Tuesday, June 2, 2020

FBakin message of 202006011311 (not understood if NOT a FB friend, heck even if)

Here goes my broken record but if a person in the 1930s kept mentioning as to Hitler, hind sight would thank that person.
Russia was not directly involved in the chaos/elections in USofA BUT they knew of several religious groups and mob groups using the "audiohitler" crime and understand how that fries peoples mind to loose the correct order of using their conscience which is substituted by their ego.
So Russia other countries stoked that ego by strategically placing ADs or creating sites that push psychotic like messages as "THEY ARE AGAINST US" towards extreme left/right groups in hoping USofA collapses from inside out as they sat back and operated from servers.

One mistake Putin is making is as to the other crazy theory i post as to humans being damaged mentally.

That is as to Electricity's side effect and this will cause a similar mental issue BUT TO ALL COUNTRIES.

I've mentioned how after any country/continent had electricity over 2/3rds of its land that with 2nd 3rd generation the first ave of extreme thinking will run wild in those areas.  We saw that with Hitler other dictators early 1900s thru almost 1950) dictators [/pronounced / a**hol**].  Then in the late 1960s thru 2010s it was late to the electrical grid plate Americans' 2nd to 3rd generation affected by electrical grid/power-plants usage.

Now comes the whiplash.(it has to do with another crazy theory of mine how the outward star of a complex planer in this case This Earth and its Sun bathing the planet in a R O Y G B I V manner where its not a colour but a resonance and when a event that burned into ones mind during a certain resonance of the specific eight occurs again during the next sun cycles~11 yrs /phases ~33 to 44 years (hence sons of Gawd die during those years in"age" biblical parables) that brain feels as if its time to go through that emotion again.  These cycles run at 2.5 , 5 and 8-11 yrs hence the 8 year itch is the dominant one.

Here an example::

Lets say ones FANTASTIC honeymoon occurs in a year that the Sun is putting out a yellow resonance and that happens during the 3rd year of that 11 year cycle.

During the next sun cycle the yellow resonance it happens in that cycles 5th year and one will begin to feel as if one desires another fantastic honey moon but since the married couple by then might not get along as well they'll look elsewhere for the honeymoon like joy.

Look for "roy g biv" at this blog https://akamrx.livejournal.com/
(Russia/china use to read much, would catch their ip addressees specially from Universities tied to their govts, just like southern university secretly is a think tank to Trump)

BE WARNED You'll see nutty things on that bog (only 9 left of ~400 i had worldwide) as how women can wear fashion in a classy manner not over showing skin as one sees today (at present i post classy clothing ideas on the same youtube i post my NOAA weather satellite imagery ) ...

i'm weird in that i post as i am a blend of many hobbies i do not separate one hobby from another.

(BACK TO RUSSIA, Electricity's side effects)

In 5-7 years Europe then 10-15 yrs more years Russia /China and back here in 20-30yrs will have major country changing revolts.  This will be to Electricity's side effect whiplash as the first run began in Europe towards USSR/China then USofA all from 1920s to 1960s then for a generation the brain tries to assimilate to this sudden change but cannot as its too harsh type of internal  mutation and humans go nutty again after a generation of calmer living.

Some might say it seems as if Europe/Asia and Americas are in the same period as to these extremist ways, but to my way of thinking/theories its an overlap at present Europe is on the cusp of their Electricity's whiplash effect while UsofA is at the meat of their first Electrical side effects generation.

Europe began to have its power grids in their Industrial Revolution cover over 2/3rds of Europe by early-mid 1800s USofA about 50 yrs later.  Count THREE generations later FROM YOUR CONTINENT was first covered by 2/3rds as to its  electrical grid for first affect.  That would last a generation in its pure egotistical actions.  Then the next generation is of a recoil (hippies -Bohemians- first in Europe that formed as the chaotic opposite of Nazis in early 1900s could not survive but then came back after the war as an opposite recoil.  Hippies artificially grew in popularity in lazy Americans) then the whiplash THERE is next/happening AND THINK nutty me says the naturally worst time for humans as to brains becoming too selfish in a NATURAL manner as to a cycle in Earth procession 'aint' till another 2 to 3 thousand years.

or i could be 99% wrong...

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