First my those souls rest in peace.
My style of writing is no where near any form of correct grammar so please drink a glass or more of ROOM TEMPERATURE water as you read so the brain does not overheat in trying to decipher my words.
Did you get the NOT SO COLD water?
What happens when new ideas that cause no personal damage are not tried/tested soon enough?...maybe this...
My beef is an egotistical rise in humankind.
i state that rise s mostly due to the Electricity side effect. (read that on other pages of this blog)
We opposing sides being run by the ego, the scientific (fueled by artificially fueled over confidence) and the sadistic (fueled by artificially induced psychosis.)...the later is worse but neither is good if humans want to evolve.
Though one side us so far ahead in this effect that many in that group have turned psychotic, yet for the other side to be affected by even a small percentage can be just as damaging as in the progress of adding new levels of scientific discoveries which is the cornerstone of evolution.
The sides are both driven by the electricity effected ego that takes over the human (complex being) conscience as ones final judgement filter in questioning ones own actions before they take (that) action.
This affects the higher revving brains (if i may use that term) therefore the complex brains more so than less complex brains, though some animals can feel that ego rush as well but in a more protective state as mother bear to cubs.
We saw what the psychotic become on Jab 6th 2021. i would not be surprised if there were extremists from all sides but MOSTLY those that followed Pied Pipe T***p as the ego is so fueled in this side effect caused reaction that even some that hated t***p want to tear down anything that represents government. In this psychotic state a person will take he Declaration of Independence and rip it to shreds to show that they think they are being "imprisoned" by soft laws meant to top the spread of a killer virus, not thinking that the Declaration of Independence gives them that right. Its like T***p*rs in Michigan comparing the wear a mask law when you go into enclosed areas (some parks are walled but open-air no roof thus not enclosed) to Concentration camps in WWII. This was not a single guy/gal on the same street corner for 12 years saying the world is going to end tomorrow, these were hundreds of hard workers some with good family values (not perfect but support wife/kids in involved in community programs..i researched some of those people via Google image identifiers) acting as full blown psychotic's, as a police officer spitting on an officer protecting the state capital building
On the science side its people whom are very intellectual and have a big ego that have turned the wisdom of knowledge as in science, into a religion. So much so where if one goes against the known / understood present level of science one is looked at as a crazy person and several of those egotistical intellectual will gang up on the "out of the box" thinker.
Now we SHOULD question ANY IDEA.
But if a person has theories and NONE of them tread on Human rights, none of the ideas/theories i post force the scientific communities to go against the known multi-peer tested science, none of the ideas cause any harmful bacteria or viruses to go into a higher growth rate, none of my ideas theories hurts people. Then why not test it bring it up to those making decisions as in have an intellectual think tank meeting on it.
The one thing my ideas does is create an outlying ????? rule that one can use TOGETHER with the accepted rules to extend the cautious zone/period of time of pausing to reenter a more "normal" to present day social values way of living.
Notice in India they went by the scientific research THOUGH THEY CUT CORNERS as in not obtaining the actual amounts of deaths/ill. Yet India compared observations from previous weeks to the present weeks using the same low count statistics which showed a downward line in deaths and illnesses, JUST AS IN Europe except in Europe it appears they used a much better counting method as in COUNT EACH PERSON do not guesstimate or round down to the "nearest?" millionth.
Just like in Europe the stop the spread laws/rules were relaxed.
BUT THERE WAS ONE DIFFERENCE IN THE MAKING VIA NATURE that i have posed in my theories since 202002.
That theory is as to air pressure packets.
IT's THAT wide Colder HIGHs/bringing cooler air halts covid-19's aggressive spread. As in holding less moisture than the previous air pressure packets (which was a lower air pressure) in being HIGHER in air-pressure. These HIGHS i state naturally place covid-19 in a more halted form (not stopped).
While wide LOW pressures bring in more moisture rich air pressure packets and i state allow covid-19x to thrive specially if air becomes stagnant (low plains, air not having topography near-by to create mixing even when no storm is near by to do so)
In Europe Early 2021 a wide cold HIGH covered most of Europe it lowered the covid-19 rates. Europe began to open stores, lower the restrictions. Back then i posted be very care, sent to 3 heads of countries my theory ...again.
What happened?
After the HIGH left within 1-2 weeks covid began to rise again.
Luckily Europe has a faster change over in/due to air currents so air pressure systems good or bad as to viruses do not become stagnant though recently more so due to aGW as noted by the newsninja nina (The person seemingly appears to be a complete woman but i use "nina" instead of woman cause it sounds cuter and rhymes)
Same Cold HIGH scenario happened in Central USofA but due to Senator Ted Cruz being asleep at the helm (a compliment as he was not even on the "ship", Cruz was in another Country KNOWING the cold air mass was predicted 3 to 6 days before he left, hen blamed his daughters for deciding to buy tickets after the cold mas was announced to arrive in a week. Weird how after that there was a trend asking to buy used tickets as to Cancun ordered a month earlier. i hope his people are not trying to use those tickets as proof he/family decided to go to Cancun earlier , why? 'cause of certain restrictions preventing that trip (added this after some including three Cruz supporters picked on me for saying Cruz should take the negative he causes and not the positives others create)
BACK To coviD-19.
In India it also experienced that HIGH but not as strong, though it did cause a slight lowering of the covid-19 rates. BUT the air in /near India due to topographic reasons is stagnant so though the HIGH slightly suspended covid-19 it did not "clean" the air. Then came in a wide strong Low pressure area and India having its territory within several latitudinal lines (with an area encompassing many latitude lines) means it remains under a wider range of sun elevation.
Why is the sun elevation and a state encompassing more of Latitudinal range important?
Please (TRY) to read my theory as to Sun elevations and Covid-19 on other pages in this blog to find out.
If one read that sun elevation info/theory then one understands that regions with a landmass more under Latitudinal(N-s/s-N) regions means that stare/country falls under a wider range of sun elevations which i state can extend the covid-19 spread.
For two reasons.
a) As the specific sun elevation i state puts a halt to the more dangerous ACTIVE SPREAD moves northward during the end of that areas winter season if your state has a short latitudinal range that dangerous area moving northward leaves the state. Yet in stare that has a large portion of it under a N-s / s-N range that dangerous sun elevation area stays within that state for a longer period.
b) Then simply cause laws are the same within a State/country, so a person can become infected by covid-19 in the closer to polar regions of that country/state then easily move to the closer to the equatorial regions and spread the virus. Were if that same person had to go through a change of country/state check points heading (N-S/S-N) they might/should have been stopped sent back to be medically checked thus slow the spread. (i think thee is a w-e / e-w reasoning but that is more as to being ear certain body's of water)
In INDIA a natural flow as packets of wide LOW pressures descended over that region just after the weaker HIGH that led to relaxing covid-19 prevention laws and just like in Europe an uptick became worse. Except in India another strong WIDE LOW came in while still the sun elevation in the northern regions was in the mode to support dangerous covid-19 rates (i bet the spread in India came from those that spent more time in Northern India even if their spread was caught in Southern India) including death while in the southern regions as it was more in the mode of support harsh sickness in southern India but not high death rates mode AS LONG AS PEOPLE ARE NOT BEING TREATED AS THE POOR IN BRASIL and stop the spread rules where being kept.
But the rules where relaxed in India just AS IN EUROPE but the natural flows were different and humans (may they rest in peace) payed the price.
Now if these countries followed my theories [NOT CAUSE I WRITE THEM but cause after 6 months even a year the theories i posted in early 2020 have matched the outcome] what would have been the price? a 2week longer wait, which after a year of waiting i think is worth a life saved if not thousands, don't you ?