROBLEM:: NYCHA has a higher illnesses level for several reasons.
Two have been widely presented by the honorable Governor Cuomo and his NYS/Worldwide teams of researchers.  i think i can categorize those two reasons, poverty and lack of interactive respect/trust among both poor patients of colour and those medical communities serving such patients.  The reasons why can be many lets work logging those issues but also on lowering the issues.

HERE another reason that can be addressed immediately.

Another reason for higher illnesses that lead to pandemic reaching major cities is just as NYS/Ca. had the most contact with travelers (largest busiest most desired travel spots) from abroad that by no fault of their own unknowingly had the covid-19 virus and either where returning to USofA or where traveling to enjoy the beauty of the USofA

Create NYCHA elevator/city panels that have UV leds surrounding it so disease causing structures on panels have less (not fully gone but less) of a chance on contaminating those that Have to use it. The top issue then will be to create such a penal with the lowest possible profile as in not have kids/uncaring adults/visitors try to break, abuse, even take it out to use in their homes.  Either micro LEDS around each button i think is best as there are already such button that illuminate when pressed just either add another light ring for LED UV constantly on or on for 5 secs after touched or replace all embedded regular lights in elevator panel buttons with UV LEDS.  Other style would be a rim around the panel but that might be too far to be fully effective. Another style might be a raise panel over the original panel illuminating ONLY towards original panel as that to me is safest for eyes as not 'viewable' observable at all outwardly.  But in having to be OVER the original panel by at least half an inch its easiest to destroy/rip off/kick/bend.  The later would be good in secure buildings as hospitals, senior citizen homes police precincts etc.  REMEMBER the UV light cannot be able to go into anyone's eyes. Stiff penalties for those recorded damaging these panels as they are not decorative not technical use but also have a medical thus life saving use.

After i sent the above idea 22 yrs ago i then thought of a few other ways to lower bacteria,viruses, germs but are much more costly and involve full replacement so no cost efficient versus LED to UV LED type panel changes, so i decided not to share.

Then UPC onto metals was created in a manner explained below.

The following better for buildings that have higher security levels These styles assure no-touch panels, but maybe cost efficient now so even some public housing buildings. TWO styles to follow please read fully.

  Create a remote control elevator panel where only residents/workers have that control. Residents in good standing (or have a valid excuse if cannot keep up rent payment)  press REMOTELY the keychain numbered keypad to go to whichever floor they desire.  If stolen keychain remote control emits a tracking signal once the resident reports its been stolen.  The keychain as to not be bulky uses up/down arrows to allow user to scroll from 0 thru 9 with a two digit interface. If one desires to go to floor 22, one scrolls 0 to 2 on first digit then 0 to 2 on second digit then press green means go button, LED blinks on keychain meaning that blinking number has been entered shows ON ELEVATOR PANEL as selected number in yellow BLINKING above actual floor number In RED in this  this manner the panels becomes a no-touch panels, no buttons need just large LED display with protective Thick criss-cross support behind it Plexiglas.  My worry is it can be lost or some can create blockers that cause staling o elevator and use that to attack rider, so not a good idea for NYCHA but maybe for private business that have more control of people coming in/out of their buildings.

Next idea i posted was to create a similar device but not work in a fully remote manner but as if a key that it inserted into elevator panel thus not true remote signal which assures no interference with signal since there is non used yet the user never touches the elevator panel. First so no other similar designed metal is inserted as a screwdriver or home bent key is to include a permanent UPC codes on "L" shaped key. The simple "L" shaped keyhole next to the floor they are going to allows resident to insert the "l" shaped key therefore its as quick as pressing a button and the insert hole includes a UV light onto the inserted portion of this key assuring the inserted "L" shaped key remains free of picking up bacteria or lowers virus type.  The "KEY"" design is that the two wide surfaces of the "L" shape provides the inclusion of a per NYCHA building UPC code added in tattooed laser or permanent ink or even treated metal (latter allows for it to never wear out be filed off in a manner that creates another UPC code the criminals might use elsewhere).  In this manner no other metal inserted will work as no UPC will be read by UPC reader feed to panel from above elevator (the inserted UPC Key is read and feed via fiber-optics towards UPC reader brain in upper corner of elevator, as CORNERS are the sturdiest / best place to place such sensitive equipment, if anyone kicks panel the costly UPC reader is undamaged) PLUS if any other metal is inserted and metal has no UPC code or the wrong UPC code the elevator camera...

 (cameras should be better protected plus included and secondary cam  built into elevator corner)

...immediately goes ON shown by strobic/strobe LED lights from one of the cameras so passenger and/or anyone tying to insert/tamper with panel keyhole knows their image is being captured and have image immediately sent to local police.  Police/office worker at prescient figures out if its an elderly tenant accidentally using house keys or wrong key or a kid "playing around" or someone with bad intentions.

 Sent last week to NY/NY as to marking areas of large crowds as on beaches the use of laser light projections in an equa-liner manner to create lights on ground of 6 foot by 6 foot though as stared in my 15 points prefer AT least 9 feet (6'x9'), best TO ME is 12 feet in public areas people sleep or are at rest for extended periods of times.  If one sleeps / snoring as on the beach can emit continuous streams of virus plumes

20200518-0700 (alleviating amount of people going INTO Dept stores in large cities)
The following idea depends on weather conditions. Allowing large stores to sell specific merchandise outside to lower the amount of people desiring to go inside.

Create side street closures for opening store BAZAAR where the larger stores as Burlington, MACYS can close a side street (MACYS has that area on the East side of their flagship store but in suburban areas maybe adjoining side streets or wide pathways BEHIND the malls.) and sell a specific depts. merchandise outside.  This also allows more workers to work as they are alternated on a weekly bases.

In this manner the larger stores can alleviate the amount of people going in or lower the tensions that might lead to arrests.

The idea is to place outside certain departments as lets say on Monday womens clothing is sold outside.  Tuesday mens clothing, Wednesday shoes, Thursday undergarments, Friday out of season clothing as winter clothing now that summer official start is near by.

Stores have to state clearly on their websites what will be sold outside and when and if weather is predicted to be bad for this type of outdoors sales its canceled till weather clears...unless they are selling rain gear? under large tents.

Eateries- Expand outdoor seating. - Less cars during pause each parking spot equals table for 4. Create partitions between tables. maybe parade float builders can build rising platforms to add a second tier of smaller tables. Weight is the main issue their, so maybe just tables for two. These rising platforms need to have a solid vertical structure added once the riser has reach its desired level to assure no sudden collapse onto patrons on street level under them.

Received 2 questions as to supermarkets plexiglass uv light idea and concern of UV lights there raising odds for skin cancer.

Supermarkets- Cash registers have UV  hyper-flashes INSIDE above, around and below cash box. Once closed a flashing red light turns on alerting UV cleaning is going on. As when i posted the plexiglass with uV light in transaction holes the UV light HAS TO BE blocked from going into children's/pets eyes and does not project onto skin but as money is passed through the  money slot a thin FIXED uv light (as if a scanner) goes under/over money as money is feed through the money slot. Th lot has a money presser as those vending machines that forces money to go between pinch wheel INSIDE its housing.  Same here as the housing structure maintains UV light ONLY shine a tin strip onto money feed through the plexiglass slot by the consumer.

any other updates will be mentioned or link placed at top of this page.
Having difficulty with the text post (same at my ml-d blog) when i add images/graphics it tends to hide the accompany text/vice/versa so i removed drawing of restaurant idea so one can read the idea . What might be new to readers was posted 2 months ago.

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