GOOGLE or any other human on this planet is not connected to my opinions, i have over 45 yrs of experience in deflecting audiohitler attacks on me those in Apt i live in. If you locate my comments from the 1990s you'll see me warning those in NYc unions not to get involved cause 8 to 16 (12 to 24 ) yrs later you'll find that people out of no where will become angry/psychotic towards those involved in the street repeater portion of this crime i call "audiohitler" and/or commit suicides all dependent on the type of vehicle they work in, no joke. Read my other blogs or some portions of this blog as to why if one works in an enclosed vehicle one leans towards suicide but in a more open vehicle leads to get attacked by strangers, as MTA drivers/workers...its science, just not understood by mainstream science...yet.
This modern crime together with what i call the side effects of Electricity is what is driving those good citizens that might have antiquated terrorist views as in racists becoming VERY PSYCHOTICALLY AGGRESSIVE. HOW? The side effects of electricity damages the mass publics conscience to becoming more ego centered, the audiohitler crime is used on extreme leaders to become more extreme and that combination allows more people to follow a crazier leader, presto chango you get Trump elected.
Right now if you whee to hear the sounds into my Apt from upstairs and 4 neighbors you'd hear 20 hrs of sounds from 100watt speakers pointed downward their floor my ceiling, to hammering in one spot 2,00 times and much more but i can protect myself. i hope non listening but graphic monitoring devices (OKAY WITH legal aid socirty as to ones rights as actual words not recorded just loudness of sounds are graphed) will be installed in ALL NYCHA buildings so the sounds can be sent to police precients/news organisations LIVE via clouds thus when police come they have a real time readout of the noise instead of these gangs lookouts warning my neighbors to quiet down cause cops are coming which makes police seem to waste their time as no sounds are then occurring.
=================== Here the Brady portion ==========================
The manner in which rules are broken and no serious penalties are implemented or refs or those in charge of large organizations do not report the illegal actions they know of fall under extortion, thus they stay quiet as once you make a deal with the devil (criminal organizations) they feel they have to remain tight lipped to protect their livelihood and family.
Over the past 12 years i've been stating how certain actions (ref calls/N/A not placing serious penalties for the 4 times Patriots caught cheating...Deflate gate was a ~month suspension, how about removing each superbowl win for each cheating. That is what was done in 2 other sports) and inside info from people in NE led me to believe that the owner of the Patriots was benefiting directly (having 3 or 4 refs in Patriots pockets) from being involved indirectly as to the audiohitler actions of certain gangs/mob groups.
See these criminal groups need tech info or Hi-tech creations as to their audio pickup devices to be more proficient in attacking their victims via the modern crime of audiohitler and used colleges or businesses involved in high prescission work to better audio in general (military or public) as to the audiohitler attacks.
High precession is part of Gillette's contract with the military. Work they do is secret even if its not directly related to Gillettes business side. Similar to how certain sub-drug companies "accidently" make 2 to 3 times more chemicals used to generate designer drugs than what was ordered via the MAIN drug companies order as to a non designer drug. Why you see FDA busts warehouses of such sub drug companies but get away by saying it was a 200% (more)manufactured "accident".
As to colleges involved as in gangs sending young people that report to AH gang/mob groups to enroll in the state of N. Carolina;s colleges as in using colleges/universities studies of 3D sound mapping to better attack their (Audiohitler's) victims.
One of the people i was led to believe came to the patriots through their owner was a certain Mr. Guerrero whom as i found out years ago was involved in Audiohitler in South America at a low level.
Remember what i have stated for years as to how audiohiter is the attack of a person by "injecting" via repetitive sounds as a sub carrier minuscule microwaves that via readout seem harmless but use audiohitler techniques and one acidifies the body, specific organs or even cause mind issues. i connected my knowledge of how audiohitler tends to acidify the victims, in particular certain organs that have electric charges interacting through them.
The use of alkaline can seemingly help those victims, but the correct amount and type of alkaline only IF there is extortion paid as in protection money, though also once the extortion is dived amongst the gangs it also prevents any audiohitler attacks on that person, in this case bray and whomever else is under guerreros control.
so if someone opens up a medical clinic/business in a poor country that and that medical office has little FULL background checks on those practicing medicine in it, modern or under a holistic title then if they do seem to cure a few that words catches like wildfire bringing the practitioner mucho dinero. but what if many in those small towns are being used as white mice and having audiohiter tested on them but if guerrero can tell the attackers do not attack those going to his clinic it will seem that he is curing them but in reality its that those under his wing are not being hit with minuscule microwaves in a repetitive manner daily. The most recent religious group using this is that south american/Brazilian group those uses a white dove in a red heart as their icon recently based in Brooklyn NY mega church.
Well if this is that guerrero then he might be guaranteeing that his clients DO NOT get audiohitler attacked, as a form of receiving protection money (much goes to the gangs) plus their are certain benefits in using that audiohitler attack flow in a different manner while taking alkaline foods but since one still has to go through some sort of interaction with those audiohitler flows then in time we'll suddenly have the appearance of damaged portions of joints (where the repetitive sounds are nearest) , and brain after 8 to 12 yrs on the fast track 12 to 24 as to brain from its initial use. Read my explanation how many at ground zeros chemical soup really got their diseases from they or their co workers being involved in this audiohitler attacks as "street repeater" as many in Construction,Fire,police,sanitation,transportation ,Pilots are involved in AGAIN they are not all involved but if you get within 45ft.(33%), 30ft.(66%) and 15FT.(99%) at ~210mins from a person that was cell phone connected to an audiohitler command call that number in parentheses is the odds you also will receive the chaotic flow that rises 3 to 9 fold that you develope a diseases (the users will also BUT MORE THAN NOT their payback will be via karma in their next liveS as their present life is too full of negative energy to pay it back all at once as gawd / nature through karma do not/could not under the same person dozens of times for the negative things they are doing in helping support audiohitler crimes...think they are help at best bring diseases to mostly good folks at worst assisting in several slow unnoticed by the law as murders)
Of course those doing this audiohitler involvement will exchange a damaged brain at age 50 or 60 for fame BUT HERE IS THE BIG CATCH NO ONE CARES ABOUT cause many live for the now. Their next reincarnated life or 2 or 3 will be miserable, NO JOKE. Of course since reincarnation has not been proven that last statement might have zero worth to many, so be it.
Now i find out its Brady who is connected to that character. TO ME IF THIS audiohitler is correct Brady to me is not even in my top 20 QBs he is using a person that can cause mental issues in the other team physc he while causing a disconnect to pain in those under Guerreros control and thus seemingly have clearer thinking after being hit hard but that accumulates not just physically but via the internal chaotic flows of having others near by as the other teams players bing subjected to audiohitler attacks (why its important to do as NY gIANTs when they played Patriots and stay at an unannounced hotel and pay for floors above and below the teams floor so any repetitive sounds are buffered by empty rooms) and watch how suddenly all those under guerreros control 12 to 24 yrs after using "his style/treatments" these player become suddenly ill and joints and brain soddenly develope issues..
This all reads as science fiction but its very real.
i bet if one does research these people over 30 yrs of age they have some CA. Specifically south of SF connection as that is where audiohitler became a more gang related crime (1970d /1980s via crips and bloods, first to attack enemy gang members (where more successful THEN as headphones had a larger magnetic property via 1/8 jack and even 1/4 jack walkman type players (not getting into detail) then women via the mind altering ability of audiohitler to depress/ make women/girls less confident to then take advantage of them with chemicals more easily administered to less confident people.
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