(This post was a short reply to why the crime rate versus women never drops (I state there are three main reasons, two related, a certain energy flow within the human body/brain and how the masculine brain child [boy or girl] is disciplined). The original post was a capture of my not spell checked nor grammar check comment-that is at the bottom of this blog byte.)
Crime stats Federally, state wise and locally began to decline for the first time in 30+ yrs in NYC in Mayor Dinkins 3rd year because he chose wonderful leaders as to the NYc police force and had officers observe the full crime spectrum within each community. Dinkins was an aggressive thinker using wisdom to further humanity, sadly his skin tone/colour was used against him and humanity. The rest is that mess created by Giuliani who is one of several sadistic groups pushing Trump to keep running for Prez...)
A lite "spink" means pay attention. A medium spink means don't do what the adult thinks the child is about to repeat, as in pull another kids' hair, play with stove again, pinch a sibling again, all after being told to stop. Finally, a max spink means you did wrong, stop and look at me (parent). How hard is a MAX spink? As hard as a mother lion (lioness) nose nudge that nudges the cubs to the side when she uses physics to scorn a cub (usually a masculine cub). The cub suffers no injury, but you see in the "embarrassed" like cub's reaction that the cub understands why he/she was nudged as to respect what the mother/parent desires, frequently in cubs cases to play much but fair and safely. The lioness does not want to break the cub's will, just lead it in a safer voyage through life. The Lioness will then do a few seconds of playing, to get that cub back in aggressive mode, but now taught to also be in safe mode. Sometimes this has to be repeated to get the point across, even will see the lioness take a 4sec break as to say let the cub get aggressive again, then I'll nudge a bit longer or grab the cub by the scruff to teach the cub wrong from right again as in cub gets to close to moving or deep waters. A spink is nowhere near as hard as a soft spank, BUT IT IS A PHYSICAL ACTION THAT IS NEEDED TO GET THE ATTENTION of a child with a masculine mind. It's part of human nature or nature to have children/offspring that are more feminine minded thus thinkers/creators via imagination (as my male mind leans towards, therefore I can think up of these ideas) and others that are more masculine minded and are physically aggressive. One should not impede the progress of either type of mind to grow in A GOOD MANNER. If a boy or girl shows a tough "want to do" attitude we should make sure that those growing minds understand that their GOOD desires can be reached, and the best way is not by pushing and shoving (usually allowed more for the boys with masculine minds, not the girls...not good if you want humans to evolve) but that using that aggressiveness to get up early to go to school and be aggressive in the desire to learn, in making good social connections in a considerate manner, aggressive in cleaning rooms, aggressive in making sure one gets enough natural sleep, NOT the artificially induced caffeine-level-dropping induced knock out sleep. In this manner, their masculine mind's aggressiveness is being channeled to do things that raise their value, not try to knock-out/down the value of another human being (you see this with egomaniacal religious folk NOT the good religious folks that help others WITHOUT forcing their beliefs on others). The difficult portion in teaching the spink, is because CORRECTLY humans are now (last 2 generations) teaching that hitting a child (or anyone unless it's REAL self-defense to protect one's life or lives) is wrong which is the correct approach. (T***p45 was taught by his father do as ya wish, here's 18 million for your "???teenth" birthday the rest is HISstory and humanity's misery)
BUT the mind that is masculine based needs physical interaction to control its negative actions, and the lite "spink" is that physical interaction that when begun as soon as a child can crawl lets that child know what is a no-no. The feminine mind listens to voice inflection, why girls or those with feminine based minds learn earlier and faster, their deficiency is physical confidence which is further exacerbated by the ad-world of everybody having to look a certain way to be considered the in-crowd. That negativeness is curtailed by teaching the feminine based minds how to play in a fair but active physical manner to reinforce their physical worthiness. Finally, this type's of mind (Masculine/Feminine based) does not tell one what that child's' adult preferences will be, but allows the parent at an early time in parenthood/parenting to set rules according to the child's mind type, to better that child's' progress as to each animal progressive makeup. In humans, it's to become wiser through proven intelligence. And when that child becomes an adult the parents will/should be proud of whatever adult preference their child follow because they were taught/learned to lead with the good mind be it physically centered or spiritually (not religiously, but one's ethereal connection via the ethereal mind's connection to the yet unknown waiting to be discovered) centered.
BELOW IS THE ORIGINAL POST via a capture that was NOT spell checked and "kind of" grammar checked.
When you read mu blogs /comments understand I have server Dyslexia am self-taught as funding were cut to help people with my condition during my elementary school years (1960s-1970s). When I try to read more than two sentences I begin to black out, thus my writing becomes jibberish-like. A year ago a good eFriend created a word processor (virtual) that took into account three things/ideas I sent him decades ago. Since he became semi retired, kids left home now he could concentrate on creating the processor. It uses special fonts (drew up in the 1990s), draws sentences in a weird manner, so my eyes don't cross. I still have 30 / 30 vision (had 15/15 as a child) but my astigmatism creates 19 reflections if I wear glasses. That same action crosses my eyes and leads me to faint when I read a regularly typed, written sentence. Now that I can correct my words (can correct a blog of 4 paragraphs in an hour) I'm slowly fixing the grammatical errors on my blog.
This post blog byte begins where vis0 left a comment not allowed at a respected site.
This was the original captured post (removed, was posted to show I did post it at WxU) not allowed at a certain site. Now when I copied the text I had not/could not spell check it nor check it for grammatical errors.
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