Tuesday, September 21, 2021

continuing from the ycc comment as to durags

  WARNING, the following is not good for the squeamish.

-----this portion to my blog, but after a few days it will be removed from public view.

IF anyone saw the 3 images from 2012 thru 2019(least reddish skin) i posted on wxu (WxU blog via links, while disqus was a direct photo)  of my arms/hands suffering from radiation burns, I was testing my creations (including the ml-d) and that was the result of going below 1 or above 9.  

That has happened to me at least 50 times since the 1970s the worst *never posted only shared with 2 people) was in the 1980s thru 1990s (NYC/NYS had severe drought my brain felt like it was shriveling/drying out I think due to ml-d settings). On a few of those occasions  my lower legs became black had pus coming out of slits (most slits were  where I had early in life cuts created from falling in NYc playgrounds that had chards of glass that never healed properly) 

Now within  18 hrs I had it corrected, legs went from black to dark purple, light violet, red and finally the unbelievable pressure in legs where just passing a feather over them lead to feeling like I was tickling the nerve endings with fire all vanished  within a week.  BTW where most people would feel excruciating pain (I saw similar in Hospital from burns/diabetes infections they where screaming beyond belief) I feel a deep enjoyable tickling, how I'm wired I guess.  At the end of that week the lower legs skin CORRECTLY peeled off like a snake changing its outer body.

I had to put my body through heck in the name of science,  but failed in passing on what I learned as could not get the world to listen


In part due to my under-educated mind, though in having dyslexia, ADD and several head injuries (as an infant when I heard plane overhead (In  da Bronx, NYC we lived in line with Jets landing at LaGuradia "airport")I'd jump up pointing to the ceiling even when I still had not learned how to walk so I;d fall onto my big head or if I was on a mechanical pony that belonged to my Sis I'd also point up and fall. The worst was climbing clothing drawers and have the drawers and furniture fall on my head. This I do not remember but parents would tell my family of such happenings to pass the time.  I think I did pretty well, since non of the rattling marbles fall out of my head, unless I hold my nose and blow, then they come out my ears (my FB avatar).


The nail in the coffin TO ME in new ideas not being tested is the intelligent becoming ignorant.  Ignorant as instead of using that book learned/memorized intelligence to figure out which of the weird thinkers (as I) has valuable info and which are just pulling at straws, the intelligence is used to put those weird thinker "in their place". This process of finding which weird thinker has valuable NEW ideas could have easily been done by retired scientist by simply asking questions to nuts like me and filters the replies via what they obtained in reading books/scientific papers.

Then take those responses and see which fit best as to the present level of science to then be further studied by up n coming scientists long after I and the caring scientist leave this world.  We saw this during the renaissance where the nuts where put in prisons YET as one example monks that read books by the hundreds would talk to them and take notes.  Then future researchers would read the Monks and nuts notes and in time wold get a eureka moment that led to understanding new levels of science.

  I'll leave it at that so all are left hanging but understand IF another person comes along and sez they have this knowledge but seem to either be making stuff up or cannot explain it clearly/concisely, converse with them let them know you are recording their words THEN you'll know if they are yanking yer leg or have deeper info,  Don't use book obtained intelligence to make wise decisions use a blend of intelligence and heart felt thoughts to open new worlds otherwise one becomes stuck in yesterdays discoveries. BTW the true good nuts never charge a cent their deep thought passed on to other to be studied is the best reward they can dream of.

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