Thursday, September 16, 2021

Reiterating the sports use of Audiohitler last ~15+ yrs.

 The following does NOT represent the views of Google, Blogger, its members, readers or those mentioned in this post...besides me, Yet it's still a theory, not proven though certain characters in the past have been arrested or accused for criminal actions but never prosecuted 'cause they left the country before facing the prosecussion..

Decades ago since the 1980s  I'd been mentioning the crime of "Audioitler" 

(The use of repetitive sounds to introduce extremely SAFE low levels of microwaves/sonar and recently WiFi into a victims body.   Those levels are safe as long as the body is not being introduced to them in a continual manner, which is what audiohitler does, THEN it can lead to body and brain issues.

  When I'd mention this most smirked a best.  (Understand from 1980s through ~2000 AD I sent this info to FBI, CIA, NYPD, ABC, CBS, NBC, The New Yorker, The NY Times, Daily News, even NY POST none replied)

Zoom now into the 2020;s and due to the reporting of sonar/microwave attacks, some are wondering could this nut (me) have been right all along?  

I'll let history figure that out, but if you EVER hear one reply to my post on Audiohitler Crime (AHC) with a "That's crazy" or gets a down vote they are either misinformed as in do not stay up with the latest news or are part of the audiohitler crime (AHC) user community and want to discredit me.  If you read of the recent sonar attack my words on this subject can no longer be considered as crazy.  Maybe misunderstood or not fully informed, but these attacks are now fact, its who is doing it and why that is in question.

If you've read my personal blogs you might have noticed how I place the so-called Tom Brady Trainer as a part of the original  California group that was created in the 1970s to use  this audiohitler attacks outside of Scientology and Unification churches.  The two "Religious churches"  where the first mass users

 (Outside of McCarthyism, though tat was more of a social experiment by an internationally alliance of sadistic groups which now has infiltrated the republican party of the USofA) 

of such attacks from late 1950s on.  In California during the early 1970s (maybe late 1960s)  certain street gang TOP leaders learned of this AHC and BEGAN TO ORGANIZE ITS USE. Organize as in having gangs create repetitive sounds via cars that were tinkered to do so in local garages (loud mufflers, loud engines, back firing devices, noisy shock absorbers then began infiltrating colleges as to bringing  up athletes from that period under the use of the crime I call Audiohitler. 

At its basic use its used as extortion.  People are shown what this crime can do by showing them its use as in visiting neighboring Apts./Homes of victims and showing them the victims via infrared being attacked by the repetitive sounds causing organs /body parts to heat up which can be observed via infrared scanners (at that time they got top quality scanners from Fire Depts., wink wink stolen write of the cost never found goods)

 Crips and Bloods though adversaries had portions involved in this AHC. As  lookouts to the street enforcers or "street repeaters" of the energy used of this crime, be it by implementing repetitive sounds they created with their cars or car speakers thus the e-music/rap music/Dominican bkgnd of their modern music having constant up front repeating beats. All music has portions that repeat  its what gets one to remember the tune, but these have that OUT FRONT and at times its the only sound heard from such speakers in use to the point hat the cars rattle/vibrate and one cannot make out the "music"/words.  Also gang cars that have wheels rims to allow generated sounds from undercarriage to flow outward onto homes the are attacked by the rims, raising the car or rims having less material thus undercarriage sounds can pass through them.

Move ahead and you'll find that the Tom Brady trainer that was involved in California as to young athletes then was in South America.  Trainer became involved in  a medical facility that was under control of these Audiohitler gangs.  The trick was to attack the locals with these sonar/microwave methods (why you'd see microwave dishes said to be used for radio calls angled or placed way too low or not pointing at an upward angle or in a valley instead pointing across and out of a valley, after all its to be used largely for communications so how can one communicate efficiently with a microwave dish if its poi9nti8ng at a solid... mountain?). The locals become ill, they are told that the ONLY person that can cure them has new medical discoveries/powers to heal plus has "gawd like connections".  In this case that person is that trainer. (BTW I would say 35% used to lie to elderly to steal their money,  50% of these auto-bot calls SPECIALLY the nonsensical or no one at other end calls are used by these AHC as phone have regulated tones which they can measure against the microwaves/sonar being used to assure victim is being "hit".  The remaining 15% is a true error/wrong number calls. Why I'm hoping more phones WITH SILENT ringing are created where it remotely blinks lights used for the deaf or send signals to TV/monitor,  as Zenith TV console brands had, 1970s.

Once they visit that trainer/Doctor if they pay their bill the attacks or lowered so it appears that visiting that "Dr." / clinic is working.

The gangs make money by telling the local that they have to continue their visit to THAT CLINIC to maintain their health, most of that payment goes to the gangs.  Thus, every year these poor folks are being tortured to pay their live earnings to this scam that they think it's a miracle, via the Dr, who connects to "gawd"  with some crystals and are grateful for them. (Crystals can have healing powers, but there is a method to use them that has nothing to do with placing them on or near the patient.

(Also Crystals can reverse certain diseases, and can be presented out in the open where it can be shown via new science studies as to how they works, not hidden as in this case.

Now this audiohitler attack is focused onto teams Brady plays against to create physical BUT MAINLY mental errors.  Some of these microwaves can be implemented  to help injuries, but that is very dangerous.   just like cryogenics (super cooling -wrong word?) can help with certain injuries, but will also cause the body to weaken protective features of the body that when sent through such a cold extreme damage the elasticity of those areas of the body.  Think of the rule of thumb of, to much of a good will lead to bad things.  Yogi Berra might have said, too much of a good thing is no good.

Several NFL officials that came from that 1970s western USofA group are still in the NFL and are protected from the use of audiohitler on them via this AHC extortion method.   IF they make sure Brady gets several calls in his favor during critical moments the don't become AHC victims plus some retirement benefits added that are thus not traceable, unless one notices that they or their family are living better off than what an NFL official makes after retirement.

These gangs have lots of time and money invested in 5 states, the state with the most as of after 1990s till present is Florida, so it's no surprise Brady went there.  Here's a team that was terrible for  some time since Tampa Bays great Defense left /retired and in one year presto-chango champs.

The weird thing is this use of Audiohitler will cause damage in those benefiting from it or being around the head-end use (or users) of it. 

It takes 12 to 24 yrs to have diseases/alignments seemingly appear out of nowhere on the
"street level"/open-air benefactors side. IF Brady ever comes in contact with serious carcinogenic causing chemicals LOOK OUT cause within 2 to 3 years he can develpe major diseases IF I am correct as to his trainer, but don't believe me, lets OBserve  Brady as to the 12 to 24 yrs period after this AHC use began in Pats world to all of a sudden have his body in failing health.

This is how I see the timeline.

Of the 5 states that are deep in this AHC here are two more

Massachusetts and one of the Carolinas.

To figure out why follow the trail as to the development of 3D sound technology.  See these groups needed to better map the homes of the victims to more efficiently attack the victims.  The use of 3D sound mapping solved that so they went to these states that had Universities studying this 3D technology.  Thus NFL Pats and Panthers in having such universities within their states  became connected with this crime's development and had top teams but NE Pats were the top gainers.
Search 3D audio mapping technology as to Mass, and. Carolina.

3D sound is used to READ the victims living areas and also send sound to wherever the victim is WITHOUT the need to have someone living above or next to them following the victim around to generate sounds exactly where the victim is. 

Instead, speakers are arranged so if the victim is in the living room the AHC speakers have adjusted so repetitive sounds focus on the living room.  Victim moves to bedroom those speaker  outputs is then focused on the bedroom WITHOUT the sound needing to become louder or speakers having to be moved, it could be a simple bird like a chirp or louder AC unit like sound.  There are directional listening devices (DLD) that can map the TRUE output of any sound so if one hears tapping upstairs via these DLD's one can see that the tapping is created truly upstairs OR  by more than two speakers which should raise suspicion. 

My neighbors upstairs (supposedly an 80 yr old lady) has 150 watt speakers UNDER her sofa, beds and under kitchen counter (smaller movable types as sound need not be as loud when forced through conduit or pipe containing walls)  pointing towards my apt...SUSPICIOUS?  I know how to protect myself so I watch sadly these criminals become ill every ~20 yrs and/or their children born with "genetic" defects, very sad.

The Pats (New England Patriots) got first try cause they had that TOP coach (back then...From the gIANTS) but as you know the best coaches in sports have to change their playbook every 4 to 5 years or change team / players cause other teams do so much scouting they figure out the play. 

 So the first 3 to 4 years of Brady's Pats I find are legit or they cheated in more conventional manners as video taping or not cleaning the snow off the field unless its for the home team.  After the fourth year, AHC is in full use so the conventional cheating is more of a smoke and mirrors thing so no reporters notice another extracurricular activities as cars with high wattage speakers near by (look up the NY Mets and a van that had dozens of speakers, at first those attacking the Mets use the low flying planes but that is too difficult to maintain so cars/vans that emit repetitive sounds or fans with bells/pots and pans are used.  Of course pot and pans, cow bells have been used in team sports for decades so that will be harder to prove to exclusively involve with AHC.  I thought the owner of the Pats was involved, but it appears mainly as Brady/Brady's trainer hence Brady leaves, Pats now can't buy a win and other coaches Pats had also can't win on other teams, certainly not to the playoff level which they did in the Pats kingdom for decades.

Yet Brady goes to a below .500 team and in one year are Champs, that by itself is unusual thought not extremely rare.  What is weird is how a team that had many penalties all of a sudden has that turned around so that visiting teams receive the game breaking penalties, again, not the most but the game changing penalties, for that to change in one year yet have most of the same players, reads to me at best as a Chicago White sox scandal level occurrence.

BTW NY gIANTS as I posted when they got the BOBs furniture locker rooms they need to get rid of that and use true FULLY created, cured, treated, varnished,paneled furniture that has been fully dried from such treatments for at least 6 months otherwise their brains are being toasted.  This furniture deal was payback for the gIANTS dominating the PATs.  Now I cannot say that the BOB company was knowingly  involved its just that their furniture is low priced for a reason and one of those reasons being not fully treated as in half treated (the side we see) or if treated its with a watered down version as in their leather's treatment  so it can crack after a few yrs of normal use) causes such AHC to be easier or more efficient.  See if you only treat half of the furniture you save half and pass that savings to the consumer.  It's a business deal, I understand, but don't use such furniture if you think you are an AHC victim.  Make sure Furniture is fully varnish not virgin wood on any part of it cause that type of wood will act like cardboard, read my blogbyte on cardboard (, hence NYgIANTS can't think straight, NY Jets share the stadium, but not as much and not in the same most dangerous area of the stadium plus  they practice more at another field.

Just a messenger that has warmed of this crime since the 1980s.

 I wish Brady and any mentioned here no harm.  If I'm correct I'll will let the laws of physics prove my point, peace

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