I've asked Gregorio (vis0) to post similar as I have below but he feels the IG ban is permanent as he's e-mailed IG of his situation several times in not being able to afford a camera till months from now so he used a friends IG to forward his image with the security code but it was not accepted because IG wanted Gregorio in front of the computer with the IG code in his hands and computer screen. Gregorio is very particular of who he allows in to his apartment. Those at the science blogs he posts at understand why, as it has to do with, lets call it his top-secert device. So no way anyone is going to take a photo inside his apartment.
I'm using a word processor I helped create for him and its settings are AI set to mimmick his style of writing so some portions read as his writing style.
My eFriend vis0 (also known on YouTube as WxRetro, in real life is Gregorio O. DeMojeca) sent a local NYC reporter a 10+ idea list for ways to save energy while cooking, growing foods, and cleaning, and was banned from Instagram for it (explained at the end of this text-video as to why I think it was an auto bot misunderstanding).
► Four ideas for using the refrigerator to cook, which saves plenty of energy use.
We constantly pre-heat water to cook in, even placing foods in water that isn't boiling for several minutes, when only a minute of cooking in boiling water is needed.
Using the refrigerator can lead to lowering the use of the energy grid and savings of 50% to 75% per cooking cycle in energy bills.
Here is one method. (These are not Gregorio's words; he shared these ideas with me in the late 1990s, I shared them with others via this text on the video linked at the bottom. I would rather post a video of me in my kitchen, but Gregorio wants no one to place their likeness on his sites as Gregorio fights modern gangs with science. He claims that if I post my mug on his website, they will blackmail me in the same way they blackmail him by spreading false rumors. (This is how gangs lower the value of good citizens.)
Save the earth while saving money, the ultimate incentive for $keptics of global warming.
► Non-food needs:
Cooking Bowl or pot with a tight cover or lid.
A narrow but deep, thin-skinned aluminum pot is usually used for mixing coffees.
A refrigerator
► ► COOKING PASTA with refrigerator method.
When cooking pasta, first place the pasta in a bowl and add cold water. Cover the bowl or pot and shake vigorously.
Empty the shaken pasta and cloudy water into a colander. This to remove the starch, the natural equivalent of corn syrup, causes junk foods, preservatives to bond in the gut.
Now place the pasta back in the bowl or pot and refill that pot that has the pasta with cold water again.
Place in the refrigerator (middle shelves) for 15 minutes.
When fifteen minutes have passed, take it out of the fridge and shake it again. Rinse out the starch, in part, the cloudiness caused by the unneeded starch.
Place again in the fridge, this time for 15 minutes to 45 minutes, depending on the pasta type's becoming al dente and SLIGHTLY malleable.
This is to soften (cook) the pasta to the point that when one thinks that in three minutes they will take out that bowl of softened pasta from the fridge, at that point they will turn on the stove's burner with a covered pot of water to boil for pasta. (Usually, water in a covered pot will reach boiling in 2 minutes.)
Once the water is boiling, drop the softened pasta into the boiling water and in a minute to ninety seconds, the pasta is done (LESS TIME IN HOT WATER).
This leads to less starch changing its molecular structure, which then can stick to the gut more easily.
Total time: 3 to 4 minutes.
The present used-to style is turning on the stove burner till the water is boiling, which is, as above, 2 minutes. But then drop in pasta straight from the box/bag into boiling water that will take 3 to 5 minutes to cook (some pasta interaction when not pre-softened tends to overflow the boiling water even if the starting flame is low, making a mess on the burners; the overflow can extinguish the burner flame, resulting in gas escaping [bad enough] and overheated pasta is bad for the gut). The total time via the usual method is 5 to 7 minutes, and that's for regular pasta. Harder pasta can be double that time, yet the fridge-softened version, if softened to the correct level, takes the same amount of time in the boiling water (3 to 4 minutes), because the harder pasta is left longer to soften IN THE FRIDGE.
Since the refrigerator is always running and the more it has inside, the more energy efficient it becomes, this style becomes a money saving situation in placing food to soften in the fridge versus more time with stove/burners on, as in it's a
-win, result.
(bit of vis0's style of humour, its catching)
This and another method for restaurants to save even more to help them get back on their economic feet was also shared on that other IG. I'm hoping my friend will tell me the specifics of the restaurant style. Though he is reluctant to share an idea so soon, as once he shares an idea, if it's not tried, or-and he is categorized in a negative light by those he sends an idea to, he then keeps his ideas to himself for 8 years till he shares them again. He waits eight years to give the person the chance to try the idea.
Why eight years? He connects the brain and thought patterns to the sun cycle. Don't laugh. Such an idea is now a major study in Europe and at NYU in NYC (via brain injuries). That's one of his hundreds of theories from the 1970s, he told me and his long time friends, and year after year you read how those ideas, when thought of by others and tested by others, show advances in science.
The next tip is to use only a small amount (FRACTION) of oil when cooking.
To use less oil, as in cooking rice, meats, etc., where one combines water and oil as the base to cook with, try the following.
Blend the oil and water between two pots till the clear water with just a few drops of oil added becomes cloudy.
Here's the how and why.
Just as tropical rains are greater in rainfall amounts because the air has a higher blend of moisture to air, a.k.a. saturated with moisture as in tinier raindrops but many more of them, one can copy nature and use much less cooking oil. Do this by placing LITERALLY only a few drops of oil in the water. I use two drops per serving of rice. Yes, TWO drops. I use an eye dropper. I laughed too when Gregorio told me this, but this method took off 12 Lbs. The elders in my family would use a couple of teaspoons of oil, for the same amount of rice, THOUGH they did move about more (working in fields) and drank lots of water, so they sweated out lots of the "not good for the body" ingested foods and oils.
If you don't have a pot with a silicon secure lid, then have two pots ready; the cooking rice pot and the narrow deep pot.
(For a narrow pot, since it's just for mixing, buy those super thin-skinned, narrow aluminum coffee mixing pots. They are longer than the bars mixing containers and much thinner (thin and narrow are used in tropical regions to mix coffee, if used in colder climates, the coffee would become cold or even freeze while mixing).
Toss back and forth between the cooking pot and the narrower, deeper pot the water you added only a few drops of oil to.
After 6 or 8 tosses of back and forth, observe how the water appears cloudy. One cannot mix oil and water (by hand), but one can toss the blend back and forth till the drops of oil are so small that the space between oil and water is equal or less than the area each oil droplet covers. (same concept, mixing used to create vinaigrette for salads).
Essentially, now nothing can escape being bathed in that tiny bit of oil that's now spread throughout the water.
Now that the super blend is boiling, place rice in that super blend of water-oil or oil-water (you say tomato, I say pizza, lets call delivery of Tonys on 24th and the best Two bros. on 25th & 6th and have a "compare-off").
Allow the rice to cook (this allows for a method where it's done in 4 minutes).
When rice is percolating with very little water bubbling upwards (openings will naturally occur as in rice aerating itself) grab the fork (NEVER PUSH RICE NOR smack the spoon onto the side of the pot to release rice on the big spoon, as that causes rice to join up/compress and become too sticky or wet.) Use the fork as a chicken uses its claws to show the chicks two ways of manipulating nature to eat their catch.
One reason a chicken uses her claws is to slightly separate the soil, as in aerating it. That attracts the worms to come up, and then the chicken uses its keen eye site to peck at the worms' "eyes" or head, vwualla dinner for her and her chicks. The chicken will also send the kill back with her claws towards the sunny area, so it cooks in the sun's rays. She comes back and shows the chicks, oven fresh worms. mm mMM MMM!.
As to the almost done rice, use the fork as a chicken's claws to peck and scrape up the rice, SLIGHTLY.
This creates aerating pockets, so the rice can be evenly drying. Create a tiny pocket every inch or so, don't worry if the flickering of rice overlaps another opening; it's loose, so it will not slow the aerating process. Don't scrape too hard or the rice will fling onto the floor IF YOU ARE LUCKY, or if unlucky, onto your arm and give you a not-so-nice slight steaming hot rice burn.
Once you've aerated the rice AGAIN, DO NOT MIX RICE. If one desires to create a small hill of rice in the center of the pot, then arreate the rice towards the center of the pot by clawing and flinging the rice from the pot's outer edge towards the pot's center.
END OF helpful, cooking methods.
NOW as to why you cannot communicate with Gregorio via IG. in case you want to send a thank you or as he says, a "Thanks nut" (besides leaving a comment on a youtube video, only other method the general public could communicate with him was through IG. Though it might have looked empty recently, he erased or moved his early years of IG to a storage site as he had several scientists from dictatorial countries and was worried they were spying on his IG account to get IP links to good scientists.
Gregorio was banned from IG last December 2021.
This is what I can figure out as he has been on the "internet" since 1982 via NYiT which had one of only a handful of room full of computer consoles connecting between MIT or some New England University through certain S.U.N.Y. colleges as NYiT (on 60th st,. NYC) to eventually Berkley, CA.). In all those years he never was banned (except for day to week long bans on wunderground mainly because of his silly humour and outrages, TO SOME, scientific theories). As in, he has information on three planets that have human-like life on them that he is 90% sure of and showed me. That planet emits energy grid flows, but I'll let NASA figure that out if they ever do triple-background checks on stored info and match it to earthly actions considered ethereal-like as to a certain cosmic flow that meets perpendicular and parallel to that area at the same time (that's one of his clues). Though Gregorio left several clues as to its location and how that civilization is about 13k years ahead in technology, none of the people he shared clues with as to where that planet is located (NGC and as to eq. azimuth) cared to reply. After sharing with five IG sites, including Ms. Scalas, via the auto-sending IG App the cooking method to lower global warming and help restaurants save big money, he goes back to Ms. Scala's IG website, enters a few silly comments to make readers laugh (as to a photo of an empty Rockefeller centre area in 2020 (he told me), and a few seconds later, after going and returning from a friend's IG page, up pops that he has been banned from IG.
For comparison, the ideas and methods of lowering aGW and the energy saving methods of cooking and food growing sent to Ms. L. Scala were at least 15 times greater in words and characters than what you read above as to lowering aGW methods when cooking. He told me he sent it via an IG app that breaks down the messages into acceptable amounts of characters, as let's say 2K characters per message over several weeks, so it's not marked as spamming. He also thought he had accidentally sent the rough drafts, but at worst it had lots of spelling errors and no negative comments on anyone, as he is not that sort of person.
Why did he send a stranger these cooking methods?
He sent these cooking methods to Ms. Scala as she was retiring from the early morning shift. He felt, let me send her some ideas to keep her mind busy, plus was hoping she could connect with a group of women, few of his family members (Four of Five women belong to his family) that were hoping to create a bond between NYC and the Caribbean Islands to help finance restaurants owned by women that had gone through TS destruction and the Pandemic spread Pause, as their family had done similar decades ago when they first came to NY in the early 1900s, as it was the women that organized the men to open up bodegas and restaurants, by closing store in one area to support stores in other areas till they all were self supported (a form of barter-borrowing).
As stated, Gregorio also sent the exact same IG-mesages to five others, all knowing Gregorio they accepted these large messages, but I think Ms. Scala, being a popular public figure, has a spam filter set to sensitive and that read Mr. Gregorio's messages as severe-spamming leading to his auto ban from IG via Ms. Scala's IG automated request. Just my guess.
Gregorio constantly thinks about helping others, not for himself (does that in part from his heart, but I think he has an anti-money phobia which keeps him from using his ideas to fund the rest of his theories). He was saddened by being banned from IG not for him but for the lady relatives who went back to the Caribbean without being able to create connections to business through Gregorios IG connections. The women went back to their Caribbean homes, worried that the next TS would finish their businesses.
BTW, on IG he is Gregorio_aka_WxRetro. I've called and emailed him, but got no reply. At times, he is hard to get a hold of, for weeks. He brought his mother back from Puerto Rico a decade ago and takes care of her as she has dementia (though I think she did not want to stay there much longer, too many gangs in rural areas). He also shops for food for two widows as he promised their husbands (WWII veterans) to make sure they remained safe while living in the building he lives in.
I use YouTube or FB to communicate with him, the public now only has youtube, via videos he posts.
I and five close friends are trying to get him back on IG, as he had family photos stored there and used IG as the main form for sudden needs and alerting the family of upcoming storms.
Now you know who is the vis0 character I post ideas from here on Z's, if allowed hope to post more energy lowering money saving tips, unless he gets back on and posts them himself on this IG.