For those that create stats showing certain political groups as in the USofA States political control vs. covid-19 spread, sadly maybe a new category. States vaccinated over 50% (prefer >66%) vs states under 50% (prefer <33%) the preference percentage crates a clearer separation.
■ As to my crazy theories NOT FACTUAL at the moment might be proven correct/incorrect or some blend there of later.
■ States that cold HIGH pressures to this type of virus act like the sunlight falling onto the virus at an elevation of 66 degrees or higher (understand i state the virus uses True ground or what it perceives to be tru ground as a manner in which to survive). Vitamin D is the purely physical manifestation of this intrAEresonance affect. Any strong HIGH even warmer as to the previous air mass is effective but COLDER/cooler ones are most effective. Then during the summer months its not the heat that slows this type of virus but a combination of strong HIGHS and/or higher(highest) elevation sun angles.
Once a cold HIGH leaves an area, IF THAT AREA is still within the 30 days after that the 33 degrees in Sun elevation was ascended/passed rising, the strongest deadliest covid-19x can resurface. (of course with the sun angle is below 33 degrees in elevation is MAX dangerous covid-19, as to nature only strong HIGHs can then slow covid-19 so we neds masks, separation, air cleaners (on this clearmatter site are two ideas that if invented i think IF ITS PROVEN TO WORK will revolutionize how viruses are fought as in people an still dine, go to pubic arenas its under the imitating the escalator theory) and now safe/well tested vaccines
Once a cold HIGH leaves an area, IF THAT AREA is still within the 30 days after that under 66 degrees in Sun elevation was ascended by the STILL dangerous (cause it can still spread easily) but not a deadly covid-19x can resurface.
First how i explain a Solar day (its not the official explanation)::A solar day TO ME is the 12 hours in which the Sun is rising, that negates that equal at sunset as sunrise minimal or negative in elevation numbers/degree in elevation. The minimal or even negative Sunset elevation degrees belongs to what i call (not a real term) the Solar night or other half of the planet.
■ Picking a town that has a Latitude within the aforementioned limits.
(IS A RANDOM PICK that fell within a certain northern latitudes of the USofA.)
Town/City is Billings, Michigan.
Now there are 4 categories as to sun elevation affecting a complex duo/dual virus.
■ 33 elevation degrees categories.
A third of the 12 solar hours or 3 to 4 hours above 33 degrees as to Sun's Elevation.
Two thirds of the 12 solar hours or 6 to 8 hours above 33 degrees as to Sun's Elevation.
■ 66 elevation degrees category-
A third of the 12 solar hours or 3 to 4 hours above 66 degrees as to Sun's Elevation.
Two thirds of the 12 solar hours or 6 to 8 hours above 66 degrees as to Sun's Elevation.
■ A third (3 to 4 hours of the 12 solar day hours, i'll use 3) of its solar day rose above 33 degrees elevation on February 21st 2021.that means the worst covid-19x as in contagious and deadly could have occurred up to a month later or March ~22nd(Feb has only 29 using 30 days as a month) This is as to a fairly modern city in that area and its surroundings as to a formula posted months ago for country v. city delays in transmission to becoming sick)
■ Two thirds of Billings , Michigan or 6 of the 12 solar hours with a sun elevation of 33% or higher... (6 to 8 hrs of the 12 solar hours of a day, the reason for not using a specific number and posting 6 to 8 has to do with if its attacking Azimuth or retreating Azimuth. So we don't ge into fractions use the lowest number in this case 6 of the 12 solar hours). ...occurred March 21st thus till April 22nd the odds are high that though not the most deadly but still very contagious covid-19x will be spreading.
after this last mentioned date the covid can still spread but almost not deadly IN THE AREA I'M USING AS AN EXAMPLE
To find out your areas Sun Elevation try(the site does not condone my theories, in fact i might be the only person on this planet that does, [sarcasm]though there might be 2 chickens that have pecked my theories as valid)[sarcasm]::
Then we get into tourism in particular from areas that Follow a tr**p style of mis(managing) as in Brasil. Allowing the poor to receive a higher rate of infection thus die is a form of genocide as in using the pandemic as natural tool to allow the deaths of many by not reinforcing the needed PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) be it a simple mask or ventilators across the country not just in well to do areas. This is similar to what happened when Columbus came over to the India i mean Americas except this is planned, that was an accident taken advantage of. Both not good to say the least but this is criminal from the get go.
(remember this is central Michigan and if people use the scitific recommendations that certain state officials as California and New York State Governours impliments while Tr**p was still not taking covid -19 seriously...actually never did, remember the NOT accepting/ordering of almost half the needed vaccines in October 2020 or forcibly taking off mask after having covid-19 in front of his White House workers. so it neing Mich. add a few more days for areas further north...too far north from here then we get into areas that never reach such a criteria as 66 or even 33 degrees as to sun elevation, then its mainly still the HIGH pressures why damaging the perma frost will lead to higher areas of developing viruses)
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