Sunday, August 30, 2020

THEORY-how Sun's angle can influence life of a virus

 Theory on how Sun's angle can influence the life of a virus, in particular a complex virus.

At best am the Good Will Hunter (passed on 80 pg script/story of my life 4 and 6 yrs prior to filming of that movie to 2 writers that i met at a meeting/holistic centers where i was asked to speak via other deep thinkers.  Volunteered at NYc's Metropolitan Hospital then worked at Bellevue Hospital) At worst i am a deep thinker voted to be Einsteinian like in JHS and HS by friends/teachers/school club...haaa fooled them as those that do poorly in grammar class and have a heavy Latin accent are not looked upon as thinkers...maybe bad hombres.

This web site host via Google, those sites linked and/or mentioned have nothing to do with my words...unless it becomes science fact then they try to become friends.

Now when you try the link below, to figure out the Sun path + MUCH MORE*1*, scroll to where you see the entered city's or (Lat Long Cords) Sun's ELEVATION at hours of the day.  Observe when it goes above the angles i state are important as 33, 66 (99).  When it first reaches those angles at each areas HIGH NOON (could be at 3pm, read carefully) and the period of time its above those angles as in ITS HIGHEST ELEVATION FOR THE SET DATE.
Understand that my linking that pg. is to explain some of my theories on viruses.  Be they least complex but mainly  most complex viruses are affected via several actions of the Sun/Sunlight's EMITTED FLOWS of which there are many. Add to that the MANY variables OUTSIDE of the Sun's output as persons health, Local weather (as wind direction carries certain statics, clouds (types of), percentage of each day that sun is above a certain degree in elevation, type of building as in of mostly glass/stone/tent/homeless and many more variables.

Just the Sun's emissions/outputs alone have dozens and dozens of variables.  
Several flows of energy from the ElectroMag Spectrum just one well known are xRays via Solar flare and types of Soar Flares.  Some of these fall under a theory i call "" 'push-pull' " effect in Etherics that triggers output flows in the physical dimension.  Modern science does not still measure flows that are not grounded in physics as in Solar Flare activities on the other side of Sun has certain Etherics property which are push-pulled towards Earth from "behind" Earth as in at the point opposite Earth facing Sun as other side of Sun has energies blown outward. (This Paragraph is more as to Low/High level complexity viruses)
There is the direct heat (This sentence is more as to low level complexity virus)

The sun's Elevation think of it as "injecting " onto Earth the angles that either Descend or Ascend the viruses inner working as the Virus's inner workings acting as a gyroscope to keep it leveled to the TRUE ground (NOT PHYSICALLY but ethereally).  Thus a higher Sun elevation can have that injection from the Sun enter a complex virus's natural window at a steeper angle closer to perpendicular.  Once it starts to enter the complex virus from an angle above 66 degrees elevation that sunlight can disarm the virus attack.  Whether it's more ore efficient or not in disarming the virus's "attack" functions (survive beyond the basic needs as in thrive) further depend on the variables from the Sun as solar flares (Sun Activities/output, cosmic rays  and more  explained on other pgs. or blogs), unless its removed as on IBM's Cat6 weather blog, it was science related posts on a slow day away from the latest comments but i guess A1 knows better..i like A1 but only when its on my steak)
  At 33 degrees elevation angle and lower the sunlight  present the virus with a form of energy that does not hinder the virus's ability to maximize its transfer within carriers.  =Yet another theory i posted is as the virus expanding as in a  complex virus might use that low angle of light to survive on less desirable conditions as fine pollutants. Sunlight around 33 degree elevation if all variables were equal the virus would have a successful transfer rate of  66  but then one has to take into account how well each virus transfers as covid-19 seems to do so 15 to 20 times more (spring 2020 stats) that the average flu virus.
 OF COURSE THE REASON FOR PEOPLE CATCHING A VIRUS HAS MANY VARIABLES as in not washing hands (for 20-30secs) Some posted to sing a tune to time the seconds.  In my case my terrible singing for 20secs is what causes the,dog...neighbors...Brooklyn dodgers to leave.  Watch Next Singing Idol will be discovered from a 20sec hand washrag singing on youtube, then the toothpaste AD will outsell the most popular Beatles single.  
At 66 degrees in elevation counting from noon and " 'encompass-ward' "(to mean hours before and after high-noon where elevation of sun is IN THIS CASE ABOVE 66 degrees in Elevation)  is when virus has to let go of attacking and turn to survival mode as in carriers. Thus, carriers are very important in testing the public otherwise the virus gets a head start when Sun angle at elevation lowers past 66 degrees, which in Atlanta GA is late Sept 2020 and asymptomatic people  not tested might act less careful than if they knew they were particular at home.  
This elevation angle i think is why some southern U.SofA states (or areas between Tropics of Cancer/Capricorn incl. AT FIRST South American countries) became complacent.  As lower complexity viruses are not affected by the 2 points "categorized for" as so above, those are mainly affected by heat/visible sunlight so many in those areas felt. 'ah no problem'.  Yet it was that the virus was not in their area spreading prior to reaching 33 degrees Sun elevation or higher THAT MIGHT be a reason for the covid-19 not spreading till complacent attitudes lead by tr**pers (remember the automatic/bump stocked guns in State Chambers in Northern one directly arrested) also (Brazilian President followers "Bolsonaros" having freedom parades) and irresponsible humans/partiers led the spread.
  This time (Fall 2020AD)   the complex virus IS ALREADY in the USofA.    When these areas within the Tropic lines begin to have their Sunlight MAX elevation decline under  66 degrees more not than so in 24hrs then no hrs above 66 degrees as to sun' s elevation (though many of these areas will not get close to 33 degrees max elevation angle) my worry is the non mask wearing citizens will create big trouble for the country/world and schools...
 (why not sure any official i sent idea of using staggered 2ndry lights to act as a higher, rising sunlight angle using full spectrum lights in classrooms responded with at least a 'lets test that idea' which i sent several leaders in April/May) it will take 2 weeks for the general public to go oh-oh...

The USofA had a chance to have 3 to 5 SOLID months of business IF Trump followed science guidelines. Trump   's words began the 2 month early "CHARGE!" to get the business back up WITH NO PLAN OF HIS OWN TO PREVENT an appended spread which 'caused after less than a month of partially open business to re-close.   THINK Followers of Trump, you shot yourselves in the foot, you could have easily made 3 to 4 times more in profits if you had waited 2-3 more weeks.  Now when chapter II of Covid-19 hits IF THERE IS NO TRUE VACCINE till Spring 2021 you'll have 6-8 months of no business, no money in bank to earn interest.  Keep following the Pied Piper right off that corona virus mountain, which is very sad cause i wish no harm even to my self proclaimed enemies but they will also take the innocent with them.


*1* INFO at the linked webpage takes time to learn what I posted, but the webpages info is based on known facts. .  Remember, knowing more is useful and fun just don't get a big head in passing info to others as that's what Trumpers like to pick on when someone in the field of science acts or even looks like the know it all (as Trump acts/does but Trumpers and intellectuals followers  are  blind to that, as even some "intellects" are blind to understanding that under/uneducated humans don't like it when an educated person flaunts their intelligence.  i could be 99% wrong, but till its/theories are fully studied during each evolving level of science,  we'll not know.
  Both situations do not serve well as ambassadors for helping and respecting each human being's ability to learn at their own pace.


IMPORTANT (to me) If i stop posting it might be that the motherboard of my 20+yr old tower has finally given up.  It might take a year for me to get back up and running which means no updates/posts/comments to even losing my free sites, so save info i post now if it interest you.


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