TRY TO PAY ATTENTION TO HOW ONE REACTS DURING THE NEXT FEW WEEKS(anytime one has to go out of a PAUSE/soft lock~down).
(BELOW IGNORES THE ADDED PROBLEMS the modern crime i cal AUDIOHITLER adds, it is similar but has more of a focus as to diseases created due to how the microwaves (similar "waves") interact with the victims, "street repeaters" and even the criminals using it at its "headend".)
IF MY THEORY(IES) are correct humans in the NY(c) area in heading back to work/socializing will act wilder than their norm.
(the longer one waits or more egotistical one is the harsher the addictive/dependency boomerang effect will be)
This is an individual CASE BY CASE BASES reaction as if going through a "cold turkey" reaction...
THe sudden over reaction (AT EACH PERSONS PERSONAL LEVEL)
is caused by having to leave something they were dependent
on that made them falsely happy. (A.K.A. false dark prophet to the north, north being the brain, daerk being ones egotistical mind/self created thoughts as parabled in scriptures, a.k.a. "addiction"/dependency in modern terms)
What i state occurs in the interaction of the angle of attack via Electricity's hum.
(ITS NOT THE PHYSICAL SOUND but a "intrAEresonance" that shifts what i call the complex brain "lightgates" and one of the features of the complex brains lightgates is it maintain a calm correctly filtered path-flow between thoughts as to maintain a separation between the ego and the conscience.
Electricity's side-effects causes an intrAE-resonance that shifts that path via its chaotic flows in that the EGO (naturally more chaotic) takes over the
conscience (naturally less chaotic, almost in a continuous
meditative state and does this by the overreaching chaotic resonances.
This means instead of a person thinking "if i throw a punch at anyone not to defend a real physical attack but due to an emotional thought i'm going to jail and be worse off than iof i remain calm. Instead they throw the punch cause that inner peaceful voice is not "heard"/ignored by the addiction to chaotic resonances demanding even more chaos/anger. Why this side effect is so despicable as an addiction to nicotine causes one to want more nicotine yet in that nicotine being a real substance it has real world ways to control it be it through counter-drugs or even ones physical will to stop smoking. This side effect of Electricity in not being something one can observe with the 5 mostly grounded to physics senses becomes a never ending cycle, till the outward interacting angles of attack of electricity is controlled as a whole, as clued below. in to suddenly go back to whatever was an addiction/dependency,
in this case that side effect of electricity is the dependency/addiction
and then going home (NO theatre/restaurants/outside trips) to less electrical interaction state thus returning to acting in a somewhat uncaring manner, TIMES TWO via the more extreme all to nothing roller coaster ride.
With extremists ON BOTH SIDES having such built up egos (What Russia/China/sadistic of ISAG exposed and counted to generate internal chaos on via FB / website ADs). You saw their reactions earlier as a month ago when right winged extremist carried guns into city's political chambers in another state(s) while left wing extremists where throwing mollitoffs.
The extremist being such reacted earlier. The extremists stated their
reactions were as to an aggressive desire to some sort of freedom.
But if one takes a step back and observes what freedoms they lost
during 'the pause' / soft lock~down it was the freedom to become painfully ill.
the pause is to help all survive so we can all live better afterwards so it was important all remain in a pause. Its as if a ship has a hole on each of its four sides BUT if the passengers stood equidistant within the center of that boat it avoids rocking and tipping the boat towards one of the holes. If a passenger moves, ship takes all down. Trump was this ships captain and he did not even understand the seriousness that a hole in a ship bottom can lead to, chaos ensued and that's where we ...stand?...uh...swim.
Therefore in being EXTREMIST and away from their dependency (Electricity's side effects) for a shorter time that most others it was still too long as THEIR aggressive ADDICTIVE MINDS, as they were going cold turkey.
The more aggressive egos had what i use to call in my High school days a
boomeranged dependency/addiction reaction (BDAR..boomerang? as in it comes back two times harder/faster due to gravity, if thrown correctly upwards then comes back downwards in its return flight).
Double, as the addiction is reintroduced in such a much faster/greater manner that it was originally introduced, so much that the dependent becomes numb to the outside/real world .
People become addicted to Electricity's side effect throughout their life so it took years but here they go off it suddenly via THE PAUSE (was needed) then go back on that addiction/dependency IN INTERACTING WITH THE MANY ELECTRICAL flow changes from buildings/vehicles/trains/lights/bridges etc only within a few days even as short as hours so when they reach those false prophet highs then back to the lows (quieter STILL near home) its an extreme roller coaster ride causing chaotic extreme bi-polar type reactions.
i really think this happened at two completely different neighborhoods, yesterday 20200628. Yet what they have in common (besides being human beings) is both are going back into their modern interactions with the many angles of electrical outputs causing its side effect.
(The free devices i hope can one day be installed at high end electrical usage points does the following PASSIVELY. Uses no power just correct angles and geometric folds/micro-distancing to send that "hum" towards a complex planets center. That is where physics (nature) and what i call etherics(use to call Galacsics) (gawd) use is by recycling it into natural flows as sprites(super passive outwardly, are 7 types/open angles/colours...only 3 discovered so far) to lightening (super aggressive inwardly are 7 types/closed formations/colours..only 4 discovered so far) and many other natural occurrences be they passive or aggressive. In the flows THEN having one direction (towards Earths center) the human conscience is not chaoticized by the presently so many directional flows, thus once flows are in one direction humans can go back to evolving as a whole instead of devolving as a--hole.(THERE WILL ALWAYS BE EXTREMIST its how the rest react to them that changes the human state)
One community was in upper Manhattan where peace had been restored by police and the community itself which stood in front of looters to stop them or delay them till police came. At present we have shootings, sure some shooting were to occur a month or two earlier but the pause stopped those shooting, so in a weird way some shootings are some sort of aggressive or retaliation "make ups" for not being able to fire their guns for two months. Yet many are due to this side effect causing anger in people that feel/see how others don't care so they lash out.
The other place was the human Rainbow community's 51st observance/50 anniversary where you see certain people on all sides acting extreme. As in not wearing masks though being inches away from each other and officers pushing aggressively those just stating their points.
If there is one community that should know the dangers of not taking viruses seriously its the LGBT community, not just from experience but the LGBT community seems to have a more open heart in caring for all people, maybe due to their childhood sufferings or better ability to use both sides of their brains . Yet the LGBT and others groups including heterosexuals joining in in the street closer to each other than if in at bar. The police come in and forgot that their calmer ways in the last almost two weeks has bought a calm control flow to the public protests/groups moving throughout nyc streets. Instead of police saying we need to break this large group during this pandemic and ask that each person wear the mask and maybe be creative and ask that they leave in twos holding hands, so all sides will join up and mostly leave in peace, they entered to bust skulls. Even if kind sure there is always that uncle straight or rainbow curved that does not know when to stop acting nutty. In that case police can call a few of his friends to come back and help him find his way home or the nearest unused porta-pottie, hey its NYc he'll think he is in his apt. and take a long recovery nap on the pho-throne.
Instead police went in by force. Force is never a good thing (unless its a personal secret word situation) cause it escalates situations and the job description of police is to protect and keep the peace, not provoke/stoke and ******smash************
This over reaction be it to over-party dangerously or to act as bully officers is a sign of going through that dependency/addiction double boomeranged as if the roller coaster ride of the dependency in such a fast return to so many electrical flows becomes twice as drastic. Imagine a person who injected a hard drug into their body yet was intervened to get off that drug cold turkey then 2 months after not taking that harsh drug goes back and not goes through a year to reach there max injection amount but injects as much as they took before right away, the ensuing craziness would be off the charts.
i always (AT HOME) carry 2 cotton balls i my pocket.
When i get seriously angry (only at inanimate things as remote controls or compu'rs) i take out my cotton ball and SAAH ---LAAM! it onto the ground (make sure there is no furniture in the way of that hand/arm going 0 to 50 in 3 secs, nor do it so hard one dislocates shoulder. Then have to explain to insurance agent how ....BOTH shoulder... became dislocated)...whimsical actions have no insurance coverage...unless yer a mime and a real piano falls on you while yer miming a piano... falling on you. Then i'd call MONK or The Three Stooges to solve the case.
The above can be read in a more understandable and shorter comment once *********** translates it
BTW i think this PAUSE due to the corona (covid-19) virus in forcing human beings not to travel among all the many electrical output flows caused their minds to correct this interference as to their conscience. i think we saw this in it being the ?"age of Aquarius" (not a zodiac thang but the flow of energy at this segment of space interacting with this solar system) so it bought even more enlightening that all sorts of human being came together to protest for equal justice for al ...THINK just in the last 6 years 3 VERY PUBLICIZED cases had African Americans die in the hands of police due to some sort of choked / breath forced out of them action very similar to Mr. George Floyd's murder yet there was no joining up of many different human beings in pretest,...many but no where as much as this time AND WE HAD to worry as to catching a serious virus yet many more came out, i state it was due to the reasoning above as to Electricty's side effect...this also explains why there was "The Greatest Generation" as told in Tom Brokows book as this side effect till correct will bock humanity from evolving with a good conscience...for SciFic fans think it will make humans Vulcans (good conscience) or Klingons(lack of conscience)...from my point of view ,peace
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