Saturday, September 5, 2020

Complex viruses and height of sun angle (not for less complx viruses)

 (typed up in late August 2020, edited in Sept 2020, grammar corrected 2021)In a few days (referring to September 2020) you might notice more people with sore throats...why?  Maybe one of my crazy theories::

UNDERSTAND this is as to complex viruses (Dua/Dual virus) as they are more complex (have dual life spans as in communicable via  person to person and an airborne cycle) because they are more dependent on natural flows around them.  Less complex as common cold do not rely on other/outside energy flows thus not as "deeP' in their attacks and easier to control but can go through a type of "reincarnation"  since not much energy is needed to survive in their dormant stage.(moisturized a cold virus watch it comes back to "life".) I think COVID-19 is using fine pollutants/man made preservatives it mimicked internally  as its water/chemical interaction to survive on, thus it is highly contagious and survivable in hot/drier/extreme conditions and when shed.

The "magic" degree in height as to Sun angle are 66 and 33.

NYC's last 66 Degree in HEIGHT day was early August. 

If the complex viruses were being studied out in the open (of course cannot do that) 2 to 4 weeks later or after August 14th 2020 you'd see a change in the COMPLEX viruses inner working as if becoming more aggressive (not most aggressive that after 33 degree in elevation or lower is passed).

Since there are barriers created to slow the virus as masks, social distancing  PLUS  weird enough the many floors around us grounded incorrectly or not grounded in unison which I state on other blog byte  posts create in a negative/chaotic manner a flow that interferes as to our conscience / ego balance they also disturb the inner workings of a COMPLEX virus.

That chaotic flow (hu)mans' electrical grids generate creates a delay I think of ~2 weeks on top of the natural 10 to 14 day (~week) from sick to spreading and shedding of virus delay.

The sun's height (lack of)  that I state makes a complex virus enter its MAX aggressive state is 33%. And below.  OF COURSE IF TOO COLD then physics takes over as in viruses held in check in a suspended state, an extreme of this is permafrost (why Russia desire to melt Permafrost directly only, or by allowing underground fires to spread is a crime against humanity as to its long term health...all in the name of oil/blood money)

Go to the linked site (has several graphs as to Sun's elevation and more).  DO NOT become afraid of the many scientific terms, enjoy learning new things and enter or use map (VERY SENSITIVE wheel/mouse controls as a sight scroll, as you go from NYC to Mars with a few fast scrolls)

Slide and Zoom  into NYC in Google Maps. (this was for my private then public FB post to mainly NYc friends) posted to 'worldly' friends 2 weeks ago, public blog a week ago)

Then use "thesunearthtools"  pages' side scroll bar and go down the page about half-way till you see the "hour  Elevation Azimuth" column. 
Check out the HEIGHT degrees, should be NOW Sept 3rd 2020 (posting old my blog info on Facebook) sun elevation around mid 50s in NYC. (motherboard of mine is dying, browsers cannot create web pages correctly as in when one has JAVA installed incorrectly and JAVA application is affected by motherboard short so the JAVA / JAVA console look like Picasso Painting, gone bad.).  That chaos (floors grounded incorrectly, many right-angled floors) delay of aqn added ~2 weeks I state is caused by the many floors of  building not grounded correctly or mainly similarly.  This causes a  full delay of another 2 weeks  in covid-19 virus's inner working/instinctual actions not working efficiently (in nature there is to be ONLY one positive and one negative plateau, due to buildings every floor has these positive/negatively grounded plateaus)  -if I may call it that-  totaling 4 weeks from the last 66 degree in sun height angle day (or a 2-week delay via chaotic flows added to the 2-week delay in symptoms showing up)  Lets see how many more from Sept 1st 2020 are getting weird feelings as if covid-19 was dormant in could be the less complex flu? (too).

In natural, once an area has a lower sun elevation of 66 degrees or below, a complex virus BEGINS to return to an aggressive state. (a strong HIGH can delay that, a sprawling LOW can exacerbate that)

BUT due to the many grounded wires not being grounded similarly (sure rules are followed green/gray is ground, hot wire is in single phase are blk, more phases is red, but their sizes be it length or gauge, or near other metallic surfaces and then insects/insects dead skin etc. create a difference in the electrical flows, not to mention power sources as in AC v DC etc.  Add that via the many 90degree angles created by buildings it bears that chaotic flow onto the virus's instinctual flows  and any living creature instinctual flow be it an inanimate living thing to animate living thing.
In man the instinctual flow is the consciences.    Al this amplifies that chaotic flow to hinder the instinctual working in the complex virus to a 2-week delay (not posting it as formula/diagram I came up with 40 yrs ago, uses characters I created so would look like alien text...not to mention those characters would have to be inserted as images as keyboards don't have them and all that can be used in a nefarious manner). 

So from that last 66 degrees going lower in height sun angle we add the 2-week delay due to man made chaotic flows and the known 2 week delay till symptoms show up.  This means around September 1st 2020 at NYC latitude matched areas around the Globe people will begin to report feeling a bit under the weather to stomach flu like symptoms. (Again add if there is a strong HIGH its delayed, sprawling LOW the spread is speed up)

If one read my Feb 2020 (my blogs) through May 2020 (FB) posts one understands or at least read  my theory on how naturally fermented ingredients I think can cause a complex virus to stage down to the common cold virus lasting 2 weeks.

As to everyday needs   I HIGHLY RECOMMEND lots of water with foods to keep re-hydrated'.
Trader Joe's sauerkraut, KEEP IT CLEAN, stick nothing into the jar. I prefer to empty out half of the brine/fluid. When I want some sauerkraut I shake the jar so any sauerkraut flings onto the plate, any sauerkraut hanging on the jar's opening edge I pull from the outside the jar portion of sauerkraut onto the plate, thus never having anything go into the jar's  mouth/opening.  Fermented foods/fermenting things are for things that ARE NOT in their independent life cycle therefore it acts like  empty calories in this case for an aggressive life cycle that of the virus. And empty calories fill the virus but gives it no energy, so it creates an inward short circuit effect
Hydrate myself with Water and Trader Joe's cheeses as not too oily but has the very good oils that does not clog arteries as cheap cheese** thus blood flowing better as to  arteries and flowing fluids in body is good to lower the ability to have viruses attach anywhere in body. 

)So-called American cheese I LOVE, but I use it as cheese flavored oil.  If I make a burger I stuff one slice of American cheese inside and use no oil on the pan as the American cheese will add flavour and oil.  Same in making American style yellow rice, I add one slice of American cheese (prefer Borden's white singles IF YOU want no colour added) per serving INTO the boiling water BEFORE adding the cleaned rice (a style of cooking with fridge for healthier you and planet here:: stir early but leave alone as one does not want rice to be forced together it needs to breathe (exhaust heat/vapour from bottom out)  to cook properly.  So when you need flavoured oil try American cheese, yer welcome French people.  Might post a method to use ketchup that is healthy later that will lead the French to even like it ..."NO way, si buey! "(inside joke to Mexican TV fans and a beloved clown, Platanito/Noches con Platanito)
Eat an egg a day it has a benefit by itself but also when blending with fermented veggies
I use safe gums as  ORBIT  to keep mouth moisturize, again flowing as in saliva flowing. (careful not to buy the one in pale boxes that looks like the sunlight bleached the Orbit box's colours as those are fake ORBIT gums mainly sold on NYC's west side newsstands).  The non cavity forming gums keep saliva flowing without ruining teeth, as has safe non cavity forming sweeteners. (Bad, weird enough, are throat drops too much cavity forming stuff and thickness it creates slows saliva flow and sticks to teeth helping cavities flourish). Orbit simple gum is ~$1.50 to 2 .00 a mini- box, chew for an hour and a half or so you'll notice a change in sweetness taste turning to a cardboard taste (means the sweetener is done sweetening, and thus fewer fluids form in mouth). fav was cardboard with pizza stuck to it.

LAST BUT NOT The LEAST can we get OFFICIALS to allow FREE rides for front line workers BUT NOT TAXIS they are too filthy as in passengers NOT drivers.  What happens in the back of cabs as no one there to watch is disgusting.  Most front line workers I know caught COVID-19 think it was in the cab rides.  Instead, get those blue mini buses to go on a bus like schedule and ONLY pick up front line workers.  Or have taxi's with a big H on hood and H sign on rooftops which will have their insurance partially paid federally   that are only used/called/hailed by ID'd front workers, though that is hard verify once passenger opens back door or is near enough to kick taxi in anger if trying to fake a ride as a front line worker.  So I prefer the blue lined mini  buses.

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