Saturday, February 5, 2022

This MAYBE why a rise in ADD, Autism, Alzheimer, Dementia since 1950s. NOT VACCINES.

   Two reasons I SAY (THOUGH NOT SCIENTIFICALLY  PROVEN) that lead to the autism/ADD rise since the 1950s/60s.

What I refer to as "audiohitler," as well as the side effects of electricity.

First, the modern crime, which I call AUDIOHITLER.

AudioHitler is what L. Ron (later of quasi-Scientology fame) figured out after the Navy tried similar experiments around WWI. The use of rotating devices that emit specific electromagnetic outputs that influence the human body and brain that can cause them to become ill. It was scrapped as many using /testing it committed suicide and had radiation-like sicknesses, as well as Legionaries disease and dark mold developed. 

BTW, when you see sudden cases of Legionaries, though there has to be stagnant areas of water, odds are the "Audiohitler" crime I type of is being administered to elderly nearby. 

If you notice sudden outbreaks of black mold, such as at the PHIPPS Tower at 444 East 2nd Avenue in Manhattan (1970s-1990s), chances are children are nearby being attacked by audiohitler.

That mold case was reported by reporter Mike Sheehan at WNYW (FOX5), which was then in the late 1990s and early 2000s. I thought those involved in this crime at Phipps Tower would find a way to get him fired,  just like in Scientology, they find underhanded ways to ruin those that go against them or report negative facts.

Coincidence:: Fox News Employees Expose Mold Illnesses; Dangers (tell me someone(s) at FOX were using audiohitler to ruin their minds. | as reported in, - The world's largest TOXIC MOLD website. 

Mr. Sheehan was later fired for an accident that though was cruel to an animal, I think firing him was too harsh. He was a TOP reporter, well respected, with 16 years of good service.

There was so much black mold at the 444 2nd Avenue building that the entire building facade was fully removed/resurfaced. It's a 33-story building, was drawn as the "WATCHTOWER" in certain religious magazines. It was literally where Audiohitler began its concentrated use in Manhattan;, it had high-powered antennas on top of water tanks (bricks), which is illegal, all to act as a watchtower. They used this building as a  Watchtower to control traffic generated sounds that they wanted to implement in their attacks. Why, from east 30th street to east 21st. on  2nd Avenue in Manhattan, New York, traffic been consistently backed up since 1975 (5x more than any other street, (not counting streets that lead to tunnels or bridges), and street excavation is 800% higher in that area, where I have lived since the 1970s?

BACK TO L. Ron invention that ruined the world. Decades later after the Navy/military turned towards HAARP (uses drier portion of Audiohitler much worse for brain development) and left behind what I call Audiohitler, L. Ron while in the NAVY (some told me he stole top secret info to get his ideas) created such a device that used repetitive sounds to inject SAFE levels of microwaves into victims.  This was to control the victim's emotions, add pains to the victim's everyday life (initially via "leaky gut" VERY BAD FOR BODY, it leads to poisoning of entire body/brain thus slow death) to even lead to psychosis and death. Can be used as payback but mainly for extortion.  A modern version of "If you don't pay me protection money, your business MIGHT burn down" or "cousin might give ya a visit and crack yer knee caps" type of extortion.

L. Ron had friends in Los Alamos, where many "black magic" studies were preformed. 

In Manhattan,NYc a similar activity was being done at that research  high security  

(WHITE+gray building) at 26th and first avenue, across from old C & D buildings of Bellevue hospitals. Test on animals of such a crime were done there, just half a block from Phipps tower.

I explain how this is all connected to McCarthyism, the rise of South America's Hitler aficionados, JFK /RFK assassinations, Nixon in office, (tried to influence Reagan 1980s BUT FAILED ON ACCOUNT HE Had Alzheimer), and finally Giuliani as lawyer then Mayor and Trump, DeSantis and Cruz. It's a conglomeration of the oldest sadistic group, Hitler folks, certain mob groups and those religious groups that control their "flock" as Scientology, Unification church, portions of Jehovah Witnesses certain southern USofA  Church's. In South America, it's rampant. The Universal Church of God a  Neopentecostal Christian group left portions of South America fleeing prison time of stealing millions ALLEGEDLY, they are now in Brooklyn, NYC.  Their big THING during the 1990s was talking in tongues.

Back to Audiohitler.

The safe levels of microwaves REPEATEDLY injected via the use of at first loud repetitive sounds then after three days or so all the attackers need is a constant high or low-pitched white noise type of sound barely audible  (why some hear this constant whistling (like that of water pressure from a water pipe or tea kettle), bell ringing (use of Casio watch chime through speakers), in NYC steam pipes are constantly being tapped lightly (even gas pipes) all to redirect the microwaves into the victims body.   When this crime is NOT, again, NOT administered correctly, you get Havana Syndrome. That is because instead of the injected energies entering the body at the correct rate (not going to be specific, don't need copycats) in wrong rates it leads to superficial injuries that are painful.  It's like using the wrong laser (resonance)  to remove a skin issue, ouch!

Now this audiohitler crime really began to grow in use in the late 1950s after McCarthyisms use and 1960s and matches exactly when the illness you speak of being blamed on vaccines began to rise.

WE ALWAYS HAVE TO ASK QUESTIONS AS TO ANYTHING WE PUT IN OUR BODIES but be intelligent about it not superstitious nor irresponsible to the point that some antivaxxers say just wearing a mask is worse than the Auschwitz concentration camp. Every time I hear that, I get sick to my stomach, make a double take to make sure it's not a joke (very bad joke to make -understatement) nor some parrot owned by some Hitler fans in South America  taught to repeat those words.

THE SECOND REASON I STATE (NOT PROVEN FACT)  FOR the rise IN ADD, Alzheimer, Parkinson and other electrically interactive body/brain areas that have a rise in diseases issues since the 1950s is what I say is the Electricity's side effects.

The side effects of Electricity has a similar effect as AudioHitler BUT NOT IN A SPECIFIC DIRECTED TOWARDS A VICTIM MANNER. Thus creates a rise in general of areas of the body that interact with electrical flow as brain (ADD, Alexanders, Dementia, Parkinson) and certain organs are influenced to high a higher concentration of chaotic flows that lead to these diseases. IF science took me seriously JUST TO STUDY my theories and created specific designs in plastic and placed them inside the 4 compass facing walls of every electrical power plant buildings, within 2 generations, 30% to 45% of the aforementioned type of illness would lower to even disappear. 

The hum of electricity recreates that to-n-fro 90 degrees angle that causes electricity to be harnessed. That to-n-fro 90 degrees just happens to create the highest level of interactive chaos onto the complex being, that being humans. It leads to similar negatives as Audiohitler.  This being more of a natural interaction, thus AFTER three generations of interacting we saw the negative influences taking hold in the human chromosomes. Just like chemicals in water PVC leaching, lead in paint, pollutants in the air, notice that their effect on the human is finally quantitatively registered  after three generations of being around. As by then, proof of their danger is in the human chromosomes.  If one charts when electricity was first widespread PER CONTINENT (USofA a bit later than Europe in USofA N.A. Continent being a large area to cover)  then one counts three generations (75 to 90 pairs) later it leads one to the 1970s-80s and onward. Thus, you see these ADD, dementia, other brain and nervous disorders on the steady rise. And to think my offer is for free since the 1970s, but I'm too much of a nut to be believed and since there is no money to be made, none I've written to in the leadership /scientific   community care to reply.

In an example, I use a certain sized metallic pipe within it with a SPECIFIC shape of unadulterated paper (no logo, no printed lines) to control the loose current flow without adding another physically grounded electrical device that would be counterintuitive.  It forces the loose current to flow in a rotating pattern down through that tube then towards tru-ground, Earths center. Reads as a nutty way to control loose currents but It's helped my mother lower her Dementia in where 2017 through 2020 she had that symptom of her internal clock being off by 180 degrees (12 hrs) now that only occurs 3 days a week. DO NOT TRY THAT AT HOME IT CAN MAKE THINGS WORSE too even lead to radiation burns, brain issues IF you are a victim of audiohitler and use this idea incorrectly NO JOKE.

Just hope that there is another person out there that can think out of the box as I, BUT be able to convince the scientific community to listen to him or her. 

If there is one thing I hope someone can help me created is a contusion / concussion lowering pad/helmet idea I've had since the late 1970s, but feasible not till the late 1980s where a certain product was developed that is an integral part of this invention. I ask for no percentage of the invention. I want 20% to go to the St. Jude Hospital, the rest goes to those that helped create that idea. Then an idea as to clothing in where wearers can lower diseases created or influenced to rise by the Electricity's side effects. My hope is that St. Jude patients can wear them AFTER THEY ARE TESTED ON Adults. Its has to do with material, hem design, why certain skull caps help lower brain issues and most efficiently IF CUSTOMIZED PER PATIENT.

BTW I state Ethertricity (another theory/invention I tested in the 1970s) will lower these side effects.
 A group in Isreal just tested using light to act like electricity within a CPU, that is a form of ETHERtricity. Think as acient clues/praraples left berhind to teach humans slowly but surely. 

Satin is a parable to represent electricity, Lucifer being right hand "angel" to mean specific angle of a specific boson light) of "Gawd" to even any of the son's of Gawd as Jesus are symbolic of ETHERtricity.


a good nut,peace