Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Breathing technique as to covid-19 (from other blog), plus ideas for covid-19 vaccine

THE FOLLOWING DOES NOT REPRESENT GOOGLE or anyone on this Earth's  beliefs/thoughts/recommendations.  They are the ideas of a "Nu Yorinqueño" in the hopes that the ideas/theories are studied and if it leads to something useful it belongs to humanity, as is nature where Nature belongs to all yet property of no one, use it for the greater GOOD in all. USofA for the greater GOOD (of ALL), as history shows it has. That's a "Statue of Liberty" not a "Statue of giveMEgiveME"

Also understand my crappy style of writing includes 'humour'.

AM NOT A DOCTOR (though JHS 104 teacher thought i'd make a good doctor and at age 11ish enrolled me in a program to help young minds that had a doctor like thinking process, but i didn't take that root, terrible grammar and not wanting to follow certain ethics as in use laboratory funds/insurance influence in making health judgments for patients).

PLEASE CONSULT DOCTORS to make sure foods i state do not create am allergic reaction or interfere with any medicines one is taking.
Injections/vaccines are needed. Scientology (then Unification church and several other religious groups) began that anti-vaccine deal to cover up their use of what i call "audiohitler" crime (Finally prof all can see via embassy/microwave attacks done wrong).
 Groups of strong willed families as some in Westchester, NY as Monsey (their family suffered horrendous torture in Germany and still 2 generations later  get involved in such a crime or hurting others for no reason but hate or greed.  (Please do not paint any group with a broad brush i speak of certain aggressive segment in that area) area in joining such a modern crime network backed up that anti-vaccine nonsense to hide any effects of such crime onto their people.  Sure some people are allergic or have reactions to anything that pricks their skin but that is on a case by case rare occasion, that cannot be compared to the ill/death created by not vaccinating or EVEN SOON the trying of a new  vaccine created and used through desperate times.  As lets say a mutation of covid-19 kills many more, there are some that might try any vaccine cause the alternative is death and one cannot compare peace time cures with war time necessities...just ask our heroes who had to cut off a limb to survive, not something one does during peacetime it it.

(ADDING A FEW IMPORTANT THINGS ONE HAS TO DO if one tries the 2 foods i state can help lower certain high spiking viruses towards a more easily managed common cold virus that ebbs and flows for 14 to 17 days at 3 to 4 day cycles in which the 2nd cycle is the worst)
One has to begin eating the Sauerkraut and garlic as I've stated at least 2 weeks before they "catch" any virus...preferably a month before.
2 or 3 teaspoons via fork onto tongue tongue bring sauerkraut against back of throat for 2 to 3 seconds swallow, at wake up and afternoon.
Garlic (HAVE GLASS OF NOT TO COLD WATER READY as to some garlic might give a burning sensation in mouth) i take the size of the white crescent on fingernail if 4 mm in width 8 in length, and chew it not prepared with any foods, specially oily foods/sauces that are sweet/sour read below why not.
Luckily due to modern science most viruses even this neuvo(new) virus gives most a warning of at east a week for most in area its detected and over a 2 to 4 week warning for the rest of the planet. Notice Trump was warned in mid/late January - PLEASE remember he is President so he gets info WAY! ahead of others. That President Trump decided to joke about it (at 2 rallies) or promise twice that within 2 weeks it'll be all over or by Easter Sunday that is no reason for the rest of humanity not to begin their preparations to fight a war against well equipped enemy.

Don't think its important to prepare?
Look at how people prepare for Hurricane /TS season, Earthquakes or sports players including the unknown players on top teams prepare for any play by correctly practicing each scenario then when that/those players make the winning action/catch/play they are immortalized and every kid wants to be that great pay masker.So why not show the youngins to be prepared for a health emergency cause don't you think that preventing such illness is as great a a game saving play?

Now once you feel a sight fever...

 (prefer one do the following as soon as the virus in in ones country but some wait till the last second)

...stop taking in any sweet n sour sauces as tomato, soy sauce especially  cheaper varieties (i've explained elsewhere how i think these type of sauces specially low quality types create a petri-dish like affect on ones mucosal areas thus helps virus attach more efficiently throughout body). Lower  to even stop taking in low quality fats as in cookies with cream filings to fatty meat dishes.  One wants the 2 foods used in this example as in sauerkraut ability (try not to take the sauerkraut fluid, and for this virus pickles not as good so separate WITH CLEAN UTENSIL if both come in same package) to regulate and prepare a preemptive block to lower the viruses spike by not giving the virus ammunition via the aforementioned low quantity/fatty foods and instead virus goes for lactic/veggies fermenting and is tricked to lower the manner in which the virus allocates its attacks being its fuel source stops feeding the a high spiking/attacking action feed by preservatives/fats to a slow different type of burn...

 (please sit down Bernie i said burn not Bern.  Get the popular elected then you'll get your decision making seat and prove yerslf to Americans as to your caring for all ideas/programs w/o breaking the economy.)

...that can be better handled in becoming a more common cold virus.

In essence one is becoming TEMPORARILY a vegetarian (i'm usually not one)  to fight this virus.

STOP DRINKING ALCOHOL or anything with the slightest bit of alcohol.

Now the main problem i see in this manner of combating the covid-19 IF the foods work is to ask ones Doctors if the sauerkraut affects any medications one is taking.

There are other fermented veggies one can take but::

ONE- Many such fermented veggies have not even been "created"
TWO- Modern medicine has to do the studies to see which fermented veggy best lowers which virus into a common as weird?
       Its just like modern medicine waits till a few months before Flu season to figure out what strain to inject into types of eggs to generate the flu vaccine.  The only difference is the fermented theory is from a unknown person and at times modern scientist forget that MOST of the ideas they use FIRST came from a mind of someone THAT AT THAT TIME was considered at best an extreme thinker, not considered part of the in-crowd as to scientists  to even a nut.  Al cause anything new is not [sarcasm w/reality] in any TIME & LIFE book series [sarcasms w/reality] These unheard of ideas for later generations to use/learn come from the fertile imagination that at times is linked to previous lives be it the thinkers or other souls.  Its science its just not known science and its the job of TOP GRADUATES to separate the ideas that fall flat AFTER MUCH TESTING to the ideas that is guaranteed to last  for as long as the uni-verse its discovered in, exists (Entire life of Universe guarantee, now that's a guarantee!..take that gecko).
Please take the ideas i share FOR FREE and test them otherwise anyone in the sciences is just as ignorant as those that follow blindly so called leaders, end results is de-evolving as to human being ACTIONS that will have to repeat the errors of others before them and what a waste of ones valuable time that is.

Another thing is as to Governor Cuomo's brother  ...oh yeah Chris Cuomo, and that breathing exercise.

  The style i recommend is to SLIGHTLY be pinching nose (NEVER PINCH IT SHUT)  while breathing outwardly the breathed in breath as this acts like those expanding lung breathing apparatuses (incentive spirometerhas a little ball in it) doctors give/prescribe to  patients to make sure lungs maintain a good capacity as to the cycle of breathing in and mainly out (one can patent the outward size of opening design via a adjustable material to better fit each patients breathing opening as to my explanation below, i ask for no money just stamp device's bottom with "vis0 inspired")
Here was my difference in breathing technique.(as posted in Feb other blog) 
 The breaths to insure a faster recovery has to follow my theory on why laughter cures.  Think of a 2 to 1 ratio in a triangle form.  Think that that wider end of such triangle has the power to push-pull chaotic flows concentrating at the smaller point of such a triangle.  Now when one laughs CORRECTLY or suddenly without thinking cause the joke/something you saw (hopefully no one was hurt) was so truly funny ones abdominal area suddenly squeezes in creates a smaller enclosure at the base of ones breath (lower lungs) but cause ones mouth is wide open that creates a wider opening by two to one versus that tightening lower lung/near gut area that the wider opening at mouth helps push-pull chaotic flows from the body outwardly.

WARNING IF YOU HAVE ANY ADDICTION do this breathing to lesson covids attachments to lungs AT THE START of the covid-19 attack but with caution as they way i ask the breathing be done can cause one to fall back into their addictions.

 BTW an addiction TO ME...

 (why in HS some called me "Jung Frued" (Jung as in Carl but also  young person that follows a blend of Carl Jung /Freud thoughts weighted more towards Jung.)

 is not as to any substance but when ones stops using ones conscience as the last filter in doing any act be it physical or mental (as in saying something this entire comment is stupid...beat ya to it...what?!? ya thought this was stupid a paragraph ago! darn, you won)

Breathe in a full breath through mouth but with mouth slightly open (means that inward breath takes a bit longer than normally using the wide mouth)  AGAIN, make sure this opening in mouth is smaller than the SLIGHTLY TO BE PINCHED  nose that one is to breathe outwardly through (the SLIGHTLY!!! pinching nose) that just taken inward breath.  HUH?

One wants the the inward breath via mouth to enter a SLIGHTLY smaller passage than the pinched nose passage coming out.  Since the nose being slightly opened create a small opening make mouth opening very when its pin hole in size and one uses it to breath into spouses ear during the honeymoon oops TooMuchInformation.

This process works on three principals, cooler air heavier than warmer (one breathing in such manner creates a cooler at exit airflow), the wider area pulls while the thinner area contracts/pushes and "intrAEresonances" from heart interacting with breath.  THe latter two deal with the science I cal Galacsics or Etherics
(that 'science' does not (yet) exist dominates Space as "clear matter(intrÆresonance is a dominant feature WITHIN-THERE)" at 45%,  dark matter at about 22%, though i state is the paternal arm of the parental sciences that in not understanding some call "gawd" the other arm the "maternal" is Nature...but i digress,again) don't ask just search for my pages if any are left and try to figure it out, i gave up trying to pass on that knowledge in ~2016...part of my life story i think added to the movie GoodWill Hunters story-line as i gave two 80 page filled envelopes to TWO different scriptwriter based in FL/Conn and FL/Mass. 6 and 4 years BEFORE that movie was filmed. (housekeeper most of my life from Old Colisevm on 49th st,(several offices), Jacob Javits Convention Centre, Metropolitan Hospital (off the record-
 volunteer) and Bellevue ...oh yeah and  TVstudio.

The pinched nose SHOULD BE a second after one begins to breath out through nose.  This waiting of JUST A SECOND creates a forcing on lungs to expand as nostrils (STILL OPEN) but squeezed slightly crates this pressure on lungs to expand as air exiting becomes constricted via pinching of nostrils...IMPORTANT DO NOT close fully any nostril allow breath to maximize its exit...  ....[cartoon humour] or yer head will explode[cartoon humour]

In making the essence (electro-mag-resonances/ethereal) of the INWARD breath smaller one guarantees to push-pull out any building chaotic flows via the sightly larger exiting breath area, plus the action of sightly pinching more as one breaths out through nostril crates the expanding lungs affect covid-19 hates as it tries to find a more stabilized area...

 (less to and fro action in lungs as in lazy breathing, part of reason children/those with ailments that cause less full breathing affected but the diseases building in children MIGHT BE as i state below) lungs to build from.  There are several more techniques but i promised a real Hindu not to share such deep knowledge just with anyone (when he heard me in the hospital talking of this in the 1990s, housekeeper at 2 NYC hospitals last was Bellevue). The rest are mostly used for deep out of body meditations..i don't use it as such, cause my brain is  naturally or accidentally from falling on my head wired to think outside of the box, "out of the blue" no wonder you can hear loose marbles in my head.

The Dr. of CNN's Cuomo style was to cough out the breath, is similar to what i've stated on net since 1990s  IF one contracts the abdomen as one coughs out but the 2 to 1 is not really engaged plus coughing forcibly can spread the virus out the sides of any mask so i prefer the lighter method.  Again if one suffers from any addictions notice how many of this styled breathing one can do before they get that addiction tugging on ones conscience, like a spoiled child tugging on mons dress to buy something for the 200th time (oh wait that might've been me, I'm sorry Mother...ill just get the 20 lbs of gum and pixie stick).  Therefore for the next amount of breathing in this style try doing half of what was done before ones addictive feelings was triggered/began to creep back.

-=-=-=-=-Below is INTERCONNECTED to above comment but was to my Facebook friends then public, posted 3 places since February 2020-=-=-=-=-=

Sis told me of NYU and pfizer joining up in trying to NOT kill virus but control it from its "inside as in DNA/RNA".

i hope i'm not right but since this virus...

 (MAYBE in part due to my theory of it maybe using preservatives abundant in human waste to mutate...if you read my earlier posts you saw me state 2 things its ability to use finer particles of pollutants and preservatives to last longer in animals thus animals guts/acid/'good' bacteria do not kill it thus mutates within one generation of species not two or three as before) really digging in as to find weaknesses in each person as if customizing its attacks then maybe it can "read" the future diseases those kids would have developed and attacks their body thusly.  Yet modern medicine cannot yet detect those DNA commands so we see healthy kids.

If sis told me the correct story, NYU/pfizer is trying to develope DNA/RNA vaccine that does not try to kill the virus but control it from its internal working.

As i've posted in discovering what SPECIFIC fermented veggies "tricks"/manipulates naturally certain high spiking viruses to become long lasting easier to handle common cold viruses this info can then be binded (as via lactid) to the RNA work as RNA by itself will ONLY work on the individual animal that matches from whence the RNA match came from.  Therefore tests in LABS on mice other creature will only work on that level not complex humans.  Its like melatonin from less complex animals does not work as well in reversing cancers versus melatonin extracted from the human fighting the cancer as to their own urine AFTER deep mediation in rooms that have no electro-mag flows for at least 50 feet from the human to such flows (once tried to Explain to Adrianne G. as in ones own melatonin taken then body messaged towards specific gland areas WITHIN these types of rooms in deep Forrest area not cities will instead of infecting gland have glands take out the disease IF IT NOT a "karma/karmic tree" or deep rooted "family (gene) tree" illness....

 (really 45 feet but to be safe say 50, why Giza Pyramids and hidden under Sphinx (has 7-sealed books/Chakra represented as crystals under it, as i told scientists/military guy in 1970s and 1990s, if those persons still alive contact me) are such spaces for deep meditation, same in Mian world and ancient Labyrinths...but i'm a nut, so what do i know)

... but that theory i sent in 1980s and never heard from those i wrote.

The trick is to find a food that can bind and manipulate each virus WITHIN HUMAN BEINGS (a complex being) to lower the viruses  severity by spreading out that concentrated energy output instead to towards using up that energy over the entire 2 weeks (i state EVERY virus has in its "command gene") its just that not all viruses OUTWARDLY use the entire 14 to 17 days.

PLEASE PASS TO NYU SCIENTIST, THEY DO NOT HAVE TO BELIEVE AL I STATE JUST USE BITS N PIECES let them figure out what i mean as i  in not knowing physics to well cannot fully explain what is in my thoughts yet i bet they can figure my deeper thoughts (though posted in terrible grammar) into a physics based formula.

Lets see if NYU read this, odds are they'll read Trumps tweets talk about all day but read a well meaning nuts theories ARE YA NUT and this will go into the recycling bin of their compu'r.

May goodness bless you all be thy consider yourself, my friend or foe,peace

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