AM NOT A DOCTOR, not even close.
First if one feels they have covid-19 symptoms feel more ill than anytime before one needs serious medical attention.
FOLLOWING IS NOT PROVEN MEDICAL INFO but i have to pass forward ideas that I and those I've told use(d) and seem to help.
If its removed please no negative remarks to MODS.
READ FULLY including the SIDE EFFECTS BELOW SO ONE IS TRYING TO MAKE SURE STEPS ARE FOLLOWED IN CORRECT ORDER and thus actions mentioned done NOT WHILE TRYING TO UNDERSTAND IT but through a RELAXED BREATHING flow. Once read fully then there is a simple how to repeated in GREEN ITALIC letters but without the crap i add between the green "================" lines.
Let others know you are about to do the steps mentioned below but are ding them away from others as one might release body content with virus in it. In the shower is good as long as others know, clean afterwards even if you feel nothing came out.
What the below does are breathing styles that help one at two levels.
The physical benefit is it expands lungs in a quick yet long breath manner to loosen any virus trying to become super attached. When the lungs expand in this manner since the expansion is in an uneven method (uneven top to bottom) the edges of that virus in only "understanding" equidistant reactions/counter reactions become slightly unconnected from at least one of the uneven upper or lower sides of the uneven expanding lung areas/segments. Then ones body's defense can go under/within the virus to attack it.
The ethereal aspect is that when one takes a breath in the explained manner below (certain areas more wider/expanded than other areas) one takes a breath in/through a specific geometric pattern -as correctly in 2 times or more wider towards the lower lungs/gut/towards under the belly button, thus 2(lower):1(upper). This type of breathing keeps the chaotic flows in check while taking in a full breath as the chaotic flow fully follows the expanded area once it reaches the 2 :1 plateau. Think of the wider area as a wider ethereally magnetic feature keeping a hold on the more magnetic chaotic flows from going anywhere else but as a/part of the breath. At the full breath its a 1:1 pattern (upper and lower "lungs"/sacs similar in expansion, even though lower lungs are a bit less filled for other reasons, as used for sudden fight/flight reasons as one reason) but then at the outward breath one ends up squeezing the lower gut area first leaving the upper lungs last to evacuate the "used" breath thus back to an upper weighted 2:1 (or 1:2 if looked at literally) pattern/design (why shallow breathing is bad as one leaves behind chaotic flows cause the upper area/lungs did not expand to create a 2 to 1 attracting outward at the expelling breath thus chaotic energy flow. This can be translated as a 2:1 to 1:2 breathing formation/flow as in wider (the 2).
Lets mark wider as "w" and two times as "x2" and lower lungs as "LL". Thus the inhale its "wLLx2". Though the upper lungs do not become smaller literally they become comparatively smaller in that the lower lungs are expanding the gut area, so the upper lungs measure as smaller when full breath is in thus i label in lower case case letter for not being a true physical change of both upper/lower lungs
The 1:1 happens in the middle of ones breathing thus lets mark the 1:1.
Finally its wider at the top exhaling correctly as one squeeze the lower/below abdomen thus the lower is the "1" in 1:2 as upper lung becomes wider as lower area contracts. This means a 2 as in (2:1 , 1:1 finally 1:2) to just one B1. (If one is overweight one can cup one or both areas under abdomen and after nose is in a flared state push the area under bellybutton/waist in and upwards as one forces easily the outward breath. )
So far as to the obvious a reader notices ONE 2:1 weighted to expel airflow of breath.
Now as to the nostrils flaring as the breath leaves one it complete/creates another 2 :1 as there are 3 Ethereal sub-stages/segments to breathing.
The stages are separated into three regions creating another 3 segments that can be used to create a healthy second 2:1 flow ETHEREALLY.
These next three stages are -1- between the outer world and the pineal gland (via nostrils passageways). Since the air outside is independent as the human body is concerned and the chaotic carriers being physically grounded one wants to take the thinnest stream of that outer air thus the contracted nostrils. Between the pineal gland and the solar plexus is stage 2 (1:1) and below the solar plexus is stage 3 (2:1) (some radiates in a hidden to physics manner to ones true ground, the sole of ones feet...just remembered i forgot to finish the multi-million dollar shoe design drawings / explanation that can help reverse many diseases as after drawing a bit on wxunderground i tried to pass the idea to NIKE as my gift to their backing of Kapernic / SF QB but never heard from NIKE and forgot to finish the drawing on wxu).
The THIRD 2:1 occurs when the breath exits through the aforementioned ETHEREAL stages. Its why humans need more saliva glands than other animals (not greater but more as to fully surround the inward breath) at near the in-take air area as behind; eyes, ears and throat) as the moisturized breath is much healthier, we just need a healthier planet to guarantee that the inward breath is physically the cleanest that can be ...maybe when what I call the ml-d is created by another person then 60% of the worlds power grids will be feed through the cleanest form, the continual flow (max 8hrs please) of bending air towards special turbines set atop building to bring power to several miles per building intake, the oil jobs benefit in building the needs to maintain such power grids not just on buildings but old unused drilling platforms in which the energy captured is feed to states thus still get the same check but without the carcinogenic/pollutant effects of oil.
Now?, do some understand how the religious Tri-Gesture of Father (3 fingers joined point as to head, incoming breath), son (the motion of the breath at left shoulder/lung to right shoulder symbolizing the entire body full of breath) holy ghost (of such a life sustaining holy ghost /unseen breath...unless yer in Antarctica... the breath/body relation becoming one) creating TWO 2 to 1 gestures...the THIRD? did ya not notice the Jewish rabbi salute TV's Spock used being a double 2:1 gesture which was is turned into 2 fingers touching thumb in Catholic gesture... (Where is MOTHER? SHE STAYS "at home" PROTECTING YA AT THE PIA MATTER/gray AREA, don't throw stones at me freedom fighting ladies or men dressed as ladies, its symbolic ). These gestures came to be from a misunderstood pattern that was to point out the breath plus BONUS, also the motions of the solar system/complex! ...then may yer fav son of gawd show us mercy, for the un-written sin of trying to teach and help others
When to do the breathing technique?
When one feels lungs tightening at many nodules BEFORE its hard to take a shallow breath::
Breath inward while causing (WITHOUT TOUCHING the nose ) the nostrils to contract.
Do so in that the breath fills first the upper lungs (stick out cheat) and last the lower lungs (area around gut/belly button is last to expand) if one has to think it through...breath in upper chest expands then calmly this expanding reaches the lower gut last.
NOW when breathing out be ready to pinch nostrils FROM ABOVE the nostril so nothing hinders the breaths outward chaotic expelling flow -which could be reintroduced via fingers auras but since auras are not (yet) officially discovered- then just think of not blocking the outward breath and pinch with with left fore finger and thumb...
(Why left?, maybe neutral energy flow in that hand as blood not beginning to be fully "magnetized" till it begins to go through bones of wrist, hence that area is 1 of 3, .666 points of the human plexus and pineal gland the real "U" are the other two.) an animated manner...
(slightly pinching BUT NOT CLOSING THE NOSTRILS AS MUCH as the inward breath through the contracting nose did, it these brackets symbolize nostrils this in the inward breath "[] [] "nostrils, this is the nose flaring "[ ] [, ]" and this "[ ] [ ]" represents the nostril slight pinched...oh my I apologize had a snot(comma) in the left nostril) if trying to evacuate some dry snots the outdoors.
Now just before you begin that outward breath think two things
A) Make sure nostrils are flaring open as much as possible using ONLY nose muscles (do not use toothpicks...geesh)
B) You start pushing out the breath from the lower area (below gut/belly button) first**
As breath begins to evacuate from lower towards the upper lungs begin creating the flared nostrils then immediately with the animated pinching of nostril as in slightly pinch BUT NOT as closed as the intake breath contracted nostrils then flare nostrils and repeating quickly those two actions (pinch - flare) till breath has fully evacuated and one is ready to do step 1 again...or if practicing go have some healthy soup (recommend Progresso)
That can take 4-6secs.
If you feel as if a string is pulling the under lower lip (clef of chin) area upwards...too deep to explain its a intertwined macro flow from the glands/heart towards pineal gland flow in which the physical muscle is resetting to the optimum soulful position...That Star Trek Spock mind meld and other mind flows is very real but that is too dangerous to teach. Its internally learned by old souls that learn to respect all throughout many i found it on a bazooka Joe wrapper, it was either that or the x-ray clothing glasses (PSHYCe)
The physical aspect is in expanding of lungs and has been explained above as in creating a stretching of the lungs/its "makeup" to loosen anything that was trying to aggressively attach to the lungs. Then the body's defense flow comes in to try and get that "stranger" causing trouble out of ones body.
Now after i posted this on Facebook as an added bonus (half as long) part of my 15 points to combating a complex virus, Facebook within minutes yanked that post together with a connected gif98a of Trump turning into bozo the clown animation as he hugged a flag, that was in February 2020, it was yanked as being too alarmist, tried to post only the gif but also yanked...A pandemic later no apology from FB and then they activated THAT FEATURE for the gif only were IF I WANT TO i can CHALLENGE THEIR ACTIONS and that changed the upload date to when they restated the challenge a month later. I'm leaving it removed as is so history can learn to take the time to ask questions and listen to what one hears not project the rights of mainly those with shark lawyers.
SIDE EFFECTS:: Its that the portion of balancing the inner body's energy flow by removing chaotic flows will also cause one IF THEY HAVE/had ANY ADDICTION/DEPENDENCY to desire their addictive needs, if this style of breathing is done too much by those that have had or are starting addictive actions/behavior. Thus it can lead to cramping** and that feeling of bees/active discomfort in ones bigger joints (knees, elbows, neck) some know of those feeling as to when going through cold turkey...but no diarrhea.
ADDICTION TO ME is anything that takes over ones ability to use ones conscience as the final filter before doing an action. That 'false prophet' one reads of that is from the northern / dark regions is not literal. Its as to ones darker/unenlightened thoughts/pure ego and the north is to mean ones mind. Those darker thoughts if one lets them dominate ones life becomes a profit that is teaching false reasoning via the addiction(s) thus in time becomes a teacher(of bad)/prophet in creating the path of most destruction thus ruining ones life yet the victim becomes a blind sheep unless they get help from within or from family and true friends, but then again I'm just a nut.
BTW what Chris Cuomo's (Governor Mario Cuomo's brother) Doctor had Chris Cuomo do in forcing via a hard/forced cough out the breath is in a similar mode as the breathing technique I stare above but is not as affective as the style in this blogbyte as to me the hard cough/ that method is being done "digitally" (sudden unlinked breath outward) and can reintroduce bits of negative energy into body. The method above I consider an analog connected breath that attracts out the max chaos yet if one wants to follow the digital style its better than nothing. Also the analogue style is how laughter cures or lowers negatives' in ones body which i posted on several sites from 1990s to mid 2 null decade including IPERNITY. My apology to a top level creative photo posting site IPERNITY as i joined to post my 3 cameras captures of NYc but all three cams (Pentax k1000 had since 1973 bought at willoughbys or OLDEN cameras, much later bought 2 CANNONs which all 3 within a week could not be used (pentax gears neded pro-cleaning (still have), one Cannon became water damaged other i could not find in my public storage cube (stolen?). On that photo site since it had a large comment area (bigger THEN than most blogs) i had added a few theories as to assuring that things around one does not lower ones health. Then after a year or two the eMAIL host I used to sign-in to Ipernity closed and several requests to IPERNITY to change email/password was not responded to, so site stayed stagnant till it was upgraded and i think was removed...i figure they preferred i left don't blame them.
HERE THE BREATHING TECHNIQUE ONLY NO OTHER COMMENTS YET PLEASE take the time READ THE EXPLANATIONS ABOVE TO GET THE FULL PICTURE. If one feels covid-19 like symptoms go immediately to hospital. Three doctors I knew all died at the homes entrance as they probably thought they could handle it all feel knocked themselves out and the virus took over. If one wants to use this but has to go to hospital have family print it out and give to nurses.
When one feels lungs tightening at many spread out nodules::
1) Breath inward while causing (WITHOUT TOUCHING the nose) the nostrils to contract.
Do so in that the breath fills first the upper "lungs", then middle and last the lower "lungs" (area around gut to just under belly button is last to expand, this night seem a natural action but think it through many only breath incorrectly/shallowly from a young age and its become their norm) if one has to think it through...breath in upper chest expands then calmly this expanding reaches the lower gut last.
2) NOW when breathing out be ready to animate a pinching motion on nostrils -FROM ABOVE- not from below the nostril so nothing hinders as in being in the way of the exiting breath- please use left hand as in left fore finger and left thumb...
...the following in an in animated manner...
(slightly pinching BUT NOT CLOSING THE NOSTRILS AS MUCH as the inward breath that one just did with nostrils self contracting via its muscles)
...the animated pinch is squeezing and releasing several times rapidly as if trying to evacuate some dry snots from ones nose while in the outdoors.
Now just before you begin that outwards breath think two things
A) Make sure nostrils are flaring open as much as possible using ONLY nose muscles to expand nostrils.
B) As nostrils are expanded and kept as such you start pushing out the breath from the lower area (below gut/belly button) first**
As breath begins to evacuate from lower towards the upper lungs begin from the flared nostrils then immediately with the animated pinching as in slightly pinch BUT NOT as closed as the intake breath contracted nostrils then flare nostrils and repeating quickly those two actions till breath has fully evacuated and one is ready to do step 1 again.
That can take 5 to 7 seconds when done calmly.
Ventilator's Life breath version (not invented...yet) v. mechanical breath version (what is used today)
Of course we have to use the products that have been developed through science/research in a non political fashion as that is the best we have.
My issue is that in me or some thinkers not having certain credentials which began in part due to political decisions as in the cuts to education certain politicians STILL immediately reach for when from the 1970s on taxes were made in to an evil word/action. The problem is not taxing but how and that the politicians be fully open to showing in layman terms where the taxes are going as in are the taxes representing not the egotistical reasoning of anyone but the basic needs of the people instead of the greed's of CERTAIN businesses that are uncaring. This i state so future voters wake up and make sure your communities representative represent your community as to basic wisdom building needs
Now i shared portions of a life breath ventilator here another portion which would be completely new.
The ventilator has to imitate the breathing technique mentioned above. The easiest to create is the 2:1 breathing flow as all that needed is a half donut like pad that goes around the patients' lower abdomen ATTACHED TO THE BED sides under mattress not around the patients back otherwise its a girdle squeezing both front and back of patient. This squeeze is sequenced to the ventilator in squeezing out the breath FIRST when the exhaling flow begins as in just before the ventilator begins this waist compressing donut pad begins to squeeze inward the abdomen FROM THE LOWER AREA gut to stomach NOT THE ENTIRE abdomen all at once. The process should be similar in action as if one places the hand on ones waist area were the fore finger is at the bellybuttons level pinky lower. When the outward breath begins the pinky level squeezes first immediately followed by the ring, middle the fore finger similar motion to when one is bored and places hand on desk and creates a motion in taping pinky ALWAYS FIRST toward forefinger on the desk in an slithering snake/caterpillar motion
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=Asterisk(s) Explained-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
** to relax leg cramps MAKE SURE HANDS ARE CLEAN be they yours or someone else's, then pinch hard the upper lip with thumb on the inside mouth side of upper lip and two fingers on outside of lip, hold till cramp subdues which is usually for over 15 to 20 secs, if the relief is not full move pinch (no swirl-an inside Sienfield show joke) on lip a bit till one finds relief...the time has to do with circulation of blood and pressure change transference