Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Sunrise Y Sunset explorers Beings that traversed Earth first (updated) for the second time

 My 22cents NOT FACTUAL, unless it's discovered.

(MAJOR CORRECTIONS WERE DONE 202206, as in my haste (figured out months later) I reposted the incorrect version that was spell checked but had incorrect explanations)

This is just a quick note on how Sunset/Sunrise Explorers traversed the Earth way before Modern man.  I'm trying to locate my dozen of so OTHER blogs I closed (friends servers or blogs set to private) to copy those words and place them here, if I can't find them yer stuck with the following crappy jumping to conclusions (to the intellectual folks) explanation with no specific known discoveries.

Simple explanation on sunset/sunrise explorers. 

<b>FYI, The land mass names I use represent the names of COUNTRIES OF TODAY, not then.</b>

Both groups began from western/NW Africa, ...this voyage took TENS OF THOUSANDS OF YEARS...but they had the early start as opposed to Europeans.

Both sunrise/sunset explorers sung their cultural mantra to follow ONLY Sunrises, the other ONLY Sunsets.

BY ONLY, I mean no deviations that leave their main sunset or sunrise direction, beyond poleward.

If you're following Sunsets, it's MAINLY western component dominated directions, except for a pure N or S direction or as close to that with the least possible eastern direction.

If you're following Sunrises, it's MAINLY eastern component dominated directions, except for a pure N or S direction or as close to that with the least possible western direction.

Now get a map, NO NOT THE ONE from "Its a MAD MAD MAD MAD (CRAZY) World" (crazy?, it's the sequel for today's times).

Now, on the map you already know most of the continental features, but imagine you don't.


You begin northward from central western / NW Africa following the Sunset ONLY, go all the way to Finland (again over thousands of years hence the Vikings are blending with them (as via falling in love... or lust)  when they headed westward with these groups heading W/WNW/NW/northward...

  (This might be how Neanderthal blended w/"star centered" humans first then moved AS NEANDERTHALS eastward over EurAsia. 

Star centered human have a smaller brain because it's constantly connected to intellect from the uni-verse. As just one example, Boson light/stars sources help build the imagination, that leads to greater discoveries and wisdom.) 

..thus are really not as short as their cousin the "Eskimo" like people as the European version  that blended more directly with tall Africans.  Scottish are people that also blended with these travelers, but were better at saving wisdom from the African songs, which they developed into their own wise sung like language style of tales/stories and science reasoning.

Now these Sunset followers (settlers) by having a mainly pole ward heading (not many westward landmass nor Islands as they passed Portugal, France into UK) THUS not turning NE, even not turning NNE so what is now United Kingdom would be the furthest north "sunset settlers" would go.  I think they could not clearly read the ocean's ripples that would bounce off smaller islands north of Iceland (how one travels across the ocean, is one reads the returning ripples CORRECTLY to mean land ahead, not storm ripples).  Their next stop was westward as in Iceland,  then Greenland then Canada. BUT ONCE AT CANADA they don't go the lazy / greedy / physically hungry (not mentally hungry) modern man style of immediately heading south via what is now USofA eastern seaboard.  Instead, they are following the furthest westward land traverses towards the SUNSET (not always westward, but never past the pole ward towards an eastern forward component direction). They reached what is now The Americas before the sunrise settlers though they had to cross the rough North Atlantic in having The "Vikings" (whatever they wee called way back then) tried and perfected ship and the distance the sunset settlers had to cross to get to whats now North America is FIRST half as much as the sunrise settlers crossing Eurasia. Second many of the sunrise settlers split in heading towards whats now Australia. Though I think the Sunrise settlers built up their wisdom, cultures knowledge in interacting with older cultures in Asia to the point of building up what night have been MU. In building up MU with no further eastward traversing as whats now central and south America are too far to manage some voyage, especially against tropical storms.  Since at that time there were ice bridges towards whats now Alaska the sunrisettlers crossed then traversed whats now Canada to head southward following the Americas sunrises or southward via the eastern coast of North America.

So we have the sunset settlers (taller folks) arriving first in the Americas. Then the sunrise settlers.




Once sunset settlers reach cross the Atlantic then reach Western Canada  since THEN there were no permanent ice bridge(s) to China yet, so they followed the sunset moving towards the more hospitable climate which meant head southward via the sunsets on the western coastline of North America.  This eventually leads them through Mexico and western South America  towards the southern pole via the America's western edge. Once they arrive at what today is San Francisco that must have given them a long pause as no more pure south facing pole ward (pole ward as Antarctica as Baja Ca.  bends SE from San Fran)   land   (tiny islands in the Pacific off CA. but these Islands don't connect as well as in the Western Pacific as they no longer read any ocean ripples showing island or land westward in the now Pacific). So they paused before making it to what is now Central America, as being a thin strip, they had Sunrise next to Sunset (thin logntitude-wise landmass). In South America they had two periods where they did have a more pole ward choice.  


REMEMBER I KIND OF JOTTED THIS BACKWARDS (this is my dyslexic mind i stated i jotted it incorrectly then in not being able to write for long periods, lost my train of thought and repeated the mistake.

THE SLOWER SETTLERS are the sunrise settlers as they have to traverse two times the land than sunset settlers.
The sunset settlers made it to the "new world" MUCH EARLIER. The difference was crossing the longer land mass of Eurasia versus just crossing the rough north Atlantic sea. That sea slowed the sunset settlers but not enough to have them fall behind the sunrise settlers in reaching the Americas. 

YET once passed Baja Ca. the sunset settlers were much faster in reaching what is now Teirra del Fuego as sunrise settlers had issues going from the Bahamas to the Caribbean due to Tropical Storms, rough waves wiping out entire settlements. Then in having to jump so many islands that due to their isolation forms tribes (tribes that were broken off from the sunset settlers that first crossed Mexico and are loyal to certain islands) This loyalty can lead to battles because its hard to get to the next island if there is an island before it with a family/tribe that does not like /know your tribe.

THREE BELLS!, ALL ABOARD!!!! or someone just paid with a big bill at Trader Joe's. (TJ inside joke)

HERE THE SUNRISE GROUPS VOYAGE, through my googly (crazy) eyes.

The Sunrise people headed from NW Africa through Israel, spreading at times poleward  (~N and ~S) with a dominant easterly flow in both directions as they followed sunrises BUT NEVER with a western sunset component (because that would lead them to follow a sunset and these are sunrise folks "gawds chosen folks", because (the sun) gawd (to them) "talked" to them first being that a sunrise is first before sunsets...unless ya are nightclub people, then it's the Vodka gawd, drink that too much (sadly) and you start saying hi to invisible people?" 

Sunrise folk traverse towards China, Australia, the micro Islands, meet up with UFO's from other worlds that were using intrAE-resonance-magnetic like openings via the ocean trenches ... Mariana (shhh) (The opposite of Marina  on Earth as in the opposite deepest ocean trench. It's physically Milwaukee Trench but magnetically is under Machu Picchu THEN, GO ThAT ThEN! That now bleeds/blends into the Caribbean Trench (shhhh, it's prehistoric so only UFOs that traveled from that time have it mapped..SHHH!, why then? If It's during what I call a feminine duo-decium period it's the best time for beings from other worlds to leave info as humans are less combative during those duo-deciums) Once the Sunrise voyagers made it to Northern China they arrive onto what is now The Americas. (removed my repeated errors that where here)

AS stated before sunset settlers had no ice bridges towards Asia  to keep heading westward as the climate did not still support ice bridging.    Weird, as the quicker travels via the harsh but much shorter path to America via north Atlantic had them reach western Canada BEFORE the ice bridges formed so that made them follow the sunset down western north america in a  way that prevented them (sunset settlers) from continuing to follow the sunset towards USSR/China thus turned them to traverse the entire western Americas as they hit what is now western Alaska and there was no more habitable northward turn, so they headed southwards via the western coast of the Americas till the eastern angled coasts of southern North America. 

Sunrise settlers cross the ice bridges as they arrived at Alaska later when the climate sustained ice bridges and HEAD NOT southward but eastward towards Eastern Americas following sunrises then south as the pacific  ice bridges caused the open Atlantic side to become even harsher, so no survivable headings towards Europe or if they did survive the Europeans killed them easily in territorial battles.? Instead, most moving down either side of the Appalachians then discovering Bahamas where they can place all their monetary rocks and pebbles there so mainland folks don't tax them (too soon for a money laundering joke?), 
Then sunrise settlers'  island hop the Antilles, again slowed by TS and natives already there, head onto what is today South America as smaller folks (because they blended with smaller in stature folks of Eastern China) all the way to Tierra del Fuego of Argentina. 
When the Sunset settlers first arrived in South America, they were taller. In having a much shorter   voyage via the Ocean (ATLANTIC) and via the easier to cross what is now Central America. Once in South America's end point they leave notes (not on paper silly, on walls, stones, other areas had DVDs - Deserted Volcanic Dunes - that enclose caves from the outside world then caves crumble leaving in good condition the caves artworks a.k.a. notes) that in those notes being left behind.  The sunrise settlers though shorter noted the find of larger people that they then dominated via several advantages over the taller sunset settlers, in being shorter the high mountains thinner air were easier for them to traverse, had more people (foods more abundant via Florida/Caribbean as fruits help clean body and mind while spices are better as to medicinal needs) and dominated the taller by the wisdom their genes gained in having to be more creative to get to the Americas as in when one has to learn from natures extremes to survive, one gains both wisdom and intelligence and in traveling across so many climates via North Africa towards China, Malaysian areas, Ak.,  It taught them much. Sunset travelers mainly traveled across wetlands or near large bodies of water, so mainly cold and wet they learned from.  Not dry, arid to then  tropical on top of  cold and wet as the shorter sunrise settlers experienced.  If researched, you'll notice the period the shorter dominate the taller was becoming hotter. To survive the warming and  tropical weather,  one has to go up to the cooler mountains' which also avoids the tropical deluges that cause valleys to succumb to mudslides plus those higher lands caused the tall folks to suffer blood / oxygen issues.

 ASTERISK TIME. Now some of these taller folks in South America could have been good nuts like me that took the chance to traverse the short Atlantic from Nigeria to Brasil, but odds are if they made it across to South America, they never made it back cause it takes a toll, lifespan is short,  plus South America is rich in foods and mermaids (joke), why leave? 
What, never seen mermaids?  I've seen some  like Amy Freeze (Meteorologist), Tairy Ynoa (in-house traffic reporter/reporter/in-house weather reporter), Maria LaRosa (Meteorologist)...careful with LaRosa, that mermaid has the power of fire. I saw her light up a Christmas tree just by pointing at it, no joke look fer "yerselves"  ... I digress i enjoy stating some zilliness amidst my theories, though sometimes i'm thrown of course in my wish to make others laugh.

THE FOLLOWING I WAS TO POST ON org-WXU's Cat6 at yale (202305) and  in being in an half asleep state and posted a rough draft, I think. I'll never locate that post but here the correct post.
(why am I so tired?  Been walking around NYc trying to get my ID cards, as once I lost all of them (lost wallet the week I was carrying ALL IDS to renew them at a so called ID Xpress renewal site on Broadway THEN. Staten Island Police then gave wallet to wrong person. Literally been to over 40 offices in less than a month. Need IDS to travel to Puerto Rico and help fix damaged homes including my parents and uncle/aunts homes plus now a new rule could evict me from my Apt if I cannot produce proper IDs.)

BELOW COULD STILL HAVE ERRORS so read w/ a grain of salt till I remember to come back and edit it.
HERE a correct version of a mini explanation of the Sunet/Sunrise settelers and how they ended up heading back northward in South America, which I forgot to include in the above presentation.

My 22cents , mostly similar to what I've been writing for 45+ yrs. On WxU since 2010. PLEASE REMEMBER I'm USING TODAYS NAMES OF CONTRIES/AREAS to describe my theory.

Maybe there were Sunset settlers and Sunrise settlers?

They could have even become sunset worshipers and sunrise worshipers. Where those worshiping the sunrise followed thoughts of being the "chosen ones" because they met the sunrise (gawd, later gawd's son) FIRST.  Thus, have the speed of light as the amount of solders of their leaders "tribe" as in David has 186,400 solders, which ~equals the speed of light in MPS.  That science fact passed on through what are original scriptures of biblical text came from the planet I've posted in clues as to its location, that have human like beings that are easily 13,000 years ahead of Hmans of TGHIS Earth in technology. (using tecnological state of 1960s Humans on THIS earth as reference)

Remember, these sunset and sunrise settlers would seem weird to modern man. This as imagine you follow the sunset. Go from Africa NORTHWARD towards Europe, hugging the (what is now named) The Atlantic Ocean's western edge.  Once you get closer to the polar regions, the sunset are extreme as midnight sun to the curving hugging the horizon sunsets and weather is too harsh, so you try to follow the sunsets lowest points for reference as there really arent sunsets nor sunrises near polar regions. That IN TIME (thousands of years) takes you to what is now Greenland and then Canada. BUT YOU do NOT then head southward after reaching Canada's east coast, you instead keep going westward towards the sunsets till a natural barrier as in this case water blocks your progress of following the sunset. That water means the Ice bridges between what now is western Canada and Russia are gone. You then head southward, with the sunset occurring "into" the ocean. These people then moved southward faster and their taller members had an easier time traversing the western edge of the Americas that favors taller people. In the sunrise people heading southward on the western edge of the Atlantic (Now the Eastern Americas, as sunrise settelers crosed the  sibrian to Canada ice bridges THEN HEASED EASTWARD towards Eastern Canada. Some might have made it back to Europe but most followed the Sunrise of the Eastern Americas) whose southward movement came into peril due to the sudden anomalistic waves and TS around those following the Sunrise throughout the islands of the now Caribbean. 

All this meant that the Sunset settlers could move faster/efficiently southward down the Eastern Pacifics' edge with little TS interactions, as they mostly remained on land.

At what is now the Teirra Del Fuego area, the sunset followers ended their voyage as tall people, which the sunrise followers discovered  hundreds of years later in the sunrise settlers being delayed by TS and sudden anomaly sea waves in crossing what is now the Tropical Atlantic/Caribbean Sea.

 The sunrise settlers then followed back northward Sunrise via the Andes, BUT NOT THE sunset settlers. This since from the Andes the sunset settlers could see the same sunset area as while they traversed that land at sea level because the Andes is right "next" to the Pacific, so the sunset settlers they did not feel it was a new passage. Yet, to the sunrise followers since one cannot see the same sunrise from the Andes as what the sunrise settelers traversed while they were heading southward down what is the America's east coast, the Andes represented a new sunrise view, and in time in heading northward on the Andes they became blended with some left behind and became the Mayans, Incas etc. 
If the Andes were smack in the middle of South America I figured there had been some battle as both would have considered such thin plateaus as sunrise and sunset points of views.,peace
