Friday, May 8, 2020

A reply for FB thread was too long so its here

This i kind-of posted before on this clearmatter blog but this was to be a reply on FB and felt don't cause chaos there within a calmer thread instead throw stones at me here

Again i know it seems i point all things bad towards the modern crime i call AH.

 But I STATE there are 2 main causes for 2 separate "disorders" (ADD y Dementia) on the rise since 1950s/1960s
 One is the side effect of Electricity and the other is that modern crime i call "audiohitler."

 Note i state Scientology is one of the first users of this modern crime (1960s) so they created the vaccine issue as a scapegoat.  Study how L. Ron and those within his inner circle at Los Alamos became dementia victims and some committed suicide.
Its a looong story that involves (buckle seat-belt NOW) Roy Cohen/McCarthyism, Billions in aide to  Cuba (Cubas mob families), Nazis in South America, Batista, Russia, Nixon, Assassination of Kennedies, Vietnam (chemicals),Nixon, Tried to infiltrate Reagan after he developed dementia and worse, anti-Clinton mobs and put Trump in office (that is the secret Putin knows, his military just enhanced the odds by inserting propaganda ads on social sites adding to the self-psychosis begun by AH onto those that led masses).  If one can influence the conscience of a person one can control that person, but if all you need is no conscience just destroy it, and infiltrate the mind of their leaders...

 (those youtube personalities that have million followers as Infowars (ALL including Breibart might have ~50-60 million)...of course my explanation might read just as nutty except their is science behind it)

...and the masses with no conscience will follow blindly, much easier to do.

Today the "relay" in maintaining this modern attack that uses repetitive sounds is done thru cell phones via those that are regular users of vehicles as taxi drivers, police.(why sirens have so many varieties)...

(why pots and pans are in mass use in these mini parades to thank those in the front line against covid. Oh it first began innocently by grandmas in Italy but this AH group took hold. How about just applauding and saying those important words no not clang clink bang clang but thank you nurses, police, doctors, Doritos makers okay i went too far.  Pots and pans are to say we despise you when first used bu suffragette as to terrible bosses and unfair social practices.)

... and more drivers you'll read on my "clearmatter" blog at blogger.  Since Taxi and police are in cars well sealed (Plexiglas protector, windows usually closed)  they will become more suicidal or people they come in contact (within 30feet) with up to 3.44 hrs after the taxi driver or police officer use their cell phones used by this modern crime (in return for mob like favors as concert tickets to VIP hookers) to relay repetitive sounds via their horns/sirens towards an attack on someone in an apt./home.  (in more open vehicles what happens is nutty people near by will all of sudden attack those drivers as urine , punching onto (NYC) MTA drivers/conductors.  If you are more upright while driving you'll develope bone/feet/within skull (bone) issues as a seemingly sudden dementia as really is brain overheating from certain e-waves in this case cell phone interaction meant to attack the body of a victim, one can see this with those 1989 barbells that included infrared and when used with repetitive sounds as when exercising users fainted and infrared barbells where puled off market never knowing why). I call these "street sound relayers".  Its simple they are transformers to relay a stronger signal (attack) onto the victim, it actually makes the the relayer sicker (within 8/12 to 20/24 yrs)and well SADLY you'll read my reasoning why 9/11 diseases flourished 3 to 9 fold more than they should have.

CLUE:: The disease they developed from the chemical soup at ground zero takes NO LESS than 7 years  to usually 8-12 years to show up (see 60 minutes report from !980s??? on what was used to build Trade Centers. At ground zero e it took ONLY!!! 6months to a year, then 2 years later to develope (NOT TALKING AS TO RESIDENT in/near ground zero they took longer STILL ARE developing that is more directly related to a more man influenced natural process of dangerous chemicals burning or "sooting" on metals to cause a carcinogenic chemical reaction) ...or was ground zero illnesses (~70-80%) due to the use of cell phones for this crime WHEN?...When cell phones first came out...

 (no not the 30 LB case carrying version of 1950s i mean the 2G and beyond pocket cell)

 Count 1992/3  7 to 9 yrs BEFORE 9/11 then when cell phones became cheaper or  2 years later 1994/5 add 7 to 9 years and the second wave of ground zero illnesses flourished (even though by then many had top quality masks/machines air-filtering the site) If my theories/formulas are correct it creates a 3 fold to 9 fold (THAT IS NOT 3 times/9 times BUT DOUBLING at each fold) of the opportunity to develope diseases from things that cause them as the chemical soup at ground zero.  This i posted on a Tripod site 3 months after 9/11 the text in image format was removed in being in img format as Tripod cut there free website service from 100MB to 20MB so the last uploads were first to be auto-removed.  These diseases will continue but at a more personal rate as each Street relayer when coming in contact with a carcinogen raises odds 3 to 9 fold of developing a diseases be it hereditary / Karmeditary (made that up means from Karma of your many lives), via an accident...or they can stop helping criminal groups,  but once you make a deal with the devil (even for a "good" cause as in taking wife on a cruise) heck odds are even ones kids (SADLY!!!!) follow suit.

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