Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Lets see if an rise in covid cases begins even with the correctness of injections/masks being followed

 Again injections needed, masks needed if the uptick happens imagine how much worse if the 2 aforementioned good things where not followed.  The uptick IF it occurs might prove what i state , how the sun elevation angle TOGETHER with warming temps BUT NOT TOO HOT will benefit covid-19s spread just before the 2 to 4 week delay AFTER the sun angle is above 33% for two thirds of the sub lit date.  EXAMPLE as to the serious covid-19s incl. serious  variants. Texas start of a natural down slope would be March 8th/9th, NYc ~March 22nd/23rd 2021.

(2022103-02) My Covid-19xs take::

Remember when i look at the sun angle elevation of lets say NYc i don't take into account the city but that areas easiest to travel to/from points which is NYS.  This is why states whose geographic traverse is polar to polar suffer the most as to covid-19 as in CA. case almost year long is there an area favorable for covid-19 developemnt via this sun elevation angle theory.

If Texas waited till March 8th/9th 2021 then they would have passed the full two thirds range as to no longer at/under sub elevation of 33 degrees.  Of course there is the 2 to 4 weeks delay to boot which means the odds are that there will be n uptick as the warmer weather returns and frozen areas now thaw and the covid-19 droplets regain their ability to move -about/carry/pass the virus.

gain when an area goes above 33 degree as to Sun elevation that is the beginning of the natural cycle to hinder covid-19s most aggressive actions.  But not till 2 to 4 weeks later are those limiting actions most noticeable, then the next hurdle the sun elevation degree of 66.

So as i posted this on my private FB a week ago lets watch if an uptick in cases occurs.

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