Tuesday, July 27, 2021

CAREFUL EUROPE 202107-26...false sense of security

 CAREFUL EUROPE 20210726...false sense of security

POSTED ON 202107-27-1600EdT (fromUSofA) (hope the animations show up)



FIRST, WHY I POST THIS since no one cares for my work or anyone's work that is new and not fully understood or referenced/explained via a google search unless there is a monetary plus involved and/or a direct benefit that is easily figured out as in posting weather warnings that are understood saves lives/property now.  

A great example is Dr. Masters work in explaining the "illing" of the planet.  Its WORTH GOLD but the general public (not the loyal layperson/science minded that hang out at his blogs) ignore it even trolls it though his words.info can save one's life, money, better one health and creates a truly heavenly planet. So just as Dr. Masters others that use their time to inform in well written blogs/books.  So do I (though in horrific grammar) plus my crap is way out there as not even thought of as reality of science minded folks, so its going to get less attention, I never thought it would be almost no attention.

From 1991(1980)** till 2021 would post this type of "nutty" alert on a popular news, science website as my way to inform and to see if I could find a caring person in the scientific community that would "connect" with my theories,help me write the comments and that I could trust and pass on my "knowledge". Since I ended that a month ago ~202106 at my last hope science blog I now place these alerts here.  No deep explanation just post it for historic purposes maybe in the future electronic archaeologist dig it up and figure "it" out as in maybe they can figure how I knew this information and maybe help humanity with science breakthrough's or all this e-stuff is  erased via some solar flare/cosmic blowout. 


These are two captures as to Atmospheric pressures, Not including the atmospheric height nor actual pressures cause I could not find a free site with both and am no longer in the business of what would be wasting my time (what would you call 40+ yrs of no one caring?) searching and joining up files to inform others.

                                   ALERT       ALERT

                        (no not a mattress SALE)

Notice the HIGH building strong over Europe. 

Just like early 2021 Europeans (then India/Asia) are going to get a false feeling of the "duo/dual-virus" negative affects lowering (not sure as to Asia cause THIS ISOBAR mapping animation ends before I can see where these HIGHs move towards as to Asia.)

(if the Gifyu links don't work then below here is the direct upload)

ERROR IN ANIMATION POSTED (had posted the next 3 days)  AS WAS TO BE THE PRESSURES ISOMAPS of 1 to 2 weeks ago .  Then I remembered I deleted those yesterday, so search what was happening 2 weeks ago over Europe. A month or so ago I would have painstakingly searched for records of those days to post I no longer do that since it seems no one visits here or my comments.


Notice (BELOW) over USofA the opposite, as in a wide covering LOW pressure trend is over the South USofA NV. to FL.  Watch those areas go up as to whatever "duo/dual-virus" is dominant in people catching "duo/dual-virus".  My Dyslexia kicks in sometimes, the overlay is to read "SPRAWLING".

(if the Gifyu links don't work, then here is the direct upload)

Search  my old comments (that'll not be easy) at WxU / other blogs and notice the 5 points I state influence what I call "duo/dual-virus" (nature reply for humans  (the dominant/controlling animal)   maintaining the true home filthy)

Simple reference :

 ▬ Atmos. Pressures HIGH  (strong/focused) =Duo-Dual viruses lowering their aggressiveness 

 ▬ Atmos. Pressures LOWS (spread out)=Duo-Dual viruses raising there aggressiveness/mutations.

 ▬ Sun's (sunlight-specific areas of the electromagnetic spectrum) elevation degrees RISING as to passing the 66° and 33° heights/elevations.=Duo-Dual viruses lowering there aggressiveness (Cosmic rays are included in this cat)

 ▬ Sun's (sunlight-specific areas/emissions of the electromagnetic spectrum) elevation degrees LOWERING as to passing the 66° and 33° heights/elevations. Duo-Dual viruses, raising their aggressiveness (Cosmic rays are included in this cat)

And I forgot number 5...oh yeah  ▬ finer pollutant, including preservatives and the ladies concentrated motions throughout Earth just like following Sahara Dust as to Tropical Storms Development, follow the finer pollutants motions and watch covid protects itself i interacting with it (explained on other pages, somewhere).

Monday, July 19, 2021

Mirror Mirror ARE WE HOME YET? (shape of Universe)


i could be 99.9% wrong as to my 50yr old theories but read this (those at the science blogs where I left my last re-re-re-clues, notice the year they give for the full traverse...a bit under my numbers)...


Wednesday, July 14, 2021

The vis0 road show has ended. (please no standing ovations)


Read only if you have room temperature or SLIGHTLY cooler  water to sip as you read and that you know my style of "writing" zucks.

Will ONLY be posting any updates on my theories here.

I've ended my last hope to see if anyone of the scientific community in an official capacity was interested in my theories, without me forcing those theories on any particular person or site. Last try was at a well respected science based site/blog I joined in 2002 but never visited again till I tried several other blogs (mainly news oriented).  My reasoning for trying non science based blogs first was to leave the best opportunity of being listened to for last.   I really thought that within my~11 year limit I place on sending an idea/theory to a person or place and waiting (~11yrs) to see if that person or place reacts with serious questions as to my words. If no one tries to converse with me as to my ideas I send that theory or idea to someone else and if it's a website I leave and go to another website. (must be serious vis0 is using upper case "I's"

Why ~11yrs?

It's based on a theory that is recently getting traction as to how the brain seems to be "tattooed" by the solar cycle's with a  Pre-cycle (my theory) tattoo at ~8 yrs and a deeper tattoo at ~11yrs.

I  theorized  that  2 to 2.5, 4 to 5 and 8 to 11 yrs (7 yr itches  actually fall under all three if studied fully) are tattooing periods windows, this I first jotted down in the 1970s.  Some might have seen it in my R O Y G B I V ([(1/2) (1/2)]x4) presentations/blogbytes where the roy g biv which many students hear of by secondary school I use in an unrelated acronym explaining the Sun's cycle as to physics (Main Maternal dimension is ruled by) and what I call Etherics (main Paternal dimension is ruled by).

I use that acronym to mark the pure physics centered Sun cycle years then use a "gold" reference to mask the ethereal  ascend / descending halves in 4 pairs with an added lag effect that reaches around 11 years.  

Search for my    R O Y G B I V ([(1/2) (1/2)]x4)   references, if they are still around/up on the webnet for more clues as to that.

 After ~11 yrs at my last science based blog it ended just like the others.   

Some of the others that rejected me/my style where  members at a weather ch. board in the late 1990s.  They did not like my weird weather theories (though the tornado chasing vehicle I now see being used in the last 10 yrs or so I drew on that board in 1998, plus a few uses as to Doppler in chasing tornadoes/severe wx. Though still have not seen/read of the idea that I posted as to a  Nerf like balls with theorized weather reading instruments inside which if sent towards tornadoes can read the internal workings, as let's say the mag-vibration activities.  Now those micro instruments are enclosed in a specific form/pattern of those foams, so any external force just maintains those balls closed tighter. They can hurt no one/nor animal not even crops and can be located even if taken hundreds of miles away via natures forces as they have internal workings similar to what you see now in iWatches in which they pick up and send readings elsewhere to be "crunched", again this was posted in 1998)  Not being liked I left WxCh boards and they were also closing.

I then signed up and posted through 3 small comment sites, two were independent sites for fans of weather. (not incl. TWClassics whom I still owe them as promised Twclassics over a decade ago to post many clips as in (electronics/cost of  issues  has delayed me) hundreds of TWCh hours from ~<5,000 VHS tapes still in storage, now actually in my apt., though  many weird enough destroyed by weathering effects as floods and ocean air (salty). 

Then after a couple of years of not posting much as was mainly tweaking the ml-d as after 2000AD it was ON more than OFF I  went  back to a bigger blog as ABC-NYc.  In under a year I was being asked to leave ABC-NY weatherboards because I posted too many weather theories and that bothered the members that preferred ratings as to having more members posting bar jokes and fishing stories, though a few liked me because they thought I was a good nut like Lloyd Lindsey young. Went to Foxblogs again sharing my theories (only time I truly had replies from a "teacher" as to my theories, but it was more as to correcting my grammar than on the subject I posted on, though I thought the "teacher" from The Bronx was a FOX employee due to IP address/masks. I posted my theories, some extreme thoughts as to religion (others begun those thread(s)) to even warning NYC medical community and to a Dr. Sapna Parikh (FOX medical correspondent) of a man from Argentina whom one day just came up to me and said in Spanish do you wanna Box as he threw a punch at my face. I grabbed his fist as it neared my face and squeezed it with my left hand, mainly placing pressure around the thumb's eagle point, he fell to his knees I apologized to him. He kept bragging how he could knock me out as also telling me how every 6 or 7 yrs he walked/hikes/hitchhiked from Argentina to NYc (family lives in the 30s streets' area Manhattan).   During those long trips stated he participated in odd jobs at farms mainly working in the pig/hog area/industry. It hit me then (at 32d st and 3rd area) that at that time there was an illness related to pig farming from South/Central America.  So I left a direct message to FOX NYc station president or director named Lou  and Dr.Parikh as to investigate this guy. A month later, I'm blocked out of my fox blog sign in. (say blocked or password changed w/o my consent as could not log in tried over 30 times, sent several eMails to fox/fox5 not one reply.

Eleven  yrs went 'bye' (2010 through 2017/2021) never had any serious questions asked as to my theories (though two members that have passed on (goodness rest their souls) did ask or make comments I was hoping to start a conversation to one as to the benefit of smoke and the brain (long term continuous smoke not good but once a day at no more than 3 straight days every few weeks has benefits.  The last was a gentleman who stated that a great majority of T***pers are acting as if psychotic, and I was hoping we could eMail each other as to my theory on Electricity's side effect as it seemed he had medical knowledge, (after his death it was stated he was a doctor?) and so I closed my three encrypted eMail accounts (cost me much) which I had created in 2010 and sustained till now (only keeping one) thinking if and when wxu members would ask me a serious question of my theories I will invite them (individually)  to hear/read deeper info ONLY via the encrypted eMails.  

Why so secretive? 

I'd be sharing theories that would include actual formulas/deeper info  that make the a/h-bomb look like a firecracker and no one in their right mind expected me to post that on an open board, did they?.  

Anywho, I recommend that site,  Its blog I highly recommend. The blog has become detached from WxU and at present its under the YCC (Yale Climate Change) forums.  Look for the blog that become hyperactive when a wxModel 200 days out hints of a TS developing over Az. (heatcane I guess)

Weird thing is this ignoring from both sides fits my theory of how Electricity is causing a side effect that damages the complex brains ability to maintain its two interacting  outwardly flows, the conscience and the ego.  Electricity's side effect I STATE causes the ego to take the place of the conscience, this first affected are the most egotistical . Both the science based people and ego based people affected by this side effect leads to ignoring each of the groups stabilizing base. 

 For the ego based thinkers many as of late went to follow Donald "Pide piper" Trumpsklison.  That is weird as their stabilizing base is that hurting others physically is a criminal offense and this type of egotistical person usually thinks of themselves as law-abiding citizens even if they use "inside info" or send "money under the table" to get things done, but they generally do not physically personally hurt others they leave that to racists in the law dept.  Yet they left that grounding base I say due to Electricity's side effect, and began to not just hurt but kill others and that action culminated with Jan 6 2021 terrorist act on Capitol Hill.  And to this date many still act psychotic saying they did nothing wrong even when they are shown recording/ clips of themselves breaking and entering and threatening and damaging.

Make no mistake, if that group were not mainly Caucasians and instead another group "race" or in particular peaceful black protesters with hands in the air the "police"/military would have been there with dogs and full on riot gears and tanks.

Now the scientific based minds' grounding base is to listen to the extreme out of the blue thinkers.  Why Edison was a successful bushiness man as he created the assembly line for the human beings that wanted to invent anything.  As on one floor for nuts like me (as in ideas he "borrowed"), another floor for the intellectuals to take off the sharp corners on the new ideas the nuts submitted  and finally a floor to build the perfected ideas.  SO the new ideas from the nuts went to  the intellectuals which  developed the final acceptable thesis by smoothing out the rough edges to fit the present day known level of physics.   No not the "Tomatan"...careful with that weed-like planet if not taken  with quality oils is can help covid-19 attach more efficiently. Read my earlier covid-19 posts as to that certain sweet n sour sauces might create a petri dish affect for covid-19.... The spirit phone?, no  not to mention I got the wrong number, no but the light bulb. Mostly ideas from others (nuts) but he took the credit because he worked tirelessly and bought things together to create a final product that otherwise would just exist in the nuts mind, sound familiar?

Well I saw how within a month of posting my crazy theories NEVER FORCING THEM onto OTHERS (as in arguing my point) during the summer/fall of 2010  led me to reach the top 3 ignored members at WxU within a 2-month period.  It took others years and an abrasive style of commenting (even though that abrasiveness is meant to be humorous or attract people) to get the top 3 on the ignored list.  Why I 've stated that I'd rather be Galileo locked up but my papers circulating than be free and my thoughts/ideas/theories ignored.   So I knew this will be a hard road to convince the intellectuals when I only post clues to my theories. Though as state earlier it's for a good reason as to protect the idea from falling into the wrong hands as North Korea, Chinese gov. and a few other quasi-dictatorships led nations.

Even left clues stating so and also that I might be a GoodWil hunter type member, but no goodwill person joined me.(didn't see movie)

This was ~September 2009 just when I was preparing a Skype channel to air me LIVE as I would use the portable ml-d to bend wind in NYC (first hoped to show this ability through building /office/Apt. windows as not sure of what I had heard that Skype could receive LIVE transmissions via certain cameras was true.  Then if I could afford  a HERO type cam that can send live signals I'd do that as I walked around NYC and maybe from Puerto Rico as my father (may goodness rest his soul) was asking me to visit Puerto Rico, and I was thinking of skyping from Puerto Rico.  But being blocked from signing into FOXblogs sept 2009 ended that wish as skype only recognized (THEN) the original embedded site (FOXBLOG new york) as to sending a LIVE signal. 

Three Months later my Father fell while at age 89 climbing trees to get its fruits while in Puerto Rico (obvious not NYc, where you climb trees to get sneakers, if you're daring).   I had to go to Puerto Rico DEC/Jan 2010 (2 of my cameras were confiscated as I left NYc.  The gangs I write about have members throughout NYc or they're workers already at certain  jobs that will take (be given) requests from gangs in return for mob like favours, this happens in the NYPD to a frankfurter seller these gangs can infiltrate many jobs, one being security at airports. 


 its just a coincidence that I who have no criminal record 2 citations for helping NYPD (did not accept them as Giuliani was mayor) have been fully frisked in those airport security side rooms 19 times in a row  when I leave via NYc airports to go anywhere (1980 till 2010 visited Canada, Ill, Boston, Ga., Fl., DC Y Puerto Rico) BTW also went back to Puerto Rico ~May/June 2010.  I know I blend my science theories love of photography and beautiful women of TV in particular women presenting weather segments (a level of science)but that is who I am, a scientific but that loves photography and beauty.

When I came back to the states, I signed in to wundergroud with my 2002 username. (back then I sent some money in support of WxU, but it was not much have no notes of amount just saying because I remember some saying in ~2012 that free members are freeloaders so just to set the record straight or the least not as crooked).  That username I cannot remember but was like MrX-ish/aka???? username. It was not accepted in my 2010 log in, so I created another username for wxu "vis0".  

So here I am retiring soon and being optimistic, still since I always fed junk food to my organs I'm surprised I'm still here, maybe a decade more on Earth, knock on real imitation wood made. Only the finest polyurethane real imitation wood made in factories situated in the heart of Brazilian amazon.

  Sadly but quietly  I'm going to watch humanity begin to loose its grip on being the successful mammal of this planet knowing that several theories I could have had tested  could have given the chance to save humanity at a much earlier time frame instead  of going through the hell they are creating.

Going to post a few theories I wanted to share with some members of wxu that where in the military and those ideas I wanted to share as a thank you thinking THEY where going to be the core group to ask me questions, but did not.   One is a simple ear plug design that should help lower A.D.D. that I state is generated more frequently by things the military folks have to wear on their person (mainly above shoulders / head) that attracts chaotic flow towards their body combined with the extreme  sounds of conflict/battles that can attract more of the side effect of electricity and multiply its affects on SOME of the people in the military.  Though most from the military are the hardest workers, I think its a good goal to minimize A.D.D. if it can be accomplished sooner than later. 

I almost end this comment /post with an I told ya.

Anybody watching how once the Northern Hemisphere reached its highest degree of the Sun elevation Around the end of June that 2 -4 weeks later (at present Mid July 2021) Covid-19x is rising again. 

Making it worse IN MY WAY OF THEORIZING  are three things.

1) That this delta version is more contagious(maybe in part reason 3).

2) People from those higher Latitudes/poleward areas are visiting the States (or vice versa) as AK./Norther Europe and in particular visit the USofA  states that have the least vaccinated and guess what happens then?  Some of the USofA's southern states should be named Brasil TOO (with the utmost respect for the good Brazilians suffering due to Jair Bolsonaro, the well renowned south American cousin to the USofA's orange clown

3) When this dua/dual virus (Covid-19x) becomes "less aggressive it becomes more transferable by contact instead of exclusively airborne.   When the medical community correctly FOR WHAT THEY UNDERSTAND TILL NOW were saying that it was airborne ONLY and thus people began not to wash surfaces as often (notice lysol-like products stop selling a much last winter).Its now gaining ground IN PART via contaminated surfaces???  Just as I stated on cat6 during 2020winter when WHO /International medical teams states covid-19x is mainly airborne. Its mainly Airborne when Sunlight's elevation are low and/or sprawling LOW pressures are are overhead and crossing national boundaries even when then sunlight elevation is rising as we saw in Europe and India and Central USofA after a strong HIGH late winter/early spring in 2021 (which act like a high sun angle via its pressures) then came a sprawling LOW pressure area (specially in India) created such a sudden covid-19 growth that the negative affect that it forced the international eyes on the unreported dead being their we so many bodies being openly burnt in rituals. Recently such a Low pressure covered the one of the best Nations in controlling covid-19, Israel which went is going through local spike.  Sure it might begin with travelers (home grown or visitors)  but if the conditions favour the virus via theories I've posted since spring 2020 then it will spread as its victims are not based on human quirks as race, nationality, political leanings but on the unprotected as in those with  weaker immune systems or not masked/social distanced.  

Maybe a wall will be temporarily built around Tx and Fl so its does not spread to those trying to help fellow humans.

never got my cookie (just in case, send no cookies or facsimiles that time was and now its gone),peace